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    Cosplay Café [Private: Alex and Steel]


    Crazed Violence

    Crazed Violence

    Quality Badge Level 1- Dragon Slayer- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Cursed Seal
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    Posts : 129
    Guild : Eclipse Soul
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    Experience : 50

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    Cosplay Café [Private: Alex and Steel] Empty Cosplay Café [Private: Alex and Steel]

    Post by Alex 31st March 2015, 8:39 pm

    Job Information:

    Alex glanced down at the small scarp of parchment in her grip, blue optics quickly scanning over the small font before up at the small building before her. It seemed like one of those cafe’s that would draw in quite the amount of customers with its cute and welcoming exterior, she could only guess that the interior would be quite similar. Not be able to pay at the end of the month, eh..? She very much did not enjoy waiting on people, she had to much pride for that. But, the person seemed so desperate for help, she couldn’t deny the fact that’d she would feel guilty for an eternity if she didn’t help out.

    Is one person enough though? I’m sure the owner has at least captured a few more people to help. With that thought, Alex rolled her shoulders, straightening her slouching posture and pushed the door open. Everything seemed to have a soft and warming appearance she noticed when Alex had gazed the surrounding area. But before she could soak everything in, a stout, mild aged woman bounded towards her, chestnut brown hair in a high ponytail and what looked like a coppery eye color. “Are you Alex? Oh you must be! Thank you, thank you for this! Come, come! We have to open in just a little bit!” Blue orbs widening in sudden surprise as her free hand was dragged around the tables, through the kitchen and into the back.

    Umm.. You must be Reiko? Correct?” Alex gently pulled her arm away from the hyper woman’s grip, her eyes wide. She didn’t expect the woman to be like this.. All of the place you could say. Reiko nodded quickly, turning around and pulling what looked to be a locker open, rummaging inside for a few treacherous moments. “Aha!” Alex leaned forward curiously, confused on what the brunette had found. It mentioned in the job that there were to be costumes.. So a costume possibly? Her thoughts were confirmed when Reiko had turned around, a frilly maids dress held up in front of her.

    Alex’s eyes widened in surprise, she was going to have to were that?! Of all things! It’s all frilly.. And.. And..I was going to have you were cat ears with your costume.. But sense you have such gorgeous wings, why not have you as a bird? Eh, eh?” Reiko bounced around in her spot, grinning boldly at a shocked Alex. Thank gods.. She wanted to sigh in relief now that she knew that she wouldn’t have to wear any type of animal extension. “Isn’t that.. To frilly?” Alex cautiously asked the brunette who was shoving the dress into her arms, gently taking her staff away and placing it against the wall in the corner of the room. “No, no dear! It’s fine! It’ll look lovely on you, don’t worry not one bit!

    Reiko turned back towards Alex, the excited grin still plastered on her face. “Now! Change while I go and open up!” The brunette had quickly left Alex to her thoughts after that. So.. I really am the only other worker here, eh? She sighed, shaking her head. “Well, let’s do this I guess.

    She placed the maid uniform on the ground a few feet away before quickly peeling off her dress, sliding each leg carefully out of her leg armor. God.. That dress is going to take forever to put on.. Alex huffed angrily, placing her normal dress and armor in the locker Reiko had opened earlier and returned to staring at the maids dress, curious how she would wiggle it over her wings. “Scissors.. Scissors.. Aha!” She grin happily, finding a pair of what she hoped were sharp scissors. “Now.. To cut!” After several long moments of sitting cross-legged on the ground, snipping holes around the waste of the uniform, Alex hopped to her feet, a prideful grin upon her face before quickly sliding it over her head, wiggling each wing carefully into the slots she had made. Done.. Finally! Wait.. Shoes! She searched around for a moment before finding a pair of coal black slip on shoes which she had quickly pulled onto her feet, wings spreading out to balance her wobbling body.

    Alex sighed, finally, she was done, but her blue optics quickly look down, staring at the uniform before finally noticing how short it was, a maroon color painting her cheeks. “Are.. Are you serious?!” Her hands fumbled to pull the front of the uniform down, only successfully in unfolding a part that lengthened it by only another inch. “Alex~!” Alex snapped around at hearing her name, only to see Reiko standing in the doorway. “Yes! I knew it would work! But something’s missing..” The brunette slowly approached her before circling, eyes scrutinizing every part of her. “Yes! It’s the hair!

