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    WANTED! Hydro Arsonist!


    Lineage : Knight of Black Ice
    Position : None
    Posts : 540
    Guild : Savage Skull - The Escort
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 3,737.5

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    First Skill: ??????
    Second Skill: The Esper
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    WANTED! Hydro Arsonist! Empty WANTED! Hydro Arsonist!

    Post by Dubhlainn 19th January 2016, 9:34 am



    | Character Application | History | Primary Magic | Secondary Magic | Affiliations | The Bunker | Miscellaneous |
    WANTED! Hydro Arsonist! GsoFitg
    Guest, do you possess the mediocrity of a mage, or the resolve of what it is to be human?

    Lineage : Knight of Black Ice
    Position : None
    Posts : 540
    Guild : Savage Skull - The Escort
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 3,737.5

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: ??????
    Second Skill: The Esper
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    WANTED! Hydro Arsonist! Empty Re: WANTED! Hydro Arsonist!

    Post by Dubhlainn 19th January 2016, 10:00 am

    The port city of Hargeon is fantastic place to visit for the best seafood in Fiore. It is a place where residents welcome foreigners with open arms. One can just smell seawater just by being a few clicks off-shore. It’s a common sight to see shirtless sailors carrying crates from one place to the other as well as the huge number of vendors across the streets selling fish, crabs, clams and the like. Today Dubhlainn took a job involving a dangerous man. According to his clients, nobody knows much information about this terrorist that took residence in Hargeon, Dubhlainn needs not to hear the details, the most important things in his mind about the job is to either apprehend and beat down his target. His clients were worried what would have happened if they were left unchecked.

    Since this is a mission tasked by Hargeon authorities, Dubhlainn was first summoned to the Harbormaster, the one who made the request. According to the Harbormaster one of his men suffered burn marks.


    | Character Application | History | Primary Magic | Secondary Magic | Affiliations | The Bunker | Miscellaneous |
    WANTED! Hydro Arsonist! GsoFitg
    Guest, do you possess the mediocrity of a mage, or the resolve of what it is to be human?

    Lineage : Knight of Black Ice
    Position : None
    Posts : 540
    Guild : Savage Skull - The Escort
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 3,737.5

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: ??????
    Second Skill: The Esper
    Third Skill:

    WANTED! Hydro Arsonist! Empty Re: WANTED! Hydro Arsonist!

    Post by Dubhlainn 19th January 2016, 10:10 am

    The autopsy reports that the body they found in the sewers, though may have been covered in burn marks, and was never scorched. The greatest concern as of this moment is that a certain passage in the sewer line connects to the override for the floodgates. If tampered, half of Hargeon would be flooded and it would take a week to drain water from the areas affected. Dubhlainn nodded in acknowledgement and knew what he had to do. A squad of city guards cleared the area around the sewage hole in order for Dubhlainn to enter without any civilian interference.

    He’s going to need all the luck he can get. The sewer is a huge maze, probably as big as Hargeon would be and is said to stretch out towards land. On his way down, Dubhlainn picked up an iron pipe and began his search. With the help of a map given to him earlier, he was guided first to the eastern drainage system, this is one of the few places where the target could possibly be.


    | Character Application | History | Primary Magic | Secondary Magic | Affiliations | The Bunker | Miscellaneous |
    WANTED! Hydro Arsonist! GsoFitg
    Guest, do you possess the mediocrity of a mage, or the resolve of what it is to be human?

    Posts : 23945
    Mentor : Admin

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    WANTED! Hydro Arsonist! Empty Re: WANTED! Hydro Arsonist!

    Post by NPC 19th January 2016, 10:10 am

    The member 'Dubhlainn' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    WANTED! Hydro Arsonist! NormalMonster

    Lineage : Knight of Black Ice
    Position : None
    Posts : 540
    Guild : Savage Skull - The Escort
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 3,737.5

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: ??????
    Second Skill: The Esper
    Third Skill:

    WANTED! Hydro Arsonist! Empty Re: WANTED! Hydro Arsonist!

    Post by Dubhlainn 19th January 2016, 5:52 pm

    A few steps towards the path to the eastern drainage, he could feel an odd presence from behind, on the last second he bent his knees and ducked, dodging the fireball that flew overhead and throwing the Iron pipe as a response for it. It was a fire spawn that took quite a hit from the pipe thrown from Dubhlainn. It dropped down to the ground from an old pipe system and started shooting fireballs right at him. It was firing at a constant rate, much like how an handgun would be fired.

