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    Chicks and Bubblegum[Openzzzz]


    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Malefic Illusions
    Position : None
    Posts : 143
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    Experience : 150

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    Chicks and Bubblegum[Openzzzz] Empty Chicks and Bubblegum[Openzzzz]

    Post by Blanka 6th August 2014, 5:20 pm

    At the very least one would have to say he day was . . . gorgeous. Just the right amount of clouds laced the skies that the blazing orb we call the sun housed had just now started descending to send us into evening. The wind occasionally whispered light hymns in the ears of those who were out doors and the palm trees responded back with their respective ancient hushed chanting. Birds and other wildlife were barely audible deep in the jungle of this blessed island, but still it seemed like the whole piece of land was acting as one. At least, that's until you add in the unpredictable actions of humans, striving to attain their wants and needs. Constant chatter from these beings filled the ears of the Blond Gypsy as he was woken from his nap on a park bench. In a daze his vision fizzed like sparkling cider as his ability to see was slowly regained. "Mmmm, banana peppers . . ." This man said as he rose now sitting formally in this seat as he rubbed his eyes and looked around. Everyone was minding their business, doing what they did, so Lucas took it upon himself to delve into their world's as he played a game that was one of his favorite past times. FOLLOW THAT STRANGER!!!! The nonchalant gaze sharpened like the zestiest of cheddars, as he locked his gemstone shaded optics onto a rather pretty looking woman who had an accumulation of bags in her hands.

    He hummed in delight as his eyes softened into a more caring visage, then he rose from his seat dusted himself off and followed. All the while he was thinking of a smooth or suave way to approach her. Surely she had suitors knocking down her doors and fighting each other for her everyday, so he couldn't simply toss any old introduction at her like it was leftovers from dinner . . . no, this had to be the best of the best, da bomb diggity of all approaches. He nodded to himself, before looking up and noticing he lost track of her . . . or was it a him . . . why was he even following someone? He looked around for the answer to his question and shrugged it off as he hadn't found one, but instead saw a new beauty. Ohhh cha chaaa." The blondie said, turning his attention to the glistening blue and echoing ocean. "The sea taste nice today." He said as he exhaled the breath he had drawn in. Like a drag from a cigarette, he used the inhalation to taste the salt that peppered the air of the island and it was some high grade salt.

    The odd sight of a formally dressed samurai on a wooden boardwalk would be what bystanders saw, but weird things like this were normal in this universe right? Lucas didn't care, he liked the way he dressed, from the white haori and black gi, down to the black hakama and wooden geta. The thought of this internal peace made a snake like smile that revealed his upper row of teeth, skate onto his face, this would be a good day.
    Almyra Bys
    Almyra Bys

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Rising Star- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Armored Beast
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    Posts : 678
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    Cosmic Coins : 41
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    Age : 30
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    Experience : 1787.5

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    Chicks and Bubblegum[Openzzzz] Empty Re: Chicks and Bubblegum[Openzzzz]

    Post by Almyra Bys 6th August 2014, 6:43 pm

    This island was quite pretty. The trees and forests and animals, and even just its shape was interesting. Almyra wondered if the island had formed in a crescent naturally or if magic had affected its formation. She wasn't sure where to look to find out, though. She would figure something out eventually though. She yawned. She was a bit sleepy, but didn't want to sleep yet. There was too much here to see, and many people to. So many pretty people, though their systems had little interaction with each other here. Less than other places with many people she had seen, like the train station. The systems remained as more separate small groups rather than in other places. She imagined it was due to the fact that it was often a place where people came for vacations, and would stay with their families rather than interacting with others. This made her a bit disappointed really. They would probably all have more fun meeting new people like she was always doing.

    If Lucas in his formal attire was strange, Almyra may have been stranger with her travel-worn clothing and perpetual green cloak, with the hood raised even. She was used to always hiding her skin from the sun in the hot land of Desierto. The feeling of something covering her head just felt right to her. She yawned again before sitting down and looking out to sea. It was so pretty. She should go for a swim later. Her clothes would dry out rather quickly in this weather, though they would become all salty, so she would need to find somewhere to wash them first. For now, though, she decided to just enjoy the beach itself. She took off her bag and placed it next to her, lying down with a happy sigh. She dug her fingers into the hot sand and smiled as she thought of her first home. She liked it there, even if magic users like her weren't particularly liked there. Her eyelids were heavy now. She was slowly drifting off, thinking she should get up, but not wanting to. She should find someone to talk to. That would stop her from falling asleep in the sun. But she also wasn't in the mood to go looking for people to talk with. This was indeed a difficult dilemma.


    Chicks and Bubblegum[Openzzzz] 3MA5V3N
    Button count: 1035
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    Omen Angel

    Omen Angel

    Administrator- Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- Main Account- Mythical VIP Status- Demon VIP Status- God VIP Status- Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Rising Star- Guild Master- Legal Guild Ace- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- Working Together- Christian Minecraft Server- Limited Edition- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Over Achiever- Sticking Around- Loyal to the Bone- Taskmaster- Fan Art Contest Participant- Richie Rich- Rich- Veteran Level 5- Veteran Level 4- Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 2nd Place Event/Contest Winner- X-Mas Event Participant- Advertisement Achievement Badge- Cookie Achievement- Cupcake Achievement- Rainbow- Hero- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Omen Angel
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    Faction : The Rune Knights
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    Age : 26
    Mentor : Deniel
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    First Skill: Calling of Heaven and Hell
    Second Skill: Fallen Angel Take Over
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    Chicks and Bubblegum[Openzzzz] Empty Re: Chicks and Bubblegum[Openzzzz]

    Post by Aliannah 6th August 2014, 8:53 pm

    Alyia walked down an empty shore of Crescent Island. She was there on vacation away from all of the people on the main land. She had come to the island in hopes of getting away from the large crowds that decorated the cities of Fiore. She sighed happily as she looked out at the horizon where sea blue met sky blue. The island was somewhat crowded so she had ventured farther down the beach where they was little to no people around her. With a quick look around Alyia stepped foot into the cool waters of the ocean. The small waves brushed up against her feet and wetted the tips of her long hair. Enjoying the coolness of the water Alyia ventured farther into the ocean until the ocean waters touched the middle of her calves. Her hair was now starting to get wet enough that it would drip when she exited the water. Alyia would have gone farther into the water but she did not have her bathing suit on and she did not want to get her clothes wet because if she did she would have to wear them and they would stick to her body and make her feel uncomfortable.

