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    Family Reunion, the Sparrow Sisters << Invitation Only: Mini Event>>


    Developer/GFX Artist- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Horseman- 11 Sinner- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Guild Master- Dragon Slayer- S-Rank- A-Rank- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- Hero- Player 
    Lineage : Ancient Sealer
    Position : None
    Posts : 190
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 45000

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Fire-Make
    Second Skill: Takeover: Satan Soul
    Third Skill:

    Family Reunion, the Sparrow Sisters << Invitation Only: Mini Event>>  Empty Family Reunion, the Sparrow Sisters << Invitation Only: Mini Event>>

    Post by Yugi-Sempai 20th April 2015, 11:51 pm

    Marygold "Mary" Sparrow:

    Margaret "Maggie" Sparrow:

    A beautiful day in Oak Town....not so much for Yugi Sparrow. The camera would zoom down into a living room, as Yugi was shown with a "......" over his head.

    (Sparrow Family Manor)

    "EWWW!!!! NO!!!" his sister's voice howled over everything as she stood there, foot stamped into the ground. To another man, she would seem ravishing. But to Yugi she needed to be far....far.....far...away from him right now. He really wished she was a boy, so that way, he could do..something. He didn't even like to yell back at women. "NO MATTER WHAT YOU SAY I DON'T ACCEPT YOUR APOLOGY!!!" she howled at him taking a step forward "NO!!!" his sister Marygold was literally losing her mind just at the sight of him....if she was a wizard like him, she already would've started using Magick on him..and not in a good way.

    "Mary---" she had a look like a demon had possessed her in rage for a split moment before she literally lost it at the sound of his voice. "DON'T...SAY...ANYTHING!!!" his sister took a step forward, and railed him about not only had he jeopardized business as their family were International Arms and Security Dealers at their core, but he'd cursed himself forever. She ended up slapping him not once, twice, but maybe four times before storming around the room, pacing behind the couch his Mother and Sister were sitting on.

    His mother, and other sister sat in the room. Both seemed a little freaked out at Yugi's presence in Sparrow Manor back home. Just...sitting on the couch staring as Yugi looked down from shame, tears built up after the slaps from Mary, not from pain, but from emotion. Too afraid too even speak from shame, he stood there like a man rather than walk away.

    "Lucien is gone always working......" an impressive stretch from Maggie began as she tried not to make things awkward, "And you better be lucky for it...I'm pretty sure he wanted you as far AWAY from home as possible..." her voice got meek as if she was having trouble even talking too or looking at Yugi. This hurt more than anything else.

    "........." his eyes were still wet, and he didn't even bother replying to his sister Margaret, he'd missed Maggie so much but he knew he'd let her down the most. Imagine seeing the big brother that you shared french fries with and played Mario Kart going on a rampage with an AK47 or setting off a nuke live on TV and getting off free...then to return home two years later you'd be feeling distant and upset as well. He didn't dare even look at Margaret or he'd break down fully with shame at his own actions. He'd always told her he'd be the greatest wizard of all time! Like an awesome young sis, she'd always cheered him on, not being a wizard herself...but he just couldn't stand to look at her, he'd been to close to her before he'd stolen the book of Zeref at Lucien's coronation ceremony...sending him down an insanely dark path. No..he couldn't look at Maggie just yet.

    Marygold however, he could stomach to look at.

    "If Lucien was here, he'd tell Marygold to fucking go away!!! And that she'd know absolute nothing about working for anything, and that in the end!!! YOU'LL JUST DO ANYTHING FOR ATTENTION SO DAMN BLIND, ALL YOU CARE ABOUT IS MONEY ANYWAY!!!" as Yugi said this he stepped forward, fist balled up in rage as Mary looked at him with a cold, dark smile, suddenly she'd stopped pacing.

    "........." in a staredown with one another. "...If Lucien were here, he'd finish you off. He pardoned you as a favor to Mom, and Margaret." a close up of

    Yugi's mother, Mrs. Sparrow finally spoke.

