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    String Magic

    Twinkle Toes
    Twinkle Toes

    Wind Runner

    Wind Runner

    Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Aspect of Pluto
    Position : None
    Posts : 417
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : My Uncle And Daiko
    Experience : 150

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: String
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    String Magic Empty String Magic

    Post by Twinkle Toes 28th October 2014, 6:38 pm

    Primary Magic: String Magic
    Caster or Holder: Caster
    Description: String magic is a magic in which the user can produce thin metal wire that can be thick and thin depending on the user. The string can be produced to be like cheese wire, and can be used to cut people. The string is also pretty durable. The users of string magic can also make their strings thick or even make barbed wire from their strings. Their strings can be moved by the caster also. The string can also be made thin enough to make it very hard to see, but the user cannot make it small enough to make it impossible to see. The string is usually very lightweight too, but can be made thick to improve weight. The string does become very visible in light, because it reflects like because it is metal. Can be used like a grappling hook. Can be made rigid, or flimsy by the user. String can be made sticky. String can be retracted, shot out, and can be made to be like elastic.

    Clyde uses his string magic in a very gruesome way. He tries to do various elegant attacks where he dances before he delivers death. He will usually leave victims bleeding and bruised. Clyde usually will use thin string that can be used to cut, then combines it with his secondary magic which is wind magic, in order to make deadly whirlwinds. Clyde also likes to toy with his enemies before he leaves them all cut up begging for mercy. He has also found ways to make his strings into different knots like the hangmans noose which he uses to hang his enemies. When Clyde kills a guild member or leader he plans to hang them from a place outside the guild. Clyde also uses it like a grappling hook.


    • The string can be hard to see when thin, but you are still able to notice it.
    • String can be combined with wind to make very fast attacks that speed up the strings speed
    • String can be formed to make things like barbed wire.
    • String can be knotted by the user
    • String is very strong against one person.
    • String is durable
    • String can be controlled after it is cast.
    • Very good for slicing and trapping enemies. Focuses on limiting movement and doing damage.


    • Strings can damage user
    • String conducts electricity
    • Strings offer little to no defense
    • String isn't very effective for area of effect attacks
    • String can be broken, but still is durable
    • String disappears when broken
    • Can hurt allies
    • Not very effective for groups of people
    • Can be moved by magnetic forces


    • User can produce 1/2 inch thick string from their bodies in order to hang people, and do various other things. (Cannot be used as an attack. But can be used in and out of combat.)
    • User can shoot out string to use as a grapple to travel from place to place. (This ability cannot be used as an attack. But can be used to in and out of combat.)

    Name: Thorn Grapple
    Rank: D
    Type: String,  Offensive
    Description: The user makes a gun hand shape, and points it at their target. The user then shoots 1/2 inch thick barbed wire up to 20 meters away that will cause sharp barbs to leave stab wounds if it comes into contact with unprotected flesh. This long string of barbed wire fires at the speed of 10 m/s and will inflict barbs into the target. These barbs latch on to the target, and the user can then: propel themselves towards target, fling the target into an object, or fling the target towards themselves. If the target is flung into a object the strings will detach. The area of effect is everywhere in a 20 meters radius around the user. This will do D-rank damage.

    • The user can shoot this a pretty far range at a pretty fast speed.
    • The user can use this as a grappling hook.
    • Any unprotected flesh will be inflicted with barbs.
    • Limits the targets mobility.


    • This lasts for 1 post.
    • Target can pull on the string to send the user towards them, but will be stabbed by the barbs.
    • The user can only generate one strand that can not go past 20 meters long.
    • This spell takes 3 posts (after the duration) till the user can cast it again.
    • The target can dodge the string
    • The string can be blown away by strong winds, and may even hurt the user.

    Name: Bloom of the Returned
    Rank: D
    Type: String, Offensive
    Description: The user snaps their fingers releasing a small tidbit of wire almost impossible to see without a enhanced sense of sight that burrows into the ground directly under the user. This will then expand into around 50 1/2 inch strands of barbed wire six feet underground. The user will then snap both fingers, and will make the the strands of barbed wire shoot out of the ground towards the target at the speed of throwing a baseball. The strands will quickly constrict around the target, and leave cuts all over the targets body. The strands will then pull their body down into the ground up to their neck, and keep a tight grip. Area of effect is anywhere in a 5 ft radius around the target, and the range is anywhere 5 meters away from the place cast. This deals D-rank damage.

    • Limits mobility of the target.
    • Leaves cuts all over the targets body up to their shoulders.
    • Sneak attack.
    • Hard to avoid.


    • This can last for up to 2 posts. (The wires will keep their grasp for this long. This includes the post it was used in.)
    • This takes up to 4 posts after the duration till the user can cast this spell again.
    • The user can jump or move out of the spot the wires pop out from.
    • This spell only works on people on the ground.
    • Earth magic users will easily notice this spell.
    • Armor will lessen amount of cuts.

    Name: Porcupine
    Rank: D
    Type: String, Supportive
    Description: The user spread out their arms with their fingers extend. They then release string from their pores and coast their body in a thin metal coating. They then release barbed wire all around their body which then makes a thick fur of barbed wire. Each strand is around a foot long, and is covered with barbs. This makes them strongly resemble a porcupine.

