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    Rohma Vildalti


    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Aspect of Neptune
    Position : None
    Posts : 298
    Guild : Black Rose
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 1,206.25

    Character Sheet
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    Rohma Vildalti Empty Rohma Vildalti

    Post by Cielle 28th September 2015, 1:34 am

    Name: Rohma Vildalti
    Gender: Female
    Age: 22
    Birthday: 01/13
    Sexuality: Straight
    Special Characteristics:


    Life is something to be enjoyed rather than endured, or such is the philosophy of the wandering woman. Rohma prefers to spend her time doing things she loves and enjoying herself, entertainment far more worth seeking than misery since misfortune can find one anywhere at any time. If she must meet it, then let it be with a cheeky grin or smirk to soften the brunt of the blow. The often smiling visage affirms her otherwise friendly attitude, going so far as to speak informally with most people she just met unless it’s a special function or party and isn’t afraid to throw an arm over someone’s shoulder or slap them on the back for whatever reason (consoling, congratulations, etc). It’s easy to believe one might be her friend from the moment hellos are exchanged from her treatment, and people aren’t wholly incorrect.

    In a sense Rohma possesses many friends across the country due to her travels, but in her mind friendship is an easy enough thing. Act cordial and try to understand one another, apologize if you over-step your bounds, and don’t make moves against the other’s business. Beyond minor conditions though of acting nice enough to one another however, Rohma doesn’t expect a lot from other people. Life is easier if she expects them to do nothing in the long run as that makes any positives a pleasant surprise and the negatives as things to shrug off or disown the person depending on the grievance. For her, trust is something to be earned and then protected rather than tossed aside carefully so it confounds the woman when people do it so easily and with little regard to the repercussions. Thanks to some past experiences it’s why she likes to keep people at some distance to get a feel for them to avoid the pains of the fall down the road. Once the trust is won the person becomes like family to the vagabond, one she’ll tease mercilessly if given a chance as well as protect. Anyone she gets along with should expect a nickname at some point or another, sometimes subject to change depending on her growing fondness for the person.

    Rohma can either be the life of the party and in the thick of trouble or good times, or she’s leaning against the wall enjoying whatever spectacle’s unfolding and possibly with a camera at the ready. If things are subdued and quiet then the girl will go along with it all the same, but if it’s not a necessity then it’s likely the woman will duck out early since the refined lifestyle really isn’t for her. The notion of someday having to truly act like a lady of status leaves her sides splitting even as a comical shiver runs up her spine – gods knows she’s had odd nightmares about it.

    As long as the person doesn’t rub her the wrong way or give out idiotic orders Rohma’s fine with following, though she might still view them more as “suggestions” than outright orders. There’s always room for some interpretation and creativity because she’d certainly expect some with any orders she dishes out. Leadership comes more naturally for Rohma in specific circumstances than whenever and wherever, more likely to crop up at a dig site than a battlefield. Sure she might be fine with telling one or a few people what to do, but controlling a battalion isn’t within the girl’s nature because in combat she thinks more in solo terms than full group dynamics due to years of traveling alone. Trying to account for more than a few people boggles her mind and the wanderer applauds those capable of the feat, but she’d much prefer to fight with only a few companions to avoid tripping each other. Rohma’s capable of becoming an emotional fighter, but without a trigger she sticks to a more analytical nature and tries to plan a few moves ahead.


    • ~”I never feel more alive n’ up there…damn, makes me shiver just thinking about it!”~

      Flying: Easily the top favorite activity, trumping even a good temple dive or excavation find. Being high in the sky with the wind billowing past as she swerves around or through clouds and maybe some seconds of free fall is a thrill she can’t seem to pass up – but more often than naught she does prefer to be in control.

    • ~”May be the ‘root of all evil’ or what not, but it's useful as all hell. So few things in life are free after all…”~

      Money: Money makes the world go ‘round in her eyes. Since many things have a price she long since decided one cannot have enough. The adventurous lifestyle can also be quite costly just like a stationary one, even though one might make friends wherever they go.

    • ~"I dunno...ya kinda had to be there. All I can really say is: it left me breathless."~

      Travel: Cameras, words, even magic – as far as Rohma’s concerned - fail to fully capture the essence of other cultures and even locations. To feast on the sensatory pleasures of sunsets on sandy dunes, the brewing of storms out on the ocean from the beach, and the hustle n’ bustle of a lively trading street – these things have to be felt first-hand to truly understand and she loves (almost) every moment of it.


    • ~”It might be silly, but I don’t think I’ll ever forgive carrots. It was too harsh of a betrayal for me…”~

      Carrots: The reason she dislikes them is quite simple and ludicrous to some – she dislikes them because they don’t taste nearly as good as oranges as she imagined they would as a child. This left a bitter taste in her mouth about the veggie and she prefers not to eat it knowingly.

    • ~”Don’t get me wrong: people can accomplish some amazing things. I just don’t want to hear the same damn story every time. Living off ONE story does NOT make a hot shot.”~

      Large Egos: Maybe it’s more a dislike for repetition because Rohma really dislikes hearing the same story over and over and over again without the reason of dementia. Egotists are annoying as it is when the person acts as though the world revolves around them, however when they don’t have at least a handful of accomplishments or more to back it up just leaves the girl’s eyes rolling.

