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    Matter of the Soul | B-Ranked Request | Solo


    Thunder Knight

    Thunder Knight

    Dragon VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Coming Storms- Guild Master- God Slayer- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- Player 
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    Matter of the Soul | B-Ranked Request | Solo Empty Matter of the Soul | B-Ranked Request | Solo

    Post by Nero_ 21st February 2015, 2:34 am

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    Character Theme || Insanity theme
    Matter of the Soul | B-Ranked Request | Solo Tumblr_n98jk3TInZ1qmxnvuo1_500

    Thunder Knight

    Thunder Knight

    Dragon VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Coming Storms- Guild Master- God Slayer- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- Player 
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    Matter of the Soul | B-Ranked Request | Solo Empty Re: Matter of the Soul | B-Ranked Request | Solo

    Post by Nero_ 21st February 2015, 4:25 am


    The sound of a blade hitting the ground resonated through the entire mansion, interrupting the silence that had settled within it for hours, days, weeks, perhaps even a few months. Covered in luxorious objects and furniture, the mansion appeared to pertain to someone of a high social class, although that was not true. It had pertained to a simple girl, that loved luxury and had done everything she could in order to achieve this mansion, and make it look like it did today. An enormous complex with an insane amount of rooms, all of which decorated and with the pertinent furniture, a few photographies spread around the main rooms; the living room, the master bedroom, the training room. Pictures of people on an airship, of a redheaded girl reading a book while floating in midair, of the same red-headed girl and a black-haired guy, of a pink cat. Photographies that, although being static, and almost looking impertinent around all the luxurious furniture and elegant scenery, told a story each, a moment of someone's life, a picture of the past to remind someone of lost friends, of ended relationships, of broken hearts, of never-realised dreams.

    The Past.

    Past has always been a terrible thing for those who had suffered many hits of life. Falling on her knees, a redhead covered her eyes with her hands, her petite body shaking. Next to her was a long sword with a Golden handle, the blade shining even at the dim light that entered through the closed courtains, a name engraved into the blade could be easily read. ''Elizabeth Silvershield''. A small feline-like creature stared at the girl, wondering if it should go and comfort her, or just stay aside. I can't take this anymore! The girl's voice resonated through the room, her red locks falling on her face, she herself not even bothering to move them away. The feline approached its owner qucikly, jumping into her laps, watching as a single tear slipped down the girl's chin and onto her lap. Elizabeth was broken. She had been broken ever since she left Pergrande, but this time it was serious. The memory of her sister's body hitting the ground, the memory of her brother yelling to her that he hated her and would make her pay, the memory of her ending the life of the relative whom she had seeked so many years just to keep a position in the military, which she lost in consequence anyways, all those memories, all the suffering she went through and caused, they haunted her at night, they prevented her from sleeping, they had almost made her become paranoid. And this had to end, because it affected the redhead's life to the point to make her remember her past in combat, and feel as if she was going to asfixiate with guilt, preventing her from fighting properly. I just can't stand this anymore, Zero... I just can't.... Elizabeth muttered, her body shaking, several tears falling into her lap.

    The Lightning beast remained silent, staring at its master, wondering what to do, how to comfort her, when he didn't know the full story. Elizabeth had not told him nearly anything, except the fact that she had a sister and a brother, one of which was deceased, and the other was missing and hated her guts. However; having a dead sibling and a brother that hated her didn't seem to Zero like enough a reason to act like Elizabeth did. It didn't seem like a reason to succumb into depression like she did. Yet she had her reasons, and Zero had to find them out, to unveil the full story. I need to find a way to overcome this weakness, to stop feeling this pressure in the chest every time I think of my siblings, of my past, of what I did.... I need to overcome the guilt. Elizabeth's voice wasn't cheerful or happy; it was sad, shaking, giving whoever listened to her the impression that that girl was completely broken; which she was.

    Sighing, Zero went through his possibilities. He knew how his master could overcome the guilt. Yet the place where she could was perillous, insane, capable of making one become insane, or just killing him. Yet he couldn't stand seeing his master this way. She looked so little, so... pitiful. A look that didn't suit a Thunder God Slayer, that didn't suit a Strong Blue Pegasus Member, that didn't suit a Pegrande General of the Army.

    That didn't suit Elizabeth.

    ... I know how to make you overcome your guilt, Liz.

