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    Of Knights and Hunters [Job/Pein]


    Of Knights and Hunters [Job/Pein] Empty Of Knights and Hunters [Job/Pein]

    Post by Guest 12th October 2015, 7:02 pm

    Job Description:

    we've lost it all

    & i am just a silhouette, a lifeless face you'll soon forget

    Click, Clack, Click, Clack

    The familiar sounds of boots made their way through the eerily empty Rune Knight hall. Those boots could only belong to one mage because only one mage took comfort in such a trivial sound. To most the incessant tapping of shoes upon a hard surface was annoying, or some strangely enjoyed the sound. Yet such a simplistic sound was like an anchor to the dark haired girl. It reassured her that she was indeed a part of this world, and that even someone such as she could be heard by others just in a different manner.

    The Rune Knight headquarters was surprisingly silent, even for the voice deaf girl. Normally, she could hear others tapping their way down the corridors, or hear some sort of hustle and bustle. Despite straining her ears for even the sound of a door opening, the place remained eerily quiet. "I haven't been gone that long." Normally serious features, frowned almost worried. She had departed a while ago, she needed some time to clear her head after her last mission. The death of a childhood friend, the one who had taught her how to survive despite her condition, had taken a toll on the female mage. After sometime to clear her head, the next best course of action Kuro had decided upon was to distract herself with work. Hide all the pain and grief with work, it was almost a defense mechanism at this point.


    She hummed softly, stopping in front of what appeared to be a long forgotten board of requests. Most jobs were too mundane, what Kuro needed was something that would take her utmost attention and strength. The job board alone proved to do just that, there were so many forgotten requests that she had to pick through, that it took all of her attention.

    308 Words
    credit to nat of adoxography and gangnam style.

    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Spirit Link
    Position : None
    Posts : 297
    Guild : Rune Knights
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 28
    Experience : 150

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Demon Curse Seal Magic
    Second Skill: Emperor Eye
    Third Skill:

    Of Knights and Hunters [Job/Pein] Empty Re: Of Knights and Hunters [Job/Pein]

    Post by Pein 12th October 2015, 7:42 pm

    ϟ Change is impossible in this fog of ignorance ϟ

    Nagato HP: 200% ϟ Nagato MP: 100%  ϟ Post 2/40 484 Words

    A single yellow hair tie held the mage's black unruly hair up into a perfect combination of the infamous man bun and the ponytail. The black hoodie, pajama pants and house sandals finished off the lazy look Nagato was going for. Opening his door, he was met with quietness in the Rune Knight building. He was one of the very few Rune Knights that actually resided in the building; all on the Council's tan of course.

    A bowl was found in his hands, filled to the brim with cereal known as Fiore Fruity Pebbles. Munching and crunching could be heard as he walked through the halls, enjoying the flavorful breakfast in his hands. Milk dropped to the floor, and the blue-eyed mage didn't bother to pick it up. Today was the day he relaxes for he had just returned from a special meeting and job. With a yawn, he stretched his arms out to the sky and scratched his back.

    "Such an empty day in the Rune Knights building!" Nagato said out loud and his booming voice echoed through the halls.

    It was not until he passed the job board did he find a fellow Rune Knight companion there. She was not tall, but she had long flowing black hair and a red sweater. Her black boots tapped on the floor in a soulful like rhythm, and she hummed a tune to match. Nagato recognized seeing her a few times in the building, but had never talked to the female looking for a job to go on.

    Standing next to her Nagato looked over the jobs. The board seemed to be filled with a lot of empty requests that offered minimal jewels and easily would not be taken. Every Rune Knight wanted that huge job they could do, that huge job that would catapult them higher on the ranks of the military force. Nagato on the other hand, did not. If a job interested him, he simply would take it. Jewels were a subjective thing; they simply were wished for more than they were needed. Then again, he was living for free because of the people he worked for!

    "Hmm, whatever you do, do not take this job!"

    Nagato pointed to a boring job that described picking weeds in a garden and planting tomatoes. It was from an old gardener who could not tend for her plants as she traveled out west for a week. Shrugging, Nagato pointed to the left side of the board. "This is where all the good jobs are. Ah, like this one!" He had pointed to a job that told of diving deep into the ocean looking for a shark who had stolen a ton of supplies off of fishing boats in the past months.

    Extending his hand to shake and with a comical bow, Nagato ended with, "I'm Nagato Namikaze! Your fellow protector of the common citizen."



    Of Knights and Hunters [Job/Pein] Tumblr_nq25hzRAH11s8gfjqo1_500

    Nagato Namikaze ϟ Demon Curse Seal Magic ϟ Emperor's Eye Magic ϟ Demon Scythe

    Current Exp: 150

    Current Missions: 1 C-Rank w/ Nya ϟ 1 C-Rank w/ Group

    Current Social Threads: SPOD Intro
    ϟ Secondary Magic Training

    Of Knights and Hunters [Job/Pein] Empty Re: Of Knights and Hunters [Job/Pein]

    Post by Guest 12th October 2015, 10:27 pm

    we've lost it all

    & i am just a silhouette, a lifeless face you'll soon forget

    It was not until a hand suddenly appeared within her vision that Kuro gave a reaction to the other presence that had found itself within the hall. A startled yelp had liberated itself from her lips and the girl tossed herself back, only to turn her icy gaze upon the owner of the said hand. She had managed to catch the tail end of what he was saying, just barely able to read his lips and that icy blue gaze of hers followed that hand pointing at what he had said to the section of the board with the good jobs. "Ah." She stated in response glancing between the board and the Rune Knight whom she had seen in passing. In terms of age they had to have been close, and in appearance they were rather similar with his hair only being a shade darker than her own. Then of course there was the eyes, his were admittedly brighter and more cat like than her own eyes but the underlying base color, an icy blue was still present in either pair of eyes.

    Briefly, with a quick flick of her gaze she realized that he was speaking to her once more, an introduction and a handshake to match. Giving a lady like curtsy of her dark skirt in return to his almost laughable bow, she then gave her fellow Rune Knight the courtesy of a handshake. Despite the lady like appearance, her grip was strong and her hands were most certainly that of a make mage.

    "Na..Ga...To. Nagato?" An inquiry as to whether or not she had said his name right. Of course there was her own introduction to take care of, "Kuro." She pointed to herself to make sure that he knew she was referring to herself. It was a curious name, "Black" or "Kuro" and with no given last name it should have raised all sorts of red flags. Yet somehow despite the questionable nature of her identity, Kuro had found herself in the Rune Knights. Her hand slipped from his grip, slender fingers like a pianist, moved to brush themselves off on her skirt. With introductions through, the quiet and most certainly vocally awkward woman cast her gaze back towards the job board before plucking the shark job off of it, unaware of the the treasure that lay hidden beneath it.

