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    Ring in the river (Solo Mission Riccardo)


    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Coming Storms-- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Dragon's Spirit
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    Ring in the river (Solo Mission Riccardo) Empty Ring in the river (Solo Mission Riccardo)

    Post by Bass 12th January 2014, 3:22 am

    Sinali had taken on a simple mission this time. Her last mission had been heavily damaging and she still didn't feel like she was 100% recovered. Her arm and leg definitely still ached a bit, but it was no surprise as both had been broken during the fight and probably dislocated a few times as well. Still, she was used to pain. Her magic itself was rather painful to use. It was highly powerful though or at least it would be once she had greater control of it. She was still learning about it. She needed money for her own purposes, not food or clothes, but for other things. Like her plans for mass genocide and extinction.

    Today, she was to find a ring. Not a difficult mission in a lot of cases. However, the ring had supposedly, according to the woman who had lost it, in the river. The two of them had split up so they could cover more ground. Well, that was what the client had said, but judging by her face she didn't want to be near Sinali for too long. She did like quite disturbing at points. Most of the time really, but not nearly as much as when she was fighting.


    Welcome Guest.

    Ring in the river (Solo Mission Riccardo) 8Xdz1Cq

    Current missions(0/6):

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Coming Storms-- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Dragon's Spirit
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    Ring in the river (Solo Mission Riccardo) Empty Re: Ring in the river (Solo Mission Riccardo)

    Post by Bass 12th January 2014, 3:36 am

    Yes, Sinali was quite the creepy little girl. Enough to put anyone off, particularly a young girl who was so recently engaged. That was the ring she had lost, her engagement ring. To be honest in her opinion it was silly to lose something so precious. However, normally, from her knowledge, engagement rings were meant to fit perfectly so this exact situation or something similar to it didn't happen. Which meant that her fiancee obviously didn't know her that well and had got the ring the wrong size. Either that or this woman had taken it off for some reason. It was odd in truth. Either one of them had made a mistake or the other and with an artefact that was meant to be so important to them. It seemed beyond silly, it was to be frank stupid.

    She leapt into the river landing in a crouch. It was necessary to look for a glint or something otherwise it would be tricky to find it due to the size of the river. This was going to take a while whether she liked it or not unless she was very lucky.


    Welcome Guest.

    Ring in the river (Solo Mission Riccardo) 8Xdz1Cq

    Current missions(0/6):

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Coming Storms-- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Dragon's Spirit
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    Cosmic Coins : 1
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    Experience : 125

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Naknight
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    Ring in the river (Solo Mission Riccardo) Empty Re: Ring in the river (Solo Mission Riccardo)

    Post by Bass 12th January 2014, 4:56 am

    The river was not overly wide so that wasn't too bad. It also wasn't too swift flowing. The rocks of the river bed cut into her feet a little bit, but like she always said pain was nothing. It was something she was used to. Something she would have to live with forever so there was no point getting bothered by it.  The river itself was deep though. Deep enough that the young eight year old was completely submerged at this point. This was fine, she didn't need to breathe being undead. It was ideal though as she could see benath the water whilst she walked up it. The place the woman felt she had lost the ring was near the bridge slightly upstream. Where Sinali was starting to search was the place the woman guessed would be the furthest the ring could go in the time since she'd lost it. It was likely it hadn't gone that far as an object like a ring was quite heavy and with the river's slow and sluggish process it wouldn't be moved easily. That was the woman's hope. Sinali privately agreed, but she was ok to search at this point and work her way up. It might potentially be slower, but it also might potentially be faster. After all, she could find it by her feet in a few moments and then it would be over. So, best to start here just in case.

    "At least it can't be further up the river than the bridge." Sinali said. That narrowed down the search a bit. Now they only had half a river to search. Sinali considered using a spell to aid the speed of the search, but decided against it for the moment. There was no need.


    Welcome Guest.

    Ring in the river (Solo Mission Riccardo) 8Xdz1Cq

    Current missions(0/6):

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Coming Storms-- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Dragon's Spirit
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    Ring in the river (Solo Mission Riccardo) Empty Re: Ring in the river (Solo Mission Riccardo)

    Post by Bass 12th January 2014, 6:51 am

    Walking beneath the river wasn't something she was used to, but it didn't feel that unusual either. Everything was slower under the water, but other than that everything was the same. Well, the lightning was different. It was all greens and blues and it was rather distorted. Still, it was the fastest way to find the ring. It seemed that the river was flat at the moment, but in the distance it appeared to be slightly uphill. She was only just under the water now so if she got further up then she wouldn't have the edge or at least not as easy an edge. In order to improve her chances of finding the ring and stop her having to do it later she dropped down into a crawl and began to move along the river bed. As she moved the stones cut her hand, but she was now able to sift amongst the rocks looking for any sign of the ring.