    -765 | 300-

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    Character Theme || Insanity theme
    Matter of the Soul | B-Ranked Request | Solo Tumblr_n98jk3TInZ1qmxnvuo1_500

    Thunder Knight

    Thunder Knight

    Dragon VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Coming Storms- Guild Master- God Slayer- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- Player 
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    Matter of the Soul | B-Ranked Request | Solo Empty Re: Matter of the Soul | B-Ranked Request | Solo

    Post by Nero_ 22nd February 2015, 5:26 am

    Elizabeth needed a few seconds to understand what Zero actually meant. He knew a way for her to overcome the guilt, to overcome her biggest weakness, although he didn't even know what it was. She had never bothered to tell him, she had never wanted to, for she feared with what eyes the Lightning Beast would look at her. Would he hate her, like Catsume did? Would he return to Zeus' kingdom? Would he yell at her? All of the aforementioned actions were, simply put, absolutely coherent, for what Elizabeth had done was a show of ambition, of how selfish she was. Killing a human being and betraying her own twin brother for what? To obtain and keep a position in the military, which, regardless that she had done whatever she had done to keep it, she ended up losing anyways. Erasing her tears, Elizabeth stared at Zero, attempting to figure out, to calculate, wether he was joking or lying, a lie that was supposed to get him information about what the Slayer had done. I'm... supposing you want to know what I did, why I feel so guilty, huh?

    The two figures, Master and Pet, remained silent for a few seconds, staring at eachother as if trying to read the other's mind just with sight. Silence and peace reigned in the mansion during that little while, until Zero sighed and nodded, a small, yellow lightning passing around his body. Of course I do. I want to know the full story, Liz. I can't remain silent, watching you spend sleepless nights, incapable of doing anything. Incapable of comforting you because I don't know why you need to be comforted. Incapable of talking about it with you because I don't know the full story. That said, silence installed in the mansion once again. Getting up, Elizabeth sighed and walked to a nearby table, sitting on top of it and placing Nightfall back in its sheath. She could barely talk, for she felt as if a big ball stuck in her throat stopped her from doing so, preventing her from talking. Clearing her throat, she sighed and looked back at Zero.

    Alright. I told you that my sister died and my twin brother dissapeared, right? That that was the reason to my sadness, to my pain. Well, that's just a part of the truth, the real story... My sister died, yes. But not because someone else killed her. I killed her. Just to keep my General position in the Army. I killed my own sister. I watched her fall on the ground, scarlet blood spilling on the floor, tainting the floor in red. I used the same weapon I wear now! I took her life, when I had no right to do so... For a second, it sounded as if she was asfixiating, as if she couldn't breathe, yet it dissapeared as fast as it came, leaving Elizabeth with the same tone as before; cold, her eyes empty. My twin brother dissapeared because of me. I was better than him, I got the position in the army, the position that he had wanted for so long... The position that he had talked to me about during nights and nights... I should have been selfless, I should have let him to have the position, he was second in the ranking... He hates me, it is because of me that he left Pergrande, and, judging by how young he left, he must be dead now....

    At that point, Zero knew it was useless to even attempt to take out any information from Elizabeth. That was all he needed to know, yet even if it wasn't, he couldn't take anything out of her, unless he wanted her to break completely. Just a thin, very thin line separated her from breaking and giving up on everything, and going back to being the normal, hyperactive Elizabeth that liked sleeping, and was lazy in many occassions, but that simply loved movement as well, and never left a fight. He missed that Elizabeth, he needed his Old Master back. Not a frail girl who was about to break, but a strong, confident God Slayer that knew how to remain tall.

    I promised to you to tell you where you can overcome the guild. Yet I can't guarantee that it's safe; heck, I can even guarantee to you it's one of the most perillous places to ever exist. You could easily lose your life there, or even succumb into deep, irreversible insanity. The monsters that lurk within that place may seem little, easy to defeat, yet they are vicious beasts that use your own mind to defeat you... Are you sure you want to go, Liz? Elizabeth took her hands to her eyes, wiping the tears that had formed in them away quickly, and looking at Zero with a faint smile, as if she was attempting to smile, yet guilt wasn't letting her. She was attempting to come back to what she was, but only managed to bring out a faint ghost of her usual persona. And Zero wanted not the ghost, but the full version.

    I've faced demons from Sin and have entered that cursed land. I could easily say that I've went through hell, based on that experience. So, I'm sure. Take me to wherever this place is, Zero. This is an order.

