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    The Cosplay Café | Private | Nathaniel and Laycie


    The Cursed Soul

    The Cursed Soul

    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    Experience : 50

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    The Cosplay Café | Private | Nathaniel and Laycie Empty The Cosplay Café | Private | Nathaniel and Laycie

    Post by Nathaniel 21st February 2015, 12:07 pm

    Job Information:


    The Cosplay Café | Private | Nathaniel and Laycie F0c946d04946a800f58ce8a1cbda5c4e-d63u6nv

    The Cursed Soul

    The Cursed Soul

    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Shadows of Anarchy
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    Posts : 59
    Guild : βαƨιℓιƨκ Ғαиɢ
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Mentor : Ɖɛƨ∂ɛмσиια
    Experience : 50

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    The Cosplay Café | Private | Nathaniel and Laycie Empty Re: The Cosplay Café | Private | Nathaniel and Laycie

    Post by Nathaniel 21st February 2015, 12:44 pm

    Ahhh~ So boring!

    Nathaniel yawned, stretching. Letting his hands fall as he did so, the Cursed Soul took his left hand up and began tapping his left leg at a steady rhythm, his scarlet orbs travelling through the entire Basilisk Fang guildhall. Why was it so silent in this place? Nathaniel could not comprehend that. How could some people enjoy silence? How could some people remain sitting at the same place during hours, barely opening their mouths to say a word? The silence, the boredom, it was something Nathaniel never managed to comprehend. His eyes stopping on the inhabitants of the Guildhall, each and every one of them, Nathaniel attempted to comprehend what made him different from his guildmates; what made him more talkative, more cheerful, more... more social. Yet, it was beyond his capabilities to understand why he was different. Despite all terror and hatred he had seen and felt in the world; he was still the way he was.

    It was a rather curious phenomena. Yet, it was not something Nathaniel wanted to think about too much either; He simply wanted a remedy to the boredom. Something interesting, something exciting. Perhaps a way to interact with his guildmates, to show to them that there was nothing bad with being cheerful, happy, or perhaps even talkative, despite their alignment and past. Convincing people was not Nathaniel's forte, yet he was in need of entertainment, and some interaction between Guildmates sounded like quite the plan; even if the excuse was a simple Request partnership offer. Jumping off his seat, Nathaniel made his way towards the Request Board, hands in his pockets, his usual oversized shirt with an insanely big neck falling until his elbows. It was curious, interesting that someone Legal or Neutral even thought about posting a Request in a Dark Guild, a Guild not recognised by the Council in any way, yet that didn't matter. Perhaps there were people desperate enough to post Request in the guild...

    Or perhaps the Guildmaster stole those requests! Nathaniel thought, a funny smile appearing on his face as he snatched a random Request from the board, not even bothering to look at what it was, and walked to a random member, his free hand immediately placed on the person's, the girl's head, a smile appearing on Nathaniel's face. Heeeey there! Would you like to come with a small, err... innocent?.... demon on a Request?

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    The Cosplay Café | Private | Nathaniel and Laycie F0c946d04946a800f58ce8a1cbda5c4e-d63u6nv

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Shinikoshi : The Knight Of Death
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    Posts : 127
    Guild : ☬ basilisk fang.
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 450

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: ☣ demonic essence.
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    The Cosplay Café | Private | Nathaniel and Laycie Empty Re: The Cosplay Café | Private | Nathaniel and Laycie

    Post by Laycie 25th February 2015, 10:23 am

    '1 sheep. 2 sheep. 3 sheep.' The girl muttered to herself, gazing up at the ceiling as she lay atop her comfortable bed, sinking into the warmth of the bed sheets whist her head was placed upon the soft pillow as it seemingly embraced her petite head. Yet, sleep was an aspect that did not even approach the girl and was miles away. Though to other people, this warmth may be bliss, to this particular female, it was more of an annoyance as she was not one who preferred warmth but rather, cold. Her failed tries to attain some of this state of rest that humans refereed to as 'sleep' was not working at all. 'Hmm, I thought counting sheep worked. Appears as though it doesn't. What a disappointment.'

