Fairy Tail RP

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    Male Escort! [Mission]

    Vox Nihili
    Vox Nihili

    The forgotten

    The forgotten

    Lineage : Ex Nihilo
    Position : None
    Posts : 251
    Cosmic Coins : 36
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 762.5

    Male Escort! [Mission] Empty Male Escort! [Mission]

    Post by Vox Nihili 27th November 2014, 5:10 pm

    “You vould sink zat I vould have more self-respect zan to sell my body for so little…” Dederik said casually as an idle hand reached up to tug loosely on his black suit’s collar, loosening the dark grey dress shirt beneath it so that he was more comfortable. The red gaze idly looking towards the manor before him as he leaned against the front gate, waiting for the two women that paid them for an escort to the dance. “Sink I can sweet talk zem into more?” He asked curiously as his eyes shifted over to look at his partner. Dederik himself was dressed in formal attire befitting for the situation, a well-crafted black shirt above a dark grey dress shirt with a slightly lighter grey tie tucked in. On the tie’s exposed portion was the white outline of an iron cross with the interior of it the same black as his suit.
    Vox Nihili
    Vox Nihili

    The forgotten

    The forgotten

    Lineage : Ex Nihilo
    Position : None
    Posts : 251
    Cosmic Coins : 36
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 762.5

    Male Escort! [Mission] Empty Re: Male Escort! [Mission]

    Post by Vox Nihili 1st December 2014, 3:10 pm

    “Nein, nein. Escorting women to a party with good food und music is fine, being paid so little is insulting.” Dederik clarified to his flaming partner before huffing ever so slightly at the prospect of them paying the women. “You might have to pay for a date but I, my flaming partner, am too much of a catch to resort to such things.” Dederik replied confidently. “… You clearly do not understand zee vorld of noble balls.” The foreigner sighed in disappointment before wrapping his arm around Luke’s shoulder.

    “If zey resort to escorts at such cheap prices, zen any beauty zey have means zeir personalities are horrid. Hope for ugly women, zey at least might be tolerated when zey speak… plus, zee report said these women’s personalities are quite... difficult after zeir parent passed away.” Dederik replied as he gestured to the manor. “Within lays our dates in moods more foul than any period can conjure, und you my dear do not even get zee option to bed zem. Just don’t ogle the other men, tis insulting to your date.”


    Male Escort! [Mission] 36626_s
    Vox Nihili
    Vox Nihili

    The forgotten

    The forgotten

    Lineage : Ex Nihilo
    Position : None
    Posts : 251
    Cosmic Coins : 36
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 762.5

    Male Escort! [Mission] Empty Re: Male Escort! [Mission]

    Post by Vox Nihili 4th December 2014, 4:01 pm

    “Vell, zere goes our chances of vinning zee baseball games. You vould be a horrid pitcher.” Dederik replied with a disappointed tone of voice as he continued to await their dates arrival before glancing at his companion. “Only virgins blush that hard.” He teased before turning his attention to the manor’s front doors as two women started to come out from them. “Sink of zem as pretty boys. Zen imagine yourself as the male in zee relationship.” He said as he started to approach the redheaded sister with a smile. “Also, make her heart smile.” The foreigner finished before holding his arm out for his date to hook hers through. “Dederik Vonkaiserblitz, Zee man zat vill make zis night memorable.” He said warmly to the woman as he started to walk along her side and towards the ball destination. All he got as a reply however was a silent stare before the woman seemed to ignore his presence all together


    Male Escort! [Mission] 36626_s
    Vox Nihili
    Vox Nihili

    The forgotten

    The forgotten

    Lineage : Ex Nihilo
    Position : None
    Posts : 251
    Cosmic Coins : 36
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 762.5

    Male Escort! [Mission] Empty Re: Male Escort! [Mission]

    Post by Vox Nihili 21st December 2014, 1:32 am

    Even with the woman whispering their close distance was still enough for him to make out her words as the group started to walk. “Zat von’t vork my lady, he never uses it anyvay und is already used to swallowing zem. Try a chasity for his orifices.” He called back to her before continuing the walk with his date in silence, inwardly smiling at his partner’s situation. As they approached the large building with a small crowd of people walking inside, in addition to the amount already in he turned his attention back to his partner. “Remember, during zee dance pretend zat you are a male.” He said in a cheeky tone of voice before gently leading his own date off towards the flower garden while there was still light out enough to appreciate them, leaving his partner behind as he sought to do the job right. His red gaze idly slipping over to glance towards his date for the evening as he began to think of things to make this an enjoyable evening to someone who was likely being constantly bugged about if she was alright.