    -896 | 300-

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    Character Theme || Insanity theme
    Matter of the Soul | B-Ranked Request | Solo Tumblr_n98jk3TInZ1qmxnvuo1_500

    Thunder Knight

    Thunder Knight

    Dragon VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Coming Storms- Guild Master- God Slayer- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- Player 
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    Matter of the Soul | B-Ranked Request | Solo Empty Re: Matter of the Soul | B-Ranked Request | Solo

    Post by Nero_ 24th February 2015, 9:20 am

    A few hours had passed ever since Elizabeth revelaed the truth to Zero, and he, on his turn, revealed the truth to her. Dark Celestial Spirits Reign. A place filled with malice, with terror, a place where not even the slightest bit of hope is left. A place where no good exists, and wherever you turn, wherever you look, it's evil. Pure evil. The thought terrified Elizabeth, yet not entirely; she had faced true evil before, she had seen its form. Vicious creatures that seek nothing else than the thrill of killing someone, of feeling powerful. Elizabeth often founder herself being disgusted by those creatures and attempt her best to deal with them, taking their life, which had earned her in Pergrande the title of "The Knight Saint", for people saw her actions as rightful, and had given her the title of a Saint. Something only historical characters had recieved.

    Even as she recieved in Fiore, Elizabeth had attempted her best to continue with this practice of hers, which consister of purging the world of evil, although, considering what had happened with Victoria in Pergrande, the Thunder God Slayer abandoned the idea of killing every evil creature, and dealt with the thought of just bringing evil to the supreme Justice unit in Fiore; The Magic Council. Crossing her legs and swinging them slightly, the redhead stared at the cold marble ground beneath her, her breathing calm and steady, at last. It had been long since she recovered and stopped crying, returning back to her old self, or at least partially. She was serious, her lips pursued, looking more like the Knight Elizabeth she was back in the days, planning an attack on Sin, trying to figure out how to deal with some of the disatvantages of the Mission, and not the Blue Pegasus Elizabeth, who kept goofing around and sleeping.

    Do you know what kind of creatures I may encounter in that place, Zero? How can I access it? Elizabeth asked, tapping her fingers on the table she sat on, her eyes fixated upon the Lightning Beast in front of her. Once she pronounced the last syllable, Elizabeth closed her mouth once again, pursuing her lips while staring at Zero, never taking her eyes off of him, as if if she did, he'd attack her or escape. The Lightning Beast remained silent for a few moments, his lips pursued, looking at the Ground. Well, there is a way... Zero began, tapping his paw against the ground at a slow, steady rythm, as if now he was hesitating, doubting if it was a good idea to reveal the entrance to the Dark Celestial Spirits realm, although he was sure that, now that he had mentioned that he knew where it was located, he'd be forced to spill where it was, by an Elizabeth that wouldn't stop in front of anything until she achieved her objective; overcoming her guilt, and living in peace. There's a portal that leads to it. Zeus showed me where it is, just in case something happened, so I still remember its location.

    Nodding Elizabeth jumped off the table, heading towards the door. The sound of her heels hitting the floor filled the room, interrupting the silence, that, once again that day, had installed within the old mansion. Crouching, she reached her hand out, grabbing Zero and placing him on her shoulder, gently caressing his head. I have one last question, a last request towards you, Zero. Would you be willing to follow me in that place, and fight alongside me? I wouldn't make it without you. Smiling, Elizabeth walked out of the mansion, closing the door behind her absentmindedly, one hand placed on Nightfall's handle, her grip around it tightening with each second, with each single step she took. The look in her eyes had changed from empty to confident. Determined. Prepared to face her fears.

    Of course I will. You won't find the path without me anyways.

    -662 | 300-

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    Character Theme || Insanity theme
    Matter of the Soul | B-Ranked Request | Solo Tumblr_n98jk3TInZ1qmxnvuo1_500

    Thunder Knight

    Thunder Knight

    Dragon VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Coming Storms- Guild Master- God Slayer- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- Player 
    Lineage : Shinigami Protection
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    Age : 24
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    Matter of the Soul | B-Ranked Request | Solo Empty Re: Matter of the Soul | B-Ranked Request | Solo

    Post by Nero_ 26th February 2015, 12:58 pm

    It was still Winter in Fiore, so, naturally, there was still snow falling, covering the surface of the country with a perfect, white veil. When Elizabeth was little, and it was snowing in Pergrande, she quite enjoyed throwing herself in the snow, feeling the cold surround her, make her shiver slightly, until she would get up, her red hair covered in snow. She'd laugh as her silhouette would remain printed on the snow, there, where she had thrown herself. She even enjoyed seeing the little steps in the snow left behind her as she walked, or the hole left when she would take some snow and form it into a snowball.

    In brief, Elizabeth enjoyed the snow.

