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    Brute Force Liberating Slaves (Minh/Emilia)


    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Oblivion's Might
    Position : None
    Posts : 288
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 4744.5

    Brute Force Liberating Slaves (Minh/Emilia) Empty Brute Force Liberating Slaves (Minh/Emilia)

    Post by RockyTheRockiestRock 8th July 2015, 12:57 am

    Job Details:

    Step by step, Minh creeps along the edge of the harbor with his movements muffled by a layer of soft leather that he strapped to the soles of his feet. The slavers had made their bases in the various warehouses here which was to be expected of these kinda criminals as it provided a large space for an operation set up as well as nice holding area for future slaves. Minh took note of the passing guards as he led Emilia towards the warehouse where he believed all the slaves were being held at.

    Several guards were posted in the front, and the earthen monk made an adjustment to their approach, making his way to the backside of the warehouse, hoping to find himself another way in that didn't involve having to bust down the front door and revealing their presence. This time, there were not that many guards, nor were they any more frightening than the ones at the front. With a good feeling on this approach, Minh moved forward with gentle steps motioning Emilia to follow him as they came close to the back entrance with the guards heading off to do their rounds. This entire operation was one well oiled machine, but by being one, it had also made itself predictable to Minh who had determined how long it would be before those guards came back. "We will have about an hour before they come back." He would tell Emilia as he stood up to approach to door.



    Brute Force Liberating Slaves (Minh/Emilia) Minh_by_ravenart5-d9drt2d
    Emilia Crohil
    Emilia Crohil

    Quality Badge Level 1- Player 
    Lineage : Caine's Descent
    Position : None
    Posts : 390
    Guild : Garou Knights
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 34
    Mentor : Jackson Crohil
    Experience : 5512.5

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Force Magic
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Brute Force Liberating Slaves (Minh/Emilia) Empty Re: Brute Force Liberating Slaves (Minh/Emilia)

    Post by Emilia Crohil 9th July 2015, 10:17 am

    Emilia had waited slightly behind Minh to allow him to scout things out, since he seemed slightly more inclined to stealth than she was. She gave a silent nod to Minh when he approached her and informed her that they were good to go. "Good. Remember, we want Scarlet and Carver alive. If you kill them, you've either gotta cough up what the bonus would have been or I'll break you." She drew Trauma from her belt and unslung her shield from her back. "That being said, let's go kick some ass." She walked forward quickly, not caring whether she was in front of or behind Minh. The duo walked inside to see that these slavers were not solely in the business of smuggling people, but also various other contraband. Emi was hardly surprised to see the warehouse full of various cargo aside from the cages the women were kept in. "Ignore the women until we've taken care of the slavers. No need to have them running around, getting in the way. We should be able to move along fairly easily with the all the cargo blocking their view." She noted a set of stairs at the far end of the warehouse that lead to an overseeing balcony. Luckily whoever was up there either didn't notice them or didn't recognize them as combatants yet. There was a doorway on one end of the balcony, probably where they would find the Scarlet and Carver. "Come on, let's make our way over there." She began to move, making note to try to keep herself out of sight of those on the balcony as much as possible.


    Character| Magic| Bank| Theme
    Brute Force Liberating Slaves (Minh/Emilia) FJRTsUq
    Other Siggies:

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Oblivion's Might
    Position : None
    Posts : 288
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 4744.5

    Brute Force Liberating Slaves (Minh/Emilia) Empty Re: Brute Force Liberating Slaves (Minh/Emilia)

    Post by RockyTheRockiestRock 9th July 2015, 12:18 pm

    "Take your steps slowly, and I mean truly slow, even if that balcony had seen something, they will not be alive to report a thing. I've had Cheepie picking off key locations, plucking them clear of any nuisances, so the only thing needed to be accomplish is finding these two fools and knock em out. All we have to worry is alarming the common rabble who seem keen on sticking very strict to their set paths."

    Minh noted as they made their way slowly to the doorway which should lead them to a main office of some sort. As they did make their way ever so painfully slow there, the muffled sounds of grunts and struggle began erupting from the balcony for several seconds before quieting with a sudden abruptness followed by the sound of falling bodies. Then an assuring cheep would ensue causing Minh to speed up his moving pace with ease.
    Cheepie had been flying around the complex for sometime, going to and fro picking off guards here and their with frightening efficiency as well. The small, yellow bird would make its way over to the balcony where it knew Minh and Emilia were at probably by now judging their speed. Nevertheless, the avian creature flew onto a railing looking at the 3 armed guards before letting out an adorable cheep which the guards too a liking too, almost smiling for once with an innocent joy before being set upon by Cheepie with one man getting his face caved in by a sudden flap tackle before Cheepie quickly hopped off the man's face into another dash at another of the guards, slicing his throat and vocal cords. The last one stood breathless before trying to utter a scream that never came as Cheepie punched right through his neck, breaking his spine.