    Seeming that she had stayed in one place too long Alyia walked through the water farther down the beach. With each step Alyia could feel the brush of the waves against the legs and the moving of her hair with the waves of water. Moving farther down the beach the blonde mage saw small specks on the horizon. Had she really walked to another beach? ‘Dang, walking everywhere has started to wear off,’ Alyia thought as she realized just how far she had walked. Seeing the people get bigger as she got closer Alyia had thoughts of turning around and walking back to the beach that she had come from. But with the resurfacing thought of wanting to do into the water she decided that she would continue to the beach ahead and purchase a bathing suit at one of the many stores. When she finally reached the populated beach Alyia skirted around the people and made her way to the small shops that decorated the edge of the beach. Reaching the shops the blonde female looked back and forth up and down the line of stores. They all looked the same to her. Choosing one at random she entered it and walked over to the girls swimming suits. Searching through the racks of suits Alyia finally spotted one. It was a black and citrine blue horizontal striped bikini that was held together by bikini straps. Knowing her exact size the blonde girl found it and brought it to the counter to be checked out.

    It wasn’t soon after Alyia had bought the suit that she had put it on and gone back to the beach. Walking out onto the sand the blue eyed female did not hide herself, she knew exactly how she looked with her skinny waist and short stature. Once again avoided the large crowd of people and ventured into a more secluded place by the port. There were still people around just not as many as there had been before. Taking a deep breath the blonde girls set her clothes that she had been carrying down on the sand and wandered into the water until it was waist deep on her.


    Rin Moriyama
    Rin Moriyama

    Goddess of Storms

    Goddess of Storms

    Demon Slayer- Veteran Level 1- Novice [250]- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Zeus's Descent
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    Chicks and Bubblegum[Openzzzz] Empty Re: Chicks and Bubblegum[Openzzzz]

    Post by Rin Moriyama 6th August 2014, 8:57 pm

    It was such a beautiful day out on Crescent Island. She had been there the whole day, not really interacting with others for obvious reasons. The strawberry blonde was wearing a very cute white sun dress that was shorter in front a longer in the back. It was laced along the edges and had puffed sleeves that were off her shoulders. On her head she would wear a broad brimmed, tan sun hat to keep her skin from getting sun burned. With it she wore a par of white sandals. Cute fluffy white clouds laced the darkening sky perfectly, a light breeze blew through the air, causing the palms trees that lined the boardwalk to sway in harmony. It had been so hot earlier so the breeze felt great. The demon slayer had made reservations at a resort on the island but it was not yet time to check in, so she thought it would be nice to go on the beach. It just so happened, that under her sun dress, she was wearing a a frilly pink bikini with a skirt over the bottoms.

    The strawberry blonde passed by two people who didn't look like vacationers at all. One who looked like a samurai with long blonde hair and the other was a dark skinned, young woman wearing a worn green hooded cloak, nodding off on a bench. The girl decided it was best to leave them be, and so she continued on her way down to the water line of the ocean. Rin happened to find the beach's changing room and took off her sun dress to reveal the very innocent looking pink, frilly bikini underneath. She neatly folded the dress and put it away in her bag before stepping out of the changing room and onto the nice warm sand. However, while walking out onto the beach, she tripped over a rather large seashell that had been lying on the beach. Rin fell forward letting out a girlish scream upon impact with the ground.


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    Rin's Themes:


    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Malefic Illusions
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    Chicks and Bubblegum[Openzzzz] Empty Re: Chicks and Bubblegum[Openzzzz]

    Post by Blanka 7th August 2014, 2:49 pm

    The serpentine grin slithered off his face, as the expression morphed into a squint upon seeing a sight for sore eyes. At least for his sore eyes. His clothing was out of the norm, but this new presence that walked out onto the sand was on par with him. The way the clothing was wore had little impact on Lucas, for if the hood was drawn or not, he could care less, but the overall feel he got from it, it was a homely feeling. Was she also of Gypsy origin? His head titled lightly, almost unnoticeable to anyone paying attention as he tried to analyze the female as she lied down. "May be my lucky day . . ." Pulling out the correct facade from the confines of his pink matter, the quirky and overall weird Lucas was stowed away until that mask would be needed again. Now his mannerisms were a bit more akin to his previous display when he was tailing the woman with the bags, not in the aspect of him having intimate intentions, but this side of the Blondie was more sociable. The squint softened like cloud tufts that lurked in the skies overhead and soon after a solid tap or *clack* -the sound of wood against wood- initiated Lucas' approach.

    Off the boardwalk into the sand of the beach below, his landing was cushioned by the toasty colored sand. Bending each leg, one by one, at the knee, he reached back and collected his wooden geta now holding each by the rope string they bore in his right hand. Toes curling to register the foreign sand in his mind, Lucas was more than happy to welcome each and every individual grain as they lightly tickled the soles of his feet as he walked, but soon his journey was halted. Faint exclaim striking his face, as he saw a woman take what seemed like a fall into the sand. "Bahh." He said under his breath as he cursed the manners he had. The topaz optics hesitantly shifting from the one covered in green, to the one in the sand, he casually made way over to the girl who wasn't far away. Crouching down with his geta still dangling in his right hand softly clapping against each other, he offered a hand, more specifically an upward facing palm, to the female. With this hand that seemed so delicate came a smile that was equivalent in softness, but behind both came a sense of strength for if the extended hand was accepted, Lucas would graciously help the girl to her feet. "You ok there?" The voice was smooth as a stone used to skip on river waters, "Sand can be quite the pain sometimes, gotta be more careful ya know." Though the ending came with words of advice, they were carried with the tone of a caring mother speaking to a small child who was learning a lesson for the first time.

