Fairy Tail RP

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    Killa's Story


    Lineage : Caine's Descent
    Position : None
    Posts : 24
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 0

    Killa's Story Empty Killa's Story

    Post by Killa 19th July 2014, 8:30 pm

    Face Claim: Vocaloid | Gumi Matryoshka
    RP Sample: ~WIP~

    Started with a name…

    “Killer..Killer Killa! That is what her na-” The huge man was cut off was cut off by a small pepie woman with full on red eyes. “Name my child Killer and I will kill you.” She threatened although it was light threat. The man laughed as his massive arms swooped down and pick the girl up. “Fine fine love.” The women giggled as she rubbed her stomach. “She will be beautiful.” He whispered in the girls ear.  The women smiled sadly as she stroked her stomach. The thought of her child being born with the curse she had was sad. Blood ran down the woman's eyes. She then clutched her stomach. “Honey.. HONEY!”

    “I’m sorry but she didn’t make it.” The doctor said putting a thin white sheet over the woman of his dreams. Of the wife he spent 4 years with. But it didn’t surprised him. He still remembered the first two months in their relationship. How she felt so distance that down. how she was crying blood instead of treas. “There was a curse put on my family. A sickness really. Our bodies will slowly deteriorate. No family member of mine has lived past the age of 35. There is no cure. the only way to tell if the child has this illness is that at the age of 2. She will no longer cry tears of salt but treas of blood.” He remembered her words exactly. the soft cry of a child awaken him from his slumber. the doctor was holding a small infant with soft green hair. “its a girl.” The man took in his arms. It was so small almost like a tiny tiny puppy. Tears streamed down the mans face as he held his child.

    “papa” The small little girl grabbed on to her fathers pants leg. “papa!  The man bent down and picked her up by her shirt collar. “Whatcha want lil angel?” He asked looking at her. The little girl looked up at him ”Eme hungry papa!” She said in a small voice.She hung there as she looked at her father with big green eyes. “PAPA!!” She said in a whiny voice. The man set his daughter down and laughed. “Fine Fine. I’ll go get you some food.” the little laughed softly. She followed her father outside to only be greeted by the wilderness. The girl waved to her father happily.

    It came to early. When Emerald turned one it started. Blood ran down her face as she cried. The doctors couldn't help her though. The father freaked out and moved far far far away from any civilization. He began to train his daughter at a young age to defend herself and to keep her body in strength. Although there were times Killa couldn't move. Times were her father had to revive her. What was sickening for the family was that it was hard on both of them. Killa had to watch her father suffer while he had to watch her suffer. When it came to education Killa’s father wasn’t the brightest person. So for two days he was gone he came back with books. He taught his daughter how to read and from there Killa picked up learning by herself.

    By the age of 8 Killa had mastered a bow and arrow. She was taught how to hunt for herself at a young age and how to cook it. She learned how to wield a weapon properly and by that time she could run up to 2 miles without stopping. Although she never experience the outside world like most people. She never had any friends either unless you count her father and the woodland animals that lived by. When her dad left for the nearest town which was two days away she would stay at the cottage alone. Killa never felt lonely although she never really had any emotions to begin with. Her father was loving but sometimes he was straight face. Killa could only smile for him even at her darkest times she would smile for the huge man.

    At the age of 10 it was her birthday and instead of asking for anything. She asked to go see the town. Killa had her wish come true. It was a huge town called Magnolid. Killa walked through the streets looking at children. She couldn’t stop smiling. Her father was behind her too although he wore a hood over his head to hide his face. They went into many shops. Each shop was different in its own way. The world was so big. So filled with humans. Killa even played with some of the kids. Although her father was stopped by two men. They were talking amongst themselves in low voices. Killa stood back and waited for her father but he signaled to her to go.

    Killa stood waiting by the exit of the city until her father’s return. He returned of course although he was really upset, pissed beyond belief. They hurried home and what seemed to take a two day trip took one day.



    Lineage : Caine's Descent
    Position : None
    Posts : 24
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 0

    Killa's Story Empty Re: Killa's Story

    Post by Killa 24th July 2014, 11:41 am

    I met a strange person the other day.

    Mr. Demon of Life.

    He asked if I wanted to join his group. I told him yes only because I want freedom. But another thing is because hes not human.

    I'm overly curious about this man. I might be killed in the process.

    Curiosity Killed the Cat.


      Current date/time is 2nd June 2024, 6:30 am