Fairy Tail RP

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    A Families End (Rose Plot/Closed)

    Griffon Knighthunter
    Griffon Knighthunter

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Comet
    Position : None
    Posts : 164
    Guild : Savage Skull
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Himself
    Experience : 112

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Hell summon
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    A Families End (Rose Plot/Closed)  Empty A Families End (Rose Plot/Closed)

    Post by Griffon Knighthunter 28th August 2014, 7:04 pm

    Rose entered the train rather glumly. She hadn't seen Orin in a while and she had to go see her family. She clenched her fist as she took an empty seat "I will not back down from this I have to beat her..." she muttered as she clutched her chest "To get rid of the curses she has put on me..." she muttered as she leaned forward in her seat quietly. She had gotten the opportunity to go back to her tribe and she was about to give them the best "I'm home!" present ever... eternal death...

    She stared out the window as buildings and small unknown towns passed by "The world is full of hatred..." she muttered as she hid her face in her hands "Why did my tribe have to be one of the only tribes who hated magic..." she muttered as she started to cry "Why... Why did it have to be this way! Why did they have to hate magic!" she said out loud, getting weird looks from people she slowly wiped her arm with her shirt. She had to be strong through this even though that stuff was going down hill. She had no clue if her girlfriend was even still alive or even if she would successfully make it out of this alive herself.

    Rose watched as the train slowly came to a stop and she got a glimpse of what used to be her home. She grimaced as she slowly stood up and walked out of the train, her white and long hair flowing behind her as she did. She looked around and closed her eyes "A Princess should always know the way back to her tribe..." she muttered under her breath as she smelled the air. Her eyes shot open as she smelt a familiar scent close by. This was not the scent of a human or a wolf... it was the scent of a cat and it was approaching this way fast.

    She decided to walk in the direction that the scent was and eventually came to a small caravan but the owner was no where to be seen or heard. She slowly climbed into the back of the caravan and saw boxes upon boxes of food sitting there. She smiled and happily opened the box and took a bite of the water melon that was in it. "Its been a while since I had one of these!" she said with a purr as she kept eating. Suddenly footsteps would be heard coming up to the caravan. The scent was back and it alarmed her "Who is in here?" the voice said calmly as the curtains slowly opened to reveal a young cat person.

    The man was about her height and age with blonde hair and rather fancy looking clothes. His eyes slowly widened as he sheathed his sword "P-Princess Rose!" he said as Rose stood up with a scowl "Ven dont you come any closer to me or I will kill you no matter if you were my personal servant!" she said as she got ready to cast a spell.

    Ven put his hands up hesitantly "Princess I would never harm someone as precious as you!" he said as Rose stopped casting and stared at him "shut up Ven..." she said with annoyance as she turned away "Take me to the tribe!" she yelled as he nodded "Y-Yes mam!" he stuttered as he stumbled out of the caravan and to the front so he could drive.

    It took almost an hour to get there but she finally did and she hopped out as soon as she could "Ven wait here..." she said as she entered the village. As soon as she did she pushed her way past the villagers who crowded around her with swords and guns ready. She suddenly stopped and glanced backwards at them with a shade covering her eyes and tentacles coming out of her hands "Where is my mom..." she asked with a bit of a growl to her voice as another voice was heard behind her "My dearest Rose... Why have you returned home?" the voice said with a sweet harmony to it.

    Rose slowly turned to face the voice while holding back tears [color=#ff0000"Hello... mom..."[/color] she muttered as she walked towards her. Her mom laughed a bit "Please my dear... now that you have returned we now have you surrounded..." she muttered as she pointed to Rose "Tribe ATTACK!" she ordered as all the villagers leaped forwards and opened fire with all their attacks.

    Rose kept up for a while as she released a flurry of attacks but after about 100 enemies she started to become tired. She heard a roaring behind her as she turned around and saw Drake, Her wyvern that she had raised from an egg falling from the sky and was shot down and stabbed by the tribe members.

    Rose let out a loud and shrill scream at the sight of him dying and suddenly saw a bright flash coming from the other side of the village. As the smoke cleared Ven cam walking out, Sword ablaze with fire and an scowl on his face "I will not let you kill my Princess!" he yelled as Roses eyes went wide. Ven looked around and saw that all the villagers had been dealt with so he walked over to Rose and smiled at her as he held out his hand "Come on Princess lets go home..." he muttered warmly.

    Roses eyes started to water as she slowly rose her hand to take Ven's "Ven thank-" she got cut off by a sudden sword getting stabbed through her. the sword went all the way through and came out the front of her.

    Blood spurted from her mouth as her eyes went wide and she fell to her knees. So this was the end for her. As everything started to go white the last image she saw was a blonde haired girl coming out of the shadows and pulling both her and Ven through. That was the last like Rose saw before she blacked out.

      Current date/time is 1st June 2024, 7:55 pm