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    Everything's better when you're drunk, right? [CLOSED]


    Moderator- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Novice [250]- Player 
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    Everything's better when you're drunk, right? [CLOSED] Empty Everything's better when you're drunk, right? [CLOSED]

    Post by Sumdumguy 22nd June 2014, 10:38 am

    Sitting in the bar was the 18 year old form of Priscilla Lorelei, and next to her was a girl with wolf ears. Now, Priscilla, unlike many others, came here for the doughnuts as opposed to the beer, but the girl next to her seemed to have come here for the alcohol like everyone else. She seemed to be having a pretty decent time, she thought, and she hadn't noticed the girl next to her ogling her wolf parts so everything was fine. Every now and again she would throw glances up to the wolf ears on the girl and get a little red in the face. She wasn't attracted to this wolf girl like that in the slightest but...

    "Those ears are just so cute..." the girl muttered under her breath. Priscilla had an affinity for animals, and an even bigger one for human-like things with animal features, such as this girl. It was why she adopted a cat girl. Shaking her head, Priscilla took her eyes off of the girl for a moment so she could eat her chocolate covered doughnut. This was one of the few bars she'd been to that served them, and they were surprisingly good. They didn't even care that she wasn't here for the alcohol, they just appreciated the fact she bought tons of doughnuts and gave them loads of jewels. The moment Priscilla's doughnut was finished, she ordered another one, and while waiting, found herself staring at the wolf features of the girl next to her. Of course, she only tried to give a side glance so as not to look like a creep.

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    Everything's better when you're drunk, right? [CLOSED] Empty Re: Everything's better when you're drunk, right? [CLOSED]

    Post by Artemis 22nd June 2014, 12:36 pm

    Yup Artemis could get used to this town. She had been here awhile, and recently joined Blue Pegasus... kinda. Their was a few things that needed to be done before she was officially part of the guild so she lacked the tattoo and stuff but it was almost official. A few random guild members dragged her out of the hall to celebrate at one of the local bars. But they had all left by now. Either because they had stuff they needed to do that day. Or that they where surprised by Artemis change in personality when she got drunk. But either way she was ditched here, but Artemis was to drunk to care.

    Although she did happen to notice the girl sitting next to her was staring at her. At first through small glances but when she ordered a new doughnut she seemed to be unable to flat out stare at Artemis. Artemis' nose twitched as the smell of freshly baked doughnuts escaped from the kitchen. She started to drool slightly and took another gulp of her beer, finishing it in one swig.

    "Bartender can I have another one?" Slurred Artemis. Just from how she sound it seemed that she had been here for a while. The bartender rolled his eyes, obviously debating if he should cut ger off or not. But in the end he served her another.

    "Oh! Can I get one of those Doughnuts? They smell good!" slurred Artemis once again. She then turned her attention to the girl sitting next to her.

    "Hello! You've been looking!"
    said Artemis happily and she leaned on the girl with most of her weight. Her head rested on the girl's shoulder and she looked up at her with surprisingly innocent eyes.

    "It's hot in here!" said Artemis, slightly on the loud side. She pushed herself away from Priscilla and unbuttoned the top few buttons of her shirt before resting on her again.

    "Much better!" slurred Artemis in a sing-song voice, her tail wagging slightly. "Hey... You want to touch? You been looking for awhile. I-I don't mind as long as you're gentle. People have asked me before and I don't usually mind if they are gentle. People usually touch them anyway... even if they aren't gentle."

    Artemis was blushing slightly. It could be quite possible she was confused about what Priscilla was staring at.

    Moderator- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Novice [250]- Player 
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    Everything's better when you're drunk, right? [CLOSED] Empty Re: Everything's better when you're drunk, right? [CLOSED]

    Post by Sumdumguy 22nd June 2014, 3:38 pm

    Priscilla stared down at Artemis, face revealing no emotion whatsoever for a good ten seconds after the wolf had stopped thinking. After blinking a few times and registering the words that had been said in her head, the young looking ancient turned forwards and burst out laughing for a good few minutes.