    The female demon, Laycie sat up on her bed and proceeded to move to the edge of the bed so that she could get off. Her feet lightly collided with the cold floor as she ran a hand through her messy hair. Placing a pair of shoes on, Laycie ventured outside of her door and into the main hall of the guild, wondering if perhaps something intriguing was happening. But alas, not much to her surprise, the hall seemed to be quite like it usually is; somewhat like a graveyard. The comparison made the female chuckle a bit as Basilisk Fang sends others to graveyards. How ironic.

    Roaming her eyes across the barren guild hall, nothing appeared to catch her attention. The silence was getting extremely boring and irritating, at this point. However, before Laycie could return to the confines of her room to resume her counting of imaginary sheep's, a hand placed itself on her head. This action surprised the girl a bit; who would be stupid enough to have the audacity to place their hand on her head? Turning her face to the side to gaze at the person who was responsible for this, ready to completely thrash them, Laycie soon lost that feeling as she finally saw who it was; Nathaniel, if she remembered his name correctly who a recent addition to the guild.

    Raising her eyebrow at him, Laycie glanced at the job sheet in his hand. Though what intrigued her the most was the fact that he referred to himself as a demon and that is what confounded her. She sensed a dark presence from him; one certainly related to a demon but something was different. 'I must be loosing my touch if I can't exactly figure this.' However, letting that thought momentarily escape her head, she snatched the job sheet from his hand and move sideways to get his hand off her head as she skimmed the job's content.

    A cosplay café; this surely sounded interesting. And it wasn't as though she had anything better to engage herself in. Smirking slightly at Nathaniel, the female made her way towards the door as she called out, 'Alright, I'll accompany you on this request. Though, I hope you're ready to dress up as a maid. This will surely be quite amusing~'

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    The Cosplay Café | Private | Nathaniel and Laycie 155ht01

    The Cosplay Café | Private | Nathaniel and Laycie Original


    The Cursed Soul

    The Cursed Soul

    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Shadows of Anarchy
    Position : None
    Posts : 59
    Guild : βαƨιℓιƨκ Ғαиɢ
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Ɖɛƨ∂ɛмσиια
    Experience : 50

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Ħɛℓℓ'ƨ Ƨɛяʌαит
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    The Cosplay Café | Private | Nathaniel and Laycie Empty Re: The Cosplay Café | Private | Nathaniel and Laycie

    Post by Nathaniel 27th February 2015, 4:14 am

    Wait what? Dress like a Maid?

    Nathaniel watched the -cute- guildmate of his walk towards the door, Nathaniel glanced at the job sheet for the first time, confused. What had she meant with him being ready to get dressed like a maid? For a few seconds, Nathaniel stared at the job, quickly reading what it was about, until it hit him. He was supposed to go in a Café and Cosplay. How simple, yet how funny. Sighing, Nathaniel let a small chuckle escape his lips, and headed towards the door, placing his hands at the back of his head. He didn't know the name of the girl he was going to go on this Request with; He had spent around a day or two in the guild, so he naturally didn't know everyone, but he already liked her; she had this familiar aura, like the one Desdemonia had, although hers isn't as potent as Nathaniel's master's, naturally. Desdemonia was a Demon born with the world, sometimes even considered mother of the world, yet it was still curious. Could it be, perhaps, that this girl, was a Demon, just like Desdemonia? It would be an interesting coincidence.

    Walking towards the girl, Nathaniel yet again placed his hand around her shoulders, placing the job sheet in the pocket of his jeans. So, err... I'm just gonna call you Midget. He sighed, smiling sheepishly at the girl. So, Midget, if I am going to have to get dressed like a maid, does it mean that you're going to have to wear a maid outfit too~? Nathaniel asked, opening the door of the guildhall and smirking. He didn't seem even affected by the chilling wind that entered the guildhall and hit the duo in the same second that he opened the gigantic doors. I guess this is how the IceBerg natives and habitants feel every day... Not very pleasant, I must add to that. Shivering slightly, he looked at his Guildmember, Midget, and pointed towards his Oversized shirt, which, as per usual, had its collar until his elbows. You want my shirt, Midget? It's pretty damn cold out here. I don't want you to catch a cold, now that we're going on a job together. He asked, ignoring the fact that he himself wore much less than Laycie, as he only had his white tank top and jeans on, aside from his shirt.

