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    mattes of the soul between Devon, Towa, Tatsumi

    Devon Sabathiel
    Devon Sabathiel

    Regular VIP Status- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Calorie Shave
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    mattes of the soul between Devon, Towa, Tatsumi Empty mattes of the soul between Devon, Towa, Tatsumi

    Post by Devon Sabathiel 30th August 2015, 10:35 am


    As she finished putting her armor on and looked in the mirror the refection of a red headed female looked back at her. sighing softly she had not got use to the change in appearance the sudden growth and change in looks had scared her to start but if had given her a chance to start again, And that how she ended up in Sleeping forest she had not regretted the decision but she did miss some of the people from blue Pegasus the ones she had ended calling friends.

    Sighing Devon looked away from herself and toke her sword from it resting place before walking out of her room and went to the guild hall, ever since people had joined the guild Devon had started to go in more often she had even been on a job with one off the members and now she was heading to meet up with two others that she was due too do a job with.

    walking through the old wooden doors they creaked as it swag open and closed, Moving through the guild the walked into the main hall where the job board was and waited at a table drinking slowly looking around at the members that where present even though the guild still only was few in numbers the hall seemed bizier than normal. Devon looked over each person as she searched for the comrades that she was accompanying he on the job.

    Devon waited until she had finished her drink then looked at the time "five minuets late!" she whispered softly muttering under her breath then she ordered floor as she thought she would be there a while. As she started to eat Devon wondered how the job would go from what she heard the boss was the evil counter part of yourself.


    mattes of the soul between Devon, Towa, Tatsumi Devon_by_ravenart5-d9n27jw
    Tōwa Lazmira
    Tōwa Lazmira

    Judge and jury

    Judge and jury

    Moderator- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Weapon of Apocalypse Wielder- Player 
    Lineage : Godchild
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    Guild : Rune Knights
    Cosmic Coins : 5
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    mattes of the soul between Devon, Towa, Tatsumi Empty Re: mattes of the soul between Devon, Towa, Tatsumi

    Post by Tōwa Lazmira 1st September 2015, 3:50 pm

    Towa had awoken that day not in her Barracks but in a strange room she was not yet used to. It had only been 4 days, 4 days since she had walked out of the Rune Knights, since she had left her badge and credentials on her desk. Towa sat up and looked around her room, the aspects laying in beds simular to her. Except Naomi, she was fast asleep hugging Adarji in a smaller bed. Towa looked at the strange new version of herself, she could feel Adarji like she felt the others. She smiled and stood up, "Wake up everyone." Towa clapped her hands loudly, "We have a long day ahead of us." Towa walked over as Sariel and Izumi sat up, she gave Naomi a gentle shake. "Naomi you need to get up love." Towa felt completely different now, something had changed, helping people was not her job anymore... but something she chose to do. Somehow that seemed to give it more value, how? she didn't understand yet, but she was willing to take as long as she could to figure it out. Towa walked over to the closet and pulled out her dress and armor, putting it on with The others help. ten minutes late Towa, Izumi and Adarji walked out of their room, leaving Sariel and Naomi to do some organizing, headed to the part of the Guild they were suppose to meet one of it members at for a job.

    Towa walked into the room, her armor clanking gently, and looked around. She saw only one person in the entire hall, a red headed woman sitting at one of the table. Towa motioned for Adarji and Izumi to wait. "Excuse me." Towa approached the woman, "are you here for this job." she set down the job slip she acquired the day before. "If so i am your partner for this mission."


    Towa's Theme:

    Ume's Theme:
    The Blade of War - Unmade Primary Magic - Unmade Secondary Magic
    Unmade Armor - Unmade items.
    Tatsumi Yamato
    Tatsumi Yamato

    Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Rage of the Soul Torn
    Position : None
    Posts : 115
    Guild : Garou Knights
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Age : 29
    Experience : 350

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Ice Demon Slayer
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    mattes of the soul between Devon, Towa, Tatsumi Empty Re: mattes of the soul between Devon, Towa, Tatsumi

    Post by Tatsumi Yamato 2nd September 2015, 11:39 am

    It had been a long time since Tatsumi decided to walk around with people, something about all new faces startled him a bit still. He had seen people come and go and it never quit being a sad thought. Even with these emotions he still had a due to pay to the guild, the place that had given him a place to stay, to call family. He stood up out of his bed and got dressed, making sure to grab his light brown jacket and his sword, and headed towards the open hall where all teams met for their jobs. The only information he had was that there were two others going along with him, he knew not their strength or their motives for being here.