    • Hurts anyone who comes into contact with the spikes.
    • Offers some defensive bonuses.
    • Allows the user to deal one extra D-rank damage with all punches and kicks.

    • Weaknesses: 

    • Lasts for up to 3 posts.(including the post it was cast)
    • Takes 4 posts after duration till they can cast it again.
    • Can harm allies.
    • Only harms unprotected flesh.

    Name: Timber
    Rank: D
    Type: String, Offensive
    The user generates a bunch of string around their wrist that wrap around their hand. This extends to around 2 ft away from their finger tips. The user then forms it to become the blade of a sword that extends 2 ft away from their finger tips. They then release lots of 2 inch long rigid strings that are very sharp and work like cheese cutters. They then move these strings around the blade of the sword to make a chainsaw. The belt wraps around the back of their hand around the sword. This will slice and work like a chainsaw. This deals D-rank damage.


    • Makes their own weapon that is almost impossible to steal.
    • Allows the user to make their own weapon out of nothing.
    • Can cut up people.


    • Lasts for 3 posts. (including post it was cast)
    • Takes 4 posts until the user can cast it once again.
    • Takes around 3 seconds to make.
    • User makes it on only one hand.
    • Takes up one of the users hands.

    Last edited by Twinkle Toes on 6th November 2014, 7:46 pm; edited 4 times in total
    Twinkle Toes
    Twinkle Toes

    Wind Runner

    Wind Runner

    Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Aspect of Pluto
    Position : None
    Posts : 417
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : My Uncle And Daiko
    Experience : 150

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: String
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    String Magic Empty Re: String Magic

    Post by Twinkle Toes 5th November 2014, 8:07 pm

    ~Bump for approval :rendeer:


    String Magic Signature_zps12evg2bc
    "My hands are stained with death and loss, maybe the time has come for redemption."

    Devil's Advocate

    Devil's Advocate

    Moderator- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Guild Master- Demon Slayer- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : The Devil Jester
    Position : None
    Posts : 2448
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 34
    Experience : 833,050

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Devil's Zeal
    Second Skill: Aphyon Jivven
    Third Skill: Vir'ednith

    String Magic Empty Re: String Magic

    Post by Cirven 6th November 2014, 7:36 pm

    Edits are in THIS color. Bump after edits and PM me if you have questions.

    Twinkle Toes wrote:Magic
    Primary Magic: String Magic
    Caster or Holder: Caster
    Description: String magic is a magic in which the user can produce thin metal wire that can be thick and thin depending on the user. The string can be produced to be like cheese wire, and can be used to cut people. The string is also pretty durable. The users of string magic can also make their strings thick or even make barbed wire from their strings. Their strings can be moved by the caster also. The string can also be made thin enough to make it very hard to see, but the user cannot make it small enough to make it impossible to see. The string is usually very lightweight too, but can be made thick to improve weight. The string does become very visible in light, because it reflects like because it is metal. Can be used like a grappling hook. Can be made rigid, or flimsy by the user. String can be made sticky. String can be retracted, shot out, and can be made to be like elastic.

    Clyde uses his string magic in a very gruesome way. He tries to do various elegant attacks where he dances before he delivers death. He will usually leave victims bleeding and bruised. Clyde usually will use thin string that can be used to cut, then combines it with his secondary magic which is wind magic, in order to make deadly whirlwinds. Clyde also likes to toy with his enemies before he leaves them all cut up begging for mercy. He has also found ways to make his strings into different knots like the hangmans noose which he uses to hang his enemies. When Clyde kills a guild member or leader he plans to hang them from a place outside the guild. Clyde also uses it like a grappling hook.


    • The string can be hard to see when thin, but you are still able to notice it.
    • String can be combined with wind to make very fast attacks that speed up the strings speed
    • String can be formed to make things like barbed wire.
    • String can be knotted by the user
    • String is very strong against one person.
    • String is durable
    • String can be controlled after it is cast.
    • Very good for slicing and trapping enemies. Focuses on limiting movement and doing damage.


    • Strings can damage user
    • String conducts electricity
    • Strings offer little to no defense
    • String isn't very effective for area of effect attacks
    • String can be broken, but still is durable
    • String disappears when broken
    • Can hurt allies
    • Not very effective for groups of people
    • Can be moved by magnetic forces


    • User can produce 1/2 inch thick string from their bodies in order to hang people, and do various other things. (Cannot be used as an attack. But can be used in and out of combat.)
    • User can shoot out string to use as a grapple to travel from place to place. (This ability cannot be used as an attack. But can be used to in and out of combat.)

    Name: Thorn Grapple
    Rank: D
    Type: String,  Offensive
    Description: The user makes a gun hand shape, and points it at their target. The user then shoots 1/2 inch thick barbed wire up to 20 meters away that will cause sharp barbs to leave stab wounds if it comes into contact with unprotected flesh. This long string of barbed wire fires at the speed of a bullet and will inflict barbs into the target. These barbs latch on to the target, and the user can then: propel themselves towards target, fling the target into an object, or fling the target towards themselves. If the target is flung into a object the strings will detach. The area of effect is everywhere in a 20 meters radius around the user. Lower the speed at which this fires to 10 m/s. Bullet speed is too fast for D-rank. Also how much damage does this do if it hits? D-rank damage, correct?