    Regardless if Laycie did or did not accept the shirt, the duo would continue their journey from the chilling cold Basilisk Fang Guildhall, until a train station that could be found near the Basilisk Fang guild, although, there was still quite a walk until it. However; when the duo finally arrived at the train station and went through everything they had to go through in order to be able to travel with the train (obtain tickets, pay, etc), Nathaniel leaned against a pillar, staring at his Guildmate. On a more serious note now, tho. I'm Nathaniel Silvershield, one of the newer recruits of Basilisk Fang. And you are? I can't call you Midget all the time, after all, so I need to know your name, cutie.

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    The Cosplay Café | Private | Nathaniel and Laycie F0c946d04946a800f58ce8a1cbda5c4e-d63u6nv

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Shinikoshi : The Knight Of Death
    Position : None
    Posts : 127
    Guild : ☬ basilisk fang.
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 450

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: ☣ demonic essence.
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    The Cosplay Café | Private | Nathaniel and Laycie Empty Re: The Cosplay Café | Private | Nathaniel and Laycie

    Post by Laycie 27th February 2015, 6:17 am

    Hearing the male’s confusion at the prospect of dressing up like a maid, the female demon guessed that he probably had yet to read the request they would be pursuing. It made a slight chuckle erupt from the female; perhaps, having him as a job partner would turn out to be amusing and entertaining. After all, that’s what everyone was in the eyes of Laycie. However, her chain of thoughts was broken when she felt a hand around her shoulders and glanced up to look at her fellow guild mate who had done that. But, she had not expected him to refer to her as ‘midget’. Now, that resulted in becoming a little annoyed. True, her human form may be a little short than most but to be referred to as midget got on her nerves. ‘Alright, Laycie. No need to snap at this delinquent although, he is slightly annoying.’ Looking up at him with a smirk, Laycie replied. ‘Of course, I am. After all, what would a café be without some maids in it? But you’re going to have to dress up as a maid too~’

    As he opened the door of the guild hall so that the duo could exit, the chilling wind from the outside hit every part of Laycie’s skin. However, this feeling of coldness was something she loved; she didn’t know why but it was quite relaxing to her. Then again, she was different than most. A content sigh escaped her lips as she yet again, glanced at her partner. ‘Thank you for the offer but I’m not going to catch a cold. In fact, I really like this weather; maybe that’s why I chose this guild. Never really occurred to me.’ At this point, she was talking more to herself than him. And once again, the black-haired demon chose to ignore the horrible nickname her fellow guild mate had given her. Midget. Oh devil, how she hated that word now.

    After rejecting his offer, the duo of dark mages made their way to the train station from there which was a silent long walk and from the train station, they would be getting their ride to the capital of Fiore; Crocus. All the tickets and such were handled in quite a short time since their arrival however, there was some time before the train reached the station and hence, they had to wait. It appeared as though her partner was one who liked talking quite a lot as he again initiated a conversation with her; this time, introducing himself. ‘Well, at least, he won’t be calling me midget anymore. If he called me that one more time, I would have forgetten he’s a guild mate and slaughtered him on the spot.’ The demon thought darkly to herself however, this was not portrayed on her face. ‘Okay, one; my name is Laycie Vessalius and I’m somewhat of a new recruit too and two; do not call me ‘cutie’ or ‘midget’. Capeesh?’  

    It was at that moment that there train had arrived as well with its whistle echoing across the loud station. ‘Come on, let’s head to Crocus now.’ She spoke, walking towards the train, not bothering to look back to see if he would come or not. The female got on a train and made her way over to an empty seat before sitting down and glancing out of the window, hoping their train ride would come to an end soon. As the train started moving a few minutes later, Laycie looked at her partner and wondered why he asked to come on a job with him. ‘Say, why did you ask me to come on this job, anyways?’