    "Oh, oh my sides..." the young/ancient girl said. "O-Ow... Oohhh, that was kinda adorable, puppy." Raising a hand, Priscilla slowly began petting the girl's ears with glee. They were soft, like she expected. "Aw, you're so soft..." she mumbled, leaning closer into the girl who was leaning on her so she could nibble on them a little bit. She wondered if this was embarrassing, since she really couldn't tell. Priscilla had little to no sense of shame about this kind of stuff, which is why it didn't bother, even in public. Not even the few stares of other people could make her feel awkward, although they only looked for a second. She was too engrossed with the girl's wolf ears to really care.

    "So what's your name puppy? You're so adorable..." Priscilla asked before continuing her nibbling of the wolf's ears. Her arms wrapped around the other girl to keep her from moving while she nibbled on her ears. The girl was having far too much fun messing with the wolf girl. The ears felt soft and fluffy, just like Priscilla liked, and the girl was kind of attractive too. She was a perfect victim. A perfect victim of...

    ...tickles! Priscilla's hands were soon playing with the wolf girl's sides to try and get her to laugh. Hopefully she was ticklish, or this would all be for naught.

    Last edited by Sumdumguy on 23rd June 2014, 12:15 pm; edited 1 time in total

    Lineage : Aspect of Vulcan
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    Everything's better when you're drunk, right? [CLOSED] Empty Re: Everything's better when you're drunk, right? [CLOSED]

    Post by Artemis 22nd June 2014, 8:59 pm

    Artemis tensed up as soon as Priscilla started to message and play with her ears. Not only it wasn't what Artemis was expecting, she was not a big fan of people touching her ears and tail. Although Artemis quickly relaxed and leaned more into Priscilla. It strangely felt good. Artemis wondered if it always felt this good or if this woman was just good. Her breathing slowed down to a relaxed pace. Heck at this point she was practically on her lap. And then Artemis' face turned bright red.

    Priscilla started to nibble on her ear. She stared to squirm in protest but really didn't try to escape. It felt good, really good. But a different kind of good then before. She could help but let a pleasurable moan escape her lips. Even when Priscilla stopped for a moment to ask Artemis for her name she found herself waiting for Priscilla to continue and hoping that she would. Thankfully she did.

    "A-Artemis." said Artemis. She was trying to suppress her moans and even while saying her name she moaned a bit. Her breathing had become ragged and she tried her best to keep her calm. She felt this strange in front of all these people, so many of them where giving the pair strange looks. It was so embarrassing. But when Priscilla wrapped her arm around Artemis she didn't fight it. In fact she moved herself closer to Priscilla. And then the tickling.

    Artemis burst out laughing. The quick change in how she was feeling was odd and left her with barely any breath. She squirmed. The two sensations felt like they could be to much for her to handle.

    Moderator- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Dragon's Spirit
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    Mentor : Melody Lorelei (Supposedly Deceased)
    Experience : 1491

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    Everything's better when you're drunk, right? [CLOSED] Empty Re: Everything's better when you're drunk, right? [CLOSED]

    Post by Sumdumguy 22nd June 2014, 10:10 pm

    Slowing down her tickles, Priscilla let go of the wolf so she could breath and continue her life without having to die from asphyxiation. Arty was so cute... It melted Priscilla's ancient heart a little and made her giggle like a little schoolgirl, something she hadn't done or felt in a long time. "Hey pups." Priscilla said. "You should come with me and we should totally go do something together. Not something pervy but you know, cuddles or something." she said. Turning to the bartender, she flagged him over and proceeded to order some more doughnuts for them. "Yo, Johnny. Think I'll need a dozen more doughnuts, whatever variety you want. Make 'em all different." The bartender nodded and got to work picking out an assortment of doughnuts for them as Priscilla proceeded to take the girl support her weight, since she was probably heavily drunk and incapable of walking normally.

    "So how's about it, pups?" the girl asked with a grin. "Wanna take a walk with me? If your lucky I might give you some of my doughnuts and I can pet you some more, if it'll make you happy like you were a moment ago." Right now Priscilla was feeling kind of hyper and giddy, and her brain wasn't working properly. She really did want to just sit down with the wolf girl and just... cuddle. Or eat and chat together, but she was drunk so that was probably less of an option. "Or you can stay here and get creepy looks from those guys in the back."