    308 Words
    credit to nat of adoxography and gangnam style.

    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Spirit Link
    Position : None
    Posts : 297
    Guild : Rune Knights
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 28
    Experience : 150

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Demon Curse Seal Magic
    Second Skill: Emperor Eye
    Third Skill:

    Of Knights and Hunters [Job/Pein] Empty Re: Of Knights and Hunters [Job/Pein]

    Post by Pein 13th October 2015, 5:42 pm

    ϟ Change is impossible in this fog of ignorance ϟ

    Nagato HP: 200% ϟ Nagato MP: 100%  ϟ Post 4/40

    The female's slight jump when she saw Nagato's had confused him, as if she never felt his presence. Nonetheless, she still introduced herself, saying Nagato and her name in a voice petite and what could be described as ancient. It was as if she had not talked in long time; or more so, she felt no need to use her vocals. He smiled and laughed at her curtsy girly bow, and noted on the grip her small frame had possessed. Looking at her eyes he was amazed by their blue color similar to his. While his were more brighter and had a cat like appearance, they were still identical; cold and icy.

    "Nice eyes Kuro." He had said.

    She reaches for the shark job, and Nagato began to scan the board himself. Today was his day off, but tomorrow wouldn't. Despite not caring about his Rune Knights rank or the jewels, he had needed jobs to test and improve his fighting skills. It wasn't like he had his father constantly there to train him once again. With a frown a flashback filled his head.

    A young black haired boy sat down, as an older handsome man hit a target dummy with a speedy collection of kicks.

    "You see Nagato, speed is very important in battle. If you're physically faster than your opponent, than blocks and dodging attacks will come easier." The man said in between breaths. Smiling, the young boy leaped up and sent small kicks at the practice dummy in a comical way, and it seemed like they were hurting him more than the dummy! "That's my boy!" The man said, his laugh causing the boy to giggle.

    Focusing back onto reality, Nagato took notice of the job that was revealed after Kuro had took the shark posting. Skimming it, the paper had told of hidden treasure in deep ruins. This job was posted by The Magic Council at that! The mage, or mages, would need to simply recover this treasure well before a group of treasure hunters did.

    "Ah Kuro! This one looks good! Maybe you could do this one!" Nagato said, the excitement practically oozing from his speech. He waved the paper in her face, and realizing how rude this was, calmed down. Chuckling a little he handed the paper over, waiting for her to read it over.



    Of Knights and Hunters [Job/Pein] Tumblr_nq25hzRAH11s8gfjqo1_500

    Nagato Namikaze ϟ Demon Curse Seal Magic ϟ Emperor's Eye Magic ϟ Demon Scythe

    Current Exp: 150

    Current Missions: 1 C-Rank w/ Nya ϟ 1 C-Rank w/ Group

    Current Social Threads: SPOD Intro
    ϟ Secondary Magic Training

    Of Knights and Hunters [Job/Pein] Empty Re: Of Knights and Hunters [Job/Pein]

    Post by Guest 13th October 2015, 6:19 pm

    we've lost it all

    & i am just a silhouette, a lifeless face you'll soon forget

     Those mentioned eyes narrowed themselves into a signature glare that could only belong to her. He was one of the few Rune Knights in which she had encountered, and even exchanged names with but that did not mean he had proven himself worthy of her trust just yet. What she believed to be a compliment or perhaps a remark to draw attention to his own similar colored orbs had only received a shrug of the shoulders. It wasn't that she was necessarily trying to be rude. She was merely avoiding having to use her voice, she had managed to get away with speaking earlier simply because it was an exchange of names. Yet her actual speech was very flawed, with long pauses, mispronounced vowels, and little to no volume control. Not to mention after not being used for so long her vocal chords made her throat feel dry, and strained if she spoke too much.

    Giving the shark job a quick glance over, it wasn't something that had sparked much of her interest. She was a Rune Knight, a hunter of dark mages, not of equipment stealing sea life. That and it was hard to say just how efficient her magic would be in an aquatic setting. She wanted something that would pit her against the very mages she hated, something that would make an impact-

    Another startled yelp escaped her lips as a piece of paper had found itself directly in her field of vision. Not catching what he had said, Kuro simply gave an annoyed sigh but accepted the piece of paper to at the least humor the clearly excited Rune Knight. "Hmph." The quick glance over soon turned into a few moments of silence as she read over the entirety of the job. Soon enough, her features had also adopted a rather excited expression that was not entirely unpleasant upon her normally cold features. The job was everything that she was looking for and more, save for one little stipulation. However, the solution, a rather poor one, stood in front of her. Handing the piece of paper back over to Nagato, Kuro pointed out three words that she would make sure was upheld,

    Two Mages Needed

    308 Words
    credit to nat of adoxography and gangnam style.

    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Spirit Link
    Position : None
    Posts : 297
    Guild : Rune Knights
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 28
    Experience : 150

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Demon Curse Seal Magic
    Second Skill: Emperor Eye
    Third Skill:

    Of Knights and Hunters [Job/Pein] Empty Re: Of Knights and Hunters [Job/Pein]

    Post by Pein 13th October 2015, 6:53 pm

    ϟ Change is impossible in this fog of ignorance ϟ

    Nagato HP: 200% ϟ Nagato MP: 100%  ϟ Post 6/40

    Nagato himself even jumped back a little at Kuro's surprise yelp at the reaction of the paper being in his face. The female seemed to lose focus frequently so it seemed. It was once again as if she didn't feel Nagato's presence, as if the paper being shoved in her face was the only thing she noticed. As if his excited speeches had went unheard, or simply were dismissed. What even intrigued him.more was her aura; it felt repressed. The aura seemed to never exceed a certain degree, as if something was holding it and Kuro back from tasks. Shrugging this off, he watched as her expression grew in excitement as she read the job.

    He smiled at this, chuckling at how the two's excitement rose like little kids once they had read the job. Maybe it was a Rune Knight thing; constantly wishing to fight crime. It was not until she had pointed out 'Two Mages Needed' did his excitement diminish. He couldn't help but agree with the posting however, it wouldn't be easy to fight off who knows how many treasure hunters. Nagato had faith in his abilities, and he doesn't even think he could do this job on his own!

    "That's a shame, you would have had a lot of fun on that job." He said, shrugging with a sorry face at Kuro's misfortune. Instantly his eyes began to scan the board another job for Kuro to go on. The job would have to be simple yet contain exactly what a Rune Knight would want; crime cases to solve and dark mages to stop. The thought of the two going on a job together seemed to never have crossed his mind in the slightest, maybe it was the slouching attire he had on, as opposed to the nice attire Kuro had on!

    "Hm, just where could you find a mage to come with you on this job? Someone strong enough to hold their own in case anything bad happened..." Nagato thought out loud as he rubbed his chin very cluelessly in a way.