    Reiko clapped happily before pulling Alex’s tiara off her head, allowing her hair to roll down her back, ending mid waist. Oh gods, no.. Alex huffed, flushing it quick embarrassment. “There we go!” Reiko grinned happily at her work, tiara in one hand which was placed at her own hip. “Now, I just opened up so let’s get to work! Do your best, Alex!” The brunette winked and gave her a quick thumbs up before rushing out of the room, allowing Alex to follow after. “I already don’t enjoy this..” She sighed, running her fingers gently through her silver hair, the loose feeling making her head feel light.

    Alex! C’mon, c’mon darling!” When hearing the owners loud voice, Alex pulled the frilly dress down even more before leaving the safety of the small room, only to have a stack of menus shoved into her arms. “Now! Go stand by the entrance and wait for people!” Reiko grinned happily up at her before rushing away to god knows where, leaving Alex to slowly approach the entrance. “I pray to god that no one I know comes here..” She sighed for what seemed to be the millionth time today before straightening her posture again, standing and shuffling her feet while waiting for the first costumer. She was definitely not used to having her legs bare like this and she didn’t enjoy it, not one bit.


    Kite Wilhelm
    Kite Wilhelm

    Demon King

    Demon King

    Mythical VIP Status- Demon VIP Status- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Guild Master- Demon Slayer- Dragon Slayer- A-Rank- Rich- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Power Of Apocalypse
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    Posts : 1142
    Guild : Sabertooth
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    Age : 34
    Experience : 801,130

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Flame Demon Slayer
    Second Skill: NetherFlame Demon Slayer
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    Cosplay Café [Private: Alex and Steel] Empty Re: Cosplay Café [Private: Alex and Steel]

    Post by Kite Wilhelm 1st April 2015, 10:23 pm

    Kite had found himself to be a pretty busy guy ever since he joined up with Sabertooth, he had actual work to do and being with the guild managed to give him a means to go and do these jobs. His most recent job took him into the cursed land area where he encountered various evil creatures of the undead variety. The job went well in many ways, the job had gotten done, he had a real chance to utilize his Demon Slayer magic and while it wasn’t actual demons he fought but it was malevolent ghosts and the like. Of course there was also the new friend he had made in that horrid place. This time Kite decided that he would go visit the Capital City of Fiore, Crocus. Kite heard there was quite a bit to do in this city, between sight seeing, the Domus Flau which is the site where the Grand Magic

    Kite had decided that instead of walking all the way there, he got himself a carriage which transported him from where his Guild Hall was to the capital city. He was wearing his casual outfit including his vest, goggles, fatigues boots and such. He was leaning against the window with his elbow pressed against the windowsill with his head propped up on his hand and watched the setting pass by as he approached Crocus. Kite had sometime and decided that he would take a nap until he reached Crocus so he closed his eyes and began to snooze. He slept for the remainder of his ride and in what seemed like an instant Kite’s carriage arrived at the stop where he would need to exit.

    Kite exited the carriage and took a look at the city in awe ”Wow so this is Crocus?” Kite said as he put his hands on his hips and whistled. ”Well It certainly is pretty big… looks like I will have a bit of a day’s worth of walking to do. Kite said to himself with a smile and started to visit the various shops and enjoyed the hustle and bustle of the city. ”I really do not know what else I should do from here” Kite said which is when he heard from a group walking in front of him that Crocus had this really neat Cafe. This caught Kite’s attention so he started to listen more to their conversation and he heard them mention that it was a costume cafe where the staff dress up in costume and serve you and he even heard that it was pretty much a fantasy cafe. Kite liked the sound of this and decided he would grab some grub and also enjoy the possibly good view. It didn’t take Kite very long to locate the cafe and when he saw it he couldn’t help but smile. ”there it is, time for some fun” he said as he opened the door and was unaware that he would see someone he actually knew. Kite’s eyes widened when he saw the familiar blue eyes, the white hair and the wings… it was Alex.