    Last edited by Sumdumguy on 23rd June 2014, 12:15 pm; edited 1 time in total

    Lineage : Aspect of Vulcan
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    Everything's better when you're drunk, right? [CLOSED] Empty Re: Everything's better when you're drunk, right? [CLOSED]

    Post by Artemis 22nd June 2014, 10:24 pm

    After a few more moments Artemis made a high pitched nose and felt awave of exhaustion wash over her. Shortly After Priscilla stopped and let her breath for a bit. Her breathe was heavy and she felt kinda spent all of a sudden. She never felt like this before that she could remember. But she rare;y remember anything after she got drunk. Artemis simply nodded when Priscilla mentioned going some where with her. She felt to tired to speak at the moment. Artemis did her best to stand up on her own but her own legs felt weaker then normal. She wanted to go with Priscilla, even if it meant putting most of her weight onto her. Although she wasn't sure she could stand much more petting now, cuddling seemed like a really nice idea at the time. Even though she still didn't know the girl's name.

    Moderator- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Dragon's Spirit
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    Mentor : Melody Lorelei (Supposedly Deceased)
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    Everything's better when you're drunk, right? [CLOSED] Empty Re: Everything's better when you're drunk, right? [CLOSED]

    Post by Sumdumguy 22nd June 2014, 10:57 pm

    Picking up the doughnuts from the counter and dropping a set amount of jewels onto it afterwards, Priscilla led Artemis out of the bar and shook her head. The girl had just orgasmed, and you know what? Priscilla was okay with that. "Ah, I haven't had one of those in years. I forgot how nice it feels, but then again I don't like buying hookers..." the girl mumbled to herself before shaking her head. After exiting through the bar doors, Priscilla grinned and guided Artemis towards the nearest park, where the two would cuddle outside in nature for the night, whether the wolf liked it or not.

    *Timeskip to park*

    Sitting down, her back against a tree, Priscilla pulled Artemis to sit down on her lap while she placed the box of doughnuts down next to her. "Alright puppy, cuddle times." she said, her left arm wrapping around the girl's torso and the other coming up to flick the girl's ear. "So you're real sensitive here huh? Well, just tell me when you want me to do that stuff again. Since we're alone, no one's here to criticize you after all." she teased with a laugh before sighing and leaning back, hugging the girl tight and carefully.

    Last edited by Sumdumguy on 23rd June 2014, 12:15 pm; edited 1 time in total

    Lineage : Aspect of Vulcan
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    Everything's better when you're drunk, right? [CLOSED] Empty Re: Everything's better when you're drunk, right? [CLOSED]

    Post by Artemis 23rd June 2014, 4:28 am

    Priscilla got her doughnuts and they where off. She muttered something to herself but Artemis didn't understand the context. Was she referring to what happened to Artemis? Artemis although was to tired to care. Even with putting her weight on Priscilla she felt like she was going to fall over from exhaustion. But eventually after some time Artemis was lead by Priscilla to a very empty looking park. After sitting down Priscilla pulled the tired Artemis onto her lap and Artemis willing obeyed. When Priscilla wrapped her arm around her, Artemis just leaned more into her, getting comfortable with her current situation. Her ears did go back with Priscilla flicked them lightly. It didn't feel very nice but Artemis wasn't going to fight. She did however simply nodded when Priscilla asked if her ears where sensitive.

    "Same with the base of my tail... I-I usually don't let people touch them. B-but it never felt that good before."
    said Artemis weakly, sounding very tired. Her tailed started to wag again as she got more comfortable, closing her eyes and resting her head on Priscilla's shoulder. Her nosed twitched again. She didn't really never noticed how nice this girl smelt. It could of just been the conflicting smells in the bar or the fact she was very distracted while the girl was playing with her ears.

    "Just give me a bit..." said Artemis with a bit of a yawn.

    Moderator- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Dragon's Spirit
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    Mentor : Melody Lorelei (Supposedly Deceased)
    Experience : 1491

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    Everything's better when you're drunk, right? [CLOSED] Empty Re: Everything's better when you're drunk, right? [CLOSED]

    Post by Sumdumguy 23rd June 2014, 12:03 pm

    Priscilla giggled and rested her chin on the girl's shoulder carefully to give her some time to recover from the orgasm she had earlier. "So pups, how are ya?" she asked, trying to start up with some small talk. It'd be nice to get a little bit acquainted with each other while they were out here. "Oh, and if you're ever cold just tell me, I'll get a blanket." she added quickly. Priscilla didn't want her wolfie friend to get cold, after all. Priscilla was fine, mostly, with her sweater and everything, but she often kept a blanket or two in her shadow for extra warmth. Not to mention she liked how soft said blankets were, which is another reason she kept them with her.