    Hopefully with that minor ordeal settled and the woman all dusted off and things of that nature, Lucas would notably be distracted as he would keep peering over to the green one to be sure she hadn't scurried off before he could speak with her. Politely excusing himself with a bow, he would make way to his primary destination, internally eager, but aesthetically nonchalant. A meter or two off either of her shoulders -her immediate right or left- Lucas' left hand would rise to shield his eyes from the sunlight as he looked from the ocean to the girl. Her complexion made his skin crawl in delight as it was notably sunkissed, she must have been a gypsy too . . . right? "I'm not here to hit on you or anything weird . . . mind if I sit?" The sun's warmth itself seemed to live though this smile that Lucas had plastered on his face, hoping he would be granted passage to sit.
    Almyra Bys
    Almyra Bys

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Rising Star- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Armored Beast
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    Posts : 678
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    Cosmic Coins : 41
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    Age : 30
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    Experience : 1787.5

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    Chicks and Bubblegum[Openzzzz] Empty Re: Chicks and Bubblegum[Openzzzz]

    Post by Almyra Bys 7th August 2014, 3:42 pm

    Almyra had been slowly drifting off to sleep, trying to fight it and work up the will to get up and do something, but the sand was so warm and comfy lie on. She closed her eyes and was about to fall asleep when suddenly she heard a scream. Her eyes shot open and she sat up with a bit of a start as she saw a girl fall over in the sand. A nice blond-haired man went to help her though. She smiled, feeling sleepy once more and lie back down in the soft, warm sand, a small smile on her lips. She hadn't slept too well on the journey here, the bumpy ride waking her up repeatedly, and with her sleep never giving her that much rest, she always needed a lot of it.

    She was about to drift off once again, ignoring footsteps near her when suddenly she heard a voice. "I'm not here to hit on you or anything weird . . . mind if I sit?" In her rather groggy state, the question was incredibly silly. Why would anyone need to ask to sit? She giggled softly before opening her large brown eyes sleepily to look up at the man who had spoken a few feet off to her left. "Why would I be afraid of you hitting me?" She asked him, before giggling again, having misinterpreted what he had said, which wasn't at all uncommon for her already, but given her current state, it was bound to happen. She nodded with a smile though. "You can sit next to me if you want. I might fall asleep. I'm kind of sleepy." Luckily for Lucas, Almyra was almost always friendly, despite how tired she might be. She would only ever really get confused and act (more) strangely when tired.


    Chicks and Bubblegum[Openzzzz] 3MA5V3N
    Button count: 1035
    Other siggies:

    Omen Angel

    Omen Angel

    Administrator- Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- Main Account- Mythical VIP Status- Demon VIP Status- God VIP Status- Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Rising Star- Guild Master- Legal Guild Ace- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- Working Together- Christian Minecraft Server- Limited Edition- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Over Achiever- Sticking Around- Loyal to the Bone- Taskmaster- Fan Art Contest Participant- Richie Rich- Rich- Veteran Level 5- Veteran Level 4- Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 2nd Place Event/Contest Winner- X-Mas Event Participant- Advertisement Achievement Badge- Cookie Achievement- Cupcake Achievement- Rainbow- Hero- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Omen Angel
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    Faction : The Rune Knights
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    Age : 26
    Mentor : Deniel
    Experience : 1,362,393

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Calling of Heaven and Hell
    Second Skill: Fallen Angel Take Over
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    Chicks and Bubblegum[Openzzzz] Empty Re: Chicks and Bubblegum[Openzzzz]

    Post by Aliannah 7th August 2014, 7:34 pm

    Alyia had been in the water for a 10 minuted just testing it and feeling it against her skin. The water was starting to get warm to her. Taking a deep breath she dove into the water popping back up not even a minute later. Her hair was all wet now and was dripping down her body. She had pieces of hair on her face that dripped salt water into her eyes. Bending her body in an arch the blonde girl dipped her head back into the water getting the miscellaneous pieces of hair out of her face.Taking another deep breath the blonde girl dove back into the water. This time she opened her eyes and looked at the ocean floor. Colours. Everything was so colourful. Realizing that she was almost out of air Alyia rose back to the surface face first to make sure that hair did not get on her face again. Breaking the surface of the water the petite blonde drew in a long needed breath. Taking a minute to make sure that her breathing was back to normal the blonde dove back under. This time she blew out air as she went down. This allowed her to sit at the bottom of the ocean and not rise back to the top. Sitting at the floor of the ocean Alyia’s hair floated above her as she watched fish of different colours swim past her. Finally running out of air the blonde rose to the surface of the ocean once again. But as she took another deep breath she started her way out of the water.

    Her feet reaching the sand where the water just barely kissed it Alyia felt a little cold. She might have bought a bathing suit but she hadn’t bought a towel. Not wanting to go through the trouble of going through the crowd just to buy a towel Alyia just sat on the water kissed sand. It wasn’t dry so it wouldn’t stick to her wet body as much and she would still be able to feel the ocean brush up against the back of her calves.


    Rin Moriyama
    Rin Moriyama

    Goddess of Storms

    Goddess of Storms

    Demon Slayer- Veteran Level 1- Novice [250]- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Zeus's Descent
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    Chicks and Bubblegum[Openzzzz] Empty Re: Chicks and Bubblegum[Openzzzz]

    Post by Rin Moriyama 7th August 2014, 8:53 pm

    Rin looked up to see and outreached hand followed by male voice. "You ok there?" When she looked all the way up to see who it was that had spoken to her, it was the guy she saw earlier. "Sand can be quite the pain sometimes, gotta be more careful ya know." She took his outstretched hand and was pulled to her feet. She dusted the sand off her legs and when she looked back up again to thank the person, he had already left and was heading over to the girl in the green cloak who was lying on the beach. How rude, he comes over to help her, and then without saying anything he leaves?! That really irked the demon slayer, to the point where she began to emit faint sparks of white lightning from her body. However, she knew there was nothing she could really do about that.So she let out a sigh as the lightning sparks ceased.