    Brute Force Liberating Slaves (Minh/Emilia) Minh_by_ravenart5-d9drt2d
    Emilia Crohil
    Emilia Crohil

    Quality Badge Level 1- Player 
    Lineage : Caine's Descent
    Position : None
    Posts : 390
    Guild : Garou Knights
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 34
    Mentor : Jackson Crohil
    Experience : 5512.5

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Force Magic
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Brute Force Liberating Slaves (Minh/Emilia) Empty Re: Brute Force Liberating Slaves (Minh/Emilia)

    Post by Emilia Crohil 11th July 2015, 10:49 am

    "Heh, that little sparrow packs a punch. Where did you get it? I want one." She grinned. Something that small and lethal could certainly be useful. "I wouldn't be too sure that they're going to stick to their routes, especially once they start finding bodies. We need to expect company either way." She said as they continued to proceed with caution through the warehouse. She listened carefully for footfalls, though given the armor she was wearing, the slavers would probably hear the duo before the duo heard them. Not that it mattered too much. They could just fight their way through this. Stealth wasn't necessary, but it did give them a head start on getting to their target. In all honesty, Emilia was fully expecting a bloodbath to start the second they were noticed, and was somewhat looking forward to it in all honesty. Stealth was boring. Fighting was fun. It was as simple as that really. Killing slavers would be a beneficial thing to society as well, she guessed, but she also didn't particularly care about that part.

    As the two went to round a corner, they would suddenly hear one gunshot ring out. Then a second later, a second shot could be heard, followed by a third. Emilia grinned. "Looks like someone found the bodies. They're going to be crawling over this place like ants in no time. Get ready for some fun, Minh. It's go time." She rolled her wrist, swinging Trauma in a small circle. Things were finally about to get interesting.


    Character| Magic| Bank| Theme
    Brute Force Liberating Slaves (Minh/Emilia) FJRTsUq
    Other Siggies:

    Posts : 23945
    Mentor : Admin

    Character Sheet
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    Brute Force Liberating Slaves (Minh/Emilia) Empty Re: Brute Force Liberating Slaves (Minh/Emilia)

    Post by NPC 11th July 2015, 10:49 am

    The member 'leirynot' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    Brute Force Liberating Slaves (Minh/Emilia) NormalMonster Brute Force Liberating Slaves (Minh/Emilia) NormalMonster

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Oblivion's Might
    Position : None
    Posts : 288
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 4744.5

    Brute Force Liberating Slaves (Minh/Emilia) Empty Re: Brute Force Liberating Slaves (Minh/Emilia)

    Post by RockyTheRockiestRock 17th July 2015, 2:38 pm

    Minh was not unaware of the fact that they were not the most stealthy of persons due to her being more heavily armored and him being a literal walking tank. And while Cheepie had done his job well, it would not be long before the men found their fellow mates dead and call the alarm. The monk was already on the move as soon as he heard gunshots ringing throughout the warehouse. One of the groups were seemingly heading their way, and he timed himself quite right when he crashed into a group of four slavers. Two of whom he launched a flurry of powerful attack at with one having his head splattered upon the boxes nearby with the other attempt to blast his way through his hardened form with little effect. The male would turn around with a slow motion, dim eyes staring with an intensity that could crumble a man's spirit. "You chose...poorly." He would say simply before charging the other slaver throwing him violently into a support pillar like a ragdoll. Meanwhile, the other two were left stunned by the sudden encounter, not yet register Emilia's presence.
    Cheepie had flown into the warehouse, perching on a crossbeam to overlook all whom were down on the warehouse floor, taking note of the slavers' movement most of which included the packs of men converging on the two mages who were trying to make it to the main balcony office. However, he was more than prepared for this, and he flapped down behind one of the small groups, letting out a sudden cloud of steam to transform into something much more necessary. These men would turn around only to let out shrill screams that echo in the warehouse. Emilia during the fight could see a small smirk on Minh as this scream reaches them.



    Brute Force Liberating Slaves (Minh/Emilia) Minh_by_ravenart5-d9drt2d
    Emilia Crohil
    Emilia Crohil

    Quality Badge Level 1- Player 
    Lineage : Caine's Descent
    Position : None
    Posts : 390
    Guild : Garou Knights
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 34
    Mentor : Jackson Crohil
    Experience : 5512.5

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Force Magic
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Brute Force Liberating Slaves (Minh/Emilia) Empty Re: Brute Force Liberating Slaves (Minh/Emilia)

    Post by Emilia Crohil 20th July 2015, 10:38 am

    Emilia grinned right back at Minh. That little bird of his was something. She should get a pet like that sometime, though she wouldn't go for something mostly cute and cuddly. She'd rather have something more practical than for just hurting things, like transportation as well. She heard footsteps around the corner as one of the groups not killed by Cheepie approached them. She ran over to the corner, and as she heard the footsteps about to turn, she turned as well, swinging her shield arm to catch one of the slavers in the chest with the shield, stunning him for a moment before she bashed him on the head, the blow to the temple taking him out. She swung Trauma at the one behind him, extending the cable to five feet in length as the man tried to take aim with his gun, but quickly had his skull bashed in by the spiked ball of Trauma. He collapsed with a large dent in his head, his skull most definitely cracked wide open. If he wasn't dead already, he would be soon. "Got two over here." She called to Minh, though he would likely be having his own problems now, as one group moved behind him and Emilia. The two would try to take careful aim at Minh if he didn't notice them immediately, if he did, they would just start firing, though they would be distracted by the sounds of screams coming from elsewhere in the warehouse, and by the sound of skulls being cracked by Emilia on the opposite side of the cargo container from them. This would throw off their aim a bit, but still, if Minh didn't move quickly, they would probably score a few hits.