    With no weapon in hand he resorted to his own fists as he maneuvered through the sewers making a bee line for the fire elemental that was hurling fireballs and at the heat of the moment he had to strike it with a high kick, grab the iron pipe on the ground and spun 360 degrees for three consecutive strikes, whereas the last one involved him dashing pass the fire elemental. It was a clean and swift strike from the savage skull mage.


    | Character Application | History | Primary Magic | Secondary Magic | Affiliations | The Bunker | Miscellaneous |
    WANTED! Hydro Arsonist! GsoFitg
    Guest, do you possess the mediocrity of a mage, or the resolve of what it is to be human?

    Lineage : Knight of Black Ice
    Position : None
    Posts : 540
    Guild : Savage Skull - The Escort
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 3,737.5

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: ??????
    Second Skill: The Esper
    Third Skill:

    WANTED! Hydro Arsonist! Empty Re: WANTED! Hydro Arsonist!

    Post by Dubhlainn 23rd January 2016, 3:13 am

    The Fire elemental exploded as a result of Dubhlainn’s little skirmish, he pressed forward in order to inspect the entire place. It was an old structure, yet sturdy and durable, a few support beams lined on the sides of the area makes the place quake proof and prevent the structure from collapsing. It sure was impressive however he did not come here to marvel at the layout of the sewers, he has a job to do and that was tracking down the suspicious individual who taken refuge down theses sewers. Now that the eastern Drainage system has been scouted, there are only but a few places to look for now. A few Decameters from the place was supposed to be a maintenance shaft that is used to store materials needed to fix and troubleshoot the tunnels.

    As Dubhlainn stepped further, to his surprised he found a few men lying down on the ground, a bit scorched. Of course it was his best interest to help these men get up. There were three men still gaining their consciousness.


    | Character Application | History | Primary Magic | Secondary Magic | Affiliations | The Bunker | Miscellaneous |
    WANTED! Hydro Arsonist! GsoFitg
    Guest, do you possess the mediocrity of a mage, or the resolve of what it is to be human?

    Lineage : Knight of Black Ice
    Position : None
    Posts : 540
    Guild : Savage Skull - The Escort
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 3,737.5

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: ??????
    Second Skill: The Esper
    Third Skill:

    WANTED! Hydro Arsonist! Empty Re: WANTED! Hydro Arsonist!

    Post by Dubhlainn 23rd January 2016, 8:40 am

    According to the three men, they were wondering about one of their co-workers that hasn't responded in the a certain section of the sewers, he was to head towards the West Drainage in order to make a performance check but he took to long. So the three men decided to head down and see what was taking him so long, on their way they encountered an intimidating phantom that blew searing hot steam and vapor. When it happened the three of them were sent running back to the eastern drainage system, afterwards a small magnitude hit Hargeon and causing the tools in their hiding place to fall on them. They were unconscious for hours and thought they died the moment the magnitude came in.

    What concerns them is what damage the tremor made on some parts of the sewers. The Eastern Drainage system so far did not suffer any damage. Perhaps while Dubhlainn is out looking for the said target, he can also point out some locations that may be in need of repair. Of course escorting these men out first is top priority.


    | Character Application | History | Primary Magic | Secondary Magic | Affiliations | The Bunker | Miscellaneous |
    WANTED! Hydro Arsonist! GsoFitg
    Guest, do you possess the mediocrity of a mage, or the resolve of what it is to be human?

    Lineage : Knight of Black Ice
    Position : None
    Posts : 540
    Guild : Savage Skull - The Escort
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 3,737.5

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: ??????
    Second Skill: The Esper
    Third Skill:

    WANTED! Hydro Arsonist! Empty Re: WANTED! Hydro Arsonist!

    Post by Dubhlainn 30th January 2016, 9:03 am

    So Dubhlainn guided the men back to a nearby manhole just a few meters away from the Eastern Drainage and got all three men to safety. As each of them climbed out, they were greeted with the townsguard and the Harbormaster, telling them everything that had happened. Dubhlainn gave off a hand signal, telling them that he’d continue to mission.

    The sewers was a dark and grimy place to be, with him he wield a Fubar that was used to open the manhole earlier. Now begins his way towards the Western Drainage System. If the three men he found were right, the target should be around the area near the Western Drainage system, hopefully it will all be but for naught. A small magnitude hitting Hargeon would spell trouble in the sewers especially with a convict present.

    Alas Dubhlainn came towards a huge space where water doesn’t even flow. Everything in area was empty and above was the entrance to the sky where numerous beams of metal with glass panes with a huge hole in the middle of it.


    | Character Application | History | Primary Magic | Secondary Magic | Affiliations | The Bunker | Miscellaneous |
    WANTED! Hydro Arsonist! GsoFitg
    Guest, do you possess the mediocrity of a mage, or the resolve of what it is to be human?