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    The Cosplay Café | Private | Nathaniel and Laycie 155ht01

    The Cosplay Café | Private | Nathaniel and Laycie Original


    The Cursed Soul

    The Cursed Soul

    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Shadows of Anarchy
    Position : None
    Posts : 59
    Guild : βαƨιℓιƨκ Ғαиɢ
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Ɖɛƨ∂ɛмσиια
    Experience : 50

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Ħɛℓℓ'ƨ Ƨɛяʌαит
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    The Cosplay Café | Private | Nathaniel and Laycie Empty Re: The Cosplay Café | Private | Nathaniel and Laycie

    Post by Nathaniel 9th March 2015, 1:33 pm

    Following the pretty dark-haired girl, Nathaniel placed his hands in his pockets, shrugging, a funny smile on his face, as per usual. That was a girl with an attitude, certainly. Regardless how little she was, she didn't let Nathaniel; who was most posssibly older, and clearly taller than her, to joke around with her or give her embarrasing names. He liked girls who didn't allow anyone to screw around with them. The sole fact that they were capable of dealing with the typical annoying lad that always put nicknames on everything was a proof they were not weak.

    Following Laycie to the train, Nathaniel sat across her in the cabin, crossing his legs and placing his elbow near the window, his head against his open palm. Hm? I came on this job because I was bored... And because I didn't look at the Request sheet before I took it, hehe. Nathaniel chuckled, ignoring his oversized shirt, that had once again fallen to his elbows, revealing the major part of his tattoos, mostly those that were on his well-toned muscular, yet not too muscular, arms. Besides, it's fun. It's always nice to go on a job with a Guildmate, right, Laycie? Nathaniel asked, pronouncing her name slowly, and clearly, so that she could see that he was indeed calling her by her real name, and not some nickname.

    Why did you accept to come on the job with me, though? I mean, you don't really know me, so it would be logical if you refused to, right? As rare as it seemed, while pronouncing each syllable of this phrase, Nathaniel's face turned more serious than usual, his voice becoming calm and steady, rathern than funny or cheerful, as it was usually. A small peek into Nathaniel's serious side had been offered to Laycie then, something that didn't happen really often, as Nathaniel usually attempte to keep this side of his under control, to never let it show, although it did break out when needed, regardless if he wanted it or not.

    Regardless of Laycie's answer, the rest of the ride until the Capital city would go under silence, as Nathaniel didn't really bother talking, which was something quite weird for him, considering he was a professional chatterbox, and keeping his mouth shut was a torture for him. Yet, during the entire ride, he seemed rather absentminded, staring at the scenery outside, and, every once in a while, he glanced at a certain person.

    At Laycie.


    As the duo finally arrived at Crocus, and, after that, at the Café, Nathaniel rushed to the owner's office, trying to look decent by pulling his shirt with the abnormally big collar to his shoulders, something that, as expected, failed, and knocked on the door, waiting impatiently for the -quite big- mahogany door to be opened, tapping his foot against the ground in a steady rythm, humming a rather simple, cheerful melody as he did so. Hm... After a few seconds of waiting, the door opened, revealing a man of middle age, wearing a quite elegant suit, his face very serious. Bloody Hell, not a serious guy. Why do serious people even exist? Putting on his usual, cheerful smile, Nathaniel greeted the man by waving at him, his smile growing to a goofy grin.

    Hey there! I'm Nathaniel Silvershield, and me and my partner over here, Laycie, came here to accept your request! Nathaniel handed the man the Request sheet, still tapping his foot against the ground. Staring at the Request, the man nodded, pointing towards a small room to the left. You and your girlfriend can go and change into the outfits there. It's a single changing room... But I don't think either of you would have a problem with that, right? I'm guessing you've seen eachother naked already anyways, although the girl looks too young for you, Mr Young Delin- I mean Mister Silvershield.

    Shaking his head slightly, Nathaniel grinned and took Laycie's hand, dragging her to the changing room with a goofy grin. Well, this is most certainly getting interesting, huh?

