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    Caravan Raids


    Lineage : Beast Pride
    Position : None
    Posts : 110
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 1231.25

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    Caravan Raids Empty Caravan Raids

    Post by Vincent 24th August 2014, 3:40 pm

    Job name: Caravan Raids!
    Rank: D
    Player Requirements: 1 - 4 D-Rank or higher mages. Dark Guilds and Guildless mages only. Minimum of 10 posts per player. 200 words per post.
    Requirements: Must Destroy the caravan and loot the supplies. (Weapons, food, water, etc.) Survivors are allowed.
    Location: Any of the "Lands" except for "Castles and Towers"
    Description: The Reaper King: "Some of our members are too weak, we must train them while still putting them to work. We need more supplies if we are to raise an army. Have all your lower members attacking caravanners 24/7 to raise their power. The time to strike is nearly upon us and we need more strength."
    Weak Merchants: Peddlers with no skill in defense or offense, but will carry some means to defend their poorly trained selves.
    Normal:Guards: Mercenaries hired by the Peddlers to defend them: They are trained to handle most threats such as bandits, but pose no magical abilities. Come with a variety of weapons from swords to guns.
    Strong:Mages: Mercenary companions to their weapon weilding counterparts, however are much weaker physically compared to them, but still stronger than the merchants. Their specialty lies in using both healing and damaging magic to support their allies. Each mage comes with a staff that enables them to heal the wounds of their allies while up close, and enables them to cast D rank magic from afar. Can use any element except for Light and Dark based magic.
    Reward: 1,250 Jewels to each mage.

    A happy little caravan of traders rolled down the road of the spooky forest without a care in the world. Wow they were a special kind of dumb. Honestly the place was named "the spooky forest" and it was aptly named at that. Going there was just asking to get robbed, murdered and worse yet people did it anyway. Sin admired their stupidity. Admired it in the way a hunter admires a fat boar about to be slaughtered. The white clad demon stood in the middle of the road watching the caravan slowly draw nearer. He didn't have much of a plan on how he was going to kill them all but he most certainly was going to. He watched ever patiently as they drew closer and closer down the road, he was a very patient man and didn't have any trouble standing perfectly still over an hour as they moved from miles away to just a few meters in front of him. Naturally a look out had seen him from far away and by the time the caravan reached him everyone was on high alert. One particularly bold idiot yelled at Sin "Oi what's your deal stranger? It's dangerous to stand out in the middle of the road like that. Something bad could befall you in a wood like this."

    Lineage : Beast Pride
    Position : None
    Posts : 110
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 1231.25

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    Caravan Raids Empty Re: Caravan Raids

    Post by Vincent 24th August 2014, 3:40 pm

    Sin grinned maliciously "Oh dear me no. I am most safe. For I am much stronger then I appear." This statement didn't seem to ease the nerve of the people of the caravan who were all now straining to look around the wagons in front of them to see the strange man in white. The bold idiot retorted "So you're one of those mage type guys? We have a few with us. Are you sure you don't want a ride to the next town or anything?" Said bold idiot was gripping on the hilt of a sword at his waist. He clearly wasn't THAT dumb as he had recognized that threat Sin presented to his caravan. This clearly wasn't his first rodeo. Then again it didn't take a rocket scientist to suspect a man in a white suit standing in the middle of a road in the spooky forest at night who was smiling like a madman talking in a weird way. But his intelligence didn't matter much to Sin at this point as he was going to die one way or another. With that Sin transformed.


    Lineage : Beast Pride
    Position : None
    Posts : 110
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 1231.25

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    Caravan Raids Empty Re: Caravan Raids

    Post by Vincent 24th August 2014, 3:40 pm

    His body grew, his height an inch and his muscles filling out a fair bit. His formal white suit melted into a stranger less formal black one and his hair shot up on end as his hat ceased to exist. Everyone on the caravan panicked and drew any weapons that they had and started ringing bells that seemed to work like an alarm system alerting everyone else of the danger. They had every right to panic for before them was the living breathing embodiment of desire. Sin's most durable form, Greed the Avaricious. Greed looked very pleased to see the action. All the shiny loot just waiting to be seized was enough to make him drool. "Alright everyone please line up to get your asses killed. Also please sort and label all your valuables so I can steal it easier. I don't feel like digging through all the useless crap to get to the good stuff." His words didn't seem to go over well with the merchants as all who were armed jumped from their wagons and charged him yelling a collection of profanities and phrases that could be mostly summarized as "As if you monster!" Greed shrugged, their funeral.

    Posts : 23944
    Mentor : Admin

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    Caravan Raids Empty Re: Caravan Raids

    Post by NPC 24th August 2014, 3:40 pm

    The member 'Sin' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    Caravan Raids NormalMonster Caravan Raids NormalMonster Caravan Raids WeakMonster Caravan Raids NormalMonster Caravan Raids NormalMonster Caravan Raids NormalMonster Caravan Raids NormalMonster Caravan Raids NormalMonster Caravan Raids WeakMonster Caravan Raids NormalMonster

    Lineage : Beast Pride
    Position : None
    Posts : 110
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 1231.25

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    Caravan Raids Empty Re: Caravan Raids

    Post by Vincent 24th August 2014, 3:47 pm

    They seemed to be bluffing about having mages as they all came swinging random weapons in a very not mage fashion. Greed wasted no time activating his ultimate shield hardening his skin to resist the incoming swarm of attacks. He met their charge with a great show of martial arts skill and physical strength in the form of a no holds barred bloody beatdown. The leader of the caravan and the suicide charge came at him with a cutlass and tried to bring it down on Greed's head. The blade shattered on impact and Sin punched the poor man in the gut tearing a whole straight through him. Sin ripped his arm out from the dead merchant's abdomen and prepared to meet the remaining combatants. Next came two armed mercenaries each wielding a battle axe. They both attacked in unison swinging their weapons of choice wildly. Greed hit the dirt and delivered a sweeping kick knocking them both off their feet. As they fell Sin jumped up and ripped their axes from their hands just to bury them in their master's backs as the poor fools hit the ground, dead. A pretty damn good start if Sin said so himself, which he did.

    Lineage : Beast Pride
    Position : None
    Posts : 110
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 1231.25

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    Caravan Raids Empty Re: Caravan Raids

    Post by Vincent 24th August 2014, 3:56 pm

    3 down, 7 left. Next came an untrained merchant flailing a club. Greed didn't even need to dodge as the attacks bounced harmlessly off his ultimate shield. He punched the poor sod in the face at full force sending him flying, the fool was dead before he hit the ground. Honestly humans were stupidly fragile. Greed's martial arts skill, speed and strength made him a tornado of death and destruction. A fact that the mercenaries were about to become incredibly aware of. One wielding a long sword came charging at Greed with a lunge at his right shoulder where one of his "nodes" were located. While the man was unaware of the weakness he had just launched an attack at the attack still possessed greater danger to Sin the any other before. If it were to land Sin would be left injured and incredibly weak. So naturally he wasn't going to just let that happen. He bashed the sword down with one hand and clocked the swordsman in the face with the other. With a sickening crack the mercenary's head did a 180 and he fell to the ground with a haunting thud. Today was a bad day to be these guys and there still 5 more lovely brutal deaths left.

      Current date/time is 7th June 2024, 4:49 pm