    Even today, despite the fact that the snow veil on the ground was not of the most prominent, and despite the circumstances, Elizabeth enjoyed looking backwards to see her small footprints printed in the snow, right next to Zero's, who, more than walking in the snow, was rolling in it, although, considering that his body was entirely made out of Lightning, he just ended up melting the snow, which made Elizabeth chuckle. Zero had always been capable to cheer the Thunder God Slayer up, regardless of what had happened before. He was, in brief, as awesome as that. Crouching, Elizabeth quickly snatched Zero, placing him on her shoulder as they kept walking towards their objective; The Dark Celestial Spirits portal. According to Zero, it could be found within an old, abandoned shrine, that held the entrance to the Spirit Realm, which was where Zero and Elizabeth were supposed to go. The journey transcurred silently, with the exception of when either of them laughed, or hummed a song on the path towards the Shrine. It was unclear if Elizabeth laughed because she genuinely felt better, or just because she was nervous. Although, it was most possibly the latter.

    According to the Lightning Beast, the path towards the Shrine was clear, and no monsters would interfere with the journey of the duo until they reached the Dark Celestial Spirits realm. Once they set foot in it, however, it would become the opposite. Regardless of how many times Zero had assured Elizabeth that nothing would attack them on their path to the Shrine, the Thunder God Slayer kept her hand around the handle of Nightfall, ready to take it out if a peril appeared. It was an habit of hers, she never, ever believed anyone when someone told her that the path to a determined place would be safe, mainly due to her experiences as a Knight in Pergrande.

    The Shrine could be found on top of a small Hill, near the Phoenix Mountains. It was covered by snow, as pretty much everything else, although a small, obscure entrance could be seen clearly, contrasting with all the white that surrounded it. Taking out Nightfall, Elizabeth hurried towards the half-destroyed shrine, her grip around the blade's cold handle tightening with each step. The Beginning of the End was near. It was now or never that she got free of the guilt.

    There was only one option anyways: Or she went through it, and overcame the Guilt; Or she died.

    She didn't have another choice.

    -539 | 300-

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    Character Theme || Insanity theme
    Matter of the Soul | B-Ranked Request | Solo Tumblr_n98jk3TInZ1qmxnvuo1_500

    Thunder Knight

    Thunder Knight

    Dragon VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Coming Storms- Guild Master- God Slayer- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- Player 
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    Matter of the Soul | B-Ranked Request | Solo Empty Re: Matter of the Soul | B-Ranked Request | Solo

    Post by Nero_ 27th February 2015, 3:19 am

    The Shrine was a place succumbed into eternal darkness and silence, similar to any abandoned place. Creatures lurked in the darkness, awaiting the perfect moment to sink their teeth into the neck of the newcomer and her pet, although, seeing her shiny blade, it was clear that they wouldn't be able to even come near her without having their head roll pn the floor seconds upon their attempt to attack the redhead and her pet. Hearing the growls and hisses from the shadows made Elizabeth feel quite uneasy in the Shrine, her grip on Nightfall tightening every once in a while, until her knuckles turned white. She was nervous, that was more than obvious. But she didn't whine or say a word; she kept quiet, just like she had been taught to do. When nervous, scared, or even lost, a Knight in Pergrande remains quiet and first deals with his mission, and then with anything else. And this was exactly what she was doing now.

    It's one of these chambers, if I remember correctly. Zero pointed towards a pair of chambers, without doors. Elizabeth approached the first room, rising her sword, prepared to slash whatever came out in her way. Human or beast, she'd kill it. Why? Because it was on her way. I suppose that's why I killed Victoria and made Nathaniel dissapear. Because they were in my way... Shaking her head, Elizabeth quickly entered the room, her blade risen, ready to slash whatever dared coming in her way. She couldn't think of that then, she couldn't afford thinking like this at all. If she herself allowed her thoughts to beat her to the ground, then what would the monsters that awaited her in the Dark Celestial Spirits realm? They'd rip her, they'd tear her apart. And she couldn't let that to happen.

    The room was almost entirely empty, the only thing settled within it being a big, old sarcophagus, that most likely held a corpse within it. Wrinking her nose in annoyment and disgust, Elizabeth turned around, facing Zero, who had been following her, ready to release his roar whenever anyone attempted to attack Elizabeth. A small lightning crackling around his body, Zero approached the Sarcophagus, not even waiting for Elizabeth to ask if this was the room, and inspected it closely, taking quite his time with that. After a minute or two, he turned around, shaking his head as a sign that this was not the room.

