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    kokutai kagirinai


    Lineage : Technological Superiority
    Position : None
    Posts : 4
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 0

     kokutai kagirinai  Empty kokutai kagirinai

    Post by Kokutai 22nd July 2015, 10:58 pm

    Name: Kokutai kagirinai
    Gender: Male
    Age: 1 year
    Birthday: April 30
    Sexuality: error – not programmed
    Special Characteristics: 70% of his body is robotic

    Kokutai Doesn’t realy know much of the world yet. That’s why he is a explorer. Tough trough what he has seen in the year he has been active he knows that a lot has to be changed. He is a idealist who will stop for nothing to reach his goal. He has seen humans suffer and be killed over and over again on his journey for nothing but money or greed. That’s why he over time has come to the fact that the world has to change. He shall destroy anything that will harm the people of the country. Not only that but he wants to make a new country. Where he or someone else will rune with an elite under them that the masses can follow. If he sees a crime he will do anything to stop it even if that means violently. He doesn’t believe in second changes and would never trust anybody who broke the law. To other people who are normal and just living there lives he is one of the gentlest persons you will ever meet. He will help you without question. He won’t even ask payment to do so. He trusts everybody who is just and right. He also likes to exercise to keep his machinery from rusting. He doesn’t realy eat anything since he doesn’t have a stomach anymore. Through this his meals are mostly consistence of the rare element Dragonicium. In some things he is very childish and oblivious to as he has only had one year to learn from the world. He does came programmed with the history of the country but not many unnecessary details were put in the programing.
    In combat he is a very diverse fighter. Altough he does focus on the same method of fighting most of the time he does have back up tricks to reduce his loss rate. He is programmed with a tiger fist fighting style and can deal harsh punches with his robot arms. But he also uses other less intelligent machines to fight for him and support his fist fighting. He fights calculated and without risk. He will over analyze a situation to win it. When he fights under a leader he fights with honor and will follow there commands by hearth. He would never betray a leader he fights under in combat. He will do his best to protect him and his team mates as best as he can. If he would be leading he would be leading under a strict order. Everyone would have there place in the fight and there role. He would place them to there strengths and weaknesses and he would expect them to fight till they die. There is no retreat for him. He will punish people who would break his rules in a fight. He will however not start fighting enemies if he knows there to strong for there current level he will avoid the fight. So hes not like stupid to go into fights. He does know a lot of fight styles but some things that are new he would analyze it to learn from it.

    - Order: he needs to have order and rules to live by to feel good. And everything and everybody should follow his rules in his mind. It brings a perfect world to live.
    - Loyalty: being loyal to a idea or a person is what brings happyniss in live. It also makes you stronger to live for what you believe in.
    - Cats: he likes cats because they seem to not bother his metal arms and they stroke against it. which makes him very tender feeling for some reason.
    -chaos: chaos is so confusing and not logical it hurts his circuits and that’s why he hates it. and people do really weird stuff in chaos.
    - Breaking the law: people that break the law should be punished by dead in his mind. That’s why he joined the Rune knights in the first place.
    - Rain: its so hatefull to stand in the rain. One time it nearly rusted his robotic arms completely shut. So in any case hell try to avoid rain as much as possible.
    - World Order: to Create a new world order where evry villain and bad thing will be slayed. This is his ultimate dream
    - Loyalty : hes loyal to his makers and wants to make them proud that’s why he is doing his best as much as he can.
    - Justice: He wants to judge any evil in the world and make a world where only good people live. That’s why he will bring justice to anyone.
    - losing the last part of his demon flesh it would kill any last living part of his body. Wich would make him a robot.
    - Free will: people can’t handle free will and it would bring chaos and destruction to the world. He doesn’t want it to get out of control and has a lot of fear that will happen.
    - Fear of battery; since hes running on power he does fear to run out one day and just fall cold dead asleep. wich wouldn't even be a honourble dead.

    General Appearance

    Height: 1 m 63 cm
    Weight: 80 pounds his metal is very light material but sturdy.
    Hair: its short meduim long blond hair not realy designed
    Eyes: red/yellow
    Skin Tone: light
    He is quite short for a normal male but that doesnt come further in his posture or looks. He has a firm and emotioneless look on his face with blond medium hair. His eyes are pure yellow with red sparks in the middle. He wears simple shirts and pants or military outfits. He is build very sturdy since hes 90% made of robotic parts.
     kokutai kagirinai  Genos.600.1861926 kokutai kagirinai  Genos.full.1672985


    Guild: Rune knights Engineering
    Tattoo: on his fore head  white
    Rank: D" />" />
    Inspirational Quote
    Inspirational Quote

    The Broken Elementalist

    The Broken Elementalist

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    Lineage : Power of Apocalypse
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    Age : 33
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     kokutai kagirinai  Empty Re: kokutai kagirinai

    Post by Inspirational Quote 23rd July 2015, 1:10 pm

    Approved by IQ


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      Current date/time is 2nd June 2024, 4:13 pm