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    Legacy of Mathurin

    Mathurin K'Chard
    Mathurin K'Chard

    El Diablo

    El Diablo

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    Lineage : Dragon's Blood
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    Posts : 263
    Guild : Šåvägε Šküll
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    Experience : 175

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    Public Legacy of Mathurin

    Post by Mathurin K'Chard 11th January 2015, 9:28 pm

    [..:: - Legacy ۞f Mathurin - ::..]

    Legacy of Mathurin Magi_k10


    19   years ago, a wealthy and prominent man was traveling the country side, and came upon a very humble village on the outskirts of clover town. After spending a few weeks there, he departed, however not before he could plant a seed. Several months passed before the woman he spent all of his time with her, began to show the fruits of their labor. Her name was Camille, and she was as beautiful as she was talented. The only thing her tiny village had to offer was a small tavern, in which she worked as a bard maid. She also was well known for her talent on the lute, often called the Nightingale. Camille was only 17 when she became pregnant with her first child, as was at the time living with her father and older sister. The months rolled by, and Camille never received any word from the drifting man who placed her in the predicament. Her father knowing who he was, set out on a journey with his apprentice, to send word to the man of the situation happening in his home. After an entire month of searching, the father found his destination and target. However, he did not meet a welcoming hand. In fact, he was met with irritation and anger. Her father was chased out of the city and was slain like an animal in the streets. Thankfully, his apprentice was in hiding as the entire event has transpired before him. Escaping unnoticed, he quickly rushed back to the two sisters who awaited their father's return. Alarmed from the news, the sisters began to panic unsure of what to do exactly. Frightened, the apprentice bid them farewell and wished them luck, not wanting to be tied into the danger. Camille was only a month away from her birth, and needed to be close to the mid wives. However, Rosa, her sister feared for their lives as well. She knew a man who had the authority to slay her father with no repercussions in broad day light, was not one to take lightly. A few days later the two women were packed and began to make their trip into the wilderness. They remained within a miles distance of their neighboring village, for when the moment should come. Rosa would disguise herself as she went in and out of town for small amount of supplies. Because of this, she was able to learn a great deal of what was going on through whispers. She found out the man who impregnated her sister was none other than Rei Newnan, ex-Wizard saint, and current multi-millionaire . Currently the CEO of a highly successful lacrima storage facility. His wealth and influence reached far and wide. A small rumor was circulating, that his friends inside of the Magic council issued the immediate arrest and capture of Camille and her family. They were to be held accountable for a massacre that happened a day after they left. Attempting to frame them in order to force them out of hiding, Rei would stop at nothing to kill the woman and her unborn child. As it turns out, Rei was already married to another influential family as it is, and had this child out of adultery. It was a week prior to Camille's expected date, and she had an incredibly powerful nightmare. She dreamed of death, demons, and hell. She woke up in a pouring sweat, screaming as she saw her child being sucked out of her womb and devoured by a ferocious demon. Rosa ran to her side, only several yards away. She helped calm her sister, who was frantic, almost to the point of passing out. After about 30 minutes she calmed, although she grew increasingly sick over the next few days. Every day it seemed to progress twice as much as the day before. Only 3 days before she was expected to give birth, her body began to convulse. Camille made all attempts she could to calm herself, and protect the baby. However he body was filled with such a level of decay on her bodily organ's that it began to reject her child. He was pulling all of her nutrients into himself, and not just what her body was giving him. The child was forced out, as Camille went through excruciating amounts of pain. Rosa stood by helplessly as she watched her sister, grabbing what towels and blankets they had nearby. The child came flushing out, surrounded by pitch black blood that was proof of her rotting insides. The child came out perfectly healthy, brimming with a smile and not a single tear. Rosa wrapped the child in a towel as she held him gently, rocking him back and forth. She began to shed her own slow tears of joy and sadness. For although her first and only Nephew was born, her only sister was taken in the process.