    That was all Elizabeth needed to know. Crouching, she took Zero in her arms and almost sprinted towards the next room, her grip around Nightfall always tight. The room that was next to the Sarcophagus room, was almost empty, similar to the previous one, although, instead of having a sarcophagus in the middle, it had a big pedestal, with a simple bowl. Glancing at Zero, Elizabeth noticed that he was nodding, and approached the pedestal with caution. Now what? Don't tell me that I have to throw myself in the bowl or something weird like that. Elizabeth asked, pointing at the small bowl. The Lightning Beast chuckled, hitting his owner with his paw softly before looking back at the pedestal.

    No, you don't need to do that. It's quite simple, really. He giggled, although it was a nervous, forced giggle. This wasn't very encouraging for Elizabeth, although it could be only that the nervousness was making Zero act this way. You just need to offer some of your blood to it, and the portal will open. That's what Zeus did, at least. Without hesitating, Elizabeth took her sword up, and passed the edge of the blade through her palm, causing the blade to get tainted in red; in her own blood, and a thin line of blood to appear on her palm, there, where the blade had been passed. Holding her hand above the bolw, Elizabeth watched as a few drops of her blood hit the crystal bowl under her, tainting it in crimson.

    Seconds after her blood fell in the bowl, the ground began shaking violently, causing Elizabeth to almost fall on the ground. Glancing at Zero, she saw that he was slightly scared; yet not surprised at all. This meant that they were on the right place. This is supposed to happen! We managed to open the portal to the Spirits Realm! Before Elizabeth could react, she felt how her body was being lifted from the ground, and suctioned inside a black portal, that had mysteriously appeared on the wall, and was suctioning everything that was inside the room, excluding the pedstal.  Gripping Nightfall and Zero, Elizabeth closed her eyes, allowing the giant vacuum to take her to the Dark Celestial Spirits realm.

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    Character Theme || Insanity theme
    Matter of the Soul | B-Ranked Request | Solo Tumblr_n98jk3TInZ1qmxnvuo1_500

    Thunder Knight

    Thunder Knight

    Dragon VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Coming Storms- Guild Master- God Slayer- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- Player 
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    Matter of the Soul | B-Ranked Request | Solo Empty Re: Matter of the Soul | B-Ranked Request | Solo

    Post by Nero_ 27th February 2015, 7:24 am

    Oooow. My head hurts.

    Elizabeth needed a few seconds to rearrange her thoughts and realise where she was, what was going on, and what happened. She was laying on a cold, hard ground, to begin with, something sharp against her back, although not sharp enough to pierce the flesh and make a wound. Her head hurt, as if she had drank too much last night and woke up with Hangover, although Elizabeth was perfectly conscious that that was definetly not the case. Aside from all the pain, the Thunder God Slayer could feel a slight, annoying pain in her right hand. Turning around, Elizabeth sighed as her back hit the cold ground, and her eyes finally managed to concentrate on something else that was not the dark soil beneath her.

    The sky above her was dark, similar to the soil, and slightly creepy. There were almost no stars, and the only light came from the torches that were attached to some random, half-destroyed pillars. Despite the fact that the light was dim, almost inexistant, the place was perfectly lit up. Which made Elizabeth realise that she was most definetly not in Fiore. Getting up, the redhead looked around, exploring the environment surrounding her with curiosity. She needed quite a few seconds to realise that where she was, and, once she did, her confused look was exchanged with a frown. The Dark Celestial Spirits Realm stood up to its name. Getting up on her feet with a few slight difficulties, Elizabeth needed a minute to regain her balance and clear her vision. As she did so, the first thing she searched for, were Zero and Nightfall. Luckily, the Lightning Beast had not fallen too far away from her, and was concious; he, just like Elizabeth, was looking around, trying to focus. Nightfall, was out of sight, yet that did not present a problem for the Knight; the biggest advantage of the blade was that its insanely good connection with its owner, Elizabeth, permited her recall the blade to her aid whenever she felt like it, even if the weapon was out of sight.

    Placing her hand forward, Elizabeth concentrated and opened her palm, Nightfall materializing inside it in the matter of seconds. Quickly passing her hand through the blade, Elizabeth gently placed Nightfall back in its sheathe, sighing. There was no turning back now. Are you alright, Zero? She asked, crouching next to the Lightning Beast. Zero looked at his owenr, and nodded, still slightly confused. Taking him by the neck, softly, Elizabeth placed him on her shoulder, petting him. Just stay close to me from now on, Alright? I can feel peril everywhere.

    That said, Elizabeth placed her hand on Nightfall's handle, and began her journey, ready to fight until death.

    The End had just begun.


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