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    The Cosplay Café | Private | Nathaniel and Laycie F0c946d04946a800f58ce8a1cbda5c4e-d63u6nv

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Shinikoshi : The Knight Of Death
    Position : None
    Posts : 127
    Guild : ☬ basilisk fang.
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 450

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: ☣ demonic essence.
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    The Cosplay Café | Private | Nathaniel and Laycie Empty Re: The Cosplay Café | Private | Nathaniel and Laycie

    Post by Laycie 16th March 2015, 10:34 am

    The only response that the black-haired male would get from the female opposite him was a slight raise of an eyebrow accompanied with a low chuckle that resonated through her. Who would’ve thought that one question could shift the male’s mood from happy, go-lucky to suddenly, defensive and serious; though, this part was just a small fraction of him that the female, Laycie Vessalius had seen. It had proven that at least Nathaniel did possess qualities of seriousness; and that was at least, a good thing. The dark haired female was curious as to how he would behave when he would become completely serious. This small glimpse had amused her quite a bit, the whole show would be enough to entertain for quite some time. These thoughts encompassed her head as the duo made their way to the café they were heading to, with both of them glancing out of their respective windows, their section of the train being encompassed by silence.


    Staring up at the café above from her position on the ground next to Nathaniel, Laycie examined the building as she waited for her partner to knock on the door. As soon as it opened, Nathaniel was seemingly back to his excited and cheerful persona as she noticed from his body language how much he disliked serious people; one of them being the man in front of them. The man’s next statement did confuse Laycie a little bit however. ‘Do we honestly look like a couple? Well, that’s new.’ As for the fact about seeing each other naked, well, truthfully speaking, Laycie couldn’t care less who saw her naked. Though, the thought about Nathaniel’s reaction would be quite humorous as she wondered how he would behave if she were to strip in front of him.

    But it seemed as though her question was answered by the tug on her hand only to notice it in Nathaniel’s hand. ‘Hmm, so he’s finding this amusing as well? Quite interesting.’ As the duo stepped inside the changing room where the owner had followed them as well, the man walked over to the closet where the cosplay dresses were kept and opened it to reveal quite a lot of them, whilst glancing back at the Basilisk Fang mages whose hands were still encompassed in each other’s. ‘Well, these are the dresses. Choose whatever you want and hurry it up, we’re going to open up in 10 minutes.’ And with those words said, the man made his way, closing the door behind them.

    Tugging her hand away from Nathaniel’s grasp as she walked over to the closet, her dark eyes skimmed through the array of dresses as she finally decided on one. Clutching a dark blue maid outfit from the closet, she pulled it out and examined it. ‘Well, this looks nice. I think I’ll go with this one.’ Turning to look at the male behind her, she spoke once again. ‘You should get something to wear as well. After all, he did say the café would open in 10 minutes. And there are a lot of designs of maid costumes to choose from~’ With that said, she turned around with her back facing Nathaniel as Laycie removed the buttons of her shirt and threw it away on one of the chairs which was followed by a removal of her skirt as well which was yet again, thrown in one of the chairs. The dark-haired female stood there, in only her bra and underwear as she proceeded to slowly, wear the maid costume; after all, this was the first time she was wearing one and it had to be done correctly otherwise, how would she attain the image of a cute maid? And after a while, the maid costume was now hung on Laycie’s body with hair being tied into two ponytails in the side of her head. Walking over to her companion, she decided to ask how she looked. ‘Well, how do I look?’

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    The Cosplay Café | Private | Nathaniel and Laycie 155ht01

    The Cosplay Café | Private | Nathaniel and Laycie Original


    The Cursed Soul

    The Cursed Soul

    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Shadows of Anarchy
    Position : None
    Posts : 59
    Guild : βαƨιℓιƨκ Ғαиɢ
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Ɖɛƨ∂ɛмσиια
    Experience : 50

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Ħɛℓℓ'ƨ Ƨɛяʌαит
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    The Cosplay Café | Private | Nathaniel and Laycie Empty Re: The Cosplay Café | Private | Nathaniel and Laycie

    Post by Nathaniel 18th March 2015, 12:12 pm

    The changing room was quite a big place, with two very big wardrobes, that held all the maid outfits that pertained to the café. Colorful, dark, light, short, long, there was a plethora of outfits, all of different shapes and colors, although all of them following what the original Maid outfit would look like. Running his hand through the soft fabric in front of him, Nathaniel frowned slightly, eyeing the robes curiously, glancing at his partner in a few ocassions. Laycie didn't seem to have a problem with chosing an outfit, and even changing into it in front of Nathaniel himself, a man who, not only was a few years older than her, but was also a guy, and a guy who she barely knew. Passing a hand through his hair, Nathaniel took it out of its usual ponytail, scratching his scalp softly as his eyes ran through the infinite models of maid outfits settled in the gigantic wardrobe before him. ... Are they all female? Sweatdropping comically, Nathaniel took out a regular black and white outfit, taking off his shirt, exposing his fit body, shivering slightly as the cold air hit him.