    "Marygold............" her voice was quiet and meek as a mouth, although she looked ravishing as well especially for a woman of 44.

    "No MOM....you don't think Lucien stayed up......for endless hours rolling cigars....talking to me about what he was about to do??? Find some HOT ASS new Fire-Make wizard, running around causing chaos in Fiore.....and oh yeah?! He'd just stolen some pages from a muther flippin, book name Zeref! Running around!!! Yeah he was real torn up when he had to leave and take you out....he didn't mean for you to survive, let alone come back and unleash, A MONSTER!!!" Marygold picked up a lamp and thew it at Yugi with quickness that surprised him.

    Before the lamp would reach him however, Yugi's mother Mrs. Sparrow would clap her hands together as a huge breeze whirled through the room; the lamp caught itself, and spun itself on magical wind just before it would hit Yugi.

    He stared at the floating lamp....spinning in place in front of him, as comically he would pull the 'string' on the lamp causing it to go out. Margaret giggled, a bit which infuriated Marygold even more as she looked at her with a seriously ugly look upon her beautiful features.

    "That's enough don't you think Marygold? Please let him speak..please...I haven't heard his voice in so long......Yugi would you just please come here and hug me." as she said this, Yugi had already grabbed the lamp out of the air; holding it as tears strung down his eyes at even hearing her talk to him. She would be so warm, just a hug from mom in his old house....he trembled at the thought of it.......before randomly raising the lamp and smashing it down on the ground, darkly he looked down as all he women in the room gasped with fear.

    Wiping his face, Yugi looked down his fists balled up.

    "Uncle Thomas, and the others, our family members in Pergrande, and now Lucien and I, the twins since Dad is gone......are the heirs of the Sparrow fortune...." he spoke so low yet clear, that these were indeed words of conviction. "Marygold.....the next time you speak to me in that manner, I will deal with you personally, there won't be a scratch on you. But I will scare the living shit out of you sis.......as far as I'm concerned you don't ever have to speak to me again. The family fortune is in the hands of Lucien and I."

    "Oh haven't you heard? Due to his legendary pact with the other nations over ending the Ancient Embargo, Lucien is going now be one of Fiore's top ambassadors to other nations.....having served as a Chairman, and President once, he was a top candidate..you could've been right there with him, instead you're a serial killer....by the way, Lucien passed his claim to the family Fortune to me."

    "That's right...it's just me and you bro. Our brother was already named a Count in Royal Castle years ago......he has riches, and now he's an ambassador for Fiore. He trusts me. But he knows you're still alive as well. He's so confusing....tries to kill you...then years later when you're right in his cluthes...he lets you go....I'll admit I didn't think you'd survive when he told me he put an ice spike the size of a butcher knife through you're eye hahahahahahaha!"

    "Mom...I'm going to.............." Yugi was literally about to at least really really scare her, use Satan Soul and choke her out with his Devil's Tail or something. But his sister did it for him.

    Maragret stood up with a 'WHAM!' and socked Marygold straight in the face, a look of surprise overtaking Marygold moments before she dove back in, as a brawl began. Yugi smiled, enjoying this. His mother looked at him--disappointed as he realized that he should break this up.

    With a clap of his hands, a splash of fire roared between his human sisters as they stepped toward another again mid brawl, it disappeared quickly; as they both got frustrated. Maggie being the youngest was prone to swing again, Marygold was more centered, but also was a skilled fencer; less of a brawler than Maggie--who was known for beating up and abusing her boyfriends.

    "Don't get me wrong bro...I love you...but I really, really hate you. Until you can find some whatcha ma zoo, alakazham, to undo what you did, whatever the FUCK....you wizards do...I don't have anything to say to you either. You've been making the Sparrow family a lot of money with your little Black Market connections in Talonia...do make sure to keep it up. It'll be fun being in business with you brother." his mother sighed, as Margaret stormed off to her room; having been staring hatefully at her sister the entire time, Yugi wanted to talk to the youngest Sparrow before she left, but Maggie was gone.