    Right now, Priscilla was really comfortable and happy. There was a cute girl sitting on her lap, and she had adorable wolf parts, AND said wolf parts were really sensitive. It'd be fun to mess with the girl, but she hoped that Artemis at least realized Priscilla would stop when asked. She only really messed with people if it benefited both her and the other person for their amusement. Well, when she wasn't trying to outright prank them, at least. "You said your wolf parts were sensitive, yeah? So... can I play with them? Not right now, unless you want me to. It's just..." Priscilla stopped to look up at Artemis' wolf ears with a blissful expression. Her hug tightened a little bit and she blushed as she looked up at the adorable ears of Artemis. They really did melt her heart a little bit whenever she saw them. "They're so soooooft~"

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    Everything's better when you're drunk, right? [CLOSED] Empty Re: Everything's better when you're drunk, right? [CLOSED]

    Post by Artemis 23rd June 2014, 12:37 pm

    Artemis thought about what Priscilla asked. Well she felt tired but she felt different, not sure how to put it. But then the word just slipped out of her mouth.

    "Happy.~" said Artemis happily. She nuzzled into Priscilla more. She didn't really need the blanket. The night was cool but she got most of her warmth off of Priscilla. But it didn't stop her from shivering slightly off of the cool breeze. She just wanted to stay here. She wasn't used to someone giving her this kind of attention. She was used to being pushed around and bullied for her ears, tails and eyes. Not to mention her hair color made her look old wen looked at from a distance. She simply nodded when asked if they where sensitive.

    "They always were and umm... you can play with them whenever you want. I don't mind if it makes you happy." said Artemis, glowing red slightly. She wanted to make the girl happy. Even if it did make her feel good to the point where she felt like she would pass out. She had the feeling the girl wasn't done even after that. But at least she did give Artemis a break.

    Moderator- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Novice [250]- Player 
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    Everything's better when you're drunk, right? [CLOSED] Empty Re: Everything's better when you're drunk, right? [CLOSED]

    Post by Sumdumguy 23rd June 2014, 1:21 pm

    Giggling, Priscilla snapped her fingers and the two levitated off the ground by a few inches. "Come on puppy, you should have told me you were cold." she said as a blanket slowly rose up from the shadows beneath them. It spread itself out beneath them like they were on a picnic, and the two floated back down to sit on top of it. Reaching over to the shadows beside them, Priscilla pulled out another blanket, this one being much fluffier and softer, and flung it out over them to cover them both up. She made sure the blanket reached up to Artemis' shoulders and then wrapped around behind her so that they were both completely covered.

    "Is this better Arty?" the girl asked as she nibbled on the girl's neck slightly. She had noticed how the girl had gone a little red in the face earlier and it made her heart melt a tiny bit. With another giggle, the girl turned Artemis so she sat and leaned on her sideways, her arm pressing into Priscilla's chest lightly as they cuddled. She recalled hearing Artemis saying that she could play with her ears and tail whenever she wanted, so that was what Priscilla planned on doing. "This way, I can have better access..." she said in a mischievous voice before grabbing the base of Artemis' tail gently. "...to this." It didn't take more than a second for her to start stroking the base of the tail to try and make the girl feel good again. "I hope you enjoy yourself puppy. If you don't want to do this, tell me and we can just cuddle instead." Priscilla wanted Artemis to feel as happy as possible, as the girl seemed to be really enjoying herself.

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    Everything's better when you're drunk, right? [CLOSED] Empty Re: Everything's better when you're drunk, right? [CLOSED]

    Post by Artemis 23rd June 2014, 2:59 pm

    Artemis held on tightly to Priscilla as they where suddenly lifted off the ground. Although then they landed they where now on a blanket and Priscilla pulled around one out of thin air to cover the pair with. Artemis snuggled close Priscilla. Ok now it was perfect.

    "Y-Yes." said Artemis, reacting to Priscilla nibbling on her neck. Her face was red once again and Artemis figured it would probably be like that for awhile. But Artemis was surprised by the fact that Priscilla was about to move Artemis with out help as she moved Artemis onto her side. Her left arm rested comfortably on Priscilla's chest but the girl didn't seem to mind. Artemis wondered why Priscilla wanted Artemis to lay like this but it was made apparently clear in a matter of moments.