    Her sharp eye caught a glint and she crawled over to it. She picked it up and glared in annoyance. It wasn't the ring she was looking for. It was a plain golden ring with no markings on it. As she lifted it, it seemed to resize itself so it would be a perfect fit for her index finger. She stared at it. From it she sensed a great power though it felt like a power that was trying to consume her. It was like a ring of fire in her hand. She dropped it. It wasn't for her she felt. As she crawled away she felt a strange longing to go back for it, but resisted. It was very difficult though.


    Welcome Guest.

    Ring in the river (Solo Mission Riccardo) 8Xdz1Cq

    Current missions(0/6):

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Coming Storms-- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Dragon's Spirit
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    Cosmic Coins : 1
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    Experience : 125

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Naknight
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    Ring in the river (Solo Mission Riccardo) Empty Re: Ring in the river (Solo Mission Riccardo)

    Post by Bass 12th January 2014, 7:26 am

    Difficult. That was what it was. Difficulty to go away from. Even that small moment of holding it had been like a massive weight on her mind. It was powerful, but if it was a power that would consume her then she didn't want it. She would not play second fiddle to a ring. If she was to destroy things it would be with her power and nobody else's. Sure she was a guild member, but what she did in the guild was all her own. She might help the guild as she went along, but in the end they would all be killed. A few would survive longer than others because they were either not human or they had an affinity for the dead like herself. Of course, the stronger would also survive a lot longer because they were stronger so she wouldn't be strong enough to kill them. She continued to crawl along the river bed. It seemed that lots of jewellery had been dropped into the river at various points. Yet none of them yet matched the description she'd been given.


    Welcome Guest.

    Ring in the river (Solo Mission Riccardo) 8Xdz1Cq

    Current missions(0/6):

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Coming Storms-- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Dragon's Spirit
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    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Naknight
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    Ring in the river (Solo Mission Riccardo) Empty Re: Ring in the river (Solo Mission Riccardo)

    Post by Bass 12th January 2014, 8:59 am

    She was coming close to the area where the girl was searching now, but it seemed to her that the girl was just fumbling around all in once place. She sighed beneath the water releasing a scream of bubbles as she did so. Some people were so silly. Sinali crawled closer and as she had half suspected there was a glint just near the girl. She was just shuffling about idly and had actually come close a few times as Sinali crawled closer. However, it seemed that she didn't want to get her hair wet or something because she seemed to be trying to look for it by feel. The river was quite clear, but she was disturbing up silt with her movements making it cloudy near the surface essentially making it impossible for her to see.

    "Silly." she said and crawled over and picked up the glinting object. It was a bit dirty so she began to wipe it off with one of her hands.


    Welcome Guest.

    Ring in the river (Solo Mission Riccardo) 8Xdz1Cq

    Current missions(0/6):

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Coming Storms-- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Dragon's Spirit
    Position : None
    Posts : 500
    Cosmic Coins : 1
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    Mentor : -
    Experience : 125

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Naknight
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    Ring in the river (Solo Mission Riccardo) Empty Re: Ring in the river (Solo Mission Riccardo)

    Post by Bass 12th January 2014, 9:03 am

    As the dust and silt cleared off the ring it revealed a slim silvery coloured band. It was either silver or platinum, or maybe some cheap shiny grey metal, but it didn't matter. The general shape of it as well as the shape of the stone embedded into it matched the description. So did all the colourings. There was even an enscription on the inside which matched the one she was supposed to be looking for. She stood up causing the girl to jump out of her skin and jump backwards.

    "Where did you come from?" the girl asked. Sinali tilted her head slightly confused and then pointed down beneath the water before holding out the ring.

    "I came up the river...I was underneath the water looking for it miss." she replied. The girl took the ring and stared at it. Then grabbed hold of Sinali and twirled her in the air in joy. Sinali had to resist the urge to bite the woman in the neck. It was generally her go to response when people grabbed her, but that would be hard to explain.

    "Thank you for finding it."


    Welcome Guest.

    Ring in the river (Solo Mission Riccardo) 8Xdz1Cq

    Current missions(0/6):

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