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    Yami Shinogami [DONE]

    Yami Shinogami
    Yami Shinogami

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    Yami Shinogami [DONE] Empty Yami Shinogami [DONE]

    Post by Yami Shinogami 7th July 2015, 10:36 pm

    Name: Yami Shinogami
    Gender: Male
    Age: 584
    Birthday: November 20th
    Sexuality: Pansexual
    Special Characteristics: Stitches everywhere. Also he's a vampire.

    Personality: He is the most kind and considerate person out there. He goes out of his way to help the innocent and anyone struggling. He typically acts with compassion, and always with honor and a sense of duty. He could be compared to a white knight or a paladin able to save the innocent from corruption or chaos. Upholding a sworn oath for justice, he acts on a sense of valor and duty to the good citizens of Fiore and surrounding nations. Obeying the law, he always does his best to respect the Magic Council and its rules. Very little times will you see him go against what the Magic Council wants its people to do.

    ....What, you thought that was real? Like hell it was.

    In battle, he has no respect for the lives of others and will actively go out of his way to deal harm to both friend and foe as he sees fit, as well as the innocents around him. In truth he has no respect for the law and couldn't care at all if it were to up and disband one day. Constantly performing sadistic acts, Yami revels in the joy taken from inflicting pain on others. At no point has he ever actually cared about his opponents; in fact, death gives him a hard-on.

    Yami finds sheer pleasure in one thing in particular: finding someone pure at heart, who cares about all over themselves... and destroying their purity. Taking everything from them. Their pride and hope, and filling them with nothing but despair and pain. Doing this is nothing but ecstasy to Yami. To do this, he feels like God himself. Yami has an extreme bloodlust that cannot easily be quenched, and will eagerly kill anyone who thinks they're safe from death at any point; he is a cold-hard killer with no sympathy for the weak but plenty of glee for the suffering he causes.

    Every time he kills someone, he must taste their blood to quench his thirst. In addition to these qualities, he enjoys the taste of human flesh immensely. Cannibalism is one of his hobbies. He likes to devour those around him... and himself, at times. He does both cannibalism and auto-cannibalism. He is very into necrophilia because he's technically dead and any vampires or dead women because he's technically dead himself. But that doesn't mean he won't rape a young and innocent woman of high religious status. A nun or a priestess, someone holy and loving God. Defiling them in such a way and removing their innocence from them is just exquisite.

    As a leader he is confident. He knows that if you are following him, you fall under three categories. The elite, the pawns and the cannon fodder. If you are of the cannon fodder category, he cares not for your life. You're simply there for amusement. I see whether you can kill or just die.

    If you are a pawn he will keep an eye on you. I don't expect much, but if you accomplish very much then you may make it up to my elite. If you ARE an elite, however, he will do anything he will to keep you alive. To be elite is to have him actually give a fuck about your existence. Says a lot, considering who he is.

    Being lead, he hopes the leader dies a very slow and painful death so that he may watch the expression on their face. He doesn't respond very well to direction and will often disobey direct orders or go his own way if he respects the leader very little; of which he often does. He may even try to usurp the leader and take command instead, putting into place his own above stated hierarchy.


    • Death: He likes seeing his enemies and allies that aren't cared about die in slow, painful, gruesome deaths.

    • Being sadistic: He likes inflicting pain on everyone because it is fun.

    • Corrupting holy righteous pricks: To see someone who has hope in God turn to total despair after losing everything is so beautiful. He wants to drive them from their faith and to a more dark side of life.


    • You: You are a piece of shit. I hate you and everything you stand for. Your blood is the only thing I give a rat's ass about. Your empty husk of a mortal coil can disappear once the last drop has been in my wine glass.

    • Holy righteous pricks: They believe those who are not in the light do not deserve any love... and they're right.

    • Peace: Peace means no war, chaos, death or violence. This he can't stand for. To not have death is... well, to not have entertainment. No violence means no bloodshed. No war means no late night shows. And that also means no popcorn. Chaos... well, even with peace he can ensure a little chaos once in a while.


    • To watch holy righteous pricks die: He likes to watch them die because all of their talks about how only those following the light receive love of the people piss him off.