    Of Knights and Hunters [Job/Pein] Tumblr_nq25hzRAH11s8gfjqo1_500

    Nagato Namikaze ϟ Demon Curse Seal Magic ϟ Emperor's Eye Magic ϟ Demon Scythe

    Current Exp: 150

    Current Missions: 1 C-Rank w/ Nya ϟ 1 C-Rank w/ Group

    Current Social Threads: SPOD Intro
    ϟ Secondary Magic Training

    Of Knights and Hunters [Job/Pein] Empty Re: Of Knights and Hunters [Job/Pein]

    Post by Guest 13th October 2015, 7:13 pm

    we've lost it all

    & i am just a silhouette, a lifeless face you'll soon forget

    It was only natural that perhaps Kuro thought the other Rune Knight would accompany her. His excitement over the job seemed to have matched her own but at his words, and expression it would seem that Kuro was mistaken. At first she thought she had misread his lips but then he moved over to the job board clearly searching for another job that she could go on by herself. "No! No!" She shook her head in response to his words. Going on a job alone was not something that Kuro minded, she was confident, maybe even overconfident in her abilities. She could go and do plenty of mundane jobs but what she wanted was the treasure hunting job with a nice reward, and plenty of mages to arrest.

    "What an idiot!"

    The female mage let out an annoyed huff of air after once more reading his lips. There was but one mage that Kuro knew of within the Rune Knights and he stood in front of her, his strength had yet to be determined but it wasn't as if Kuro had much of a choice. Nagato in his unprofessional attire accompanied with a bowl of cereal that was designed for children was unfortunately both the best and worst option she had. In a quick movement the dark haired girl had tossed herself between Nagato and the job board, simultaneously snagging the job simply labeled "The Hunter". Holding up the piece of paper to his face, Kuro fell silent trying to figure out how to tell him what she wanted or rather required of him. "THIS one!" She stood firm and unyielding, glaring at the slightly taller youth. Briefly she considered just dragging him to the job but that wouldn't do, he needed to know what she was asking but she wasn't really willing to communicate it out loud. With a frown she jabbed one of her fingers into his chest to indicate, "You." and then she pointed to the job still held firmly in one of her slender hands, and then pointed to herself. What she was attempting to communicate was simply,

    "You. Job. and Me."

    Go on the job with me

    308 Words
    credit to nat of adoxography and gangnam style.

    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Spirit Link
    Position : None
    Posts : 297
    Guild : Rune Knights
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 28
    Experience : 150

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Demon Curse Seal Magic
    Second Skill: Emperor Eye
    Third Skill:

    Of Knights and Hunters [Job/Pein] Empty Re: Of Knights and Hunters [Job/Pein]

    Post by Pein 13th October 2015, 7:40 pm

    ϟ Change is impossible in this fog of ignorance ϟ

    Nagato HP: 200% ϟ Nagato MP: 100%  ϟ Post 8/40

    As he studied the board, Nagato did not pay attention to the females huffing and puffing going on beside him. The job posts were indeed mundane, telling of babysitting and cleaning; jobs that even the newest mages would find satisfying, amusing, and good. It was not until Kuro had separated him from the job board by inserting her body in between the two did he pay her attention. As they stood face to face, he couldn't help but take in her facial qualities into consideration. She was indeed gorgeous, the black hair on her head and blue eyes complimented her clear face. However, the looks she gave Nagato was not one of happiness or excitement, but of great annoyance.

    "This one!" She said, her voice once again taking Nagato off guard. It seemed forced and raspy. She pointed at him, and then at the job, and then herself. After a few seconds of confusion, the gears in his brain began turning and his excitement had grown once more! She wanted to go on the job with him.

    But, it was his off day.

    But, when do mages take a day off?

    Smiling, Nagato exclaimed, "Sure! I'll accompany you in this job!" Turning around and opening his hips, the mage began to walk in the direction of the exit while humming a small tune. Suddenly he stopped in his tracks, turning around as shook his head.

    "Just give me a few minutes to change! I'll meet you outside the building." Nagato Namikaze really was the world's clueless smart person.

    Waving to Kuro, Nagato's body had disappeared instantly as if he had teleported. It was not that he teleported, but instead he transformed using magical power his very essence into that of a lightning bolt, and zapped to his room. However, to an untrained eye it did indeed look as if he had teleported.
    The mage's body then appeared a few minutes later outside of the Rune Knights building. He no longer had a bummy outfit on; the sleepware had been replaced by his trademark tracksuit and a black cloak. Boots stood in place of his sandals, his hair was down and freely blowing in the wind, and the cereal bowl was replaced by a three bladed scythe wrapped up in bandages and strapped to his back.

    Once Kuro had arrived, Nagato would look out to the large cities and areas in front of him. He breathed what seemed to be a ton of fresh air, and began to focus on the job ahead of him with his new found companion.

    Tying a white scarf around his neck, he coolly said, "Shall we start this treasure seeking journey?"



    Of Knights and Hunters [Job/Pein] Tumblr_nq25hzRAH11s8gfjqo1_500

    Nagato Namikaze ϟ Demon Curse Seal Magic ϟ Emperor's Eye Magic ϟ Demon Scythe

    Current Exp: 150

    Current Missions: 1 C-Rank w/ Nya ϟ 1 C-Rank w/ Group

    Current Social Threads: SPOD Intro
    ϟ Secondary Magic Training

    Of Knights and Hunters [Job/Pein] Empty Re: Of Knights and Hunters [Job/Pein]

    Post by Guest 13th October 2015, 8:47 pm

    we've lost it all

    & i am just a silhouette, a lifeless face you'll soon forget

    There was a single moment in which Kuro was unsure of what to think as she stood between Nagato and the job board, her proposition quit literally hung between them. It was simply the silence, and his expression that made her worry that perhaps he would not accompany her. Not to mention his gaze was a little unnerving but she toughed it out, she was a dignified young woman and would not squirm. However, that uncertainty soon faded away and his smile reassured her. She in turn gave her own grin, tucking the job description away. The female mage would have left right then and there despite her colleagues attire but it would appear that he had some semblance of decency. Giving a wave she watched as he....teleported away?


    "A teleporting mage? I wonder how effective that's going to be against treasure hunters?"

    Brows furrowed in thought the make mage had stopped at her own room, unfortunately she could not simply teleport there as she pleased. She had merely stopped by to drop off a few things and change from her casual red sweater to a red coat, an alchemists coat that hung down to her knee's and a button up blouse had taken the place of her other shirt though the short black skirt remained the same. "What's taking him so long?" The familiar tap of her boot upon the ground showed that those travel worn boots still remained firm upon her feet. She had all the patience of a child and even the apparently quickly moving Nagato couldn't possibly hope to meet her expectations when it came to quickness.

    When the said mage had appeared Kuro was a bit taken aback now that he was out of the bum like attire. Dark clothes, boots instead of worn sandals, his messy bun was gone his ink colored hair hanging down straight, and instead of wielding a cereal bowl with a spoon he had a legitimate weapon. "I-Is this even the same person?" She hid the shock, and shoved her hands into her coat pockets as he approached. His posed question did not go unanswered by the alchemist who merely replied with a quiet nod, and a smile that bordered a smirk.