    Male Escort! [Mission] 36626_s
    Vox Nihili
    Vox Nihili

    The forgotten

    The forgotten

    Lineage : Ex Nihilo
    Position : None
    Posts : 251
    Cosmic Coins : 36
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 762.5

    Male Escort! [Mission] Empty Re: Male Escort! [Mission]

    Post by Vox Nihili 24th December 2014, 2:01 pm

    Dederik ignored the slanderous talks of his partner just as his date ignored him. When he was alone with his date in the garden they each took a seat on a bench as his request. However he laid back so that his head was on the armrest and his legs moved over to rest on her lap, feet hanging just off the side to earn a glare from the woman that turned into a look of confusion as he began to speak. “I hate zee sound of classical music.” Dederik said offhandedly as he continued on, like he was speaking to himself. “Vati vould play it on occasion, it vould drive me nuts as a kid. I remember one day I vas in a particularly foul mood und vound up ruining zee device zat held his favorite songs.” He would say before chuckling lightly. “My ass vas as red as my crying cheeks after zee spanking he gave me. Zat vasn’t even zee vorse sing I have done as a kid.”

    For the next half hour Dederik would continue on talking of his childhood, something he never shared with anyone on this landmass as he kept his date sitting in confusion; pinned beneath his legs the one time she tried to get up. As it continued on the mask of indifference on her face would slowly begin to chip away, revealing the sadness and pain within her eyes. “You are lucky however… My Vati died ven I vas just sixteen… you und your mom got to spend more time with each other… It has been nearly a dozen years since my Vati passed away, und even now I still feel zee pain when I am alone or listen to his music… But zee pain helps me remember zee fond memories vee had togezer.”

    The next few minutes pass in silence before Dederik gave a sigh and stood up, holding out his hand to help his date to her feet before they walked off without speaking another word to each other towards the ball. When he caught his partner’s smug look he simply ignored it and stood with his date, making light conversation with her that only earned a few word replies through the rest of the evening until the party came to an end and they began to walk back to drop them off.


    Male Escort! [Mission] 36626_s
    Vox Nihili
    Vox Nihili

    The forgotten

    The forgotten

    Lineage : Ex Nihilo
    Position : None
    Posts : 251
    Cosmic Coins : 36
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 762.5

    Male Escort! [Mission] Empty Re: Male Escort! [Mission]

    Post by Vox Nihili 28th December 2014, 1:54 pm

    Arm in arm Dederik and his date walked down the sidewalks, never once speaking to each other just like before as he turned his attention towards his partner. One of his hands gently rested over his date’s arm as he spoke up. “So, Luke… Did you enjoy yourself on the dance floor?” Dederik asked his partner as he looked back at the pair following behind him. “Or vere you too busy ogling zee ozer girls, vishing to be in zere place?” He inquires playfully. The four of them making their way through the streets as the sky darkened overhead and the street lamps that were spaced out slowly came on. The light lacrimas that had been passively absorbing magical energy during the day turning on with the on coming darkness. “Personally, I had a vonderful time vith my companion.. speaking of vich.” Dederik continued on, turning his attention from his partner as he slipped out a sheet of folded paper and handed it to his date as they came to a stop infront of their house. “My contact information, I look forward to your letters~” He said with a smile, causing her to slowly take it and mumble thanks before heading off inside. Turning Dederik began to make his way home himself.
    212/150 words


    Male Escort! [Mission] 36626_s

      Current date/time is 8th December 2024, 12:01 am