    Character| Magic| Bank| Theme
    Brute Force Liberating Slaves (Minh/Emilia) FJRTsUq
    Other Siggies:

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Oblivion's Might
    Position : None
    Posts : 288
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 4744.5

    Brute Force Liberating Slaves (Minh/Emilia) Empty Re: Brute Force Liberating Slaves (Minh/Emilia)

    Post by RockyTheRockiestRock 23rd July 2015, 10:23 pm

    Minh was not one to allow anyone to have a move up on him, and as soon as he was done with crushing the initial group, he turned around quickly to take note of the two men taking aim. However, from their turned heads, they must have picked up on Cheepie's little killing spree which only served to help him even more in this circumstance as he proceeded to dash his way over to the other two gunmen. They were not wise on turning their heads away on an enemy, even if his own back was turned on them, and this is because what happens next as a consequence would not be very pleasant to say the least.

    -Gaia's Acceleration-

    With not a moment to lose, Minh was already upon them, grabbing both by the heads before bulldozing forth into a pile of weapon caches, smashing through them with a loud crack as he bursts through the other side with two broken bodies and weapons laying around. Not one to be stopping, Minh turned and resumed his way across the warehouse toward the balcony if possible. At the same time, he head in the direction of Emilia to ensure that she had made it safely through her obstacles. In the meanwhile, Cheepie was already descending upon more foes that he could find, quickly tearing them up limb from limb with gashed faces as fast as he could before moving onto the next. In all, total chaos was close to ensuing.



    Brute Force Liberating Slaves (Minh/Emilia) Minh_by_ravenart5-d9drt2d
    Emilia Crohil
    Emilia Crohil

    Quality Badge Level 1- Player 
    Lineage : Caine's Descent
    Position : None
    Posts : 390
    Guild : Garou Knights
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 34
    Mentor : Jackson Crohil
    Experience : 5512.5

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Force Magic
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Brute Force Liberating Slaves (Minh/Emilia) Empty Re: Brute Force Liberating Slaves (Minh/Emilia)

    Post by Emilia Crohil 24th July 2015, 1:47 pm

    Emilia had finished off the couple that opposed her and kept moving forward when she heard the thunderous crashing of... something. She didn't know what it was exactly, likely some cargo that Minh had plowed through. The stealth option was definitely gone, and they definitely knew their location now. More slavers would go for them instead of Cheepie, now, underestimating the creature's intelligence. Though it was probably a good move in a way on their part, to focus on the two mages rather than on the bird... dinosaur... thing. She really had no clue what to call Cheepie at this point. Still, she broke into a run now, moving quickly. She didn't want to give the ringleaders of this little scheme any time to escape or fortify their position.

    As she moved, she found a spot where she could climb onto the stacks of cargo. She hopped up onto a smaller crate, put away her weapon and shield, then jumped and grabbed a handhold. She climbed up the stack and pulled herself onto the top. After standing, she drew her mace and shield. She ran across the stack and leaped onto another. She heard several of the slavers calling out as they no doubt saw her. She might be able to pull more of them to her than to Minh this way. Only those with guns would worry her, and even then, she was moving pretty quickly and would be hard to hit. Between her armor, toughened body, and barrier spell, she had little to worry about.


    Character| Magic| Bank| Theme
    Brute Force Liberating Slaves (Minh/Emilia) FJRTsUq
    Other Siggies:

    Posts : 23945
    Mentor : Admin

    Character Sheet
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    Brute Force Liberating Slaves (Minh/Emilia) Empty Re: Brute Force Liberating Slaves (Minh/Emilia)

    Post by NPC 24th July 2015, 1:47 pm

    The member 'Emilia Crohil' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    Brute Force Liberating Slaves (Minh/Emilia) NormalMonster Brute Force Liberating Slaves (Minh/Emilia) NormalMonster Brute Force Liberating Slaves (Minh/Emilia) NormalMonster

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Oblivion's Might
    Position : None
    Posts : 288
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 4744.5

    Brute Force Liberating Slaves (Minh/Emilia) Empty Re: Brute Force Liberating Slaves (Minh/Emilia)

    Post by RockyTheRockiestRock 24th July 2015, 3:09 pm

    Minh was quick on the move as well, hurrying through the warehouse, scaring off some of the workers who were forced into duty by the slavers with some throwing themselves onto the ground in fear as he progressed in the most direct route to their target destination. Only the commotion happening behind him alerted the earthen man to his comrades, but he saw out of the corner of his eye a shadowed figure moving across the crossbeams like a ninja. With that, he resumed his charge until he ran into the path of an armed slaver who immediately drew out his gun to fire at Minh's head like a trained marksman would. However, the shot almost bounced off comically, while barely causing the man to flinch as he jumped into the air upon the slaver with both arms sprung back before slinging forwards into a smash, effectively cutting both arms off with blunt trauma followed by a hurried heel kicked into a steel beam. With one more obstacle removed, he charged forward.