    Shaking her head twice at Yugi with her fists balled up, Mary gave him an icy look before storming off. At times Yugi thought she'd be cold enough to kill her own brother, sister, mother, and entire Sparrow family members abroad in different nations just too be a Queen of some sort.

    Left alone with his Mom, Yugi let all his guards down and fell to his knees overwhelmed he broke down in rage; gripping the carpet as he cocked back a fist and 'slammed it into the floor; causing everything froom wood in the firceplace to pictures on the wall to shake with his S-Ranked strength for just a moment. He sat the crying in rage at the truth in his sister Maygold's words for at least five minutes sobbing and raging quietly, before his mother spoke.

    "Stand up." his eyes shot open at this, even down on all fours. "How about some training eh baby what do you say?" she wiped a single tear from her eye...amazingly she was such a strong woman, to have only shed one tear throughout that entire exchange with her children. "An old Wind-Make vs. Fire-Make matchup like old times?"

    "Like old times......" he said darkly, worrying his mother. "You mean you busting in my room with wind make?! I don't know how many damn times...that door flew open!!! Clean this!!! Why is that cup in here if it's empty?!??!"

    With an instant loud laugh, his mother was glad to see some of her usual passionate son, as Lucien was always the icy one.

    "Sure, I'll take you on Mom...but don't think I'm going to hold back. You're just gonna heal yourself afterward anyway....friggin hacker." she widened her eyes in surprise--Yugi knew she could be classified as S-Ranked even when he was growing up with Count Sparrow, having been a famous gorgeous and 'well endowned' Blue Pegasus wizard in his father met her.

    "What on EARTH? Did you call me? What is a hacker?!??!! I've only heard that term used on the news for Bosco computer terrorists!!!" his mother, middle aged and still stunning sat forward, legs crossed head comically growing like a chibi as Yugi shrank. With a smirk, she and Yugi laughed together briefly before getting up and leaving. He imagined he knew exactly where his mom was taking him to practice. If he got his butt whipped by his mom at this age............


    Rekka Hecate
    Rekka Hecate

    Coming Storms- Player 
    Lineage : Queen of Darkness
    Position : None
    Posts : 357
    Guild : Errings Rising
    Cosmic Coins : 15
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 5214

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    Family Reunion, the Sparrow Sisters << Invitation Only: Mini Event>>  Empty Re: Family Reunion, the Sparrow Sisters << Invitation Only: Mini Event>>

    Post by Rekka Hecate 21st April 2015, 8:02 pm

    Rekka smiled as she had been invited to some ball she was unsure what is was about but this family had a ton of political power. This was something her money had not been able to buy if she were to find a man that was from this family she could finally have political power backing her already high wealth. She was even coming in a black dress short of course and it really hugged her figure, after all she had to bait a fish to take her bait. She had made her way to the location and this seemed like it would be a lot of fun, she only wondered what sort of men the family had. She knew Sparrow as she had a huge vendetta against him for allowing her parents to do the things they did to her. However this was not the time she had to play nice until the right time would come, one day he would pay for his past sins but for now she would let him live. She had been invited on Business by Yugi as she was there visiting for a ball as cover for their meeting. It seemed he didn't want his family knowing of his underground activities and she understood that, some may frown or even report him for such things. As she made her way to the house she was surprised it was quite nice as guards were at the gates, they would step in front of her as she smiled.

    "I am a invited guest by your master Yugi, if you don't believe me go ahead and call for him but he might get really mad at you if you don't let me in quickly."

    The guards talked but they stood firmed with another going to fetch Yugi it seemed they were not stupid here as she smiled, this place seemed really nice a good place to rise in political power. She did have something to talk to Yugi about however they had a long standing trade agreement on the black market that was going to expire soon; and she wanted to make sure the terms were still good. She waited patiently in front of the gate these guards sure amused her she would make sure to memorize their faces and punish the families of the guards later.