    The beach wasn't too crowded but still had quite a few people there. Rin had planned to do a little swimming but her mood was now spoiled and she no longer felt like going in the ocean anymore. She went over to where she had set down her bag and pulled out a cyan blue beach towel that had beautiful pink hibiscus flower designs on it. She laid it flat on the sand near a beach umbrella and sat on it, hugging her knees. Rin wasn't very fond of socializing with other people, for she had a hard time trusting others. She felt, nobody could truly be a true friend. So she kept to herself, not interacting with anyone that happened to be on the beach. She just sat there watching everyone else have a good time. That was until a volleyball rolled her way and after it came a group of girls who all looked younger than Rin. She had felt she'd met them somewhere before but couldn't remember where. She picked up their volleyball and handed it back to them, and when she did, their faces lit up like a Christmas tree and the squealed with joy. "No way! You're Rin, of Saber tooth right?" Just as the first girl finished her sentence, she noticed Rin's blue pegasus tattoo on her left thigh. That's when the second girl spoke up. "Oh my gosh Rin, did you like join blue pegasus? Aren't they like the strongest guild in Fiore?" Rin just nodded. Then the third girl spoke up. "Wow miss Rin, I think you fit in better at Blue Pegasus anyways, you're soo pretty and graceful too! Do you remember us? We were at the guild master's meeting" That's where she had met them before, they were those three girls who wanted her autograph and who glared at Adrien. Rin just nodded in response. "What are the odds of meeting you here! We're like so lucky!" They seemed to be beaming with joy and then the second girl spoke up once more. "Um... Miss Rin, you see, we're short one player for a game of volleyball...would you be maybe willing to play with us?"Rin got a new fire in her eyes. She enthusiastically nodded. "Sure, I'd love to!" Rin got up from her towel, placing a security lacrima next to her bag so no one would steal it.

    Over at the nets...

    Rin was on the team with one girl facing off against the other two. It was Rin's serve. She tossed the volleyball into the air, high, jumping up at the same time, striking the ball as hard as she could which sent it past the two girls and made a huge whole in the sand behind them. They all were completely impressed by the demon slayer's immense prowess. The game went on till the sun had set, and Rin's team had one. The girl's thanked Rin for a great game and took their leave. Once she saw them vanish, Rin went over to her towel, picked up the security lacrima while at the same time deactivating it. She began to put her things away and took back out her neatly folded sun dress. She quickly put it back on over her swimsuit and finished packing up. By now, she should be able to check in at the resort.


    ~Character~ l ~Magic~ l

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    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Malefic Illusions
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    Chicks and Bubblegum[Openzzzz] Empty Re: Chicks and Bubblegum[Openzzzz]

    Post by Blanka 7th August 2014, 9:16 pm

    Lucas was delighted with the sight of the girls earthy toned eyes, they had a very . . . hmmm organic look and feeling to them, soft yet durable, they made Lucas feel at ease as he chuckled weakly at her response. Was this her trying to flirt with him? The Blonde male was unsure, but he dismissed the thought as quickly as it came, basically letting the idea travel straight through one ear and out the other, short lived at the most. It wasn't that she wasn't pretty, but that's not what Lucas was concerned about at the moment, so he stayed focused and took a moment to gather his thoughts as he sat in the soft sand staring out to the ocean beside the Green Lady. "Oh you're on the beach to nap haha, today did bring us some nice napping weather, just woke up from one myself. Anyways . . ." From deftly mulling over small talk, Lucas would cut into the reason he approached. He wasn't even sure what he'd do if she was a gypsy or if she wasn't one, just mostly curiosity, but as he thought about it more and more during this pause he felt odd. Such a trivial bit of knowledge and it really had no real meaning, so why was he pursuing it. Looking from the blue sea that had a fairly attractive girl breaking its surface over to one that could be equated in a similar manner, Lucas wasn't all that interested in finding out if the lady was a gypsy or not.

    "Can I ask where you come from, you have a unique way of dressing that makes me think of some of my family." Just a minor alteration to the question, from her answer if she chose to answer he could hypothesize the answer to his original question, but he felt this one was a little more normal to ask. Plopping down in the sand, hair and all, he found himself growing a bit tired, though he had just awoken, perhaps it was seeing the sleepy girl or maybe it was the warmth of the sun or maybe the welcoming cushion of the sand . . . all components were more than likely responsible, but Lucas had no issue with that. Still shielding his eyes with his left hand, the Blondie simply stared into the the sky above.
    Almyra Bys
    Almyra Bys

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Rising Star- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Armored Beast
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    Posts : 678
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 41
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    Age : 30
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    Experience : 1787.5

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    Chicks and Bubblegum[Openzzzz] Empty Re: Chicks and Bubblegum[Openzzzz]

    Post by Almyra Bys 7th August 2014, 10:25 pm

    Almyra giggled again when Lucas made the comment about her taking a nap. "No, I came here to explore, but got tired. I didn't sleep well coming over here and need a lot of sleep." She yawned. She didn't move from where she was lying. It was too comfy and warm. She wondered why he had come here, probably on vacation like most other people. Though he was dressed differently than the others, like her, so maybe he was here exploring too.

    He asked where she was from now and she smiled again, thinking of home. She liked it at home for the most part, though all the rules were a bit silly, especially since it was just because she and her sister used magic. Her sister's wasn't even dangerous like hers if she lost control. The people here were less silly, and it was nice. "My family moved here from Desierto. That's why I like the beach. The sand reminds me of home." She scooped up a handful of sand and felt it trickle between her fingers for a bit before putting it back down. Sand was nice when it was on the ground, less nice when it was in the air. "How about you? Where are you from and what brings you here?"