    Just then, Laycie asked how she looked, making Nathaniel turn around to face her, wearing only his Jeans. Trying to hold back the urge to flex and show off his perfect body, Nathaniel just nodded, grinning at the female. If you weren't younger than me, I'd ask you ou- I mean, you look gorgeous. Blushing slightly, Nathaniel managed to catch himself at time and shut up and correct himself. See, this was the disatvantage of being an honest chatterbox: you say the first thing that comes in your mind when you see a determined person. And often, that was private or personal, and caused some nasty misunderstandings when said. Hopefully, Laycie wouldn't notice or give much importance to what he had been about to say, and had almost said, or, in the worst case, she'd be very irritated because of it, and would make quite the scene.

    Nathaniel wasn't a big fan of scenes.

    Regardless of Laycie's reaction, be it good or bad, Nathaniel would continue stripping, putting on the outfit slowly, yet progressively. Getting into clothes that were strictly meant for a female to wear was quite the weird feeling, something curious. It was not like Nathaniel was into crossdressing, no. He considered it quite the curious feeling, yet it was something he wouldn't repeat, at least not by his own will. I never thought the day when I am forced into crossdressing would arrive. How interesting. Nathaniel muttered under his breath, looking at his reflection in the mirror. He looked weird. A guy with tattoos and piercings and a weird haircut in a maid outfit. He looked like a young delinquent that had been forced into crossdressing. It was just a weird sight. Please... Don't mention this in the Basilisk Fang guildhall... Nathaniel pleaded, turning at Laycie, although he was barely holding his own laughter back. He looked ridiculous, nobody could deny that.

    Walking towards the owner, hoping Laycie would follow him, Nathaniel yawned slightly, standing in front of the owner. Yeah, so we're ready. What now, boss? The owner pointed towards the entrance, where, what seemed a wave of customers, was about to traverse the doors. Oh boy. This is the beginning of the end....

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    Last edited by Nathaniel on 18th March 2015, 12:13 pm; edited 1 time in total


    The Cosplay Café | Private | Nathaniel and Laycie F0c946d04946a800f58ce8a1cbda5c4e-d63u6nv

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    The Cosplay Café | Private | Nathaniel and Laycie Empty Re: The Cosplay Café | Private | Nathaniel and Laycie

    Post by NPC 18th March 2015, 12:12 pm

    The member 'Nathaniel' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    The Cosplay Café | Private | Nathaniel and Laycie NormalMonster The Cosplay Café | Private | Nathaniel and Laycie WeakMonster The Cosplay Café | Private | Nathaniel and Laycie NormalMonster The Cosplay Café | Private | Nathaniel and Laycie NormalMonster The Cosplay Café | Private | Nathaniel and Laycie WeakMonster The Cosplay Café | Private | Nathaniel and Laycie NormalMonster

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Shinikoshi : The Knight Of Death
    Position : None
    Posts : 127
    Guild : ☬ basilisk fang.
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 450

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: ☣ demonic essence.
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    The Cosplay Café | Private | Nathaniel and Laycie Empty Re: The Cosplay Café | Private | Nathaniel and Laycie

    Post by Laycie 20th March 2015, 12:37 pm

    love's a game
    wanna play?
    tagged; @nathaniel
    words; 556 // 150
    posts; 8 // 15
    The urge to hold back her laughter was quite a difficult task for Laycie to do indeed as she keenly watched her partner change into the maid costume that he had chosen; it was indeed quite a comical sight and one she was thoroughly enjoying, not because of the fact that she had gotten to see quite a good display of what you would describe as a perfect male body but rather, of the fact that she witnessed Nathaniel cross dress. And no matter who it was, it was always quite humorous to see a male cross dress when they clearly don’t like it. Shaking her head lightly as a slight smile appeared on her lips, Laycie said in response to Nathaniel’s plea, “Alright, I won’t tell anyone in the guild about this. This can be mine and your little secret~”