    16   years ago, Rosa was living inside of clover town. She was able to get work, as she worked in the local tea house. She worked in the same building she lived and was able to constantly check up on her 2 year old nephew who happily played. She named him Mathurin, after their father whom she loved very deeply. Mathurin was a happy and curious baby, constantly rummaging through whatever he could get his hands on. Everything seemed well, until Rosa herself began to see some one. His name was Edon, and he was handsome and fashionable. He worked in the lumber yard, and made fairly decent money. The two of them seemed very happy, and even Mathurin considered him pleasant to be around. After several months of being together, Rosa was pregnant, and the two of them engaged. The three of them then moved to a more up class part of clover town, which increased their over all level of happiness. Soon Rosa was giving birth, and Mathurin was blessed with a little baby cousin. Her name was Aeris, and she was just as beautiful as her mother. Mathurin immediately fell in love with his new baby cousin, and was her greatest protector and hero. Over the next few years, all four seemed to be simply permeating happiness. However perhaps only three of them were true to their feeling, as a dark cloud would soon bare its ugly head and be cast above them. Mathurin was six years old when he returned home one day with his baby cousin's hand clutched in his. As they walk inside the door, they find Rosa laying on the ground bleeding profusely, with three men standing above her. One of which included Edon, and the other two wore all black suits. Instinctively, Mathurin pushed his little cousin back outside telling her to run. He then charged towards the men, wielding his make shift dagger he used for "hunting" with friends. Easily deflected, and kicked in the side of the head, Mathurin passed out as he collided with the wall. He awoke bound and gaged, looking forward to see his cousin in the same state as he, but with tears streaming down. A normal child would be scared, terrified at the present, and horrified of what the future may hold. However not Mathurin, it seemed as if every second simply caused him to burn even more intensely with rage.He had no idea who or why anything was happening, however the look on Aeris face is one he would never forget for the rest of his life. He vowed to always keep her safe at that very moment.

    Legacy of Mathurin 594645-magi___08___large_26Mathurin with younger cousin Aeris, inside "Tower of Grisham"

    11   years ago, Mathurin and Aeris had been living inside of the "Tower of Grisham" for roughly a year. Every day was difficult, and it never seemed to get any easier. The tower was an encampment for slaves, where they did all forms of forced labor. From the manufacturing of very harmful drugs, to intense manual labor. Any form of work that had huge consequences for those who worked, but had increased profits greatly of those who owned them. One of the most ugly faces in the underground, the "Tower of Grisham", hosts some of the most deadly fights in the world. The most anticipated and profitable of all the battles held, is the "Child Gladiator" fights. Children are forced into a match with one another, and nearly always one is killed. The fight is always 100% physical, with no magic involved what so ever. Upon arriving here, Mathurin and Aeris was thrown into "Section D", where all of the children were placed for living quarters. The children there formed gangs with each other, and fought  when they were not in the match. Constantly uneducated, and years of unending violence had warped the minds of the children still living inside. The one kid who ran the largest of gangs, was considered the "East King of the Ring". He was the gladiator champion currently for the east kingdom, and was the exact same age as Mathurin. The gladiator battles were split in half of east and west, and was simply determined with where they placed your cot for sleep. After arriving, Mathurin and the east champ Alex bumped heads. Never really wanting to yield to the command of some one, Mathurin told Alex off, which caused the two fo them to clash there. The match ended in Alex's favor, although a message was clearly sent to him, that Mathurin wasn't one to trifle with. One of the guards saw this and immediately with drew Mathurin from his current job of working in the corn fields with his cousin, to training as a gladiator. Being quite the negotiator, Mathurin was able to have his cousin, Aeris, leave the fields as well. She became his training partner, providing him with water,food, and clean battle gear. It was a way to keep her near him at all times. Mathurin was promised that if he could become the "West king fo the ring", and defend the title 10 times, he would be allowed for a fight between kings. He and the East king will battle for their freedom. To the surprise of the Overseer of the Tower of Grisham, Mathurin extended a deal of his own. He accepted their terms, and stated that he would stay and defend the title for 20 matches, for his and Aeri's freedom. Laughing loudly at the terms, the overseer agreed beliving he had himself another slave forever. It only took 1 year before Mathurin was able to reach the battle ground and face then current king of the west. Although the child was twice the age of Mathurin, this mattered none. Mathurin wasn't like your average child, having been born with an excessive amount of nutrients that fed his body in unnatural ways. His strength,speed and durability to take physical strike are drastically higher. The fight only took a few moments before Mathurin was declared the winner, defeating the previous king as if it was nothing more than a cake walk.

    Legacy of Mathurin Child_10
    Mathurin and Alex racing each other

    10   years ago, Mathurin was still reining champion of the west, and actually took control of the second largest child gang in "Tower of Grisham." Although technically enemies, bound to one day duel in the battle of King, if things continued the way the were now. The two children Alex and Mathurin some how put aside their differences, and began to realize they had a lot in common. Alex had dreams of becoming wealthy and rich. He wanted to seize all the things in life he never could. Although Mathurin does have a slightly greedy side, he simply wanted freedom. As long as he could free his cousin Aeris, and provide her with a proper level of happiness then he was fine. He knew he owed it to his Aunt Rosa, and wouldn't rest until he could. Over the course of the next year or so, Alex and Mathurin trained diligently. Sparring as often as they could, as well as simple competitions and games. The two of them progressed incredibly from this friendship. not just from their physical training, but also in the terms of understanding friendship and kindness, as opposed to the constant surge of violence and hate.