    Chicks and Bubblegum[Openzzzz] 3MA5V3N
    Button count: 1035
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    Omen Angel

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    Chicks and Bubblegum[Openzzzz] Empty Re: Chicks and Bubblegum[Openzzzz]

    Post by Aliannah 8th August 2014, 9:48 am

    Sitting on the beach Alyia watched the waves roll into the shore and then be pulled back out again as if on a leash. The ocean blue was mesmerizing as light reflected off of the ways making little flashes. Alyia was now almost completely dry, the only part that was still wet was her hair and her bottom of her legs that touched the wet sand. With the realization of this Alyia stood up. She reached behind her and wiped the grains of sand off of the the back of her legs so that the sand would not stick to her skin when it dried. After clearing her legs of the small grains of rock the blonde stood back up and looked around to see what else there was to do. She was in the mood for some fun. Looking around for something to fulfill her need to have some fun she stopped a volleyball court. There was one person left over there and the volleyball was a few yards away from the girl. A smirk decorated the blondes face as she made her way over to where the volleyball was sitting. Reaching the ball she bent over and picked it up. She looked up from where she was bent over so that she could see her target. But as luck would have it the person that she was going to throw the ball at was the lightning freak that she had run into in Hargeon. With a scowl appearing on her face a tch exited her mouth. The world hated her and just loved to make her life a shitty place. With a growl from the back of her throat the short blonde rolled the volleyball to the other girls feet.

    Alyia stood back up after she rolled the ball and walked away from the other blonde girl and back down to the shore. She needed to cool off. Reaching the water Alyia waded in. As soon as the water reached her waist Alyia dove in her blonde hair fanning out above her in the water. The girl swam around under the water for a little while until she eventually ran out of air. Popping her head out of the water she drew a quick breath. The air around her was starting to get cool and she knew that another minute in that water with the cool air around her would probably make her really cold when she walked back to her hotel. Coming to that conclusion Alyia swam back to shore and exited the water. Walking over to her clothes she snatched them off of the ground and headed farther inshore so that she could possibly find a place to sleep for the night.


    Rin Moriyama
    Rin Moriyama

    Goddess of Storms

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    Chicks and Bubblegum[Openzzzz] Empty Re: Chicks and Bubblegum[Openzzzz]

    Post by Rin Moriyama 8th August 2014, 11:07 am

    Rin finished packing up her thing when she felt something, hit the back of her leg, when she turned around to see what it was, she found that the volleyball had rolled over to her. She wondered if someone had rolled it, or if it rolled on it's own but there was no one around who could have done it. The strawberry blonde just shrugged her shoulders before picking up her bag and walking over to the wooden boardwalk. It was still sunny out, but the sun was indeed setting on the island. She thought to herself for a moment. 'Maybe it would be a good idea to check out the night life here...' Just then, something smacked into her face causing her to fall on her butt from being surprised. "whaa?" She took the thing off her face that had caused her fall and blindness to see it was flyer advertising a fireworks display on the beach that was happening tonight. It even noted that there was a place to rent yukatas for the show. Rin's face lit up in excitement after reading the flyer. With her mind made up, she rushed to the resort so she could check in and start getting ready.

    At the resort...

    Finally, Rin managed to check in at the front desk. The receptionist gave the strawberry blonde her room key and called for a bellhop to bring her bags to her room. On the way to the room, the bellhop couldn't help but notice Rin's excitement. "Miss, might it be alright to ask why you're so excited?" Rin turned to the bellhop and just grinned. "Well... I'm going to see the fireworks show tonight!" She exclaimed. "oh, how nice, well, this resort, rents out yukatas to guests for the annual fireworks show, so please see the front desk for details." After saying that they had reached her room and the bellhop left Rin with a polite bow. Now all alone in her room, the demon slayer thought it might be a good idea to take a quick shower before renting a yukata and heading back to the beach.


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    Chicks and Bubblegum[Openzzzz] Empty Re: Chicks and Bubblegum[Openzzzz]

    Post by Blanka 8th August 2014, 11:30 am

    Lucas lightly nodded to her response, he had been on the island for quite awhile just take on odd end jobs and exploring, so he couldn't remember his journey getting here too well. Was it by boat? A voice in his mind chimed, firing a question at him that could normally keep him distracted for at least thirty minutes. He put a finger to his chin as he thought, be remembered he was in someones company, so he simply put it off for later questioning. And besides . . . she had spoken words that pecked at his brain with a more prominent thought. The desert, he had fond, but lonely memories of the place, that being where he was taught swordsmanship and how to defend himself, before embarking on his first journey . . . or was it his second hmmm, perhaps his fifth. He wasn't sure and that same unsure mentality bled into the answer of the question the Green Woman asked. "I don't really know where I was born. I've been traveling in a caravan for as long as I can remember. Either I don't have a home or I'm from everywhere I guess haha." He chuckled at the strange thought, but it was true, there was no in between only one extreme or he other, much like ones faith in God.

    It all depended on Lucas' decision though in a way. Was everywhere his home, these being places where ever he decided to lay his head or was no where his home and just temporary lodgings until he would rest again . . . he was baffled. "And I'm just here for adventuring. Don't like to settle down in one place for too long you know. Gotta keep fresh things coming into my life, by the way my name's Blanka, sorry I hadn't shared it earlier. May I ask your name?" He looked over to the lounging one to his right with a child like curious expression. True the name he went by hadn't been given, just a simple variant, but his own light infliction of paranoia typically stopped him from giving his name to others. Such a silly obstacle, given his name really didn't matter, but in his right-side-down mind, it was a necessary precaution, at least until he was better acquainted.
    Almyra Bys
    Almyra Bys

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    Chicks and Bubblegum[Openzzzz] Empty Re: Chicks and Bubblegum[Openzzzz]

    Post by Almyra Bys 8th August 2014, 11:53 am

    The man had been traveling all his life? That sounded like a lot of fun. On second thought, Almy wasn't too sure she would have wanted that. She liked going home every now and then to spend time with her parents and sister and just relax. She wondered if he ever wished he had a home to go to. A place where he would always be welcome and always be able to stay in comfort no matter what. It would be sad to not have that option. She smiled when he said he could be from everywhere. That sounded much nicer. "I think it's better to be from everywhere."