    Crazed Violence

    Crazed Violence

    Quality Badge Level 1- Dragon Slayer- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Cursed Seal
    Position : None
    Posts : 129
    Guild : Eclipse Soul
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 50

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    First Skill: BADlands
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    Cosplay Café [Private: Alex and Steel] Empty Re: Cosplay Café [Private: Alex and Steel]

    Post by Alex 3rd April 2015, 6:53 pm

    Alex bowed politely to the costumer, laying a menu on the table before leaving them to choose. With a sigh, she lifted a hand a brushed a few strands of silver hair back behind her ear, quickly returning back to her station beside the entrance. Not an hour or so ago, the shop had opened and people had begun to file in. She didn’t expect for so many people to pop up, even though Reiko didn’t consider it packed, just the usual amount. Usual she says.. Alex lightly shook her head from side to side, smoothing down the frilly dress she was wearing. She wasn’t used to how somewhat loose it was on her skin, how it was so short, and just the fact that every time her arms brushed against the fabric, it made her itch to peel out of it. “Just a few more hours, Alex..” She pinched the bridge of her nose before straightening her back and crossing both arms over the stack of menu’s she was holding.

    After a few moments of simple waiting, Alex cast her blue optics to trace the floors pattern. Though it wasn’t that interesting, it still gave her something to focus on in this agitating way. For her, the more the costumers at a quicker rate meant that time flew by faster, much, much faster than it was now. She wasn’t one to be impatient, but, she was easily beginning to regret taking this job. Oh! Alex jumped slightly in surprise when hearing the chiming of the bell that made a light sound every time the door opened. “Welcome to Reiko’s Cafe,” Alex closed her eyes and bowed, the familiar words spilling from her lips.

    When not hearing some kind of response, she lifted her body curiously, only to stumble back a foot or so, eyes widening in surprise. “Kite!” She straightened herself quickly, glancing around, a pink color painting her pale cheeks. Why! I could’ve been fine with one of my Guild Members but..! She huffed and growled mentally before quickly and roughly shaking her head to clear her thoughts. “What are you doing here?” She hissed out, her voice feeling much to high for her liking.

    Alex quickly shoved a menu into his hands, wincing as she heard Reiko’s voice, “Alex! What are you doing? Hurry up and guid them to their table!” She glanced in the direction of the voice, nodding at the brunette who had a hand at her hip, the other holding up a circular platter. The woman grinned, before nodding back at Alex and returning to what she was previously doing. “... This way,” She tilted her head behind her before spinning around and walking towards an empty table.


    Kite Wilhelm
    Kite Wilhelm

    Demon King

    Demon King

    Mythical VIP Status- Demon VIP Status- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Guild Master- Demon Slayer- Dragon Slayer- A-Rank- Rich- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Power Of Apocalypse
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    Posts : 1142
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    Age : 34
    Experience : 801,130

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Flame Demon Slayer
    Second Skill: NetherFlame Demon Slayer
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    Cosplay Café [Private: Alex and Steel] Empty Re: Cosplay Café [Private: Alex and Steel]

    Post by Kite Wilhelm 3rd April 2015, 8:40 pm

    Kite let the door close behind him not paying attention to whether or not there was anyone behind him or not. At this point nothing else was registering in fact that in front of him was the girl he had met during his last job involving his old friend Levi. His eyes were wide upon seeing her out of sheer surprise seeing as he didn’t expect to find anyone who he knew let alone in a cosplay cafe being the one to greet him with a simple welcome to Reiko’s cafe with Reiko being the owner of the established business. ”Well this is certainly a surprise to say the very least but what is….she…” Kite was in mid thought asking why she was here in the cafe but his thoughts began to trail off when noticed the outfit that she was wearing. He noticed that she was wearing a maids outfit which had him rather baffled and speechless not responding to her when she greeted him and bowed so professionally. He knew he should but the surprise of this whole thing made that difficult for him.

