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    Prisma Magius [Finished]

    Haku Takashi
    Haku Takashi

    Lineage : Armored Beast
    Position : None
    Posts : 13
    Guild : Sabertooth
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 29
    Experience : 150

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Prisma Magius
    Second Skill: None
    Third Skill:

    Prisma Magius [Finished] Empty Prisma Magius [Finished]

    Post by Haku Takashi 22nd May 2014, 10:42 am


    Primary Magic: Prisma Magius
    Secondary Magic: None
    Caster or Holder: Caster
    Description: Prisma Magius is a magic based around geometry and the geometric composition of items and objects. Prisma Magius, at its base, utilizes the 3-dimensional form of geometric shapes (Cubes, spheres, 'prisims'). The magic forms the shapes, varying in size depending on the spell, using compressed Magic Power as the material for said shapes. As the progression of the magic complexes, the ability to make complex objects(i.e. rapiers, battle-axes, suits of armor).
    The purposes for this magic is mostly defensive with a few attacking and non-lethal trapping. Prisma Magius, in the hands of Haku, is used in a more supportive and protective way in the form of shields, barriers, and armor(higher up on the spell-scale). The form in which Prisma Magius is offensive range from the forming of a weapon, creating spikes, that can come from the ground or air (Also higher up spells), or other means that can be done from forming shapes. The last way, which may seem strange, is dealt with in may shapes coming together to form a cage or other assorted forms.

    • No elemental Factor- Therefore no elemental 'Weaknesses'

    • Versatile-Since almost everything is made up of shapes, Prisma Magius can make many things

    • Excels at Single Targeting


    • Has no elemental factor- Therefore has no elemental effects

    • Single Color(Purple)- Allowing for little to no stealth when in use.

    • Movement- Prisma Magius does not allow moving parts like a machine, or a even better example, a bow.

    • Prisma Magius can harm allies if not careful


    • Passive(social RP only)-Haku can create common household or useful objects using Prisma Magius. (i.e. cups, plates, forks, pans, keys, etc. could even possibly make furniture)

    • Analyzation- Able to analyze both shapes and structure better than most.





    Diamond Shot:

    Sphere Party:


    Prismic Wall:

    Pyramid Rush:

    Prismic Barrier:

    Last edited by Haku Takashi on 24th May 2014, 12:24 pm; edited 8 times in total

    Prisma Magius [Finished] Empty Re: Prisma Magius [Finished]

    Post by Guest 22nd May 2014, 1:07 pm

    Alright, a few things:

    1) Your first spell is too broad. You need to specify what kinds of weapons you can make, then add measurements, and an example of how sharp and fragile that weapon is.

    2) Duration and Cooldown are merged together as ONE weakness, realistically meaning you lack a weakness for all of your spells still.

    3) There is no duration that I'm aware of in your last spell

    4) This seems like Arc of Embodiment like me, materializing objects at will. However, you seem to state that your magic is focused strictly on shapes. Am I missing something? Don't take this harshly.
    Haku Takashi
    Haku Takashi

    Lineage : Armored Beast
    Position : None
    Posts : 13
    Guild : Sabertooth
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 29
    Experience : 150

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Prisma Magius
    Second Skill: None
    Third Skill:

    Prisma Magius [Finished] Empty Re: Prisma Magius [Finished]

    Post by Haku Takashi 22nd May 2014, 1:27 pm

    Edited, and to answer your fourth comment, I am limited on spell slots, so once I get more available to me, it will make more sense. It was due to lack of slots that its not exactly understood.


    Prisma Magius [Finished] M9IyWuz

    Missions Accomplished

    D-Rank Missions = 0
    C-Rank Missions = 0
    B-Rank Missions = 0
    A-Rank Missions = 0
    S-Rank Missions = 0
    10 Year Missions = 0
    100 Year Missions = 0
    Haku Takashi
    Haku Takashi

    Lineage : Armored Beast
    Position : None
    Posts : 13
    Guild : Sabertooth
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 29
    Experience : 150

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Prisma Magius
    Second Skill: None
    Third Skill:

    Prisma Magius [Finished] Empty Re: Prisma Magius [Finished]

    Post by Haku Takashi 24th May 2014, 8:23 am



    Prisma Magius [Finished] M9IyWuz

    Missions Accomplished

    D-Rank Missions = 0
    C-Rank Missions = 0
    B-Rank Missions = 0
    A-Rank Missions = 0
    S-Rank Missions = 0
    10 Year Missions = 0
    100 Year Missions = 0

    Prisma Magius [Finished] Empty Re: Prisma Magius [Finished]

    Post by Guest 24th May 2014, 12:13 pm

    Minor adjustments here:

    1) Cooldowns are supposed to be longer than durations.
    2) Reduce Diamond Ashley's speed to 20 MPH to suit its rank, please.


    1) Not entirely necessary, but for future reference, make sure coding is well-done so your apps are neater to read.

    Prisma Magius [Finished] Empty Re: Prisma Magius [Finished]

    Post by Guest 24th May 2014, 12:23 pm

    Reduce the duration/Cooldown rates of your first three D-Rank spells to 2/3 and you're approved.

    UPDATE: Approved

      Current date/time is 3rd June 2024, 3:22 am