Fairy Tail RP

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    The Hunter (Karina and Kiba)


    VIP- Player 
    Lineage : Viktor's Descent
    Position : None
    Posts : 178
    Cosmic Coins : 1
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 350

    The Hunter (Karina and Kiba) Empty The Hunter (Karina and Kiba)

    Post by ~Kana~ 9th October 2014, 11:37 pm

    Job Information:
    Karina sat at one of the tables in the Eclipse Soul guild hall, job request in one hand and one of Katherine's cookies in the other. She definitely wanted to do this job, it would help her become a much stronger mage and who knows, she might even be able to bring something back for the whole guild to enjoy. She took another bite out of the cookie whilst rereading the job request for the hundredth time, making sure she knew every last detail of by heart.
    After she had finished reading it she jumped up, stuffed the rest of the cookie in her mouth and looked around the busy guild hall. If she wanted to do this job she would need a B-rank mage to take her on it, therefore she needed to find one. Karina had yet to meet everyone in the guild tthere fore her choice was limited. There were only a few mages which Karina recognized let alone knew their rank! She searched the guild once more where she noticed someone she knew ~Kiki. She knew for a fact Kiki was a B-rank from their meeting when Karina first joined the guild.
    Karina skipped over to the mage, then sat down at the table with her. "Here~ Would you like to do this job with me?" She smiled and held up the job request in front of Kiki's face, "It'll be really fun!" Karina hoped Kiki would agree to going on the job, Karina had made it her mission to make herself the strongest mage she could possibly be. Kiki would be helping her a lot if she agreed to do the job. Karina leaned forward and rested her elbows on the table then pouted and batted her eyelashes at Kiki "Pleeeasssseeeeee come with me, I cant do it without you~" Maybe that would work, thought Karina to herself, as innocent as always.


    The Hunter (Karina and Kiba) Kana_by_ravenart5-d8jooa8

    D: 0 | C: 0 | B: 0 | A: 0 | S: 0

    [ 350 :: 750 ]

    Kana's Playlist:

    Lumina Rubyscale
    Lumina Rubyscale

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Rising Star- Player 
    Lineage : Rubyscale Juggernaught
    Position : None
    Posts : 768
    Guild : Eclipse Soul
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 42
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Rose Dragon Slayer
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    The Hunter (Karina and Kiba) Empty Re: The Hunter (Karina and Kiba)

    Post by Lumina Rubyscale 10th October 2014, 1:17 am

    Kiki jumps up from her seat as Karina approaches. "Kari!" She listens to the girl watching her carefully as the girl speaks. "Why do you do that? you know you would just walk up and ask normally." Kiki takes the job request. she reads the paper, it looks similar to the job her team had done a while back, one she had decided not to go on. "Sure but you'll have to do it with Kiba, its his turn with the body now." she smile and pats the girl on the head. "Now i have to go take a bath, i would invite you but... well Kiba takes over then." she smiles and walks off, *Do you get the feeling she's trying manipulate us* Kiki rolls her eyes as Kiba thinks, "Shes CLEARLY trying to manipulate us." she responds out loud. *Oh.* Kiba responds, she can sense the minor disappointment. "Don't worry love I'm sure she will get it sometime." Kiki says with a smile as she skips off to the baths. "So ya gonna take a look at my body KIbi?" she says coyly at her other half. *I hate you sometimes... AND you know thats not what the phrase means* she can feel the annoyance. "Oh, Pooh your no fun, I AM you other half you know." She laugh mildly as she know that not what the phrase means. *Hurry up don't leave the girl waiting.* Kiki nods and head off to her bath.

    After a ten or so minutes Kiba exits, "you suck Kiki, did you have to stare at the mirror for so long?" Kiba says as he drys his hair, *Sure did love* Kiba frowns. "your a pain in the ass." He dresses and head out to find Karina. "you ready to go?" he asks her upon finding her. He looked annoyed, *Well you could date her.* Kiki chimes in. *shut it Kiki.* he responds. *Aww. your just mad cause I'm Katherine mother, means you can't get with her.* Kiba rolls his eyes. *right like i would ever date her... i would be dead inside of a week.* Kiki's half of the mind laughs. *It would be a fun week though*


    The Hunter (Karina and Kiba) QGrxNTU

    VIP- Player 
    Lineage : Viktor's Descent
    Position : None
    Posts : 178
    Cosmic Coins : 1
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 350

    The Hunter (Karina and Kiba) Empty Re: The Hunter (Karina and Kiba)

    Post by ~Kana~ 10th October 2014, 11:47 pm

    "Yay!" Cheered Karina once Kiki had agreed to go with her, jumping slightly, it was nice knowing that people in thee guild were willing to help out people who weren't as strong as them. It was only as Kiki left that her words sunk in, "Hey! I weren't manipulating you~" Karina called after her but she knew she probably wouldn't be able to hear her for she had already entered the bathing area. Karina sighed then sat herself down at one of the tables in the guild hall, waiting for Kiki's return.
    About ten or so minutes later, Kiba returned asking Karina if she was ready to leave. "Sure, one minute," She said whilst picking up her bag from the table she had been sitting on before she had approached Kiki and Kiba, and making sure the rob request was in side it incase she needed to refer to it later, "Right lets go~"sang Karina once her bag was over her shoulder. Karina was slightly confused by the whole 'Kiba male' and 'Kiki female' thing but decided not to bring it up for unknown reasons. She skipped over to the door of the guild whilst running over the things they were going to have to do for the job.
    A cold gust of air hit them as they emerged from the guild, tugging at Karinas hair and the hem of her dress. At least it wasn't raining, Karina was determined to stay positive throughout this job. "So we need to get to the ancient ruins..." She spoke her thoughts aloud whilst looking around, trying to decide which way to go. "This way," She started skipping off in the direction she thought the ancient ruins were, whether she was right or not they would soon find out. "Thank you very much for coming with me," She looked up at Kiba, "I hope I am not too much of a burden. I promise I will do my best in all I can during this job." Karina thought it was best to say this, even if it was a little too formal she thought it was something Kiba and Kiki should know.