    It was during this moment of silence is when Alex must have picked up on something and so she lifted up her body from the bowed position and looked up at Kite with her blue eyes. He simply waved the moment he saw the surprise on her face and she actually said his name. She began to look around as if she was checking to see if the coast was clear but he noticed that her cheeks were rather pink compared to her usual pale complexion. Kite was shocked and that was true but at the same time he couldn’t help but admire her new look. ”Wow, she sure does…. make that uniform look good.. then again i am sure she can just about pull that off with about any sort of attire” he thought to himself. After shaking her head for a moment she asked Kite what he was doing her and rather abruptly ending his train of thought on that subject. Kite took in a deep breath which brought his mind back to his normal way of thinking for the time being. ”What am I… I was just in the area taking advantage of some R&R. After dealing with that affair in the cursed land decided to take a short break. Kite paused for a second and continued.” I only came here because I was interested in getting some decent grub and heard this was the place to do it” He decided he wouldn’t reveal that he was also there for the sight of some cute girls in costume while he ate his food, she didn’t need to know that little bit of information.

    She then handed him a menu and was soon sorta yelled at by a brunette haired lady, ordering Alex to take them to their seats. Things started to make sense in Kites head now that he was thinking more clearly, the maid outfit, the menu and now the being ordered around thing. ”she must be working” he said in his head as it was obvious at this point. He picked up on the presence of people behind him and it seemed that the rest of the cafe was pretty busy as well. Kite put the menu down and let the people behind him be seated by the winged beauty first. He followed Alex and when she had the other costumers settled he simply said ”If i had to guess, judging by that… nice outfit” he blushed at this point ”you are wearing I would say you are on a job…. would you like me to see if I can lend you a hand?” he asked her.


    Cosplay Café [Private: Alex and Steel] Gvf4gD8

    Crazed Violence

    Crazed Violence

    Quality Badge Level 1- Dragon Slayer- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Cursed Seal
    Position : None
    Posts : 129
    Guild : Eclipse Soul
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 50

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: BADlands
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    Cosplay Café [Private: Alex and Steel] Empty Re: Cosplay Café [Private: Alex and Steel]

    Post by Alex 5th April 2015, 9:41 pm

    Alex lightly ran her hand through her hair, breathing deeply. “So you came here to enjoy Crocus?” She shook her head before nodding, finally giving up on the fact that there was no way she could erase this from his memory, she’d just have to live with the fact that someone she knew had seen her in tho utterly embarrassing costume. Watching him out of the corner of her eye, she huffed softly seeing that he had placed the menu down and allowed the ones behind him to be seated first. “I’ll be back in a moment to check on you,” Alex smiled at the ones she had guided to an empty table before turning towards Kite, one hand on her hip. “I am on a job,” Though her eyes had widened at his offer to lend a hand, “Actually.. I’d be quite grateful if you could and I’m sure Reiko would be ecstatic at the mention of dressing someone else up.

    Turning away, Alex motioned for him to follow her before she began to quickly approach the brunette who was stacking empty glasses from a table onto the round platter she had earlier seen her with, “Reiko!” At the mention of her name, Reiko whipped around, grinning. “Yes? Oh! Who’s that with you? Are they here to help as well? Oh they must be!” She clapped her hands eagerly though Alex simply huffed, impatient. “Yes, he is.” With those few words, Reiko quickly shoved the platter into Alex’s hands before dragging Kite off to the room Alex had changed in earlier.

    Pick one of the costumes in there, they are in the lockers, and change, quickly!” The brunette quickly raced off with those few instructions, back to taking orders from those who were ready and leaving Alex to return to her earlier station, guiding those who were patiently by the door to empty tables.


    Kite Wilhelm
    Kite Wilhelm

    Demon King

    Demon King

    Mythical VIP Status- Demon VIP Status- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Guild Master- Demon Slayer- Dragon Slayer- A-Rank- Rich- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Power Of Apocalypse
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    Posts : 1142
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    Age : 34
    Experience : 801,130

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Flame Demon Slayer
    Second Skill: NetherFlame Demon Slayer
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    Cosplay Café [Private: Alex and Steel] Empty Re: Cosplay Café [Private: Alex and Steel]

    Post by Kite Wilhelm 8th April 2015, 8:56 am

    Kite could tell she was starting to calm down a bit more after they started to talk and she wasn't so caught off guard anymore. He listened to her take a deep breath and smiled ”yup just here to enjoy Crocus. I know I am not much of a tourist but what can ya do" admitting that being on tour is quite new for him since when he would go out traveling it was usually to find trouble. She noticed when he put the menu down and told him he would be right back since she had to go and sit the customers at their tables. He watched her walk away and smiled ”wow being so professional" he said to himself but that is when he voiced that he thought she was on a job. She turned to face him placing a hand on her hip saying to him that she is on a job but the best part was seeing Alex's face light up when he said he was willing to help out on the job, it was almost like a kid on Christmas she said that she would be grateful if he helped, which helping her was enough but his eyes looked at her ”what do you mean dress someone else up"