    Cheepie was doing what he could do as a killer of ancients times, jumping to and fro on the crossbeams overlooking a small squad of slavers following Emilia. With a careful descent, Cheepie fell upon the last man in the pack with his claws and sharpened toe carving into the back of the man while a sickening chomp tore of his head. Before any retaliation can come, he was already on the move hitting supernatural speeds as he proceeded to lunge himself past another, clawing a huge gash into his neck. However, he managed to send off a round that hit Cheepie before bouncing off almost causing the beast to screech. Not wanting to get caught out, he jumped onto the crates and headed back off into the warehouse with the other slavers almost stopping to decide whether to chase down Emilia or hold their ground in anticipation of Cheepie's next attack.



    Brute Force Liberating Slaves (Minh/Emilia) Minh_by_ravenart5-d9drt2d
    Emilia Crohil
    Emilia Crohil

    Quality Badge Level 1- Player 
    Lineage : Caine's Descent
    Position : None
    Posts : 390
    Guild : Garou Knights
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 34
    Mentor : Jackson Crohil
    Experience : 5512.5

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Force Magic
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Brute Force Liberating Slaves (Minh/Emilia) Empty Re: Brute Force Liberating Slaves (Minh/Emilia)

    Post by Emilia Crohil 25th July 2015, 11:14 am

    Emilia heard a gunshot and stopped. It had come from not far behind her along with the sound of struggling. It didn't sound like Minh's style though, so it could only be Cheepie. She moved backwards a bit to see a group of three men looking around for what had just killed two of them. They didn't notice her immediately, too panicked by the attack by Cheepie. She grinned before leaping off of the cargo, "Surprise!" she called out as she flew through the air at them to land directly on top of the one in the middle of all of them. The two didn't even get a chance to try to turn and aim their guns at her before she detonated a Force Pulse from herself, sending them flying backwards. Between the force of the initial explosion and their impact with the hard ground, they were easily rendered unconscious. The poor sap under her feet had it worse, in addition to having a fully armored Emilia leap from about ten feet up and smack him in the chest, he took the full brunt of the pulse, as he was unable to be blown away by it, it painfully impacted his body, likely severely bruising his entire front side and snapping his head back into the ground with a hard smack. These folks probably weren't dead, though Emilia imagined they would be put in jail for quite a while, if they didn't have to dance the hemp fandango, that is. Still, they were out of the way and would be for a while, no need to waste time killing them. She took off in the direction of the office once more, though they were quickly approaching a more disorganized area of the warehouse. Unlike where they had just been that was arranged into relatively neat rows, this cargo practically formed a maze. Among it were cages containing those captured by the slavers. They would have to be careful not to harm them, as it wouldn't reflect well on them to have those they were trying to help be directly harmed by their efforts.

    HP 100%
    MP 90%
    Cooldowns- Force Pulse- 3 posts
    Regen counter- 0 posts


    Character| Magic| Bank| Theme
    Brute Force Liberating Slaves (Minh/Emilia) FJRTsUq
    Other Siggies:

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Oblivion's Might
    Position : None
    Posts : 288
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 4744.5

    Brute Force Liberating Slaves (Minh/Emilia) Empty Re: Brute Force Liberating Slaves (Minh/Emilia)

    Post by RockyTheRockiestRock 25th July 2015, 12:42 pm

    Minh was already trudging through the maze with a look of death on his face, but only when he faced the slaves did he make a quieting gesture with his finger to his lip. Despite looking at what is possibly the most terrifying thing they've seen so far, as Minh was a earthen figure who was practically dusted with debris that stuck on slops of dried bloody on his hands and torso, the women showed some gleams of hope as he passes back with low thuds in an attempt to try avoiding bringing the slavers into this area of the warehouse. At the very least keep them from trying any firefighting in the area, and Minh was off on his way once again only with the sounds of desperate women hoping for any slim chance of rescue from this passing stranger. Little did they know, he was indeed a savior, but one that was to ensure the downfall of the source of the problem before doing any saving. Each step brought him closer and closer to his goal with the only trouble now being this strange maze of captives making a bit of an issue. While he could move across the tops, he was not keen on testing the durability of the boxes, nor did he wish to accidentally harm any of the females here. Of course, he was still worried even if such a feeling can be thought to never show on his face, and the desire for him to remedy this without anymore problems was a rather pleasing thought going through his mind right now.