    Artemis made a small nose in protest to her tail being grabbed, mainly because she wasn't used to it. But it wasn't long till she got to the point she was at in the bar. She breathed heavily and buried herself more into Priscilla.

    "N-No i-it's fine." said Artemis, trying to talk as normally as possible. This seemed to make the girl really happy, so Artemis would be fine with it. It was one of the few times she actually found anyone who was nice to her. And the first time she could remember where someone would something like this to her and not be mean about it.

    Moderator- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Dragon's Spirit
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    Everything's better when you're drunk, right? [CLOSED] Empty Re: Everything's better when you're drunk, right? [CLOSED]

    Post by Sumdumguy 23rd June 2014, 3:17 pm

    "Alright, just making sure you're not uncomfortable." Priscilla said before sighing and pressing her head against Artemis'. "You're just so cute, I couldn't stand it if I hurt you or made you uncomfortable." Priscilla sighed happily and gave Arty a quick kiss on the cheek before speeding up her stroking of the tail. How long had it been since she had felt a tail or a pair of cute animal ears on a person like this? Her adopted daughter, she thought, would have been the last person she had petted like this, so that would be around three or four years ago. Damn, now she just felt straight up old.

    "So what do you like to do?"
    Priscilla asked. "Any hobbies, anything you like, just... anything? I'm curious as to what this puppy likes." she asked, nuzzling her cheek against the wolf girl's face. Right now, Priscilla wanted to befriend Artemis, although she didn't know if doing this to the girl while she was drunk would be the best way to do that. What happened if Priscilla got to into it and when the two woke up, they were lying outside naked? Arty probably wouldn't like her then... "And I really do hope you're okay with this. I'm trying to do it for you, to make you happy you know." she said sincerely, smiling and blushing as she stroked the girl's tail gently and slowly.

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    Everything's better when you're drunk, right? [CLOSED] Empty Re: Everything's better when you're drunk, right? [CLOSED]

    Post by Artemis 23rd June 2014, 6:36 pm

    "I-I'm fine, don't worry." said Artemis, blushing even more with the kiss. She nuzzled close to Priscilla. Either she got used to her tail being touched or Priscilla was being a bit slower this time. Either way Artemis still felt amazing.

    "Hmm..." said Artemis. She made a high pitch noise as Priscilla found a sweet spot. It was a good question, she really just walked, trying to find a place to sleep up until recently.

    "I-I like to eat sweet food. I usually don't have much to do often so I drink. And umm..." said Artemis. Her face turned an even brighter red. This next thing was kinda embarrassing.

    "I-I like to be bound up..." said Artemis quietly. It was true, when bound up she had a sense of security. "I-I really don't do much really."

    She nuzzled up to Priscilla again, it felt kinda good to get that last thing off her chest. She really never told that to anyone. If her tail wasn't being stroked it would probably being wagging at the moment.

    Moderator- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Dragon's Spirit
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    Mentor : Melody Lorelei (Supposedly Deceased)
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    Everything's better when you're drunk, right? [CLOSED] Empty Re: Everything's better when you're drunk, right? [CLOSED]

    Post by Sumdumguy 23rd June 2014, 8:00 pm

    Priscilla listened to Artemis' words and giggled at the noise the wolf made when the sweet spot was found. "So adorable~" she muttered as she looked happily into Artemis' eyes. The wolf girl was honestly melting her heart a little bit, which she absolutely loved. She was beginning to wonder if she had a soft spot for cute things. When the girl mentioned she had a thing for being tied up, Priscilla raised an eyebrow and almost burst out into laughter.

    "R-Really?" she stuttered, trying to hold back laughter. She found it funny that this little wolfie had a thing for that. "So cute yet so naughty at the same time~" she said before leaning in and kissing the girl on the cheek. "And it's funny because I might like to do things to people who are all tied up. If you're talking about what I think you are, that is."

    Priscilla laughed and sped up the pace to begin stroking the tail as fast as she possibly could, a mischievous grin gracing her lips as she begun to toy with the wolf even more. "If you want I could help you get all bound up and we could have LOADS of fun together! But only if you want to, you know." she laughed. Her incredibly fast stroking never slowed or stopped as she spoke, as she was intent on making the wolf's night a real fun one.