    She turned and called out for someone named Reiko, Kite recalled that the cafe's name was Reiko's so it was safe to assume it was the owner of the cafe. Kite looked in the direction that Alex was looking and saw a stout middle age lady responding to her name being called. She clapped her hands upon realizing that Kite was here to help and with a surprising amount of energy she rushed over to him. She pushed a platter into Alex's hand and then grabbed Kite by his hand and started to pull him to the dressing room. Kite glares at Alex thinking this was payback for him seeing her in a maid costume.

    Kite was now in a large room where there were a rack of costumes on hangers. He looked at these and could tell this was for female staff. ”its a good thing I didn't walk in when she was wearing any of these she might have hit me with that cloud fist he said then walked casually over to the other rack which had male attire. He looked it over and figured he would wear the suit that he saw. ”this will do he said picking it up. He peeled off his usual outfit and folded them placing his goggles down on top of his folded clothes. He put on a long sleeved white shirt that be buttoned all the way up. He then pulled up a pair of jet black pants buttoned them and the put on the long apron that started at his waist and went down to his shin. He put on a matching black vest and then a black bow tie. He turned to the mirror and smirked ”not bad let's see how Alex reacts he said as his red eyes standing out much more than usual. He walked out of the room and entered the man dining area and walked up to Reiko. ”Ms.Reiko where would you like me to start.

    Kite's suit:

    Crazed Violence

    Crazed Violence

    Quality Badge Level 1- Dragon Slayer- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Cursed Seal
    Position : None
    Posts : 129
    Guild : Eclipse Soul
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 50

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: BADlands
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    Cosplay Café [Private: Alex and Steel] Empty Re: Cosplay Café [Private: Alex and Steel]

    Post by Alex 30th April 2015, 10:30 am

    Alex sighed quietly to herself, placing the platter beneath her arm before quickly rushing to the door, directing customers to tables and handing out menus. Tilting her head back to glance up were Reiko should be, Alex was relieved to see that the brunette was there and she seemed to have a very excited expression on her face, she didn't take much notice into it seeing as the woman was also seeming to be bouncy of the walls with energy and approached her, handing the list of orders. "Ah! Thank you, Alex! We'll get right on that!" Reiko grinned and disappeared from Alex's sight, leaving her to go back to her job.

    After several minutes, she began to become frustrated. Working as one of the only helpers was utterly annoying. The amount of people in her wanted to run and hide for a decent amount of time. She groaned, running a finger through the strands of silver hair she could reach, not really listening to the costumer speaking to her. "Huh?" Out of the corner of her eye, she watched Reiko go back to the place she was earlier, only for Kite to step out from the back room. Well then.. Her dark blue optics widened considerably, only to catch herself and lightly clear her throat. "Ah, give me a moment, I apologize.." Alex bowed slightly, smiling apologetically to the costumers before rushing off towards Reiko.

    "Ah!" Reiko spun around, only to clap excitedly. "Doesn't that fit you wonderfully! Great! Now, all you need to do takes orders, and if you'd like to help me out with passing out those fulfilled orders!" The woman bounced in place, turning towards where Alex was approaching. "Alex!" She blinked and nodded towards Reiko before standing beside the brunette, placing a hand on her hip, "Well.. Don't you look proper." Her lips quirked into a humorous smile, before it disappeared as quickly as it came. "Now! There are to many people! Start helping! I expect Reiko gave you instructions of the sort?" Alex glanced over at the brunette with an expectant look, only to see her nod and turn back towards what she was originally doing.