    Brute Force Liberating Slaves (Minh/Emilia) Minh_by_ravenart5-d9drt2d
    Emilia Crohil
    Emilia Crohil

    Quality Badge Level 1- Player 
    Lineage : Caine's Descent
    Position : None
    Posts : 390
    Guild : Garou Knights
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 34
    Mentor : Jackson Crohil
    Experience : 5512.5

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Force Magic
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Brute Force Liberating Slaves (Minh/Emilia) Empty Re: Brute Force Liberating Slaves (Minh/Emilia)

    Post by Emilia Crohil 25th July 2015, 1:14 pm

    Emilia walked through the maze of crates, trying to find her way through. She moved slowly, cautiously, ignoring the pleading, helpless faces of the captives. It wasn't her job to release them, no, that part the Rune Knights would handle after she and Minh took out the slavers. With that knowledge in mind, she didn't particularly care about them. Well, she cared enough that she was going to make sure not to harm them, but their sad little faces had no effect on her. She didn't like these close quarters very much. Not that she couldn't fight in them, but that she could easily be ambushed. At least the ones armed with guns would be at a disadvantage here, though. She wouldn't have to worry about any possible snipers or such. Still, it might be easy for some armed with knives or such to slip behind her and attack. For that she was glad to be wearing plate, due to the few vulnerabilities it presented. It wouldn't be long before she encountered a familiar face within the maze of cargo. She would turn a corner to find the earthen monk making his own way through as well. "Yo Minh." She said, loud enough to get his attention, but trying not to alert the slavers in the area. "You wanna go through this together or find separate ways? We can probably take out any of these slavers by ourselves, so it might be best to split up, since we can cover more ground." She looked around. Everything was somewhat haphazardly stacked at the top, making it slightly unstable. She could probably navigate over it, but any fighting up there would probably cause it to fall.

    HP 100%
    MP 90%
    Cooldowns- Force Pulse- 2 posts
    Regen counter- 1 post


    Character| Magic| Bank| Theme
    Brute Force Liberating Slaves (Minh/Emilia) FJRTsUq
    Other Siggies:

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Oblivion's Might
    Position : None
    Posts : 288
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 4744.5

    Brute Force Liberating Slaves (Minh/Emilia) Empty Re: Brute Force Liberating Slaves (Minh/Emilia)

    Post by RockyTheRockiestRock 25th July 2015, 2:13 pm

    "Yes, we should to rid of any more obstacles as we make our way up to that office, but the only real problem is navigating this bothersome set up they have. Probably taking it they were planning on getting out of here as fast as they could, and I will return the favor by taking them out as fast as I can. Don't worry, I will not kill them...at least to appease you...as we are both solidarity folk with simple needs. My peace and your money seems to be going hand in hand."

    Minh would say with a little smirk towards her, somehow finding amusement in his words before hearing a light growl as Cheepie stands upon one of the boxes before motioning his head in a direction as if to lead them before taking quiets step towards it. The rock man would give a quick wave before heading back down his path to take winding turns to head in Cheepie's general direction. Everyone once in a while there would be a small screech to sound his position. Whether the slavers would take note of this anytime soon would be to question. That or they took note of the screeching as the terrifying beast that had left several of their men bleeding out or dismembered, so it was possible Cheepie might have instilled a sort of primal fear into them. Pondering that even further, he wondered if Cheepie was going to become more than just a little companion of his, maybe something much greater he wonders.



    Brute Force Liberating Slaves (Minh/Emilia) Minh_by_ravenart5-d9drt2d
    Emilia Crohil
    Emilia Crohil

    Quality Badge Level 1- Player 
    Lineage : Caine's Descent
    Position : None
    Posts : 390
    Guild : Garou Knights
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 34
    Mentor : Jackson Crohil
    Experience : 5512.5

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Force Magic
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Brute Force Liberating Slaves (Minh/Emilia) Empty Re: Brute Force Liberating Slaves (Minh/Emilia)

    Post by Emilia Crohil 28th July 2015, 11:51 am

    Emilia was about to go her separate way from Minh when she noticed Cheepie. She ran to catch up to Minh, "Hold the hell up. I completely forgot about that bird. He can get an aerial view of this place. Just have him turn back into a bird and lead us out. We'll reach 'em in no time that way." She said. That was by far the most efficient way, rather than splitting up. Besides, sticking together also means that they can more quickly clear out any more slavers that try to stop them. "Splitting up ain't gonna help if we can have a guide to lead us right through this mess." She said with a grin. "It's not like we really need him to help fight the slavers. He can do some damage, but he'd be a hell of a lot more helpful as a guide at this point." With Cheepie to guide them, they could be out of this little maze in no time. Hopefully the captain and her first mate weren't already fleeing, and would choose to fight instead, and try to make an example of the two mages that were pursuing them. They seemed the type, based on the descriptions provided in the information posted on the bounty board: proud and arrogant, the type Emilia just loved to take down. The bigger they are, the harder they fall definitely held true for these types, and Emilia just loved to watch them hit the ground hard. She was already going over what to do in the fight in her head. Charging the captain and disarming her would be priority, if she can take out the First Mate with a well timed spell, that would be convenient, if not, leave him to Minh.