    As Tatsumi entered, he had a bit of nostalgia as nothing really changed. He did happen to notice two females, both wearing armor within the hall which was not too common unless for missions for him. He walked up two them both and bowed greeting them with courtesies "Is this the party in which is going out today. I hope to be as much help as I can be." He stood back up with a very gentle grin on his face hoping to make a good first impression. He also was still somewhat curious as to who exactly they were and what they did. These two had alluded him as to when they joined and that somewhat put him off a tad bit, but did not show his thoughts. To help possibly help make a bond with them, Tatsumi shaped two flowers, made of a light blue colored ice. He held each one out to each of the armored women and spoke in a calm tone "A gift from one guild mate to another."


    mattes of the soul between Devon, Towa, Tatsumi R2h59vy
    Important Links:
    Devon Sabathiel
    Devon Sabathiel

    Regular VIP Status- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Calorie Shave
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    mattes of the soul between Devon, Towa, Tatsumi Empty Re: mattes of the soul between Devon, Towa, Tatsumi

    Post by Devon Sabathiel 5th September 2015, 1:54 pm

    Devon tilted her head slightly as she looked up at this girl who spoke to her and smiled lightly "hello" she said softly looking down at the peace of paper the girl have placed in front of her then Devon looked at her own peace to make shore it was the same job that she was meant to be going on. yes that is the job I am meant to be going on so I have you and one other just got to wait for them, I am Devon!" Devon said lightly Devon then went back to her food finishing the last few bits.

    Devon looked back up as she finished and smiled lightly wondering how the job would go with this person Devon also wondered who the other person would be. Just as she thought this a male walked over to them and she looked up at him hearing that he was the last member to tag along on the job. "We are going out today and your assistance is welcome!" Devon stated lightly standing she sorted her armour so it was on perfectly. looking down at his hand when he spoke about a gift Devon raised her eyebrow taking the gift "you waist your magic to do this? do you realise how silly that is?" she asked lightly. Shaking her head Devon picked up her sword and placed it on her side, Devon smiled lightly "we should get going the as I think it will take some time to get to this job unless ever of you know a quicker way to get there!" she stated waiting for a response She wondered if they would atturly know a way to the Unknown Lands well technically the Spirit Realm if they did it would be something new to learn but Devon's motto was that you can learn something new every day.


    mattes of the soul between Devon, Towa, Tatsumi Devon_by_ravenart5-d9n27jw
    Tōwa Lazmira
    Tōwa Lazmira

    Judge and jury

    Judge and jury

    Moderator- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Weapon of Apocalypse Wielder- Player 
    Lineage : Godchild
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    Posts : 782
    Guild : Rune Knights
    Cosmic Coins : 5
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    mattes of the soul between Devon, Towa, Tatsumi Empty Re: mattes of the soul between Devon, Towa, Tatsumi

    Post by Tōwa Lazmira 9th September 2015, 4:49 pm

    Towa didn't take the rose, instead Naomi did, she scampered up and grabbed it from the man and ran back behind Towa. Towa watched her as she did laughing slightly, she laughed a bit more when the redhead scolded the man or the use of magic. "You should not hold it against him, there are plenty of worse uses for magic than making a rose from ice." Towa looked around that hall, "how many members does this guild have?" Towa was honestly curious as she had not seen very many people. The redhead said something about having issues about getting to the Unknown Realms, and Towa looked away from the situation, Unfortunately Naomi didn't.

    "Thats no issue, Towa here is a Celestial Spirit." Naomi said with a chipper voice, Towa rounded on her and bonked her on the head. "OWW! What was that for!"

    "You should not share that... with anyone." Towa put her hands on her hips as she spoke. "Their are humans that would seek to enslave me or worse." Towa stopped and looked at the others. She sighed and straitened up, putting a hand on Naomi's head. "she is not wrong though i can get us there. But getting back is a issue, this realm is my home realm so..." Towa closed here eyes and opened the Isura Void, which currently held her key, she opened her eyes and pulled the key from her chest. "Ugh... i can never get used to that." Towa sighed again, her Celestial Spirit form... or More to the point Dark Celestial Spirit form was quite... Intimidating and look devilish. But there was a difference between evil and dark, what changes is how people view it. Towa sighed and took a firm grip of the key and plunged it into her chest, purple black shadows covered her body for only a instant. When they cleared Towa looked at the others. "well... er... I can open a gate if you want?"

    Dark Celestial Form:


    Towa's Theme:

    Ume's Theme:
    The Blade of War - Unmade Primary Magic - Unmade Secondary Magic
    Unmade Armor - Unmade items.
    Tatsumi Yamato
    Tatsumi Yamato

    Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Rage of the Soul Torn
    Position : None
    Posts : 115
    Guild : Garou Knights
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 29
    Experience : 350

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Ice Demon Slayer
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    mattes of the soul between Devon, Towa, Tatsumi Empty Re: mattes of the soul between Devon, Towa, Tatsumi

    Post by Tatsumi Yamato 17th September 2015, 12:36 pm

    Tatsumi stood there as the one ice rose was somewhat rudely denied. "Not like it was that hard to do that in the first place. Just a friendly gesture for fellow guild mate." He mumbled in a almost mute tone. He was also startled by the person accompanying the other armor women who had taken the flower, not really knowing who she was also. "To answer your question, we have always tended to be a smaller guild sorta like a family. It is really just how we are." Tatsumi had a seemingly sadden smile when he finished these words. He had seen so many just come and go while her was here, and he tended to not go out of some areas for a long time due to too many people around that he did not know.