    Kite Wilhelm
    Kite Wilhelm

    Demon King

    Demon King

    Mythical VIP Status- Demon VIP Status- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Guild Master- Demon Slayer- Dragon Slayer- A-Rank- Rich- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Power Of Apocalypse
    Position : None
    Posts : 1142
    Guild : Sabertooth
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 34
    Experience : 801,130

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Flame Demon Slayer
    Second Skill: NetherFlame Demon Slayer
    Third Skill:

    Cosplay Café [Private: Alex and Steel] Empty Re: Cosplay Café [Private: Alex and Steel]

    Post by Kite Wilhelm 11th May 2015, 6:24 pm

    Kite has exited the changing room and gazed out into the sitting area of the cafe and took notice of just how much busier it had become in the short few minutes he was in the employee area changing into his butler suit. ”well I see why she didn't hesitate to accept my offer to help out... Looks to be a really busy night." Kite said stating his observations to himself before taking in another bit of information from his momentary gaze was aside from Alex who was rushing back and forth from the door to seat people and then of course taking orders of other customers. He let out a sigh ” I have a feeling I signed up for a lot more than bargained for. he said to himself as he walked over to Ms. Reiko awaiting directions for his part of the job.

    Upon arriving where Reiko was standing he was greeted with a small compliment for the way the suit fitted him and how well he filled it out. Kite put his right hand up to the collar of the short and slid his fingers in the collar between his neck and the collar and pulled at it a bit trying to create some sort of space between the two. ”thanks but I won't lie this isn't the sort of clothes in particularly like to wear. They are too hard for me to move in. he said to her accepting the compliment while letting her know the suit was not to his liking. She then gave him his marching orders and they were simple in task but tedious in the execution. She told him that he is to take the orders of customers and the pass them to the cooks. She also added that he may help in serving the prepared food upon completion. ”alright I think I can handle that, I can even warm up the food if it loses temperature." he added letting her know he could be useful when behind on serving. She had then turned in the direction Alex was and called out to her by name just as Alex was approaching to where they were. She gave him a quirky smile and placed a hand in her hip and said to him that he looked proper. He forced a smile when she said this and closed his eyes keeping his thoughts to himself. ”If I had known about this I wouldn’t have offered”. However he did come up with a clever response to her statement. ”As do you, should I still call you by your name or refer to you as Alex the maid from now on?” Kite said knowing that his comment was purely a smartass one. He knew he would get a look but he enjoyed the idea of getting Alex frazzled since he did find the pink coloring on her face quite cute. However after poking fun he answered her very simple question which was if he was given instructions on what his job was for the evening. ”Yeah, I am going to be assisting you two out here on the floor taking orders and then serving them. Leave it to me cutie, in a little bit this job will be over in no time.” Kite said to her and then walked himself to where the register was and grabbed a note pad and a pencil so he could write down orders.

    Kite looked around to see if there were any customers not being attended to which wasn’t hard to find since the cafe was pretty short staffed at this point. He then spotted a table that didn’t have any beverages and the two people occupying the table reading the menus. Kite smiled ”Alright looks like I found my first table.” He said calmly and approached them and right as he reached the table he smiled at the two customers and spoke to them kindly. ”Excuse me, I don’t mean to interrupt but are you two being helped yet?”. The person on Kite’s right lowered his menu first revealing a slightly younger man roughly in his late teens early twenties. He shook his head and answered Kite, “ No not yet”, Kite heard this and smiled ” Oh good, may i take your orders?” The younger man sighed “Finally some customer service in this joint” he said with a tone in his voice, the young woman sitting across from him looked up and sighed at him “ I am sorry about his attitude, we have been waiting for quite a bit” she said but at the cost of a dirty look from her would be boyfriend. Kite smiled ”It’s quite ok, I understand his frustration and I apologize for the wait, the cafe seems to be short staffed today, Ms. Reiko is the only regular server today. That silver haired girl and myself are actually guild mages.” he said and suddenly the younger man became less tense seemingly understanding why he had to wait. ”Now if you are ready I can take your orders we can get this show on the road for you two or if you need time I can get your drinks first and give you sometime to look it over.” Kite said. The younger man surprisingly let his girlfriend go first with a hand gesture. She smiled and pointed at the menu’s beverage page “ For my beverage could I have your Cranberry Leminada?” she asked. Kite quickly jotted her drink order down and then turned to her boyfriend. “ I will have your tropical Green tea” Kite jotted his order down as well. ”Alright, I can go get those in for you or are you ready for your meal?” he asked.  The two looked at each other and noded “We are ready the man asked, We would both like an order of you flat bread  appetizer with the dipping sauce and for the meal we would like an order of Reiko’s famous nachos please” Kite had to write it all down and when he finished he smiled. ”ALright I will put that in and be back with your drinks.” Kite began to walk away but stopped. ”Oh and my name is Kite and I will be serving you today” Kite said before walking to give it to the kitchen and walked to drink station to prepare the drinks for the couple while he looked out in the cafe and began to wonder how many more people have to have their orders taken. ”This is gonna be a long one” Kite said as he finished the drinks quickly according to the recipe list and walked them over to the couples’ table. ” here are your drinks and your food is being prepared as we speak. When they are done I will bring them out to you.” he said before walking away to go to the next table.
    Kite Wilhelm
    Kite Wilhelm