    Character| Magic| Bank| Theme
    Brute Force Liberating Slaves (Minh/Emilia) FJRTsUq
    Other Siggies:

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Oblivion's Might
    Position : None
    Posts : 288
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 4744.5

    Brute Force Liberating Slaves (Minh/Emilia) Empty Re: Brute Force Liberating Slaves (Minh/Emilia)

    Post by RockyTheRockiestRock 29th July 2015, 1:35 pm

    Cheepie had done just that as it seemed now that the slavers were dispersing almost from the sudden attack these three had launched upon their base of operations, and the small sparrow was now soaring above the maze, swooping down to direct the two mages to their destinations while also keeping a good lookout for anything else that might obstruct their path. It was reaching a critical point now since they seemed to be finally honing in onto their quarry, that being the two heads of the operation. Minh was unsure how to go about this to until he had encountered them himself, but he was ready to subdue the criminals with extreme prejudice. He was not one to end all of his foes with a bloody death, but he was not hesitant to do so when the need arrives. Like a force of nature, all who stood before him can die if it was necessary, even if their true intentions or purposes were pure and benevolent. As long as something stood in his way, they were potential victims, but that was not something that stained his consciousness at all since he was one to understand the brutality of nature. With another turn or so, he found himself getting much closer now, almost tempted to take to the top but resisting it once more only to avoid harming any innocent with a stupid idea. Though, he wondered what could be going through his comrade's mind right as of now about the future confrontation.



    Brute Force Liberating Slaves (Minh/Emilia) Minh_by_ravenart5-d9drt2d
    Emilia Crohil
    Emilia Crohil

    Quality Badge Level 1- Player 
    Lineage : Caine's Descent
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    Brute Force Liberating Slaves (Minh/Emilia) Empty Re: Brute Force Liberating Slaves (Minh/Emilia)

    Post by Emilia Crohil 18th August 2015, 11:34 pm

    The bird was quite useful for navigating the maze thankfully. They passed more cages full of people whom Emilia ignored. She was surprised that no one had followed them through this maze. Perhaps they were gathering their forces, waiting until they got out to all strike at once with full force. She wondered how many there would be, and if the captain and her first mate would be with them to rally them. Enemy morale seemed rather low, but if anyone more powerful were with them, they could probably coordinate to be an actual threat to her and Minh. So far, their only combatants had been armed with guns and nothing for close quarters combat.

    One of the more spirited captives gripped her arm through her cage. "Please! Let us out." Emilia snarled at her and yanked her hand out of the poor woman's grip. "We're working on it." She hissed. "If you want to get out, then shut the hell up." She glared daggers into the woman's eyes. She whimpered and withdrew, leaving the duo alone. Emilia chewed the woman out in her mind, wondering if she had any semblance of logic. They would have to take out the slavers before releasing the slaves. While going for the captain after releasing a bunch of slaves to distract the slavers would probably make it easier, it would lead to casualties among the slaves, which would likely not look good for her reputation, and result in a lower pay for the job as well, and she wouldn't do for either of those.

    HP 100%
    MP 100%
    Cooldowns- Force Pulse- up
    Regen counter- 0 posts


    Character| Magic| Bank| Theme
    Brute Force Liberating Slaves (Minh/Emilia) FJRTsUq
    Other Siggies:

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Oblivion's Might
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    Posts : 288
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    Experience : 4744.5

    Brute Force Liberating Slaves (Minh/Emilia) Empty Re: Brute Force Liberating Slaves (Minh/Emilia)

    Post by RockyTheRockiestRock 20th August 2015, 10:11 am

    Minh continued on his way without a single care for the pleading of the women since it was of no use to do so with how things have been going. Likewise with Emilia's train of thought, the man was not keen on throwing captives into the fray especially with it being quite unknown as to how many foes actually awaited them in the near future. One guess of his was that everything is in disarray with the arrival of two powerful mages overcoming their initial forces, but it could still be a trap that was laid out ahead for the two of them which could only lead to an even more fatal situation.

    Cheepie would let out another loud cheep to direct them further along the maze of cages and holding pens with Minh keeping himself in front of Emilia to make sure that he would take the brunt of any damage that would result from a planned trap. Otherwise, he was wishing to be the first into the battle to overtake anyone in his way. He was hoping to find their main objectives soon without anymore trouble, and that would allow them to dispatch this organization in a near instant without having to cut every single person in his way down.

    "Emilia, you have a plan for what we are to do once we find our targets? I am going to guess you already have something set up, but in the rare case that you don't, I have one planned. It will involve a bullrush from me, and one that would be nonlethal."