    The Hunter (Karina and Kiba) Kana_by_ravenart5-d8jooa8

    D: 0 | C: 0 | B: 0 | A: 0 | S: 0

    [ 350 :: 750 ]

    Kana's Playlist:

    Lumina Rubyscale
    Lumina Rubyscale

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Rising Star- Player 
    Lineage : Rubyscale Juggernaught
    Position : None
    Posts : 768
    Guild : Eclipse Soul
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 42
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Rose Dragon Slayer
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    The Hunter (Karina and Kiba) Empty Re: The Hunter (Karina and Kiba)

    Post by Lumina Rubyscale 15th October 2014, 12:04 am

    Kiba regarded the energetic girl as she volunteered to lead, he shrugged and followed, he yawned as he walked. "So. Got any favorite people here yet?" He didn't really care as he expect Katherine name to pop up again, that was all people seemed to talk about these days. Katherine this, Katherine that. Kiba frowned, *Its cause shes bubbly and happy.* Kiki interjects, *I know Kiki and i have to sit there and play nice friend when everyone i take interest in whats her.* Kiba gripped. He stopped talking with Kiki at this point returning to the verbal conversation with Karina. "Sorry Kiki was talking to me." He frowned at the concept. He was talking with he other self, that only screamed crazy. *HEY IM NOT CRAZY* Kiki screamed into his head. Kiba sighed, "You never would be considered a burden to me Karina, Helping each other is What Eclipse is about." He sighed again, Was he being petty? *Perhaps a little Love* Kiki answered him. He knew she was right but did not care it was his right. He looked at Karina again. "Well lets get this over with." *Kiki you know why i wish to have a family.* Kiba thought, *I know...* Kiki felt the same sorrow he did, *Sorry Kiki... not used to having another in my head yet* He sighed again. "If i remember correctly Karina your a Slayer right? uh Shadow yes?" Kiba asked Karina as he walked. "What are your spell types so i can get a idea of what you can do." Kiba again asked so he could formulate some form for strategy. He hoped she had some form of ranged magic, as he lacked it, but regardless. Kiba stops for a second and stretches, something he always does before a fight, making sure every muscle was ready. Kiba finishes then drops in a fighting stance, throwing two punches and a swift kick, the righting himself. "Alright I'm ready." He planned on forget his worries, at least temporarily, by beating the crap out of something.


    The Hunter (Karina and Kiba) QGrxNTU

    VIP- Player 
    Lineage : Viktor's Descent
    Position : None
    Posts : 178
    Cosmic Coins : 1
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 350

    The Hunter (Karina and Kiba) Empty Re: The Hunter (Karina and Kiba)

    Post by ~Kana~ 23rd October 2014, 1:24 am

    "Well I haven't mete everyone yet..." Karina hesitated, trying to recall all the faces she had seen in the guild hall, "But the people I have met so far are really friendly, of course I have people I know better than others, Katherine for example. But I think it is wrong to chose favorites before I know everyone well," She turned to Kiba and smiled at him "I look forward to getting to know you~ and Kiki of course."
    Birds sang in the branches overhead as Kiba told Karina that she would never be a burden to him, her heart was filled with glee as she heard this- it was reassuring to know that people didnt mind her presence. Kiba intrigued Karina, she found it extremely interesting how one could have two selves of each gender in the same body. She couldnt help wondering how it was possible, but she resisted asking- Kiba was probably asked questions like this all the time.
    "My magic?" It only made sense for Kiba to ask, if they were working together it was vital that they understood each others magic in order to achieve maximum impact in a battle, "Yes I am a Hell demon slayer." Karina spoke quietly, worried that Kiba would judge her on her magic and how gruesome it was, "I can manipulate shadows, heal myself, and stuff like that. My favorite spell is once where I create a sort of barbed wire and attack the opponent with it..." Her voice gradually trailed off into silence. Karinas embarrassment about her magic was indeed rather odd for many slayers are extremely proud of their magic. However due to her past and how she came to own her magic she couldnt help but feel the way she did.
    "What magic do you and Kiki have?" She asked, trying to divert the attention from herself. She imgained it would be something interesting, just like its owners.
    Karina jumped in surprise as Kiba suddenly lashed out, she had not noticed that he had previously been warming up, after throwing a few punches he claimed to be ready. "Okay, I'll bet ready too~" She stopped walking and stood still, arms slightly out by her sides, palms facing forwards. A slight breeze circled her feet as she inhaled and held her breath. She closed her eyes for a minute or so, keeping her breath held. Her pulse pounded and she could feel the blood inside her rushing about. She exhaled suddenly, the breeze and the pounding stopped. She looked up at Kiba once again and smiled "Im ready."


    The Hunter (Karina and Kiba) Kana_by_ravenart5-d8jooa8

    D: 0 | C: 0 | B: 0 | A: 0 | S: 0

    [ 350 :: 750 ]

    Kana's Playlist:

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