    308 Words
    credit to nat of adoxography and gangnam style.

    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Spirit Link
    Position : None
    Posts : 297
    Guild : Rune Knights
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 28
    Experience : 150

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Demon Curse Seal Magic
    Second Skill: Emperor Eye
    Third Skill:

    Of Knights and Hunters [Job/Pein] Empty Re: Of Knights and Hunters [Job/Pein]

    Post by Pein 15th October 2015, 7:42 pm

    ϟ Change is impossible in this fog of ignorance ϟ

    Nagato HP: 200% ϟ Nagato MP: 100%  ϟ Post 10/40

    With her nod and smirk, Nagato began walking into the direction he assumed to be the way of the Ancient Ruins. Sure, he did not have Fiore memorized by heart, but his sense of direction wasn't terrible. If the path went awry he of course had a trusty map with him.


    It was not long until the two mages had discovered the surprisingly close Ancient Ruins. There were numerous tall buildings, each showing signs of great wear to show they were, in fact, ancient. The building were what seemed to be miles tall, with stairs leading up to a small rocky entrance. Truthfully, the stairs nor the buildings looked sturdy to Nagato. The buildings were of course built block by block long ago in ancient times, and the missing blocks were evidence of that.

    "Honestly, I don't even think these buildings look sturdy." Nagato said, kicking a pebble that laid at his feet. The pebble went far enough as it reached the first of the ancient buildings. The pebble hit one the stairs with a small sound and silence filled the air. The sounds of rocks smashing against each other and going out of place swallowed this silence, as the building before the two slowly fell down to the ground. Opening his eyes Nagato looked at Kuro frantically and said, "It was an accident I swear! How could a little pebble even knock down a whole building?" the mage groaned at his misfortune, knowing that he would be hearing from the Magic Council about the little incident.

    After groaning and sulking for some time, Nagato focused back onto the job at hand; locating this secret treasure. In all he had counted 6 buildings, not including the one that was destructed at his hand. Looking at Kuro he asked, "Which building do you think we should start in?"

    Looking at one building, Nagato could briefly hear yelling and commotion from this one. They sounded like human voices, and there was definitely more than one. This yelling was heard for about twenty more seconds, before gunshots were heard before silence once again filled the air. Taking that as a sign Nagato lifted up his hand and pointed at this building for Kuro, indicating that they should check it out, with extreme caution, of course.



    Of Knights and Hunters [Job/Pein] Tumblr_nq25hzRAH11s8gfjqo1_500

    Nagato Namikaze ϟ Demon Curse Seal Magic ϟ Emperor's Eye Magic ϟ Demon Scythe

    Current Exp: 150

    Current Missions: 1 C-Rank w/ Nya ϟ 1 C-Rank w/ Group

    Current Social Threads: SPOD Intro
    ϟ Secondary Magic Training

    Of Knights and Hunters [Job/Pein] Empty Re: Of Knights and Hunters [Job/Pein]

    Post by Guest 15th October 2015, 8:43 pm

    we've lost it all

    & i am just a silhouette, a lifeless face you'll soon forget

    The journey to the Ancient Ruins wasn't nearly as long as she had expected or prepared herself for. Fiore was truly a strange continent with such ancient sites within walking distance. "To think the Rune Knight Headquarters is only a few hours from here." She mused already distracted by the new sights. Despite how precarious the buildings looked they were interesting, causing her to wonder what happened to the people whom had lived there once. "Dark mages probably." Was her only explanation, they were the source of evil in the world most of them causing all sorts of wars and disasters. The sudden sound of a rock dancing across the earth caught Kuro's attention. She followed the rock with her eyes until it had bounced into one of the ancient stone steps, creating a rather pleasant sound to her ears. A not so pleasant sound soon followed it-


    A plummet of dirt and debris was sent up by the ancient building collapsing, out of instinct Kuro covered her eyes until the dust settled. Her sharp glare soon focused on the only one who could have been responsible for the sudden destruction. In return all she got was a poor excuse. Pressing a palm to her forehead, all Kuro could do was shake her head in disappointment. The Magic Council wouldn't be too happy about this. At least it wasn't like the council could afford to fire them, there wasn't exactly many capable mages to replace the two of them.

    At Nagato's question Kuro glanced between her choices. Unable to her the voices coming from one of the building she ended up pointing towards the silent one. It wasn't until the sound of gun shots echoed from the other building, the one that Nagato was now pointing at that she had suddenly decided to change her mind. She quickly pointed towards the building in which the gunshots had come from, an awkward smile finding itself on her lips. "I hope that there wasn't any sounds before those gun shots." Or else she'd look like a huge idiot, or worst of all her secret or what she believed to be a secret would be revealed.

    308 Words
    credit to nat of adoxography and gangnam style.

    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Spirit Link
    Position : None
    Posts : 297
    Guild : Rune Knights
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 28
    Experience : 150

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Demon Curse Seal Magic
    Second Skill: Emperor Eye
    Third Skill:

    Of Knights and Hunters [Job/Pein] Empty Re: Of Knights and Hunters [Job/Pein]

    Post by Pein 18th October 2015, 1:52 pm

    ϟ Change is impossible in this fog of ignorance ϟ

    Nagato HP: 200% ϟ Nagato MP: 95% ϟ Post 8/40

    The notion that piqued Nagato’s attention was that Kuro had pointed at the silent building, while the voices ran rampant in the air, something it seemed she had not noticed or taken any attention too. It was not until the gunshot did she awkwardly change the building she wished to inspect and observe.

    Raising his eyebrows questionably, Nagato asked, ”You okay Kuro?” He would nod his head at her answer, shrugging the awkward situation off, but keeping it in the back of his head, thus entirely letting the situation go.

    As the two walked over to the previously noisy ruin, a total of five similarly dressed men emerged from the doorway. One was however visibly taller and stronger than the others; it seemed he was the leader of the pack. The duo met eyes with this squad, and the presumed leader began to speak first, interrupting the silent stare down.

    “So mates, what do we have here?” The man in the front exclaimed, his voice dripping with an Australian accent. He had long shaggy blonde hair, and a brown cowboy hat sitting on top of this. Gruffy facial hair also sat upon his face along with a lit cigarette perched upon his lips.

    “Fellow treasure hunters aye? Are you mates with that Hunter Goldenshine fellow? I was really itching to find this treasure before him.”

    “No.” Nagato simply said, his ice cold blue eyes contrasting this Australian’s guy regular brown eyes.

    “Well isn’t that dandy. Are you guys independent treasure hunters? Or, are you just the law itching to arrest us law disobeying crooks?”

    Nagato had never broken his eye contact with the treasure hunter. They stared deeply at each other, each carefully waiting for the other to make a move to decide if they were enemies or allies. This silent deadly interaction went on for about a minute, before the Australian man began to speak.

    “Treasure hunters or Law, it doesn't matter. You know of this treasure inside one of these ruins eh? Simply put, yer after what I want. So, we can do this the easy way, or the hard way. And ole Crocky doesn't like the easy way.”