    Lineage : Knight of Black Ice
    Position : None
    Posts : 540
    Guild : Savage Skull - The Escort
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 3,737.5

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: ??????
    Second Skill: The Esper
    Third Skill:

    WANTED! Hydro Arsonist! Empty Re: WANTED! Hydro Arsonist!

    Post by Dubhlainn 30th January 2016, 9:03 am

    Hence Dubhlainn must conclude that this was how the perpetrator got in the first place. He looked around and noticed some shards of glass and metal which has been soften and melted. This is clearly not the work of an arsonist but rather it was heated to weaken the support beams all in all. A chime echoed through the distance. A few sparks of life and magic began to glow. Something is coming this way, could it be the target?

    He can’t tell, the presence seems to be emanating from the sewers. Dubhlainn took a few steps back from the center as magic started concentrating in the area and finally formed a ghastly figure of what appeared to be a wraith. But of all places why is there a wraith in hargeon sewers?  For what purpose did it make its appearance?

    Dubhlainn grabbed him Fubar and prepared a stance, he was uncertain of the wraith’s nature, for all he knows it could have been a long dead spirit that has been wandering aimlessly in the sewers. The wraith was wailing telling Dubhlainn to turn back. In the area there were four ways to enter here but the one behind the ghost was considered a forbidden passageway.


    | Character Application | History | Primary Magic | Secondary Magic | Affiliations | The Bunker | Miscellaneous |
    WANTED! Hydro Arsonist! GsoFitg
    Guest, do you possess the mediocrity of a mage, or the resolve of what it is to be human?

    Lineage : Knight of Black Ice
    Position : None
    Posts : 540
    Guild : Savage Skull - The Escort
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 3,737.5

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: ??????
    Second Skill: The Esper
    Third Skill:

    WANTED! Hydro Arsonist! Empty Re: WANTED! Hydro Arsonist!

    Post by Dubhlainn 5th February 2016, 8:40 pm

    He twirled the iron pie in hand and prepared himself for combat. The wraith isn’t a friendly ghost and with its hollow scream it summoned lesser spirits to attack, identical to the original. The lesser spirits dash right at Dubhlainn only to have dissipated by one full swing of the pipe, the Wraith fired a ball of shadow and energy as Dubhlainn dodged it to the right as he started running around the wraith. He hurl the iron pipe right at the wraith and jump up high, passing the wraith over head.

    The Wraith was hit and staggered and in retaliation one of its arms turns into a pair of tentacles and grabbed Dubhlainn by the leg. “!!!” It slammed Dubhlainn to the floor and threw him right towards the wall. As dust would fly, his anger sparked as he dashed quickly to deliver a blow to its head with only his fist. As a soldier and a powerhouse, Dubhlainn is well versed in taking down enemies with his heavy blow, it sent the wraith back.


    | Character Application | History | Primary Magic | Secondary Magic | Affiliations | The Bunker | Miscellaneous |
    WANTED! Hydro Arsonist! GsoFitg
    Guest, do you possess the mediocrity of a mage, or the resolve of what it is to be human?

    Lineage : Knight of Black Ice
    Position : None
    Posts : 540
    Guild : Savage Skull - The Escort
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 3,737.5

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: ??????
    Second Skill: The Esper
    Third Skill:

    WANTED! Hydro Arsonist! Empty Re: WANTED! Hydro Arsonist!

    Post by Dubhlainn 30th April 2016, 10:15 am

    From that moment, the Wraith unleashed a netherblast of dark and ghostly energy that traveled in a straight line, enough to obliterate a cat even but it was easy to dodge for Dubhlainn. If the wraith was able to project its spells then it must have some sort of materialization to the plane of reality. This was taken into account. He quickly ran up to it and started to use his legs to kick its head, only for it to immediately disappear and re-appear behind Dubhlainn.

    “Huh.” He jumped away from the wraith and flung the pipe right at it, stunning the wraith and allowing a window of opportunity to deliver a heavy strike, he dashed across the floor like he hovered over it and delivered a swift blow to its head, sending the wraith off and down on the floor. Its body is flickering with the pain it just received and as soon as it comes to, it floats and disappears.

    “Danger… draws to Hargeon” says the wraith as it vanished.

    What did it spoke of?


    | Character Application | History | Primary Magic | Secondary Magic | Affiliations | The Bunker | Miscellaneous |
    WANTED! Hydro Arsonist! GsoFitg
    Guest, do you possess the mediocrity of a mage, or the resolve of what it is to be human?

      Current date/time is 26th July 2024, 11:11 pm