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    Too Earthland...And Beyond! ( Remiel Kikuji ) (Private)


    Lineage : Warrior's Heart
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    Posts : 110
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    Too Earthland...And Beyond! ( Remiel Kikuji  ) (Private) Empty Too Earthland...And Beyond! ( Remiel Kikuji ) (Private)

    Post by Ghosts 29th April 2015, 12:35 pm

    Da Job:

    Lineage : Warrior's Heart
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    Posts : 110
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    Too Earthland...And Beyond! ( Remiel Kikuji  ) (Private) Empty Re: Too Earthland...And Beyond! ( Remiel Kikuji ) (Private)

    Post by Ghosts 29th April 2015, 4:38 pm

    Remiel stepped off the gangplank of the ship onto the docks of Hargeon Town with a broad grin on his face. Today would be the day he would get a passport to freely travel the continents once again. After the whole ordeal of being thrown out of Peregrande and the subsequent loss of all of his personal documents in the flight to Fiore, Remiel was anxious to just get the paperwork done with and get back out into the world. Hoisting his travel bag up higher onto his shoulder, Remiel set off through the crowed streets in search of the travel offices.

    Word Count:102

    Lineage : Warrior's Heart
    Position : None
    Posts : 110
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Too Earthland...And Beyond! ( Remiel Kikuji  ) (Private) Empty Re: Too Earthland...And Beyond! ( Remiel Kikuji ) (Private)

    Post by Ghosts 29th April 2015, 5:02 pm

    As he rounded a few corners, Remiel found himself on a main thoroughfare that was quite literally packed wall to wall with people of all ages and sizes, each and every one clamoring to get into a small wooden building that lay at the end of the street, wedged inbetween a large warehouse and the shop of a rope maker and chandler. With a small sinking feeling in his gut, Remiel realized what the building had to be. "You have got to be kidding me. " slipped out of his mouth before he stopped himself for a moment to regain his composure and began searching for a route to secure his goal.

    Word Count:111

    Lineage : Warrior's Heart
    Position : None
    Posts : 110
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Too Earthland...And Beyond! ( Remiel Kikuji  ) (Private) Empty Re: Too Earthland...And Beyond! ( Remiel Kikuji ) (Private)

    Post by Ghosts 29th April 2015, 5:20 pm

    Standing quite still, Remiel began watching the crowd's every flow and ebb for the next several minutes before making a move of his own. When he felt ready to act, Remiel stepped into the gap left by two people who had finally just given up and decided to go home after spending a ridiculous length of time roasting in the midday sun. Several more little rushes like the first one had him moving through the crowd at a fairly brisk pace until a mistaken turn between a sailor and an aging laundress had him ending up in a spot near the middle where everything had come to a complete stand still.

    Word Count:111

    Lineage : Warrior's Heart
    Position : None
    Posts : 110
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 0

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    Too Earthland...And Beyond! ( Remiel Kikuji  ) (Private) Empty Re: Too Earthland...And Beyond! ( Remiel Kikuji ) (Private)

    Post by Ghosts 29th April 2015, 5:34 pm

    Fortune seemed to favor Remiel today, as a small group of older gentlemen who had apparently come to some sort of a disagreement started a scuffle about a dozen yards in front of him that in no time flat was well on it's was to being a riot. Unwilling to let the opportunity pass him by, Remiel began moving through the crowd like some type of crazy pairing between a heron and an eel; stopping and becoming completely still for a moment before rapidly wiggling his way into whatever space had just opened up through the waves of frustrated townsfolk.

    Word Count:100

    Lineage : Warrior's Heart
    Position : None
    Posts : 110
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 0

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    Too Earthland...And Beyond! ( Remiel Kikuji  ) (Private) Empty Re: Too Earthland...And Beyond! ( Remiel Kikuji ) (Private)

    Post by Ghosts 29th April 2015, 5:53 pm

    After an eternity of darting through quickly closing gaps in the crowd, Remiel found himself being pushed through the door of the travel office into a small waiting room. The clearly overburdened secretary gave him the once over before pointing him down the hall to a series of almost laughably small cubicles where city workers were reviewing other people such as himself. Taking the place of a grinning man who was just departing, Remiel sat down before one of the office workers and waited for the man to look up from the papers that he was currently signing off on. In truth the fellow barely shot him a glance before slipping a small stack of papers his way with the simple command of "Fill those out.".  Breezing through the paperwork with the ease of someone long used to dealing with field reports, Remiel handed in his papers and was issued the small billfold containing his new passport without a hitch. Happy to never have to do that again, Remiel made for the exit.


    Word Count:173

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