    Brute Force Liberating Slaves (Minh/Emilia) Minh_by_ravenart5-d9drt2d

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    Brute Force Liberating Slaves (Minh/Emilia) Empty Re: Brute Force Liberating Slaves (Minh/Emilia)

    Post by NPC 20th August 2015, 10:11 am

    The member 'MinhTheMage' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    Brute Force Liberating Slaves (Minh/Emilia) NormalMonster Brute Force Liberating Slaves (Minh/Emilia) WeakMonster Brute Force Liberating Slaves (Minh/Emilia) NormalMonster Brute Force Liberating Slaves (Minh/Emilia) WeakMonster Brute Force Liberating Slaves (Minh/Emilia) NormalMonster Brute Force Liberating Slaves (Minh/Emilia) NormalMonster Brute Force Liberating Slaves (Minh/Emilia) NormalMonster Brute Force Liberating Slaves (Minh/Emilia) WeakMonster
    Emilia Crohil
    Emilia Crohil

    Quality Badge Level 1- Player 
    Lineage : Caine's Descent
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    Posts : 390
    Guild : Garou Knights
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Age : 34
    Mentor : Jackson Crohil
    Experience : 5512.5

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    Brute Force Liberating Slaves (Minh/Emilia) Empty Re: Brute Force Liberating Slaves (Minh/Emilia)

    Post by Emilia Crohil 20th August 2015, 7:09 pm

    "Plan? Not really. No plan survives contact with the enemy. We don't know what's waiting for us outside this little maze of theirs, so we can't have a plan for it. We just go in hard and fast. Smash our way through." She shrugged as she spoke. "I'm sure we can handle whatever they throw at us. These guys don't seem too tough. There are a lot of them, but they can't really take a hit."

    The duo reached the exit to the maze and were greeted by quite the crowd of enemies. Ten slavers had their muskets trained on them and another fifteen stood armed with cutlasses. Twenty-five versus two. This should be interesting, to say the least. "Freeze! You ain't goin no further!"

    Emilia said nothing, but propelled herself forward with Bullheaded, charging into the thick of the slavers, straight through two of the poor bastards, one armed with a cutlass, the other with a sword and pistol. They tried to open fire on her, but she was out of their sights before they could, and moved faster than they could aim. By now, most of them didn't want to risk shooting her for fear of hitting their teammates. While she was in the middle of the group, she let out a force pulse, knocking out three more. A fifth of them were down now within a second. Emilia rushed to one of the other slavers, taking two shots as she did so. She smacked him in the head with her shield to stun him before grabbing him by the shirt and moving him to block three more shots by other slavers. Six down, nineteen to go. Her actions drew their focus away from Minh enough that he should be able to have some fun.

    HP 80%
    MP 80%
    Cooldowns- Force Pulse- 3 posts, Bullheaded- 4 posts
    Regen counter- 1 post


    Character| Magic| Bank| Theme
    Brute Force Liberating Slaves (Minh/Emilia) FJRTsUq
    Other Siggies:

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Oblivion's Might
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    Posts : 288
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    Experience : 4744.5

    Brute Force Liberating Slaves (Minh/Emilia) Empty Re: Brute Force Liberating Slaves (Minh/Emilia)

    Post by RockyTheRockiestRock 28th September 2015, 6:24 pm

    Taking their attention off of Minh was a dire mistake that would take their lives faster than a lightning would strike the earth. In a single fluid motion, Minh had moved after Emilia had done so but smashing himself into the largest mass of slaves who had been forcibly backed up together as they were pushed away by the mercenary who overtook their ranged advantage in a mere second. For the armed thugs with their backs turned on Minh, they would smashed off to the side by a dense arm of stone as he moved into the group. The first thug hit had his skull splattered while the next in line only suffered a concave skull with the third one suffering multiple fractures, but all three had reached the same conclusion, death. A number of them had turned their heads with some raising rifles to lay a bead on him, lessening the attention that Emilia had attracted, but Minh was not going to be drawing their attention alone, he was going to stop them permanently.

    Four of the musket users fired their shots straight into Minh which barely fazed him as he rushed them position through a mass of other thugs whose attempts of piling on the man had come short. They also have made a mistake of rushing his forward advance by attempting to use the bayonets on their weapons, but Minh smacked them aside before lunging forward with a solid left hook into a stomach of one of them while his other hand grabbed the musket and turned it around to jab the bayonet through the neck of a second foe. The last two backed away before the rock warrior retaliated by using the same bayonet to stab right into the head of the third shooter. The fourth would have his chest impaled by the whole rifle as Minh had pulled it out of the two men to chuck it through the fourth. Seven men laid dead in Minh's phase of the attack.


    Brute Force Liberating Slaves (Minh/Emilia) Minh_by_ravenart5-d9drt2d
    Emilia Crohil
    Emilia Crohil

    Quality Badge Level 1- Player 
    Lineage : Caine's Descent
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    Posts : 390
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    Age : 34
    Mentor : Jackson Crohil
    Experience : 5512.5

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    Brute Force Liberating Slaves (Minh/Emilia) Empty Re: Brute Force Liberating Slaves (Minh/Emilia)

    Post by Emilia Crohil 29th September 2015, 5:11 pm

    Emilia could barely keep track of the damage she and Minh were dishing out. All she knew was that more than half of their opponents were down. The gunmen had all shifted their focus onto Minh, as he was the one in the thick of them, and were most likely to harm him with their guns than those armed with cutlasses. Meanwhile, the less experienced slavers seemed to think Emilia was done with the main part of her onslaught. This, however, was only the beginning.