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    Everything's better when you're drunk, right? [CLOSED] Empty Re: Everything's better when you're drunk, right? [CLOSED]

    Post by Artemis 23rd June 2014, 8:28 pm

    Artemis' face burned an even deeper shade of red when Priscilla kissed her and mentioned she liked to do things to people who are bound up. Artemis tripped over her words, trying to actually speak properly but her words suddenly seemed to fail her. When Priscilla picked up the pace it didn't help at all. But Artemis' breath got heavier and she began to moan. She pretty much melted like putty in Priscilla's hands. The most she was able to do was nod to Priscilla. Her moans where getting louder and louder. And anyone could tell by Artemis' body language that she was Priscilla at the moment.

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    Everything's better when you're drunk, right? [CLOSED] Empty Re: Everything's better when you're drunk, right? [CLOSED]

    Post by Sumdumguy 23rd June 2014, 9:06 pm

    Priscilla's grin couldn't have gotten any wider as she played with Arty, trying her best to make the girl feel good. When Artemis nodded in response to her question, she laughed and pulled the blanket off of them so she could push Artemis onto her back so she laid sprawled out over the blanket. "Alright then, you asked for it. Tell me when to stop, because I could honestly do this all night." she said before snapping her fingers. The two then sunk into the ground and into the shadows, where they landed softly on what felt like nothing. They were in a confined space, about five meters by five meters wide, although neither could see the walls, ceiling, or floor. The only thing telling Priscilla that it was the floor was the blanket that laid on it, with Artemis on top. All around them were lit candles so the two could see each other, although the candles were far away enough so that wax wouldn't drip on them. Well, not yet at least. She planned on possibly using that on Arty, if the girl was okay with it.

    "So puppy... While I'm tying you up, you should tell me what you DON'T want me to do to you." the girl said with a mischievous grin as she pinned Artemis down. Rope conveniently floated towards them, and Priscilla grabbed it, laughing as she did so. "Let's begin~" Removing her sweater, she revealed her bust a little and begun to tie up Artemis so they could-

    *fade to black*

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    Everything's better when you're drunk, right? [CLOSED] Empty Re: Everything's better when you're drunk, right? [CLOSED]

    Post by Artemis 23rd June 2014, 9:40 pm

    Artemis was roughly pushed onto her back. Her hair was sprawled behind her. And then they seemed to of fall into some room with a snap of Priscilla's fingers. So the girl was a mage? Artemis could careless if she was or not. She was nice to Artemis and it was all she cared about. She nodded in response to the fact she could probably do this for the most of the night. Well Artemis would let her have her fun as long as she could. She didn't mind. Priscilla asked if there was anything she was against while tying her up.

    "N-Not that I can think of." said Artemis, she was honestly kinda nervous. This would to be her first time that she could remember. With that Priscilla lifted her sweater up and with a giggle, the pair's long night began.

    -The next morning-

    Artemis eyes opened slowly. She was still in the dark room with the low light candles. She could see her clothes discarded out of her reach mixed with Priscilla's. Next to the clothes where rope, a few toys and an empty box of doughnuts. She was covered by the same blanket used to cover herself originally. Next to her was Priscilla, who to looked like to still be sleeping. Artemis turned around to face Priscilla and couldn't help but smile. She just felt happy. Anyway she picked some dried wax from random parts of her body before cuddling close to Priscilla. She couldn't remember her binds being removed or even settling down, but yet she was free of binds.. Artemis wonder if she just ended up passing out in the middle of it. She hoped not, she wouldn't want to ruin Priscilla fun. But she was quite sore all over, especially in places she never had been sore in. But she was context just relaxing by Priscilla. Artemis just waited for Priscilla to wake up.

    "Hello sleepy head.~" said Artemis softly as she reached up and kissing Priscilla on the lips. She snuggled closer to Priscilla after that.

    "That was amazing.~" whispered Artemis. Although it slowly began to dawn on her that she never knew this girls name. What if she just left and never told Artemis? She would be alone again. The look of worry on her face was obvious.

    "Umm... I-I don't think you ever told me your name..."