    8   years ago, Mathurin progressed immensely. In fact he arrived at 15 title defending matches within the time it took other to reach 5. Not to mention, he actually surpassed the 10 required matches for the battle of kings. The match between Alex and Mathurin was driving ever closer than before, and seemed right around the corner. Mathurin completely oblivious to any of the feeling and thoughts of other around him, he only focused on Aeris. He didn't notice the jealousy gathering inside of Alex who only just made it to 9 matches. The entire tower was buzzing with rumor and speculation about their match. And it seemed as if everyone favored Mathurin as the winner, even Alex knew so himself. One of the head council members of the Tower actually approached Alex to discuss his chances of winning. The two of them were perfectly aware, that no one could stop Mathurin and he was soon to be free. Alex was disheartened because that would mean he would have to start all the way over and become the king of the east all over again. The council man was upset, because of the amount of money they make from Mathurin's fights. Never in the history of their child gladiator fight, had there been such a child with such a large following. The two of them devised a plan to help Alex win the match, and hopefully keep Mathurin there for a lot longer than he planned to be. After a harsh training weekend, Mathurin returned to his little cellar of a room, to find it completely empty. Usually Aeris is there to greet him after such a tiresome affair. He waited for an hour for her return, and still she did not. Traveling around the tower, he asked all the familiar faces they both frequently talked to. After a few hours he heard some screaming, and rushed to the source of the noise. After running a few blocks, he found a group of people circled around something. He couldn't make out what the figure was, but still slowly walked towards it. After a few footsteps, the image began to take shape, and he realized it was Aeris. However she wasn't moving, he body seemed completely lifeless. His heart sank as he came crashing towards her, embracing her body. Tears came flowing, rushing down his face as he held onto the last remaining loved one he had. He had no idea who would do such a thing to his baby cousin, however he immediately felt an uncontrollable surge of hatred, and an unquenchable taste for vengeance. It was a week later that Mathurin was scheduled to fight his 16th title fight, and every one assumed his first defeat. For every single soul inside of the Tower, knew of his love for his baby cousin. Within the first 5 seconds of the match, Mathurin killed the man with a single blow. Crushing the front of his skull into the back, causing his brain to explode. Mathurin walked back out, as the entire crowd stood in an eerie silence.

    6   years ago, Mathurin was chained and imprisoned by the council for his deliberate disobedience in his recent two matches. Although he was scheduled to be the winner by a landslide, he refused to show up for the fight. Mathurin came to the realization that they were making a fortune off of him, and knew their intentions were never in his favor. They imprisoned him inside of a much smaller cell than his usual living quarters, as well as chaining one of his feet to the stone floor. Mathurin remained in here for a month, although he was scheduled to stay for 6 months. After the first, he was able to create a plan of escape from not just his cell, but the Tower itself. He placed it into motion about an hour before the guards were to change shifts. They were tired and worn out, the guard entered his cell to give him his food, and Mathurin acted. It only took the child a total of 15 minutes to escape from the tower, knowing his complete way around. Mathurin had no tools, no money, and no food, to help him survive int he forest he now resided in. However he was free,a dn that freedom was all he needed. It didn't take him long to begin making tools out of sticks and traps for small game running around. Before long, he had mastered the small forest he ran into, able to utilize majority of its vegetation for food and medicine.

    5   years ago, the young child was still inhabiting the lovely forest. Now hunting larger game than simply rabbits, Mathurin became quiet a hunter. He rarely dealt with humans, although he did once have to kill a few guards who entered the forest looking for him specifically. Others usually just pass through, and he ignores. Mathurin was camping one night, sitting by a blazing fire. Above the fire stood a small doe, with a thick stick piecing through it. Mathurin sat in stillness with the night, as he pondered on his plans. He spent every night contemplating his revenge on the Tower, and the man Edon he still wanted to find. He could hear some rummaging in the leaves, and a small three headed puppy came rushing out with a huge smile on its face. It rushed up and began to lick Mathurin intently as if he had not seem him in centuries. Mathurin laughed, placing his hand on the puppy's head gently rubbing it he called him "Asmo", instinctively and unsure of why. Soon two very weak spirits came into from behind him. They were dying demons who explained everything unto Mathurin. Before the night was over, the demon spirits performed an incantation on him, that released a seal on his soul. That very moment, millions of memories rushed into Mathurin's being. They then used the last of their energy to combine with him, forcing their magical power into the child.

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    Legacy of Mathurin Rsz_1310

      Current date/time is 2nd June 2024, 11:49 pm