    Four of them tried to strike at the woman, but their blows did nothing, not even scratch her armor as she absorbed their attacks with Redirection. She swung her shield arm, striking one in the stomach and releasing the stored force of her spell, shattering the slaver's ribs, knocking her down to the ground, writhing in pain and barely able to breathe. She swung with Trauma to strike another in the hip, toppling him without trouble as the bones were broken, leaving him unable to stand.

    She raised her shield to block another attack and countered with a knee to the groin of her opponent before bringing Trauma down on his skull to finish him. Three more down. She took a moment to look around now, having slain or crippled those attacking her. Three more remained fighting Minh. She knew he could handle them, though, and stood by, not bothering to assist, just waiting for him to finish them off so the duo could move on with their mission.

    HP 80%
    MP 70%
    Cooldowns- Force Pulse- 2 posts, Bullheaded- 3 posts, Redirection- 4 posts.
    Regen counter- 2 posts


    Character| Magic| Bank| Theme
    Brute Force Liberating Slaves (Minh/Emilia) FJRTsUq
    Other Siggies:

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Oblivion's Might
    Position : None
    Posts : 288
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    Experience : 4744.5

    Brute Force Liberating Slaves (Minh/Emilia) Empty Re: Brute Force Liberating Slaves (Minh/Emilia)

    Post by RockyTheRockiestRock 8th October 2015, 3:28 pm

    Minh took the brunt of several hits to his back via swords that clanged off of the warrior with cracks layering the blades with the slavers realizing what they had done was not at all effective in dealing with the mage who turned around and launched a punch that sent one of the three flying into a steel column to crumple up from the kinetic force, suffering most likely from concussion or death. The other two seemed uncertain of their fate and began to back off, allowing Minh some space to act.

    He dashed to one who had a look of sheer fear on his face due to being caught out like this, especially in a losing battle. Feeling some pity on the man, the earthen monk's fist swooped low and caught him on his gut, sending him reeling across the floor to join his other comrade in defeat. The remaining man was already far beyond Minh's range as he took a rush for the entrance rather than the office where his employers were, and he was knocked onto his face after being tripped by Cheepie who flew with great timing. The little avian creature joined the two after flapping back onto Minh's head.

    He turns his head over to the mercenary with a little smirk. "Now that we are done with the warm up, shall we make our way to the real work?" His amusement while light was still apparent for her to see, but he was not really enjoying the job too heartily as it still had innocent lives depending on their success.


    Brute Force Liberating Slaves (Minh/Emilia) Minh_by_ravenart5-d9drt2d
    Emilia Crohil
    Emilia Crohil

    Quality Badge Level 1- Player 
    Lineage : Caine's Descent
    Position : None
    Posts : 390
    Guild : Garou Knights
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Age : 34
    Mentor : Jackson Crohil
    Experience : 5512.5

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    Brute Force Liberating Slaves (Minh/Emilia) Empty Re: Brute Force Liberating Slaves (Minh/Emilia)

    Post by Emilia Crohil 19th October 2015, 2:16 pm

    Emilia watched Minh take care of the last of the slavers. She was somewhat surprised he had let the final two, possibly three live. She wondered if more of the fools would come. Minh asked if they should go in after the ringleaders yet. She smirked rather sadistically. "Let's wait a bit. Keep 'em wondering, since I'm pretty sure this is the only entrance or exit to that office." She let out a chuckle. "I want to see if any more of the fools will come. If they don't, I guess we'll head in. If they do, well..." Her smirk turned to a grin. "We'll have a bit more fun. Besides, we want to make sure we take care of the entire slavery ring, right? Or at least the part in this town. I'm sure someone would be willing to take it over after the captain and her first mate, so we shouldn't leave anyone to do that."

    While her reasoning was no doubt sound... probably, but there was something more in her voice. It was not one of simple logical reasoning. There was a sort of bloodlust in her tone. Not a desire to kill, necessarily, but to fight, to revel in the thrill of battle. Let's see if this will draw any out. She thought to herself "Anyone still here? Last chance to impress your boss by taking us out! Or are y'all just a bunch of bitches?!?" She called out, taunting the slavers. She was just itching for a fight before taking on the captain. She knew the woman and her first mate wouldn't be enough to sate her desire for battle.

    HP 80%
    MP 80%
    Cooldowns- Force Pulse- 1 post, Bullheaded- 2 posts, Redirection- 3 posts.
    Regen counter- 0 posts


    Character| Magic| Bank| Theme
    Brute Force Liberating Slaves (Minh/Emilia) FJRTsUq
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