    As Tatsumi finished answering the questioned asked, he took note of the girl, who had received his flower, as she told them that the girl named Towa was a Celestial Spirit. This was new to him, never meeting one before in person. Once Towa further revealed that she was a Dark Celestial Spirit, he was intrigued. He did his best to not fully show it not to disturb her or to possibly scare her. He truly wish to find people he could trust again and become strong enough to defend them himself. "I truly hope I can be of use to both of you on this mission. You both seem to be strong, while I am still fairly new."

    He now just truly wanted to show himself as a resourceful member. He was going to train and use this mission as a beginning point with this new group. He just needed to survive, this was his first and foremost goal above all else.


    mattes of the soul between Devon, Towa, Tatsumi R2h59vy
    Important Links:
    Devon Sabathiel
    Devon Sabathiel

    Regular VIP Status- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Calorie Shave
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    Posts : 252
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    mattes of the soul between Devon, Towa, Tatsumi Empty Re: mattes of the soul between Devon, Towa, Tatsumi

    Post by Devon Sabathiel 28th September 2015, 3:49 pm

    Devon shock her head the conversation had become odd but Devon did not mind she found it a little funny and a small smile crossed her lips, looking at Towa across the table to her she wondered why the girls friend had trusted them with the hole celestial spirit thing, they had not even known each other for five minuets and this girl just blurted it out. Devon rased her eye brow at the statement.

    "celestial spirit? cool and don't worry I am not a celestial mage and I have no interest in your key but I understand you not wanting us to know you are a celestial spirit, your secret is save with me, besides if you cant trust your guild to not want your key who can you trust?!" she stated in a low voice careful not to let anyone close by to over hear her words shoting a wide smile at Towa.

    Devon turn the the only male of the group "you are correct we are like a family in this guild but that's what makes us strong what makes us well us.  I think this mission will be a difficult one for us all but I am shore we can pull through together this job will make us stronger!" she stated smiling light. Devon Smirked lightly as she though about the job ahead of them and wondered how hard the job would really be.

    Devon tilted her head as she watch Towa reach for her key and cringed lightly, Devon shivered slightly as it was a little disturbing to her but she soon smiled softly and nodded to Towa "shore are any of your friends coming?" she asked nodding to the one that blurted out Towa's secret wondering how many of them would be atturly going on this job.

    OOC - OMG I am so sorry I thought I sent this but I must of had a really bad blond moment (sory if ever of you are blond irl)


    mattes of the soul between Devon, Towa, Tatsumi Devon_by_ravenart5-d9n27jw
    Tōwa Lazmira
    Tōwa Lazmira

    Judge and jury

    Judge and jury

    Moderator- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Weapon of Apocalypse Wielder- Player 
    Lineage : Godchild
    Position : None
    Posts : 782
    Guild : Rune Knights
    Cosmic Coins : 5
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 0

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    First Skill: Cosmic Mind
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    mattes of the soul between Devon, Towa, Tatsumi Empty Re: mattes of the soul between Devon, Towa, Tatsumi

    Post by Tōwa Lazmira 6th October 2015, 8:35 pm

    Towa shrugged as the rest of her showed up, "only Adarji and Izumi will be coming." Towa patted Naomi on the head, "The others are gonna set up our room." Towa had only been here for a few days and had not completely unpacked. She was gonna have to get used to being a civilian, but for now she would just be happy with her choice. She looked at the two people she was doing the job with and sighed. "Well here goes." Towa turn and held out her hand, closing here eyes she felt the veil between the worlds, she pressed her mind against it looking for a weak point. For Towa it seemed like eternity that she was looking for a point to break the veil, to everyone else it was a few seconds. She found a weak point, and opened a portal. Everyone in the room watched as a black dot appeared about 3 feet of the ground, then expanded to about 5 tall and 3 feet wide. Towa opened her eye and turned to the group. "There we go... One portal to the dark realm." Towa motioned for Adarji and Izumi to come forward, they walked right past and through the portal. "Nothing ventured, nothing gained." Towa smiled, which kinda got over shadowed by her appearance. Towa turned and walked through the portal herself. She stepped into the dark realm, a place not of evil but one that was short on light. She looked around at the barren landscape, the last time she had been on this plane she was made into a dark celestial spirit. She sighed and waited for the other to come through before closing the portal. She looked at Adarji and Izumi and motioned for them to follow as Towa set off in a direction, she was kinda dreading being back here.


    Towa's Theme:

    Ume's Theme:
    The Blade of War - Unmade Primary Magic - Unmade Secondary Magic
    Unmade Armor - Unmade items.

      Current date/time is 26th July 2024, 6:46 pm