    • The user can shoot this a pretty far range at a pretty fast speed.
    • The user can use this as a grappling hook.
    • Any unprotected flesh will be inflicted with barbs.
    • Limits the targets mobility.


    • This spells lasts up to 2 posts. (including post this spell was used) This spell sounds like it is a single post spell. Nothing happens but shooting the string and then the grapple which can all be attempted and happen in one post.
    • Target can pull on the string to send the user towards them, but will be stabbed by the barbs.
    • The user can only generate one strand that can not go past 20 meters long.
    • This spell takes 3 posts (after the duration) till the user can cast it again.
    • The target can dodge the string
    • The string can be blown away by strong winds, and may even hurt the user.

    Name: Bloom of the Returned
    Rank: D
    Type: String, Offensive
    Description: The user snaps their fingers releasing a small tidbit of wire almost impossible to see without a enhanced sense of sight that burrows into the ground directly under the user. This will then expand into around 100 1/2 inch strands of barbed wire six feet underground. The user will then snap both fingers, and will make the the strands of barbed wire shoot out of the ground towards the target at the speed of throwing a baseball. The strands will quickly constrict around the target, and leave cuts all over the targets body. The strands will then pull their body down into the ground up to their neck, and keep a tight grip. Area of effect is anywhere in a 5 ft radius around the target, and the range is anywhere 10 meters away from the place cast. Lower the number of strings being formed to 50 and how much damage does the attack do? Also lower the range from 10 meters to 5 meters.

    • Limits mobility of the target.
    • Leaves cuts all over the targets body up to their shoulders.
    • Sneak attack.
    • Hard to avoid.


    • This can last for up to 3 posts. (including the post it was cast) So the string will be attacking the person for 3 posts or does this require you to charge it? I see this spell as another 1 post duration attack unless it takes you a post or more to charge up.
    • This takes up to 4 posts after the duration till the user can cast this spell again.
    • The user can jump or move out of the spot the wires pop out from.
    • This spell only works on people on the ground.
    • Earth magic users will easily notice this spell.
    • Armor will lessen amount of cuts.

    Name: Porcupine
    Rank: D
    Type: String, Supportive
    Description: The user spread out their arms with their fingers extend. They then release string from their pores and coast their body in a thin metal coating. They then release barbed wire all around their body which then makes a thick fur of barbed wire. Each strand is around a foot long, and is covered with barbs. This makes them strongly resemble a porcupine.

    • Hurts anyone who comes into contact with the spikes.
    • Offers some defensive bonuses.
    • Allows the user to deal extra damage with each punch and kick the user does. How much more damage does he do with this? One extra D-rank damage sounds good here.


    • Lasts for up to 5 posts.(including the post it was cast) Lower this duration to 3. 5 posts is high for D-rank. Also remember that your cooldowns have to be longer than your durations.
    • Takes 4 after duration till they can cast it again.
    • Can harm allies.
    • Only harms unprotected flesh.

    Name: Timber
    Rank: D
    Type: String, Offensive
    The user generates a bunch of string around their wrist that wrap around their hand. This extends to around 2 ft away from their finger tips. The user then forms it to become the blade of a sword that extends 2 ft away from their finger tips. They then release lots of 2 inch long rigid strings that are very sharp and work like cheese cutters. They then move these strings around the blade of the sword to make a chainsaw. The belt wraps around the back of their hand around the sword. This will slice and work like a chainsaw. How much damage does this make-shift chainsaw do?


    • Makes their own weapon that is almost impossible to steal.
    • Allows the user to make their own weapon out of nothing.
    • Can cut up people.


    • Lasts for 3 posts. (including post it was cast) This needs a cooldown after use.
    • Takes around 3 seconds to make.
    • User makes it on only one hand.
    • Takes up one of the users hands.


    String Magic LxcTBIi
    Character Info:
    Twinkle Toes
    Twinkle Toes

    Wind Runner

    Wind Runner

    Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Aspect of Pluto
    Position : None
    Posts : 417
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : My Uncle And Daiko
    Experience : 150

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: String
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    String Magic Empty Re: String Magic

    Post by Twinkle Toes 6th November 2014, 7:47 pm

    ~Bump for approval once again.  :rendeer:


    String Magic Signature_zps12evg2bc
    "My hands are stained with death and loss, maybe the time has come for redemption."

    Devil's Advocate

    Devil's Advocate

    Moderator- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Guild Master- Demon Slayer- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : The Devil Jester
    Position : None
    Posts : 2448
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 34
    Experience : 833,050

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Devil's Zeal
    Second Skill: Aphyon Jivven
    Third Skill: Vir'ednith

    String Magic Empty Re: String Magic

    Post by Cirven 6th November 2014, 8:11 pm


    String Magic Kaito_zps67bf947f


    String Magic LxcTBIi
    Character Info:

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