    Smirking as she made her way to the door following closely behind Nathaniel from where she could distinctively hear him mutter about the catastrophe that would be approaching, the dark-haired demon couldn’t help but be greatly amused. This boy was indeed, quite an intriguing one to behold and though, annoying at first, Laycie had somewhat gotten used to his antics in the short while she knew him and found them to be quite entertaining now. Perhaps, he could be a little doll for her; one that would provide her amusement whenever she wished for it. And knowing him, she guessed he might. Of course, Laycie had not missed what he previously was about to say before mentioning how gorgeous she looked; Laycie had guessed it and the fact that he was interested in her amused her greatly. This boy was indeed one she could mess with; and for a very long time as well. It then popped in her head one thing that he had mentioned just as Laycie was about to open the door for the customers that were now waiting outside. “Oh, just so you know, Nathaniel-san, I’m actually far more older than you~”

    And with a wink in his direction, Laycie officially opened the door of the cafeteria and portraying on her face, a bright smile which was thrown in the direction of three teenage boys. “Welcome back, Master~” She greeted them as how a proper maid would and the dark-haired female clearly noticed the two teenage boys checking her out and scrutinizing her from head to toe. “Children these days.” Gesturing for them to follow her to a table, she led the three boys onto a table from where she proceeded to take their orders. From the corner of her eye, the girl noticed some children coming in without any adult accompanying them. Well, Nathaniel would have to take care of them then.

    “Hey!” One of the teenage boys said, “If you were a vegetable you'd be a cute-cumber.” Raising an eyebrow at them, Laycie wondered what they were on about. “Oh, by the way, did you sit in a pile of sugar? Cause you have a pretty sweet ass.” The other boy said and it was then, Laycie guessed what they were up to. Smiling at them as she took their orders and went away, there was only one thing that floated in the demon’s mind.

    “I wonder if I slaughter them and bury their bodies, will anyone notice?”



    The Cosplay Café | Private | Nathaniel and Laycie 155ht01

    The Cosplay Café | Private | Nathaniel and Laycie Original


    The Cursed Soul

    The Cursed Soul

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    The Cosplay Café | Private | Nathaniel and Laycie Empty Re: The Cosplay Café | Private | Nathaniel and Laycie

    Post by Nathaniel 3rd April 2015, 3:03 am

    And so it began. The beginning of the end.

    As the enormous wave of costumers rushed into the café like how women rushed at the sight of 90% discount on clothing, Nathaniel braced himself, wondering if he'd ever survive this thing. Perhaps taking this job was the biggest error he had commited in his short life, and the one that would end it. Dying while crossdressing and working in a Cosplay Café. Didn't sound like quite the best death to experience. Sincerely, Nathaniel would rather get shot by a tank. At least it'd be a cool death. A painful, but cool one. However, back on the subject on hand; As the gigantic wave of customers rushed inside the café, Nathaniel noticed as 8 children, no older than 10 years and not younger than 5 years old, would basically sprint towards him, jumping around excitedly and asking for a big table for all of them to sit at. Rising his eyebrow, Nathaniel looked around, seeking the parents, or at least supervisors of the little beasts that kept jumping on his feet, yet found himself uncapable of finding anyone remotely similar to a parental figure or supervisor. Well, this was going to be fun; Eight hyperactive kids with no parental care.

    Nathaniel honestly wondered if Laycie had it as equally as hard as himself.

    Leading the group of children towards a rather big table where all eight of them could sit, Nathaniel sighed and prepared for the worst to come. If they were hyperactive, it naturally meant that they were not going to decide upon their order easily. Which naturally, was going to be quite a pain. So, children! Can I take your orders~? Nathaniel asked, trying to sound as cheerful and happy as ever. The eight kids placed their hands on their chins, thinking what they were willing to order. It was safe to say that they took their time doing that, as about five minutes passed until one of the children spoke up. I want a banana milkshake! He was one of the older ones, those that were around 9-10 years old. Writing down the order, Nathaniel ran his eyes through the other kids, awaiting their orders patiently. Anything else, children?