    Family Reunion, the Sparrow Sisters << Invitation Only: Mini Event>>  Rekka2_by_gramcrackers-da9cjq9_zpsii1hnevm

    Developer/GFX Artist- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Horseman- 11 Sinner- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Guild Master- Dragon Slayer- S-Rank- A-Rank- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- Hero- Player 
    Lineage : Ancient Sealer
    Position : None
    Posts : 190
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 45000

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Fire-Make
    Second Skill: Takeover: Satan Soul
    Third Skill:

    Family Reunion, the Sparrow Sisters << Invitation Only: Mini Event>>  Empty Re: Family Reunion, the Sparrow Sisters << Invitation Only: Mini Event>>

    Post by Yugi-Sempai 22nd April 2015, 12:36 am

    The camera would drop over Yugi knees bent in a fighting pose, squaring off against his mother; who was turned to the side elegantly in a long blue dress. Her dark hair and sharp features smirked back at him. He was exhausted, but she just stood there at the ready, two fingers pointed down.

    "Come now honey is that all you've got?" they'd been at it for hours...and he hadn't been able to hit her once. 'Just how powerful are you really Mom.....' he stared at her, actually amazed that this was happening.

    Just as Yugi would clap his hands for another Fire-Make, a guard to their manor would interrupt them.


    Would pop over them both, as the guard explained the situation. Nodding, Yugi set off towards the front of the mansion as his mother said she'd meet up with him later; at the front of Sparrow Manor, Yugi walked up. It was a beautiful day in Oak Town the gates would open as Yugi would motion Rekka to step inside, his face rather serious.

    "...Hm. Nice to see you." he said, walking next to her with his hands in his pockets. Out of nowhere his Sense Evil ability went wild, as immediately he looked to Rekka and got a sweatdrop over his head comically. "Whatever you're thinking with my guard.....don't." he smiled at her but stopped just short of the actual mansion.

    "So, our contract is over in about three days." Yugi wondered if she realized this. He hoped she understood. "I guess you're hear to renew that contact huh?" he'd only nod crossing his arms in a business like fashion. "I don't see why not, you've always been able to separate your business from your life as a Guild Wizard. Just don't let Savage Skull find out about our arrangement, keep having your contacts bring me items that will sell on the black markets...and I will continue to make you very rich, I don't give a damn what Guild you're in too be honest." he smiled at her a bit. Rubbing the back of his head casually.


    Rekka Hecate
    Rekka Hecate

    Coming Storms- Player 
    Lineage : Queen of Darkness
    Position : None
    Posts : 357
    Guild : Errings Rising
    Cosmic Coins : 15
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 5214

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    Family Reunion, the Sparrow Sisters << Invitation Only: Mini Event>>  Empty Re: Family Reunion, the Sparrow Sisters << Invitation Only: Mini Event>>

    Post by Rekka Hecate 25th April 2015, 8:48 am

    She heard his voice as she smiled looking toward him, she wondered how he knew what she thought about the guard. Maybe he had an ability to sense hostility or maybe he read minds either way she didn't care. He mentioned the contract and that was perfectly fine by her as if she would tell her guild of her actions. She knew Harrigan and this man hated each other but this was for her personal finance and one of his business.

    "That sounds perfectly fine so I heat you are having some sort of ball today here, does that mean I am invited of course... I wont mention our business arrangements. You can just say I am a female friend you do have a reputation for having lots of those... plus it will make it less suspicious as to me showing up and randomly leaving."

    She also heard he had some interesting siblings according to the intelligence she could gather, she wanted to meet his family and she wanted to find a way to marry into the family. The political power she could gain would really help her with her goods trade, even more than her current dealings.

    "Don't worry I wont do anything you wouldn't do... though that leaves a lot of things on the table."

    She smiled as she was sure he would invite her maybe the two could play later, she had heard he had a girl friend but he was not married so if the other woman lost him that is not her fault. All is fair in love and war and if someone cant keep their man they fail at being a female.


    Family Reunion, the Sparrow Sisters << Invitation Only: Mini Event>>  Rekka2_by_gramcrackers-da9cjq9_zpsii1hnevm

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