    Snapping his finger, two of ‘Crooky’s’ men stepped forward.
    With a laugh, he waved his hand forward, and the two men pulled out guns emitting a great amount of magical power. Crooky and the two last of his men went back into the ruins, leaving Kuro and Nagato with two enemies before them.

    Looking over at Kuro, Nagato mouthed, ‘This is when the job gets interesting’ before smirking. In an instant, Nagato ‘teleported’ beside the two men, both of them being taken off guard. Bringing a closed fist back, with a roar Nagato struck one of the men with a jab. His body flew back some feet, and Nagato’s arms went into a defensive stance. This was what he had lived for, the thrill of battle, constantly testing his skills and techniques.

    Enemies: 2 Normal Ranked Treasure Hunters, 3 Normal Ranked Hidden in the Ruins
    Lightning Teleportation; Battle Version ⅘ Uses Left, 5 MP cost. ϟ


    Last edited by Pein on 18th October 2015, 2:14 pm; edited 1 time in total


    Of Knights and Hunters [Job/Pein] Tumblr_nq25hzRAH11s8gfjqo1_500

    Nagato Namikaze ϟ Demon Curse Seal Magic ϟ Emperor's Eye Magic ϟ Demon Scythe

    Current Exp: 150

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    Of Knights and Hunters [Job/Pein] Empty Re: Of Knights and Hunters [Job/Pein]

    Post by NPC 18th October 2015, 1:52 pm

    The member 'Pein' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

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    Of Knights and Hunters [Job/Pein] NormalMonster

    Of Knights and Hunters [Job/Pein] Empty Re: Of Knights and Hunters [Job/Pein]

    Post by Guest 18th October 2015, 9:37 pm

    we've lost it all

    & i am just a silhouette, a lifeless face you'll soon forget

    Realizing that perhaps she wasn't being as sneak as she had thought she was, Kuro came up with an excuse as to her little mishap. She faked a yawn before waving his question as if to say that she was just a little tired. Naturally, it was a rather poor lie nothing about her appearance suggested that she was tired but at that point the source of the earlier gunshots had appeared ending Kuro and Nagato's rather awkward interaction.

    Their appearances suggested that they were treasure hunters, not the one's that the Rune Knights were after but one's that still needed to be dealt with. Crossing her arms over her chest she let Nagato do the talking since she herself lacked the words. She kept up with the conversation to the best of her abilities but when it came to reading the lips of foreigners it was rather difficult. Their accents, language, and mannerisms often times created subtle differences in the movement of their lips to the point where Kuro could only decipher bits and pieces. However, she didn't need to hear the conversation to know that things took a turn for the worse, and that these men wouldn't simply hand themselves over to the law. As three of the men, one of them being the leader of the rag tag band of treasure hunters, departed back into the ruins they left two of their lackies behind.

    "Roger that."

    She mouthed back to Nagato and watched for a moment as he "teleported" towards an enemy. "So much for helping him out. I'll just give him some help later." Blue eyes turned towards her own opponent who had a rather lecherous stare. "What a creep." The Rune Knight grimaced as he edged closer. Not one to be shown up or to simply let others make such vulgar motions towards her Kuro sighed,


    Individually she popped each finger, the sound was horrendously loud, but it was pleasant to her own ears. The man stopped in his tracks almost disturbed at the pops and cracks produced by the mere action of Kuro cracking her fingers enough so that it distracted him from the tiny crystals, blue or red in color, scattering themselves about the area one of them specifically by the man's feet. Balling her hands into fists, Kuro gave the man a little smirk before hitting her fists together, holding them there for a moment as she mouthed a single word, "Make." In what must have felt like a blink of an eye Kuro had appeared crouched low to the ground by the man right where that tiny red crystal had been. The sun caught the crystal that encased her knuckles just right, it looked as if she had ruby encrusted brass knuckles that that was not the case. "Hyah!" Her fist planted itself just right under the man's chin, that lecherous grin wiped off of his face in a moment.

    308 Words
    credit to nat of adoxography and gangnam style.

    Spells and Such:

    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    Of Knights and Hunters [Job/Pein] Empty Re: Of Knights and Hunters [Job/Pein]

    Post by Pein 20th October 2015, 4:55 pm

    ϟ Change is impossible in this fog of ignorance ϟ

    Nagato HP: 200% ϟ Nagato MP: 75% ϟ Post 14/40

    The chaotic sounds of bones cracking even caused Nagato’s to wince, but did not hinder his battle. Charging towards the lackey of Crooky, he leaped over blue and red crystals and was simply amazed by Kuro’s magic. They were shining in the sunlight of the ruins and have off a beautiful tint.

    A flying high knee struck the lackey in the face, causing him to fly once more. Teleporting behind him, Nagato charging magical energy into his right hand as black lightning formed and began to craft. It wrapped around the mage's hand as crackling filled the air and with a roar, he struck the opponent in the back. The lightning strike pierced deep, striking soft muscle tissue as red liquid began to pour out of the wound. The lackey fell to his knees, clutching the damage and breathing heavily. These breaths turned into a light, diabolical chuckle and his body spun around.

    The cold, menacing metal tip of a magical gun was pointed at Nagato’s face. Very fast itself, a barrage of magical bullets blasted through the air at Nagato, and smoke filled the area. As the smoke dimmed, no being was seen; a trace of Nagato unknown.

    With a huff Nagato appeared in front of the lackey, and with a deep breath, he thought of the battle thus far. ‘I used teleportation too many times already…I only have around 2 more uses of it.’ The opponent of the Rune Knight stood up, this time taking the lead on offense as he once again shot barrages of magical energy bullets at his opponent.

    Equally matched in speed however, Nagato back flipped and rolled out of the way, using his agility and the easy pattern of the bullets to evade. The lackey shot in a horizontal line, so none of the bullets had taken him for surprise.

    Running with a great speed towards his enemy, Nagato pulled the great three-bladed scythe off of his back. Swinging it with a great power, three cuts appeared on the lackey's chest as blood slowly began to drip from the spot. Using the butt of the scythe, the lackey was pushed back, before meeting a surprising and powerful headbutt from Nagato. Getting up slowly, the lackey had put away the magical gun, this time pulling out a grotesque one man cannon and began to charge energy. Bracing for the attack, Nagato calmed his nerves and controlled his breathing.