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    Everything's better when you're drunk, right? [CLOSED] Empty Re: Everything's better when you're drunk, right? [CLOSED]

    Post by Sumdumguy 23rd June 2014, 9:56 pm

    The night was pretty darn long, and it made Priscilla happy that Artemis could last for so long before passing out. It was tiring for her as well, and so when Arty passed out, Priscilla freed the girl of her binds and laid down next to her before pulling the blanket over both of them and sleeping.

    When she awoke, she was greeted by a happy Artemis who kissed her on the lips. She couldn't help but kiss back for a moment before feeling Artemis snuggle up closer. She was so warm, it made her happy and giggle a little bit. "Hey puppy." she mumbled sleepily. "Yeah, that was amazing and I loved every second of it. I can't remember the last time I felt that good..." With a yawn, Priscilla scooted down so she was completely parallel with Artemis and she pressed her forehead against the wolf's. "We should do that again sometime."

    Upon hearing, Artemis' question, Priscilla grinned and revealed both of her abnormally sharp canines. It wasn't new to Arty though, as she had gotten to experience them in full last night during some of their "activities". "Priscilla Lorelei, the 569 year old woman who almost destroyed the world." she said with a giggle. "And before you say anything, yes, that is completely true."

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    Everything's better when you're drunk, right? [CLOSED] Empty Re: Everything's better when you're drunk, right? [CLOSED]

    Post by Artemis 24th June 2014, 8:56 am

    Artemis nodded in agreement. She would definitely love to do this again. Priscilla scooted down to be at an even level as her. Artemis smiled along side Priscilla, looking at her elongated teeth. At first she wasn't a big fan of them but after last night. But after a couple minutes Artemis didn't mind them at all. Priscilla told Artemis who she was and what she had done in the past. Artemis didn't know if it was meant to surprise her or even to drive her away but Artemis didn't care. In fact she just tried to snuggle even closer to her. She just wanted to snuggle with Priscilla with whatever feeling of her afterglow she still had.

    "You look good for 569 Prissy. Explains a few things too, like how you have such a vast collection of toys... and your creative use of doughnuts. You really wanted to make sure I wasn't sticky after that." giggled Artemis. She remembered enough of last night to remember Priscilla's tongue tickled.

    "Well then, in the case I know that I shouldn't mess with you. But I can handle just cuddling and playing perfectly fine." said Artemis, seemly unphased by the fact that Priscilla almost destroyed the world. Artemis giggled again. "I know you won't do it again because you said you wanted to do this again, we can't if there is no world to do it in."

    Artemis yawned and wrapped her arms around Priscilla. The smile on her face was one of unexplainable joy. "You are so full of surprises aren't you." said Artemis and she leaned over to kiss Priscilla again.

    "I can not tell you how sore my lower half feels. Walking is going to suck. But it's a good sore."

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    Everything's better when you're drunk, right? [CLOSED] Empty Re: Everything's better when you're drunk, right? [CLOSED]

    Post by Sumdumguy 24th June 2014, 11:41 am

    Priscilla giggled at the comment about her age and pulled Artemis even closer. The floor in the shadow realm was surprisingly soft, like they were laying on a bunch of pillows. It made snuggling up to Artemis even better. "Yeah, you're full of surprises too." she said in response to Artemis before leaning in and kissing her back passionately. She was becoming quite attached to this girl in such a short span of time. It was becoming questionable if she should actually just leave this girl... 'I would never leave Arty like that.' she decided on in her head. Priscilla was becoming honestly attached to her, in too many ways. If it went any further she might-

    "Yeah, I'm kinda sore too from all that work. If you want, I can carry you." the ancient girl offered. "I don't mind at all. Just tell me where to go and we'll go." Pressing herself further against Artemis, she leaned in and kissed Artemis passionately on the lips again, this time slipping her tongue into it with a blush. She really was attached to this girl. It would be hard to let her go when they eventually parted ways, but they could meet again, right? Yeah, they'd have to do that soon. For now, Priscilla just melted into the kiss and wrapped her arms around Artemis' hips to pull her in close.