    Demon King

    Demon King

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    Cosplay Café [Private: Alex and Steel] Empty Re: Cosplay Café [Private: Alex and Steel]

    Post by Kite Wilhelm 11th May 2015, 6:37 pm

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    Cosplay Café [Private: Alex and Steel] Empty Re: Cosplay Café [Private: Alex and Steel]

    Post by NPC 11th May 2015, 6:37 pm

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    Cosplay Café [Private: Alex and Steel] WeakMonster Cosplay Café [Private: Alex and Steel] NormalMonster

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    Cosplay Café [Private: Alex and Steel] Empty Re: Cosplay Café [Private: Alex and Steel]

    Post by Alex 13th May 2015, 8:50 pm

    Puffing out her cheeks, Alex tightened her grip on her waist. “No, no, Alex is fine!” She couldn’t stop the pale pink that colored her cheeks. But before he could say anything else, or could hear, she rushed off to take orders. The Cafe was already packed, and with the short hand of staff, it wasn’t helping at all. She glanced around curiously, catching sight of Kite placing drinks down on a costumers table before turning her gaze to the opposite direction, watching as Reiko placed a completed order down on another costumers table before returning to a different one to take their orders. Everyone is working so hard.. She almost felt ashamed by how behind the became, but, realizing that she was only wallowing, Alex quickly smoothed her dress and stepped up to a nearby table.
    I apologize for that wait, are you ready to order?” She turned her navy blue gaze towards the costumers at the table, mentally groaning. Three of them.. All guys.. Fairly young looking to. She blinked, pulling the pen she was using earlier from behind her ear and resting her hand on the notepad that she gripped tightly in her other. Three males, each looked to be in their teens and had a fairly.. Smug expression on their faces. They didn’t look anything special either. One had blonde hair, another had dark maroon and the other had black hair. All three seemed to share the same color of eyes, just different shades. Brown, not that interesting.

    Realizing that her gaze was very scrutinizing, she swiveled it back towards the paper. “Hmm..” The voice had her glancing towards the left end of the table, closer to the wall, to the owner of the voice. “Have you decided?” She wanted to keep this quick and get their orders up for the creation as soon as possible. “Yep!” Alex immediately readied herself for the order, but a disappointed sigh escaped her lips at his next words, “I wanna order you! Take-out please.” Alex watched as the blonde hair one leaned forward on the table, crossing his arms under his chest before grinning at her. So.. They’re just in that phase, eh? Her lip twitched up into a snarl, but, it disappeared as soon as it came. “I apologize, sir, but please order something off the menu, otherwise I’ll have to ask you to leave seeing as other costumers may want to sit here.” Her voice was crisp and polite, but the smile on her face was fairly kind. Eyes though, those were a different tale. She was boiling with impatience and annoyance.
    Aww! Come on! Don’t be like that, baby cake!” Blue optics swiveled towards the black haired male, one eyebrow lifting as if she was surprised that he was speaking back to her. “So, shall I arrange for you to leave?” She asked, motioning towards the nearby door. “Fine, fine! We’ll order!” He muttered, the smug grin still plastered on his face. The only one that hadn’t spoke yet surprisingly, was the red head and she was growing with frustration by the fact that his come on might be a bit harsher, the wait wasn’t helping either. She just wanted to get this over with.