    Enemies: 2 Normal Ranked Treasure Hunters, 3 Normal Ranked Hidden in the Ruins
    Lightning Teleportation; Battle Version 2/5 Uses Left, 5 MP cost. ϟ Black Assassination; Cool down 0/0 Posts



    Of Knights and Hunters [Job/Pein] Tumblr_nq25hzRAH11s8gfjqo1_500

    Nagato Namikaze ϟ Demon Curse Seal Magic ϟ Emperor's Eye Magic ϟ Demon Scythe

    Current Exp: 150

    Current Missions: 1 C-Rank w/ Nya ϟ 1 C-Rank w/ Group

    Current Social Threads: SPOD Intro
    ϟ Secondary Magic Training

    Of Knights and Hunters [Job/Pein] Empty Re: Of Knights and Hunters [Job/Pein]

    Post by Guest 20th October 2015, 7:35 pm

    we've lost it all

    & i am just a silhouette, a lifeless face you'll soon forget

    She hit him with enough force beneath his jaw to send him in the air, but she did not give him a moment of reprieve. Angling herself just right, one sharp elbow was planted firmly into the man's abdomen the breath getting knocked out of him before a follow up punch with her other hand came flying at him sending him a few feet away. Kuro let out a small breath of air and a little all too arrogant smirk as she bounced up and down on the balls of her feet. The crystal coating her knuckles wasn't just pretty to look at, and it served more of a purpose than just using as a weapon. The blue color of the crystal was a dead give away to its function, at least to those who knew her magic. There were two colors, blue and red, catalyst and inhibitor. Inhibitors crystals did just as their named implied, they inhibited things, slowed things down or outright neutralized attacks. Catalyst crystal on the other hand? They were fast, and chaotic often times adding fuel to the flames.

    In this case the crystals upon her hands were natural speed boosters, boosting up her reaction time and making her faster. Though Nagato still managed to seem faster, but she could at least play the teleportation game now, provided that she had a crystal to switch places with. A gun shot rang through the air, well multiple really, it was almost painfully and out of instinct Kuro just switched placed with another one of her crystals. Her opponent cursed, not that she could hear him but she rushed at him once more as he aimed his gun. She threw her body to the side, the bullet just grazing her shoulder as her fist planted itself once more into his abdomen before she repeated her earlier action, and quickly swapped places with one of her crystals. "He's fast." She noted, fingers prodding at the shallow cut created by the bullet graze, wincing she merely shook it off this time deciding that an attack from behind him would be better.

    Rushing forward the man aimed his weapon again, only for the bullet to meet with thin air as the dark haired girl appeared behind him, pulling her fist back and hitting him with all he strength, sending him sprawling into the dirt. She scrambled kicking the gun away from his flailing hands, before planting one boot clad foot into the small of his back, digging in with her heel making him yelp. With a snap of her fingers she had produced crystal bonds, similar to handcuffs but with no key. With his wrists shackled by the red inhibiting crystal the man's movements were slowed down but he continued to flail, at least until another crystal coasted fist slammed into his face.

    308 Words
    credit to nat of adoxography and gangnam style.

    Spells and Such:

    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    Of Knights and Hunters [Job/Pein] Empty Re: Of Knights and Hunters [Job/Pein]

    Post by Pein 22nd October 2015, 8:27 pm

    ϟ Change is impossible in this fog of ignorance ϟ

    Nagato HP: 200% ϟ Nagato MP: 75%  ϟ Post 14/40

    His breathing was slowed and more controlled, it was as if the mage was not breathing at all. His body stood still, not a muscle tensing in the slightest. It was as if Nagato Namikaze was a statue. Opening his eyes he ran in a zigzag/lightning bolt pattern, a small trace of lightning aura behind him. The hunter before still charged his magical cannon, carefully trying to choose the target. His aim was accurate all until Nagato jumped up in the air, out of his sights. Cursing he had aimed the cannon up, only to not see a male in the air anymore. When he looked down he slightly saw ice cold blue eyes and black hair that danced in the wind, before a fist struck him across the face. Then, the assault continued once more.

    Two jabs struck the lackey’s left cheek, before a knee was driven into his chest. With the wind knocked out of him, a leg sweep took him off of his feet. Before his body however could slam onto the ground, a kick sent him upward into the air striking him directly in his chin. The body of Nagato Namikaze soon followed, over shadowing the lackey.

    He had felt Nagato’s presence directly behind him, the latter body completely parallel with his. However, he was not fast enough to react, and Nagato’s arms wrapped around his body. Once they reached the climax of their airborne flight, Nagato begun to spin in the air, creating momentum and increasing their descending speed. The lackey screamed, and shuddered at the fact that Nagato would damage himself in the process. With around 20 feet to go, the spinning pair were moving at about a speed of 15 mph. Just before they had hit the ground, Nagato’s body had vanished. He was about some feet away, and his calm body was the last thing the lackey had saw before hitting the ground in an earth shattering painful way.

    ”Lightning Lotus.” Nagato had simply said, naming the strictly physical move. It did not require magical power, and was based on his higher then average speed. By taking the opponent by surprise, Nagato kicked the opponent up, closely following behind as if he was the thunder that followed a lightning bolt. Once airborne and at the climax of the flight, he would tightly restrain and pile drive his opponent into the ground, spinning fastly to increase damage. And just before they hit the ground, Nagato would transform into a lightning bolt as always, changing his location and just damaging the opponent themselves. It was a very useful technique indeed.

    The lackey had groaned, slowly and painfully returning to his feet as he spit blood out of his bruised mouth. Hair flowing in the wind, Nagato cooly got back into his stance.

    Enemies: 2 Normal Ranked Treasure Hunters, 3 Normal Ranked Hidden in the Ruins



    Of Knights and Hunters [Job/Pein] Tumblr_nq25hzRAH11s8gfjqo1_500

    Nagato Namikaze ϟ Demon Curse Seal Magic ϟ Emperor's Eye Magic ϟ Demon Scythe

    Current Exp: 150

    Current Missions: 1 C-Rank w/ Nya ϟ 1 C-Rank w/ Group

    Current Social Threads: SPOD Intro
    ϟ Secondary Magic Training

    Of Knights and Hunters [Job/Pein] Empty Re: Of Knights and Hunters [Job/Pein]

    Post by Guest 24th October 2015, 10:00 pm

    we've lost it all

    & i am just a silhouette, a lifeless face you'll soon forget

    The soft rise and fall of her opponents chest assured her that he was indeed still alive but just unconscious for the time being. After the double checking the bonds that she had produced about his wrists, and producing a similar pair to shackle his ankles, the dark haired Rune Knight realized that her partner might have needed some assistance. Well, perhaps he would not need much of her assistance. Just glancing at bruised and bloodied treasure hunter made her wince. She had clearly underestimated the "teleporting" mage. Regardless of whether Nagato needed help or not, he would be receiving it from the quiet girl though it would not be much of course.

    Giving a small sigh the female mage concentrated for a moment, forming a tiny crystal that was the size of a small rock in her palm. It was nothing fancy, no complex formation or anything of that nature. She was a make mage and like all make mages she could create a myriad of creations without much energy. She tossed the crystal once or twice in her hands as if weighing it before giving a satisfied smile. Pulling her hand back and aiming she tossed the crystalline object at the man, nailing him in the side of his head. Instinctively his hand reached up grasping at the beginnings of a growing lump. He had been foolish enough, as Kuro had suspected him to be, to turn his gaze from Nagato over towards the woman who had tossed the crystal at him. His irritated stare was met with her own rather mirthful visage, even going as far as to give him a small wave of her hand to keep his attention focused on her. She would not intrude upon her comrades battle, not when she had yet to discern what it was that he could do, but she would at least be a decent distraction.

