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    Light of Trinity

    Kazuma Azure
    Kazuma Azure

    Lineage : None
    Position : None
    Posts : 5
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 0

    Light of Trinity Empty Light of Trinity

    Post by Kazuma Azure 12th December 2014, 12:40 am


    Primary Magic: Light of Trinity
    Secondary Magic:N/A
    Caster or Holder: Caster
    Description: The Light of Trinity is a family owned magic passed down throughout the generations. It is a type of Molding Magic that uses the light of the sun, or 'White light'. However, this type of magic is limited as to what is molded by it for battle, a single person has the choice of one melee type weapon to mold, and one ranged type, they are stuck with this mold for the rest of their lives once chosen. There is a third, but no one knows what it is, as the original maker never revealed what it was for generations. This magic was made for many purposes, for war, for hunting, and other needs. Though, the original intention for this magic was never spoken of.

    Kazuma needs to have some light to work with, as it's hard to produce one's own light, at least as far as he was taught. The light will condense in his hands, like that of molding clay, only very liquid like. He then takes the light he gathers and forms it into the mold that he choose for battle purposes, or just for everyday life, like a little puppet that he can move on his own. He can only use certain molds for a very limited amount of time that isn't what he chose. These objects have a limited amount of time before disappearing into their elemental matter
    Aura Type: (Locked until B rank)

    • Extremely hard to predict
    • Fairly quick by nature
    • Many forms of Defense and Offense
    • Can be used whenever the sun's in the sky, cloudy or not.


    • Ranged attacks cannot turn once fired
    • Extreme downgrade in the darkness
    • Cannot be used during the night
    • Effectiveness is dependent on health of user
    • Very limited Support Magics

    Lineage: Unknown
    Unique Abilities: Unknown

    D Ranked Spells:


    "I do things my way, I'm sorry it's not your way. There are many others who do it your way" -Cryaotic
    Aria Beleren
    Aria Beleren

    Cosmic Soul

    Cosmic Soul

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    Position : None
    Posts : 1840
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 36
    Mentor : Memnarch
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Tergiversation Arts
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    Third Skill:

    Light of Trinity Empty Re: Light of Trinity

    Post by Aria Beleren 19th December 2014, 2:21 pm

    Kazuma Azure wrote:Magic

    Primary Magic: Light of Trinity
    Secondary Magic:N/A
    Caster or Holder: Caster
    Description: The Light of Trinity is a family owned magic passed down throughout the generations. It is a type of Molding Magic that uses the light of the sun, or 'White light'. However, this type of magic is limited as to what is molded by it for battle, a single person has the choice of one melee type weapon to mold, and one ranged type, they are stuck with this mold for the rest of their lives once chosen. There is a third, but no one knows what it is, as the original maker never revealed what it was for generations.(I will let you keep this, but that is because I will probably not know until you hit B or A rank.) This magic was made for many purposes, for war, for hunting, and other needs. Though, the original intention for this magic was never spoken of.

    Kazuma needs to have some light to work with, as it's hard to produce one's own light, at least as far as he was taught. The light will condense in his hands, like that of molding clay, only very liquid like. He then takes the light he gathers and forms it into the mold that he choose for battle purposes, or just for everyday life, like a little puppet that he can move on his own. He can only use certain molds for a very limited amount of time that isn't what he chose. These objects have a limited amount of time before disappearing into their elemental matter
    Aura Type: (Locked until B rank)

    • Extremely hard to predict Seems like a weakness more than a strength
    • Fairly quick by nature
    • Many forms of Defense and Offense
    • Can be used whenever the sun's in the sky, cloudy or not.


    • Ranged attacks cannot turn once fired
    • Extreme downgrade in the darkness If you are weak against darkness, you need to state that it will take 2 D rank spells to cancel out 1 D rank attack from a darkness mage. As there are a couple of darkness mages here.
    • Cannot be used during the night
    • Effectiveness is dependent on health of user
    • Very limited Support Magics

    Lineage: Unknown You can get your lineage on a dice roll at the Ancient Temple.
    Unique Abilities: Unknown You get 3 abilities you can do at no cost with your magic.

    D Ranked Spells:

    Okay make these changes and we are done.



      Current date/time is 2nd June 2024, 4:14 pm