Fairy Tail RP

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    Blissful Balthazar Bliss


    Lineage : Maelstorm
    Position : None
    Posts : 53
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 25

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    Blissful Balthazar Bliss Empty Blissful Balthazar Bliss

    Post by Bliss 31st May 2014, 1:37 pm

    A young man that went by the name of Balthazar Bliss sat alone on one of the giant turbines of the leviathan air ship, despite the deafening load roar of the turbines Bliss sat sewing a stuffed animal. It really didn't matter to Bliss, he couldn't hear the turbines roar clearly anyway due to his inability to hear. Since this place was so loud Bliss assumed that there would be no one who would bother him here. He had a spool of thread and various stuffing and cloth in laid out front of him, he took a second to pick the material he wanted and began to make another stuffed animal.

    This is a nice place, the warmth of the engine is quite nice, perhaps I can settle in here. I have not properly introduced myself to the others.... but it does not really matter. Solitude is peace...thought Bliss as he quietly worked on the stuffed animal. Occasionally he would touch a suspended piece of thread next to him. The thread was thin but extremely tough, it was silver but it was quite difficult to see to the naked eye. The thread was connected to other lines of thread tied all over the air ship, it was like a giant spider web Bliss would sense the vibrations created by any disturbances. Since Bliss was deaf he trained his other senses, to recognize every small detail, form feeling simple vibrations Bliss was able to to make out what was making the disturbances. With the help of the wires Bliss can also pick up vibrations when someone speaks, meaning Bliss would be able to recognize what a person was saying as if he can hear the words a person was saying.

    The wire was still, nothing seemed to be going on, Bliss sighed and began to work on the stuffed animal again.

      Current date/time is 2nd June 2024, 5:27 am