    317 Words
    credit to nat of adoxography and gangnam style.

    Spells and Such:

    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    Of Knights and Hunters [Job/Pein] Empty Re: Of Knights and Hunters [Job/Pein]

    Post by Pein 1st November 2015, 10:39 am

    ϟ Change is impossible in this fog of ignorance ϟ

    Nagato HP: 200% ϟ Nagato MP: 75% ϟ Post 16/40

    A small, crystal orb hit the opponent in front of him, killing the menacing aura in the air. It bounced off of the lackey comedic-like, rolling away like a marble on a kitchen floor. The lackey turned around angrily, clutching the lump that began to form on the side of his head. You could even visibly see the steam flowing from his ears. Kuro waved at him in a comedic way, causing Nagato’s seriousness from the battle to fade, as he rolled his eyes and smiled at the innocence of Kuro’s distraction. Shaking his head, he thought to himself “Only Kuro!”

    Holding his right hand out, he began to charge magical energy as dark lightning succumbed it. The slight noise of crackle filled the air, as Nagato walked towards the lackey. Closing his hand into a fist, he swung and hit the lackey’s back, as he fell to the ground with a groan. His body twitched slightly, as he snoozed off into dream world, knocked out from the lightning embed fist. The attack he was hit with was a variation of Nagato’s Black Assassination technique. Instead of stabbing into the target like his hand was dart or knife, he had punched as if it was the butt of a sword or axe. Instead of the damage being piercing damage, it was blunt damage that caused the wind to get knocked out of the lackey, as the lightning paralyzed him as it normally would.

    Sighing and looking up, Nagato said to Kuro, ”Well that takes care of that!” He wiped the dust off of his black cloak and pointed at the entrance the treasure hunting group had walked into.

    ”That seems to be where the treasure is since the group went into there. What do you think?” He said, not looking at Kuro directly.

    Enemies: 3 Normal Ranked Hidden in the Ruins



    Of Knights and Hunters [Job/Pein] Tumblr_nq25hzRAH11s8gfjqo1_500

    Nagato Namikaze ϟ Demon Curse Seal Magic ϟ Emperor's Eye Magic ϟ Demon Scythe

    Current Exp: 150

    Current Missions: 1 C-Rank w/ Nya ϟ 1 C-Rank w/ Group

    Current Social Threads: SPOD Intro
    ϟ Secondary Magic Training

    Of Knights and Hunters [Job/Pein] Empty Re: Of Knights and Hunters [Job/Pein]

    Post by Guest 1st November 2015, 6:37 pm

    we've lost it all

    & i am just a silhouette, a lifeless face you'll soon forget

    Her fellow Rune Knight had realized that she was acting as nothing more than a distraction, making Kuro smirk. The sudden crackling of lightning in the air was a bit startling enough so that it gave the woman a visible jolt. "Lightning?" Her eyes widened, piecing together what she had seen thus far and the dark electricity that he was producing. She had been taught by alchemists to always be observant of the world around her, and to come to conclusions based off of what little information she received. Thus, it finally dawned on the female Rune Knight that her comrade was not actually a teleporting mage but rather one who wielded lightning and thus could travel like lightning.

    Kuro winced when the lightning clad fist met with their opponents back, the man crumpling to the ground his body twitching for a moment with electricity. At the least he seemed to be alive just paralyzed. Since it didn't seem like he'd be getting up anytime soon the dark haired mage edged her way closer. She had to make sure he was at least cuffed and such but she was wary when it came to touching the unconscious man's body. Her fingers had barely brushed up against his wrists, forming the crystal shackles but still she felt the little zap of electricity. It wasn't strong enough to hurt but it was enough to have her shaking her hand off, her finger tips were a lot more sensitive than the average human beings. Now that both of the treasure hunters were secured (neither of them would be escaping from their crystalline shackles anytime soon), Kuro finally turned her attention to Nagato.

    He was pointing at the ruins in which the other treasure hunters had fled. She didn't have to see his lips to know what he was saying. Clearly, they had to go in there and take care of those other three, find the real treasure hunters they were after, and of course find the actual treasure. Straightening out her own red coat, Kuro brushed past Nagato without a word, heading into the ruins without a single worry.

    356 Words
    credit to nat of adoxography and gangnam style.

    Spells and Such:

    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Spirit Link
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    Of Knights and Hunters [Job/Pein] Empty Re: Of Knights and Hunters [Job/Pein]

    Post by Pein 2nd November 2015, 9:19 pm

    ϟ Change is impossible in this fog of ignorance ϟ

    Nagato HP: 200% ϟ Nagato MP: 75% ϟ Post 18/40

    And so the pair of Rune Knights made their way into the Ancient Ruin that held gold that could provide a whole city with fortune. Somewhere deep in this ruin held magical artifact items that the Magic Council had deemed important. As they walked through the door, Nagato and Kuro were met with dust filling the air and spider webs clinging to their respective attires. With a groan almost Nagato wiped them off, inside terrified that a nasty eight legged creature would be on him. He was deathly afraid of spiders, after all.

    Ahead of them was a long hallway that seemed to stretch out for miles. The walls were painted with multiple scriptures in the language of hieroglyphs, as symbols and lines took the place of letters and periods. He could not read them whatsoever and he wondered if Kuro could. He shrugged off this idea, since it would be one in a million chance that it turned out his job partner could in fact decipher the language on the walls.

    One image however had taken Nagato’s interest. It was a image sculpted into the wall of a large beast with what seemed to be a body made of lightning. The large beast greatly resembled that of a panther, causing the mage to think if it held any connection to the demon inside of him, the Black Lightning Panther Kuropansa. The mage fingers touched the image, and upon contact dark aura surrounded the male’s body as thunder was heard outside. Taken aback by the reaction he yanked his hand away and looked at Kuro with a confused expression. However, curious as a cat, he touched the script once again, and the same reaction happened.

    This time he did not yank his hand away, and the dark aura grew stronger and much more sensible. He felt the demon inside of him surging up, almost as if he was trying to break free from the body and became one with the world again. Nagato’s vision became blurry before he oddly could read the scripture that was written beneath the picture.

    To tame the Panther, one must be succumbed in darkness.

    He yanked his hand away once again, as the thunder stopped and his vision turned to normal. Nagato looked down at his hand, his fingertips slightly charred as if they had been struck by lightning.