    The man said he was an adventurer, too? It was always nice to meet another adventurer! All people were interesting, but they were extra interesting. The way they moved about the world created more ripples than most, and they interacted with systems over a wide expanse of area. They were some of Eris's greatest disciples, whether they knew it or not. Their subtle impact was what she desired most to ensure the dynamic equilibrium in the world. "It's nice to meet you Blanka! I'm Almyra." She didn't mind that he had waited to share his name. Sometimes she would hold long conversations with people, neither of them giving their name. Names weren't important, the people behind them were. Though names could be pretty, which his was. "I like your name. It's pretty."


    Chicks and Bubblegum[Openzzzz] 3MA5V3N
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    Chicks and Bubblegum[Openzzzz] Empty Re: Chicks and Bubblegum[Openzzzz]

    Post by Aliannah 8th August 2014, 12:31 pm

    Alyia had walked around the beach side town and looking for a place to stay for a full ten minutes before finding a resort that met her needs. There was not too many people that would make Alyia stressed, but there was enough to know that the resort thrived. Walking to the room that she had bought for the night, and maybe the next, Alyia changed back into her clothes. But as soon as she had them on she felt uncomfortable. There seemed to be sand that had gotten into the threads and stuck there. With a sigh Alyia grabbed her keycard and exited her room. She needed to go get new clothes because there was no way that she was going to wear sandy clothes for the rest of the trip. Walking down the hall the blonde girl noticed a poster that was on the wall. Stopping to take a look she saw that there was going to fireworks later that night. Alyia didn’t know what fireworks were. She had never seen them before. Wanting to know what they were Alyia made a resolution to herself saying that she was going to go and watch and figure out what they were.

    Alyia had finally made it to the shopping district of the the ocean town and started to look for a clothing shop that matched her tastes. While walking down the street Alyia had looked into the shops. None of them seemed to have what she wanted. The blonde mage walked for a couple more minutes before she saw exactly what she was looking for. It was a summer dress that was longer in the back than the front. Alyia walked closer to the window to look at the dress better. The sleeves on the dress were about an inch thick and were off the shoulder and the neck was an arc and not a V. The dress colour was primarily black with a white stripe running down the center. Without another thought Alyia wandered into the store and bought the dress in her size. With a white bag in her hand Alyia went back to the hotel to change.


    Rin Moriyama
    Rin Moriyama

    Goddess of Storms

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    Chicks and Bubblegum[Openzzzz] Empty Re: Chicks and Bubblegum[Openzzzz]

    Post by Rin Moriyama 8th August 2014, 4:36 pm

    Rin stepped out of the shower, wrapping one towel around her body and another around her head to keep her wet hair from dripping onto the floor. It had only been roughly fifteen minutes since she finished her shower but it seemed as if more time that than had flown by. The strawberry blonde looked at the sun dress she had been wearing earlier that day, that was now laid out on the bed. She could see small particles of sand stuck to it in certain places. It seemed as though sand had gotten on her dress when she laid it out on the wet beach before putting it back on, now the sand had dried and was stuck. She let out a small sigh of annoyance. Unfortunately, she had only packed a spare pair of undergarments for this trip but not any other outfits. The demon slayer was really in a bind now. However, she remembered how there were shops on along the boardwalk. She figured she had a bit of time, so why not do a little shopping before heading to the fireworks show?

    The only thing other than her sundress she had to wear was her bikini, and even in that she felt embarrassed to wear but it was all she had. The strawberry blonde mage sucked it up and put the pink frilly bikini back on along with a light, white hooded jacket and her sandals. Rin grabbed her purse and room key and headed for the boardwalk. Walking along the boardwalk, there were many cute little shops as well as food stands that gave off incredibly delicious aromas but the demon slayer did not come here for food, she came to buy new clothes. As she continued along the wooden boardwalk, she could feel lecherous eyes on her from all directions, which made her extremely uneasy not to mention, there was quite the crowd which did not help to calm her, it only irritated the hell out of her. When Rin caught sight of a really cute little boutique, she slithered through the big crowd and slipped into the shop. Breathing a sigh of relief, she began to browse the shop. Everything there was very cute. Now only sell swimsuits but they also sold sundresses, hats, accessories, the works. The mage was in her glory. There were so many outfit to choose from, she had a hard time picking one out. So she grabbed a bunch and went into the changing room.

    Inside the changing room, she took off her jacket and used her bikini as her undergarments. The first one she tried on, was an aqua blue, sweetheart neckline sundress with red and yellow hibiscus flowers on it. It was a bit short so it made her feel a bit self-conscious. Next, Rin tried on a white one that was quite similar to the one she owned only this one had black lacy trim instead of white and it was the same length in both the front and back. It was cute but it didn't quite fit Rin's tastes.
    She had picked out another sundress that was a very cute, pale pink with white plumeria flower designs on it, white frilly lace on the top and bottom, it was also the same style as her other sundress. It was perfect. She picked out a couple of accessories, payed for it up front and left the shop wearing her new outfit. She had on a brand new dress, she felt refreshed. Rin was so happy she didn't even mind the crowd now, that was until, her shoulder bumped into someone and she fell flat on her butt from the impact. "Ouch! That hurt!" She exclaimed rather loudly.


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    Chicks and Bubblegum[Openzzzz] Empty Re: Chicks and Bubblegum[Openzzzz]

    Post by Blanka 8th August 2014, 5:48 pm

    Sure he hadn't given his real name, but the alias he had given her was still a title he went by. Actually, it was more of a persona, the one he took on when he was engaging in a more action packed event. Typically battles, but also when cooking, or assuming his rightful role as a Gypsy and doing things like fortune telling, selling random odd end goods, or just doing odd things. He wasn't bi polar or anything of the sort, though it would seem like it considering he would just switch personalities in the blink of an eye, he was just a good actor. The true Lucas . . . Lucas had no clue who that was and assumed it he was defined as this conglomeration of traits. The whole thing was very confusing,