    Alex slightly shifted her position to a more comfortable one as she stood, patiently tapping the paper with her pen, waiting for them to place their orders. “Damn.. I wish I was that dress..Hm? She was some what surprised by the new voice, it seemed to be a bit deeper than the other two’s, but still. The line made her want to puke to. That wasn’t even the correct pick up line! What was this guy?! A five year old! “Pardon me sir, but, could you please order? As you can see, this place is clearly packed and I’d prefer to quickly take their orders instead of wasting my time here.” She smiled down at them, but the corner of her lip quirked upwards, a snarl beginning to form.
    The red head huffed, crossing his arms over his chest, but the small smirk on his face wasn’t helping either with Alex’s wish of the onslaught to stop, “I’d like your phone number and a side of Maid-chan, please.” She almost choked on her own saliva at his words, her eyes flaring with anger. How rude can they get! JUST HURRY AND ORDER! She wanted to scream the words, it was surprising seeing as she rarely had a temper. “.. I’m giving you three one more chance before I will ask you to leave.” Alex growled the words out, lifting a hand to move the hair that slid onto her shoulder to her back again. She was happy though when she finally obtained their orders. “Okay, two Sandwiches, one salad and three sodas, correct?” Swiveling her gaze away from the paper and back towards the three before her, pleased to watch them all nod. “Thank you and your orders will be with you quick-“ Her sentence was cut off though by the black haired male tapping her, “Add one cute maid onto that order.” His grin was smug and quite annoying, causing her polite gaze to quickly transform to a hardened glare. “I will back with your orders shortly, and I apologize, but that is not on the menu.” With that, she briskly turned away from them and approached another nearby table to take their orders as well before handing them off to Reiko to be put together.


    Kite Wilhelm
    Kite Wilhelm

    Demon King

    Demon King

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    Cosplay Café [Private: Alex and Steel] Empty Re: Cosplay Café [Private: Alex and Steel]

    Post by Kite Wilhelm 26th May 2015, 9:00 pm

    Kite smirked at the result of his remark about calling her Alex the maid, saw that her cheeks turned a rosy pink color. Kite was tempted to continue with his humor aimed at her but he decided it would be better if he waited for the job to be over. The cafe was getting packed more and more by the second and the more he stood around the more swamped he would have been. Kite took care of his first table quickly and efficiently first got their drinks and then took their order and handed it off to the cook before he went back to make his rounds.

    Kite Looked for an open table to go assist but he noticed while looking that Alex was having a bit of a hard time with some customers, he couldn't tell what the one was saying to her but annoyance was ever present on her face and as much as Kite wanted to help he knew this wouldn't be the best time to intervene with it. Kite then turned his attention to the next table and he wasn't happy with what he saw. At the next table in his line up sat 4 kids. The one who sat in the corner of the booth was the oldest but that wasn't saying much seeing as he was too young to be a teenager and probably was about 10 maybe 11 tops. The rest were much younger by at least a few years probably just barely 8 years old and that wasn't the worst part, the worst part was there were no parents in sight.

    Kite walked slowly towards the kids table and let out a sigh and pinched the bridge of his nose ”oh boy this will be fun" he said right before he stood over them giving them as much of a sincere smile as he could. ”hey kids, what can I get ya?" he asked them. The oldest one looked up at him and pointed at the kids section of the menu "I would like to order the cheese burger and fries." Kite wrote it down and turned to a blonde haired little girl as she asked for the same thing the older boy ordered. Kite went down the line and asked the young boy across from the older asked for an order of chicken fingers. Kite wrote that down and in the middle of it the little girl raised her hand "oh oh can I have that instead pleeeeease!" She asked. ”no problem sweet heart" he said scratching out her order and putting a x2 next to the chicken fingers. Lastly the final child asked for a hot dog and a milkshake which Kite wrote down. Almost on cue the blonde haired girl raised her hand "mister! Can I have a hot dog instead?" Kite smiles crossing out the x2 and writing hot dog down once again. ”will that be all?" Kite asked which caused them to look at one another before the older one nodded and said yes. ”I'll be right back with your drinks" he said walking to the drink station and started to prepare them while looking over at Alex as she dealt with her problem. ”this will be a long day" he said while prepping the drinks.

      Current date/time is 26th July 2024, 10:10 pm