    • ~”I don’t double-cross people first, but you can be damn sure you’re never getting that trust back. After that you open yourself to fair game.”~

      Traitors: Rohma absolutely despises being betrayed, especially when they had a deal and the person wants to risk it to gain all the rewards/fame, they want to play "villain," or whatever reason they use. Once terms are decided on Rohma will do her best to uphold her end of the bargain and if in the end they won't succeed then oh well, she very much prefers a failed plan or someone honestly admitting they can’t accomplish their half rather than someone bailing selfishly or attempting to back stab. While people have to earn her trust, those who lose it in this manner are never forgiven. Luckily she hasn’t had to worry about any betrayals from friends, holding only a few people in such high regards.


    • ~”I think most people dream of making it big or getting their name out there, mine just happens to fall into the ‘discovery’ category. I admit though if it’s really pretty I might keep quiet about it.”~

      Discovery: Tombs, ruins, anything anywhere people have yet to discover or root through is her desired place to go. Granted if people have already been there that’s okay too, but she dreams of uncovering many unfound gems of knowledge (though treasure is always welcome).

    • ~”I want a place I belong.”~

      Home: For all the traveling she does, Rohma’s discovered the charms of having a place to return too. Lately though she’s begun to question if it’s just a simple “pit stop” type place, or really a place at all as she once believed.

    • ~”We never stop learning, though some people lose interest in actively searching. I can’t help my abundance of curiosity though: it’s inherited.”~

      Knowledge: Rohma desires to know many things, none of which needs to be connected. Good blackmail material, data about old/new magic, legends, tips about treasure: doesn’t matter the type, Rohma often does what she does to learn something new.


    • ~”Rats with wings…except I never had such trouble with actual rats.”

      Seagulls: more of a fear of what they often do – or at least in her experience often do. The birds bring about fond (bad) memories of being shat on in ports and Rohma really, really despises that so she often and reflexively will duck under cover or dash out of the way if a seagull flies overhead.

    • ~”It’s a scary feeling…like you might never see the light of day again. I don’t even wanna be buried: just cremate me when I’m gone.”~

      Earthquakes: Having almost died at a young age to a cave-in, Rohma absolutely despises it when the earth decides to shimmy and shake its money maker. Nothing prevents the girl from going spelunking or exploring ruins, but nothing impedes progress worse than a quake (or gets her back out into the open world faster).

    • ~”I don’t trust things that move beyond their expiration date no matter how cordial it is. If it’s dead then it should stay dead: simple as that.”

      Zombies/Skeletons: Cliché for someone who likes to explore perhaps, but Rohma doesn’t give a damn. If it should be dead and is a corpse – juicy or not – then get the hell out of her way as she’s either running for it or letting her trigger finger go happy. Other certain creatures are excluded because she generally just dislikes seeing the decayed flesh and the idea of something that shouldn’t even have the ability to move doing so wigs her out to no end.

    General Appearance

    Height: 5ft 5in
    Weight: 121lbs
    Hair: Raven black
    Eyes: Pale blue
    Skin Tone: Dusty tan

    Long pitch black hair reaches almost all the way down her back when Rohma lets it free, the thick bunch of locks usually bound up in a ponytail. When traveling her hairstyle usually comes accompanied by a sash or scarf to help keep the rest of her flyaway locks under control. Bangs sometimes hide or obscure blue eyes, the orbs almost icy looking next to the dusty tan of her skin.

    Jewelry is kept to a minimum, Rohma not one for wearing lots of gems or metal aside for some ear clasps, and sticks mostly to leather bracelets and necklaces. When traveling a pair of goggles are kept either on her person (usually hanging around her neck or over her headscarf/headband, otherwise in her travel bag) for any occasion that might pop up. The final odd piece one might find is some sort of charm for good luck, fortune, or whatever else strikes Rohma’s fancy dangling from a belt loop, often signifying what city or country she visited recently. She’s got a bit of a collection going for them.

    Most of her everyday wardrobe ranges in pretty new to “ragged and ready to be burnt/tossed soon” as many garments suffer from abusive travels and conditions. Most jeans gain rips within the first month or two of ownership, jackets scuffed here and there, and shirts sporting the odd hole here or there – leading the girl to often wear at least a tank top beneath them. Some clothes are set aside for “non-travel use” though so she doesn’t always appear the ragamuffin or like a punk kid when in leisure mode. For all her preferences towards sportier and durable clothes, Rohma does enjoy the occasional dress or skirt for off days she’s just more likely to be found in shirts and shorts weather permitting.



    Guild: Infinity Hydra
    Tattoo: Sky blue, back of the neck
    Rank: D

    Grand Duelist

    Grand Duelist

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    Rohma Vildalti Empty Re: Rohma Vildalti

    Post by Hikachu 28th September 2015, 2:31 am

    Great work on the application! ^^

    Rohma Vildalti YdROJZD


    Rohma Vildalti JhB4MAf

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