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    I'm not a Mailman! (Solo Job)

    Le Doge
    Le Doge

    Quality Badge Level 1- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Brute of Fiore
    Position : None
    Posts : 147
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 400

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: The World
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    I'm not a Mailman! (Solo Job) Empty I'm not a Mailman! (Solo Job)

    Post by Le Doge 27th August 2014, 12:39 pm

    Job Details:

    Rachael needed to stop doing such mundane jobs. Seriously though, they were boring, had little jewel reward, and were very very dull. Any normal person could do these jobs, so why did they need a mage for them? It made no sense to the doge as she walked towards the stadium in Magnolia. This was where the concert was taking place, yeah? Well then it shouldn't be a problem breaking in. With a sigh, Rachael stood in the center of the line of fans waiting to try and fail to get in backstage. The girl already had a plan to get in and bypass the guards. She just needed to see the door open and a fan get in and...

    ...Poof. The door had opened, and Rachael teleported inside. That's all there really was to it. Now to find the dressing room. Rachael sprinted through the hallways, stopping to peek around corners just in case there were guards about. Sure enough, there were guards and security cameras everywhere, which only made Rachael's job that much harder. Thank god she had EMP grenades. The cylindrical object appeared in Rachael's hand, and all she did was pull the pin and throw it real close to the cameras. Rachael hid herself around the corner to avoid detection and waited for it to go off. There was a strange, electrical noise and the lights flickered out in this general area. That gave Rachael the okay to go, and so she turned the corner and sprinted down the short hallway while looking side to side to try and find the door labeled dressing room. That was where the woman would be, right? Right? She hoped so, she was taking a random gander as to where she would be at this point. The doors were labeled a great many things, and the corridors were surprisingly silent for this sort of situation. She just guessed that made it even easier for her.

    Finally finding the door labeled dressing room, Rachael barged inside to find that, yes, the woman she was looking for was here, but no, she was not alone.

    "Freeze!" said a man, followed by the click of a gun. Rachael did as he said, not out of compliance, but a fear of being shot. "Put your hands up!" Rachael complied again, putting her hands up. Her right hand still held the letter she was supposed to be delivering, which in turn caught the man's eye.

    "Just take the damn letter, give it to her, and I'll be on my merry freakin' way." Rachael said, throwing the letter at the man. He caught it, looking at it for a second before turning around to hand it to the woman.

    "Just what is it abou-" he was cut off once he saw Rachael was already gone. "Damnit!" he said. The next ten minutes were spent looking for the mysterious dog-eared girl who had came to deliver the letter. They didn't find her, and speculation assumed she got out by blowing a hole in the wall. She had explosives and could have killed their client at any time? Why didn't she?

    The woman opened the letter, read it once with wide eyes upon seeing the name of the sender before rereading it over and over again. She just couldn't believe it. Clutching the letter close to her chest, she shed a single tear of joy and mentally thanked the dog-eared girl who had mysteriously shown up to give her this letter.


    I'm not a Mailman! (Solo Job) WPcNzH2
    Job Info:

      Current date/time is 1st June 2024, 3:44 am