    "Yeah . . . being from everywhere makes me feel a bit less alienated haha, but you're one to talk, your name is pretty too. It's a very unique name as well . . . hmmmm" Lucas typically thought more than most names were pretty, though sometimes he had to admit some were just ehhhh ugly, but majority or the time, even for common names he dubbed them as pretty. This didn't mean Almyra's name was any less pleasing to the ears, in fact it ranked pretty high on Lucas' list. His eyes averted from Almyra back to the sky and stretched as he noticed the sun had begun getting pretty low and also that more souls had began crowding the beach. "Hmmm, people wonder what's going on, they started coming pretty quickly." Now sitting up cross legged like an attentive canine, he took in his surroundings like a new born did when they first gained clear vision. Also using his ears to feed his curious brain that starved for answers, the pink matter was soon nourished. "Fireworks . . ." Looking at Almyra he felt a little bad that he had eaten up her napping time as it seemed like no one would be getting much rest here in due time. "Looks like I took up your napping time, my apologies." The naturally calm voice was now riding a wave of light shame as his head slightly titled in a modest bow to the woman. Now coming to a stand he looked out to the ocean waters eager to perversely watch the sun and sea kiss. As he gazed he could note a few faint silhouettes out on the water surface and he assumed those would be the vessels used to launch the fireworks.
    Almyra Bys
    Almyra Bys

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    Chicks and Bubblegum[Openzzzz] Empty Re: Chicks and Bubblegum[Openzzzz]

    Post by Almyra Bys 9th August 2014, 10:06 am

    "Thank you. I like my name, too." Almyra sat up and looked around, watching all the people as they came back onto the beach. She wondered what had brought them there, but probably wouldn't have figured it out very quickly had it not been for Blanka. Her eyes brightened up as a smile came on her face at his mention of fireworks. "Yay! Fireworks are fun!" She said excitedly. She frowned a bit as she heard the light bit of shame in his apology. "It's okay. I don't mind. Talking to people is much more fun than sleeping." She looked out onto the ocean, wondering when the fireworks would begin, hopefully soon enough that she could stay awake through them.


    Chicks and Bubblegum[Openzzzz] 3MA5V3N
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    Omen Angel

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    Chicks and Bubblegum[Openzzzz] Empty Re: Chicks and Bubblegum[Openzzzz]

    Post by Aliannah 9th August 2014, 1:35 pm

    The ground hurt. That was Alyia’s conclusion as she fell backwards from a bump and made impact on the ground. He bag was still in her hand but her dress was starting to slip from it’s concealment. She picked up the bag and set it right side up so that the dress wouldn’t fall out and become ruined. Looking at her hand that held the bag she found that it was all scratched up and bloody. With a hiss of aggravation Alyia looked up at the person that she had bumped into. With words of frustration in her mouth Alyia froze. It was lightning freak. That was who she had bumped into. With a snarl ripping from her throat Alyia got up from her spot and left the girl sitting there on her butt. She knew that she hadn’t seen her because when she looked the other girl’s eyes were snapped shut clenching from the pain of falling and landing on the concrete. With bloody knuckles Alyia stormed back to her room at the resort. She hoped that she would never see that lightning freak again.

    Reaching her room Alyia swiped her key card by the door lock with aggravation. She was done for today. Putting the white bag on the bed Alyia slipped to the bathroom in search of bandages and and some sort of ointment. Looking through the bathroom’s closet and cabinets the blonde girl finally found them. Opening the bandages and washing off her wounds Alyia hissed in pain. Rubbing the ointment onto her skin the blonde girl thought about the lightning freak that she had run into earlier. The world seemed like it wanted those two girls to be friends, but their personalities just didn’t match up. Finally wrapping up her cuts Alyia made her way back into the main room. She grabbed the bag off her bed and took out the dress and within a couple minutes she was changed into the sand free dress.


    Rin Moriyama
    Rin Moriyama

    Goddess of Storms

    Goddess of Storms

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    Chicks and Bubblegum[Openzzzz] Empty Re: Chicks and Bubblegum[Openzzzz]

    Post by Rin Moriyama 10th August 2014, 11:39 am

    When opened her eyes, she saw that nobody who could have bumped into her was there. She blinked a few time before shrugging it off and standing up. However, her new dress now had a fresh stain on the back of it. She gasped then got mildly irritated, to the point where tiny white lightning sparks could be seen emanating from her body ever so slightly. She just headed back to her hotel room. Once there, she entered the bathroom, took off her new dress and tried to wash it in the bathroom sink, it took her about roughly a half hour but the stain came out completely. Rin just sighed in relief. She put the dress back on, looked at the time, noticing the fireworks were going to be starting in roughly and an hour, so the strawberry blonde girl had to hurry, so she wouldn't miss anything. She remembered how the bellhop told to see the front desk about renting a yukata for the fireworks show. She grabbed her room key and purse, then headed out the door closing it behind her.

    Down at the front desk...

    Rin hurried down to the lobby of the resort, and headed straight for the front desk. "Hi, I was told to see the front desk for renting a yukata for the fireworks show, is that true?" The lady just smiled kindly at her. "Why yes, young lady, we have a rather large selection of yukatas, would you care to come pick one out?" Rin nodded her head enthusiastically in response, and the lady guided her to the yukata rental room. "Please feel free to take your time to pick out a yukata that's to your liking miss." Rin began browsing the racks and racks of beautiful yukatas. Everyone of them was unique, and not a single one wasn't pretty. However, one that really caught Rin's eyes, was one that was white in color with pink and red flowers on it. It was indeed a very summery yukata. She took it off the rack, then proceeded over to where they kept the obi belts. Rin looked carefully for one that would match, quickly finding one that was bright yellow base color with red, white, and pink layers with bright yellow flowers printed on each layer. The lady came over and helped Rin put it on. Now with her all dressed up, the lady handed her a cute pair of wooden getas that matched perfectly as well as a matching fan. Now the strawberry blonde was all ready for the fireworks. She thanked the woman for all her help. Now, it was off to the beach, hopefully, she could find a good spot to see the fireworks go off.