    Enemies: 3 Normal Ranked Hidden in the Ruins



    Of Knights and Hunters [Job/Pein] Tumblr_nq25hzRAH11s8gfjqo1_500

    Nagato Namikaze ϟ Demon Curse Seal Magic ϟ Emperor's Eye Magic ϟ Demon Scythe

    Current Exp: 150

    Current Missions: 1 C-Rank w/ Nya ϟ 1 C-Rank w/ Group

    Current Social Threads: SPOD Intro
    ϟ Secondary Magic Training

    Of Knights and Hunters [Job/Pein] Empty Re: Of Knights and Hunters [Job/Pein]

    Post by Guest 4th November 2015, 6:16 pm

    we've lost it all

    & i am just a silhouette, a lifeless face you'll soon forget

    Upon entering the temple the two were greeted with an array of cobwebs. Kuro's natural instinct was to flail and push the webs away in an almost dignified manner but the same could not be said for her job partner. She managed to stifle her giggles but she did send him a rather amused look. Filing away his clear dislike for spiderwebs and more than likely spiders, the two continued on in an almost comfortable silence save for the sounds of their boots upon the ancient stone floor. A wide array of ancient scrawl was scatter across the walls. Kuro was indeed a rather studious person, the alchemists she had learned under had taught her much, but not enough to decipher old hieroglyphs likes the one's that decorated the ruins walls. Of course, that didn't mean that she couldn't pick up a few of the characters upon the walls.

    There was one image that had caught Nagato's attention and would inevitable catch Kuro's as well. "Is that a....panther?" It gave her an odd feeling, one that clearly told her not to get closer to it but rather stay away. Apparently, Nagato did not get that seem feeling from the image of the lightning covered panther. Thunder roared outside, loud enough to cause Kuro to cover her ears. Worst of all a strange sort of darkness had surrounded the male Rune Knight when he had touched the Runes. It had ended as abruptly as it had started all he had to do was remove his finger. "No." She shook her head and mouthed out the word, even making an "x" with her arms to indicate that he should not touch that particular symbol again. Unfortunately the dark haired Rune Knight had done just that. Out of sheer instinct alone Kuro had found her back firmly pressed against the stone wall furthest from the mass of shadows that had gathered about Nagato. She could only hope that nothing bad came out of this.


    Blue eyes widened feeling the stone behind her slide back like a door, and the sudden feeling of weightlessness that was often accompanied by falling overtook her. The thunder had at least stopped, and the shadows had dispersed, Nagato seemingly mostly fine. Though the same could not be said for the falling Rune Knight who had barely let out a squeak as she tumbled back first into a secret passage.

    356 Words
    credit to nat of adoxography and gangnam style.

    Spells and Such:

    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Spirit Link
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    Posts : 297
    Guild : Rune Knights
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Age : 28
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    First Skill: Demon Curse Seal Magic
    Second Skill: Emperor Eye
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    Of Knights and Hunters [Job/Pein] Empty Re: Of Knights and Hunters [Job/Pein]

    Post by Pein 6th November 2015, 10:54 pm

    ϟ Change is impossible in this fog of ignorance ϟ

    Nagato HP: 200% ϟ Nagato MP: 75% ϟ Post 18/40

    Nagato’s shuttered at the sight of his fingers, but relaxed once they returned to their normal color. He had no idea what any of this meant; or the reaction he had to the artifacts. He was just as confused as Kuro would have been in the situation. If she had been next to him.

    Looking to his side, Nagato blankly stared at the empty space next to him. It seemed the female had disappeared while he was in the hypnotic trance! He called her name multiple times, his voice echoing through the long hallways before he increased his volume. As his voice reached the climax volume, the loud shifting and movements of rocks could be heard as dust fell from the ceiling all around the mage. He looked out, hoping that Kuro finally decided to stop her disappearance act. He simply had shrugged it off, looking around the room for a clue at where Kuro had gone and went off to. Surveying the wall Nagato had took notice of a small brick that was out of place. He pressed it in, satisfied that the brick that had been pushing out now laid evenly with the other bricks on the wall.

    However, Nagato was only met with the sound of rock being rolled on at a hasty speed. The sound became true, as it was not long before Nagato saw a large boulder rolling down the long hallway at a speed unobtainable for just any rock. The boulder was as big as the hallway, leaving no room for Nagato to slide away. With a scream, he began to run down the hall, the boulder slowly cutting the distance in between them.

    “Kurrroooooooo!” His voice echoed down the halls, as Nagato ran as fast as he could away from the death ball that only wished to squish the mage to a pulp.

    Enemies: 3 Normal Ranked Hidden in the Ruins



    Of Knights and Hunters [Job/Pein] Tumblr_nq25hzRAH11s8gfjqo1_500

    Nagato Namikaze ϟ Demon Curse Seal Magic ϟ Emperor's Eye Magic ϟ Demon Scythe

    Current Exp: 150

    Current Missions: 1 C-Rank w/ Nya ϟ 1 C-Rank w/ Group

    Current Social Threads: SPOD Intro
    ϟ Secondary Magic Training

    Of Knights and Hunters [Job/Pein] Empty Re: Of Knights and Hunters [Job/Pein]

    Post by Guest 13th November 2015, 12:14 pm

    we've lost it all

    & i am just a silhouette, a lifeless face you'll soon forget

    Kuro flinched when her bottom met with the chilly stone floor. That was the least of her concerns though. The hidden door that she had fallen through was rapidly closing. One hand reached out in a vain attempt to try and stop the door but to no avail. It slammed shut sealing her off from her partner, her only exit, and her only source of light. Kuro hadn't even been in the darkness for a full minute when the beginnings of panic set in. Her heart was pounding in her ears, a ragged breath escaped from her lips. She swallowed that panic as best she could, pushing her body forward through the dark until her hands met with stone. Pushing with all her might the stone door would not budge, "There has to be some sort of hidden lever-" The thought ran through her panicked mind as blind hands fumbled through the dark. Despite all her searching there was nothing that would give way to her. That was when panic firmly rooted itself in hermind.


    It was so dark that she could not see her own two hands in front of her. To others that was a childish and irrational fear but to Kuro it was a rational one. With part of her hearing gone it would be devestating for her to lose her sight. She sat there for a moment curled up against the door, biting back the tears that threatened to spill at any moment. She would have sat there all day if not for a rumble in the floor. Something large was moving out there and strangely it was enough to get her back on her feet.

    "I have to find a way out."

    She let out another harsh breath, pressing her body against the wall. It was then that she forced herself to move forward through the darkness slowly but surely getting away from the door and into the unexplored passageway. She had ventured for quite sometime, her anxiety increasing with every step into the dark. It wasn't until she had rounded a corner that she saw a faint light penetrating through the darkness. Without a second thought she rushed forward, not thinking where that light might have come from. Only a few moments had passed and Kuro had burst through into the light, hardly getting a glance at her surroundings when something made contact with the back of her head.


    Kuro groaned at the throbbing in her head, the back of her hair feeling wet. When the grogginess passed everything washed over herince more. Something had struck her head and now- she sucked in a deep breath of air as her eyes opened only to see a veil of black. She was blindfolded. Instinctively her hands reached up to tear away the cloth but they were firmly tied behind her back. She stopped moving at the sound of footsteps, hoping that they thought she was still unconscious. However, it was not Kuro's lucky day. She hissed when a hand had yanked her up by her collar. She wondered if they were saying something to her, judging by the sudden shake the unknown assaliant gave her, Kuro assumed they must have been questioning her. They probably didn't know right?

    356 Words
    credit to nat of adoxography and gangnam style.

    Spells and Such:

      Current date/time is 26th July 2024, 10:15 pm