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    Everything's better when you're drunk, right? [CLOSED] Empty Re: Everything's better when you're drunk, right? [CLOSED]

    Post by Artemis 24th June 2014, 12:30 pm

    Artemis pushed herself into the kiss with Priscilla, playing lightly with the other girl's tongue with her own. Her eyes where close while they kissed. And Artemis felt like she could stay here forever. She pulled away slightly from the messy kiss

    "It's ok Prissy, I don't have where I need to be today. We can just sit and rest here if you want, besides our clothes are so far away.~" said Artemis, wrapping her arms around Priscilla's hips. Artemis giggled. Even though she mentioned that they where out of reach the pile of clothes were actually just out of Artemis' reach.

    "Besides, It's not like I have far to go. I live at the guild hall and that's not that far away and I didn't really have much that I needed to unpack." said Artemis softly. Even though Priscilla quite recently was all over almost every part of Artemis' body there was no way she would of known. Artemis didn't have her tattoo yet and she was quite a recent edition to that family.

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    Everything's better when you're drunk, right? [CLOSED] Empty Re: Everything's better when you're drunk, right? [CLOSED]

    Post by Sumdumguy 24th June 2014, 1:03 pm

    Priscilla's hands ran down Artemis' body seductively all the way down to her thighs where she began rubbing them up and down, threatening to slip them back into the place they were last night. "Ah, we could do more of what we did last night, later today when you're not so sore and tired. Or we could go out and get something to eat together ooorrr..." Priscilla didn't really know what to suggest. What could they do? She honestly didn't know. "I wanna do whatever you wanna do, puppy."

    Grinning, Priscilla leaned back in and locked lips with Artemis again. She could honestly just do this forever, and she hoped Artemis loved it just as much as she did. Pulling away for a moment, Priscilla nibbling on Artemis' neck and grabbed the girl's tail with one of her hands, giggling mischievously as she did so. Her hand began to stroke the girl's tail a little roughly as she hugged herself close to the wolf, waiting for the girl to suggest something for them to do. "You're so cute Artemis, I love it~"

    Last edited by Sumdumguy on 24th June 2014, 5:49 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    Everything's better when you're drunk, right? [CLOSED] Empty Re: Everything's better when you're drunk, right? [CLOSED]

    Post by Artemis 24th June 2014, 2:01 pm

    Artemis giggled as Priscilla hands explored her body again, rubbing her thighs and getting dangerously close to where she was playing with yesterday. She couldn't help but moan softly as it happened. Priscilla knew what she was doing and in the short time of knowing Artemis she had figured out most of her buttons. She accepted Priscilla's kiss graciously and did her best to return the favor. She once again melted into Priscilla arms when she started to play with her tail again.

    "T-That's not fair Prissy."
    gasped Artemis in between moans. "I-I am feeling a bit hungry... but I feel bad about last night. You spent so much time focusing on me."

    Artemis' voice got even more high pitched as Priscilla continued. She wormed her way out of Priscilla's grasp and stood up, her naked body fully presented to Priscilla. She turned around and walked over to the pile of toys and after sorting through them found something that she thought would be fun for both of them. She walked back over to Priscilla shyly and ducked back under the blanket, bring the toy down between their legs.

    "Even though I am sore, I am well enough to do this for a bit more. Then maybe after we can go get some food and hits the baths." said Artemis. She leaned in and kissed Priscilla again and started up again. This time she would attempt to stay in the lead this time but Artemis highly doubted it would stay like that.

    -Fade to black-

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    Everything's better when you're drunk, right? [CLOSED] Empty Re: Everything's better when you're drunk, right? [CLOSED]

    Post by Sumdumguy 24th June 2014, 2:40 pm

    Mere seconds Afterwards...

    Priscilla lay panting next to Artemis, a wild grin plastered on her lips as she lay underneath the girl. "That was great Arty..." Priscilla said with a chuckle. It was going to be a challenge to find a way to make this all better than their previous times... Actually, maybe not. "Hey pups, I have a surprise for you." she said before sighing and snapping her fingers lazily. Her figure went completely black and shifted underneath Artemis for a few seconds before it returned back to its usual peachy colored self. Except something was different. Priscilla was older now, in her 33 year old form. She was a bit taller, with a bigger bust, thicker thighs, and she had a much deeper, more beautiful voice.

    "So pups... you like?" she asked in her seemingly seductive voice. "Oh, and I can't forget this!" she said before introducing Artemis to the thing that wasn't supposed to be there...

    *Yay for hermaphrodite fade to black~*

    Last edited by Sumdumguy on 24th June 2014, 5:49 pm; edited 1 time in total

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