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    Chicks and Bubblegum[Openzzzz] Empty Re: Chicks and Bubblegum[Openzzzz]

    Post by Blanka 10th August 2014, 12:36 pm

    Lucas too possessed a fondness of fireworks in the depths of his complex soul. It made sense given the fact he was quite the artistic person, not in the light of actual drawing art, but he had appreciation for it. Where he was artistic was with words, poetry and thing of the sort and cooking, it came in handy traveling alone and not having to eat the same dish with the same flavors every night. "Ehhhh, I think that's a close competition, talking to people is nice, but there's just something about sleep, that always sounds right." He jested with a faint chuckle as he rolled back down to his back. "Yeah, talking to others is always nice, gets boring after spending so much time alone doing random stuff haha." His tone was a bit more serious, but nothing too stern to bring the mood down. Lucas wasn't fond of being a buzzkill or buzzkills at that, though sometimes it was needed, he liked to have situations steadily escalating to their peak until they exploded, much like fireworks.

    Shoveling a hand around in his kimono for a small moment, he finally felt the item he was looking for. Withdrawing a pack of gum from his nebulous garment, he tore it open and unwrapped a piece before extending a limb and piece to Almyra. "Gum?" He inquired as he looked over to the woman and blew a bubble. *Pop* Then he drew the ends back into his mouth with a cheery smile.
    Almyra Bys
    Almyra Bys

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    Chicks and Bubblegum[Openzzzz] Empty Re: Chicks and Bubblegum[Openzzzz]

    Post by Almyra Bys 10th August 2014, 1:10 pm

    Almyra shrugged. Sleeping wasn't that fun to her. She had already done almost everything she could think of doing in her dreams. Besides, anything she did in her dreams was just that, in her dreams. That fact made them not as fun, since there wasn't any real adventure or risk in doing things. It was all just in her mind. Make believe could be fun sometimes, but it was better with other people, not just in dreams.

    She looked at his hand as he held the gum out to her, then shook her head. "No thank you." Gum tasted fine, but she disliked the fact that one couldn't eat it even though it was tasty. The idea of just chewing it for a while and spitting it out disappointed her. She reached into her bag and pulled out her doll, hugging it to her chest. She always liked to make believe Tammy was alive. She could come close to it. Maybe Timara will have found a way to bring her to life next time she visits.


    Chicks and Bubblegum[Openzzzz] 3MA5V3N
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    Chicks and Bubblegum[Openzzzz] Empty Re: Chicks and Bubblegum[Openzzzz]

    Post by Aliannah 10th August 2014, 4:41 pm

    An hour had passed and Alyia was now outside in one of the trees that decorated the resort. She had seen on the poster that she could rent a yukata down at the front desk but she decided against it knowing that her luck would not prevail and she would end up seeing lightning freak again. So, with her new dress still on the blonde had walked outside only to find a crowd of people. They must’ve all been here to see the fireworks. Alyia stood outside of the crowd and tried to see where the fireworks would be shooting off. Only problem was, she couldn’t, her height was to her disadvantage once again. With a growl the blonde stopped trying to see over the people on her own and looked for a way to be taller so that she could see. That idea resulting to where she was now. In a tree. She had seen s couple trees on the resort property and found that she was too short to even reach the bottom branch. So, when she found this tree near the beach and almost completely people free she had no second thought when climbing it.

    Sitting in the tree at that moment was her best decision yet. She could see the beach and the place where she had found to sit was comfortable. If anyone had seen her from the beach they would have seen a small angel with long blonde hair sitting in a tree watching over the people below her. Because that was what she was doing; watching the people below her. By now there were a small group of people standing under and around the tree in await for the fireworks to start.


    Rin Moriyama
    Rin Moriyama

    Goddess of Storms

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    Chicks and Bubblegum[Openzzzz] Empty Re: Chicks and Bubblegum[Openzzzz]

    Post by Rin Moriyama 10th August 2014, 4:58 pm

    In her pretty yukata, Rin skipped happily out of the resort in the direction of the beach. However, when she reached the boardwalk, there was an enormous crowd, gathered there as well as on the beach. There were many girls in yukatas arm-in-arm with their boyfriends. However, none of them looked as cute as Rin did. She felt confident in her looks, not that she was trying to show off for anybody but she just didn't want to look weird. Seeing all the couples on the beach and boardwalk made Rin feel a bit lonely seeing as how Adrien didn't come with her. She pushed her way through the crowd on the boardwalk, making her way onto the sandy beach where it was even more crowded. The demon slayer didn't like this at all. While she pushed her way through all the people, she started to search for a good vantage point from where she could watch the fireworks explode in the sky, showing off brilliant and bright colors that light up the night sky. However, some little kids who ran past, knocked into the strawberry blonde, which in turn caused her to begin to fall forward and onto someone who happened to be lying down in the warm sand. "WATCH OUT!" She exclaimed rather loudly, as she made impact with the person. She immediately got off of them and gave the person a deep bow. "I'm soooo sorry!"


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    Chicks and Bubblegum[Openzzzz] Empty Re: Chicks and Bubblegum[Openzzzz]

    Post by Blanka 10th August 2014, 5:26 pm

    Lucas shrugged at the declined offer and went by the notion, "More for me" as he was about to put his gum away but then Almyra pulled out a peculiar looking doll. "Wow and who's this cutey?" Lucas said with a raised brow and a giddy smile. It was odd looking at first, but Lucas was odd as well, so he quickly dug beyond that and came to the conclusion the doll wasn't maybe super cute, but it was cute to see Almyra hug it in such a childlike way. "Wonder whe- Gah!" Right on his stomach a person had landed, which caused Lucas' frame to lightly recoil up in shock. Seeing a familiar head of hair, then face after she bowed, Lucas chuckled and waved it off. "No need to be sor- oh it's you! Haha, nice to see you again, still having issues with the sand or are the kids giving you trouble. By the way I'm Blanka, sorry I scurried off so quickly earlier." He extended a hand just like before, but this time in the form of a handshake with a smile just as tender. Giving her time to answer his question he would blow another bubble as he looked in front of him noticing people were beginning to block their line of sight. *Pop* "Eh- Oh! That's a nice yukata, I've been looking for a new haori myself, if you're here for the fireworks and not with anyone else, want to watch them with us?" Lucas was now sitting up as he gestured a hand over to Alymra signifying she was the company.

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