    I want a banana milkshake too! A girl spoke, rising her hand. Scribbling her order down quickly, Nathaniel noticed that the first kid looked quite... pissed. I don't want a milkshake anymore, then! I want some hot chocolate! Confused, Nathaniel scratched the first order and wrote down the hot chocolate quickly, about to ask if anyone wanted anything else, when voices began ringing around him.

    I want a cake!

    I want a dinosaur!

    I want a dinosaur too!

    Guys, where's Johhny?

    This was entirely too much for Nathaniel. Trying to resist the urge to slam his head against the nearest pillar, he gripped the paper he held to write the orders of the customers, and sighed. Please calm down and- Wait a second. Where's the eight kid? Nathaniel looked around desperately, looking for the eight kid desperately. He was, just as he expected, nowhere in sight. And that was quite annoying. Oh my, Desdemonia, just come and get rid of this café, please..

    -535 | 150-

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    The Cosplay Café | Private | Nathaniel and Laycie F0c946d04946a800f58ce8a1cbda5c4e-d63u6nv

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    The Cosplay Café | Private | Nathaniel and Laycie Empty Re: The Cosplay Café | Private | Nathaniel and Laycie

    Post by Laycie 18th April 2015, 2:27 am

    love's a game
    wanna play?
    tagged; @nathaniel
    words; 572 // 150
    posts; 10 // 15
    Making her way back from the kitchen inside, holding upon a tray the order of the three teenagers she had recently met, her eyes moved over to Nathaniel to witness how his situations with the children was coming along. And his situation made a chuckle erupt from Laycie’s lips at the utter chaos he was ensuing; children were indeed, a pain. Which is exactly why she left him to handle them. In midst of all the pick-up lines and flirtatious attitudes she would be receiving, Nathaniel’s situation of pandemonium would be able to help her not want to murder any of the customers. However, she was not sure whether that would happen. At least, one or two would receive some form of a gift from her; and who it would be depended on which customer was the most interesting. To have some refreshment after this extremely hectic and annoying job, a little blood was bound to be shed.

    Passing Nathaniel as she moved over to the teenagers, Laycie lightly whispered to him, “Good luck in handling those brats because if I were in your place, they would have been dead by now~” And with that, she proceeded to her customers; an annoyed look momentarily framing her face however, which was then covered up with a charming smile as she placed upon the tables and noticed them yet again, examining her or more so as what humans say ‘checking out’. One of the teenagers opened their mouths again to perhaps, use another pick-up line however, the demon would have none of that now. Because she had something more interesting in her mind; may as well make this job amusing for her.

    Before the teenager could speak, Laycie moved forward till she was in close proximity with his face that their breaths mingled with each other. Clearly, by the look on the teenager’s face, he wasn’t expecting such a bold move from her and his lip slightly curved upwards as he looked at his friends who’s mouth were wide open, almost as if conveying a mental message to them that relayed – ‘Hey guys, look who got the chick?’ However, he was so utterly mistaken. Batting her eyelashes slightly as the teenager looked up at the dark-haired female clearly expecting something, she spoke. Her voice was laced with utter sweetness mixed with the batting of her eyelashes and the innocent look that occupied her features.

    “If you use any more of those utterly stupid pick-up lines, I swear, I will rip your tongue from your mouth and then, rip your head from your body as well. After that, I’ll stab you a million times and rip each and every one of your intestines out. Actually, I’ll brutally hurt you and make you suffer the pain as I rip your intestines out and after you’re a mangled piece of flesh and bones left, I’ll feed everything I took to your two friends over there and you’ll all have a jolly day. Nice idea, neh?~”

    All three of the teenager’s eyes were wide open as they witnessed the sugar-coated grotesque warning Laycie aimed at them. Their faces were pale and fear-stricken and quickly, they put some money on the table and if anything, rushed out of there wanting to be away from the demon as much as possible. Thankfully, nobody had noticed their little chat. “My, my, what a pity. Who’s going to finish these drinks now?”



    The Cosplay Café | Private | Nathaniel and Laycie 155ht01

    The Cosplay Café | Private | Nathaniel and Laycie Original

      Current date/time is 26th July 2024, 6:57 pm