    • Lust: He longs for someone who is exactly like him. To find someone who has the same exact blood lust and wants to slaughter all in sight. He longs for a woman like this. To both fuck and have fun with. He has always said slaughtering people is fun, but doing it with someone else to see what they could come up with... now that, that is fuckin' entertaining.

    • To make the most evil of dark guilds: To make a guild filled with the most ruthless scum and despicable demons imaginable who fight for positions in the guild. He wants to lead this guild to destroy all other guilds.


    • Not being remembered: He commits gruesome and horrific acts because he wishes to be remembered as a butcher and a killer. The jester of genocide, or a god of death. To go on being forgotten is something Yami fears as a result, as it nullifies any accomplishments he may have made throughout his un-life.

    • God: Anything holy has the chance of destroying what he is, and so he fears it. Even though the sun may not hurt him, or crosses or any bullshit the church tells you... he fears that some day, something of holy power may kill him and stop him from his goal of butchering all you fucks.

    • Being consumed by blood lust: The thought of losing his sanity and becoming nothing but a mindless animal fills Yami with fear. So he must constantly kill to quench his thirst and lust for blood.

    General Appearance

    Height: 5'0"
    Weight: 110 lbs
    Hair: Ashen hair. Slightly below ear length and wavy
    Eyes: Crimson red
    Skin Tone: More white than mayonnaise

    He wears a white trench coat with blood stains on them... he doesn't wear a shirt because he doesn't believe in wearing shirts! So his bare chest is forever exposed to the world beneath his coat.

    From animals he has helped and found on the street because he's such a nice guy!

    He wears braids in his hair and grows plants because he looooves nature!

    For pants he wears white pants because he thinks of himself as a dove because he loooves nature! For shoes he has steel toed boots to protect his little toes.

    He stands elegantly with the knowledge of the past that will probably happen in the future. He has lived many years after all, and he has seen many things.


    Guild: Eclipse Soul
    Tattoo: Black, on the tongue
    Rank: D

    Last edited by Yami Shinogami on 27th July 2015, 5:22 pm; edited 2 times in total

    Yami Shinogami [DONE] Empty Re: Yami Shinogami [DONE]

    Post by Guest 25th July 2015, 10:59 pm

    "Violating holy women: To see someone who has hope in God turn to total despair after losing everything is so beautiful."

    ^What does that mean? The name "violating holy women" doesn't really make sense with the description you gave.

    Please remove some of the swearing. A little is fine but you've overdone it.

    Also, why do you want this character to join Eclipse Soul, a legal guild that seems completely off from your character's personality?
    Yami Shinogami
    Yami Shinogami

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    Yami Shinogami [DONE] Empty Re: Yami Shinogami [DONE]

    Post by Yami Shinogami 26th July 2015, 6:42 pm


    You can show this to the leader of Eclipse Soul if you want. The reason I want to join Eclipse Soul is to kill the leader of Eclipse Soul. But that is only after I see him lose his hatred and bloodlust. If he continues down the path he is right now or just slaughters everything in sight, I will follow him. I will watch his progress.

    Yami Shinogami [DONE] Empty Re: Yami Shinogami [DONE]

    Post by Guest 26th July 2015, 9:18 pm

    "Violating holy women: To see someone who has hope in God turn to total despair after losing everything is so beautiful. In other words, rape."

    Get rid of that. Completely.

    Also, I'm told that you already have a character (Danny Z) in Eclipse Soul. You're aware you can't have two active characters in the guild at the same time, right?
    Yami Shinogami
    Yami Shinogami

    Lineage : None
    Position : None
    Posts : 6
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 0

    Yami Shinogami [DONE] Empty Re: Yami Shinogami [DONE]

    Post by Yami Shinogami 27th July 2015, 5:29 pm

    Rape is gone.

    Also, me and a friend are using the same IP address but we are not the same person. We can provide evidence of this but it takes a bit of work to do, so if you want the evidence we can provide it. But for now I'm hoping we can be taken at our word.

    Yami Shinogami [DONE] Empty Re: Yami Shinogami [DONE]

    Post by Guest 31st July 2015, 8:00 pm

    Yami Shinogami [DONE] CBsTu5w

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