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    Spooky Vulcans [Private; Mysia; Masaaki]


    Coming Storms- Player 
    Lineage : Dragon's Spirit
    Position : None
    Posts : 88
    Guild : Savage Skull
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Mentor : Voldermort
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    Spooky Vulcans [Private; Mysia; Masaaki] Empty Spooky Vulcans [Private; Mysia; Masaaki]

    Post by Mysia 2nd January 2014, 2:33 pm


    “Strange Vulcans!”
    Day 13 – 09:15:51
    Mysia Mikhael
    Savage Skull Wizard D Rank
    Spooky Forest

      Another day, another mission. Mysia was thinking for doing a more complicated mission instead of those simple D ranked ones. He had done a C ranked mission with his guild before. Maybe this was the time that he would do a mission with a person from another guild? They could set up great ties together if it went out well and he’d have a good reputation with the person from their guild. It sounded like a good idea -- Though he knew that C ranked missions weren’t as easy as they seemed to be. Tough dedication was required to complete them considering that he was only a D ranked wizard. But he still felt like he could complete it. He had a room in Savage Skull.

    "Hmm, ..."

    It wasn’t big but he would keep his stuff here. It had a treasury chest and it was somewhat medieval themed. Its light was pretty much candlelight. He would grab his backpack and stuff enough food and drinks in it and headed out. He knew that the general board for evil corporation/guilds or whatever was close to Savage Skull. Thus he began making his way towards it. It was about three miles off Savage Skull and close to another guild nearby he wasn’t sure what the name was.


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    Experience: 150

    Lineage : Victor's Descent
    Position : None
    Posts : 54
    Guild : Night Parade
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : N/A
    Experience : 0

    Spooky Vulcans [Private; Mysia; Masaaki] Empty Re: Spooky Vulcans [Private; Mysia; Masaaki]

    Post by Masaaki71484 2nd January 2014, 3:15 pm

    How boring, thought Valentine as she had been assigned this mission by her guild master also a little girl to do a mission with a little kid. "If I see another little kid mage I am gonna scream! But I least I get to kill something my souls have been growing a little restless at the thought of killing a living creature fills my heart with joy. Plus I won't have any regrets about it later like when I kill legal guild mages." Valentine floated along to the dark forest waiting for her mission partner to arrive. "I hope this kid is strong but I am not gonna babysit. I have too many other things I have to worry about then some wannabe dark guild mage dying." But the more Valentine said that the more nervous she became she have never taken on a C ranked mission before and she truly scared of dying but then she assured herself that she was always scared of that so she would just have to remain focused and do not screw up. The restoration of Night Parade rests on my shoulder I can't fail, thought Valentine as smiled to herself and looked up at the sky still waiting for her partner  

    Coming Storms- Player 
    Lineage : Dragon's Spirit
    Position : None
    Posts : 88
    Guild : Savage Skull
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Voldermort
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Rose Petals
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    Spooky Vulcans [Private; Mysia; Masaaki] Empty Re: Spooky Vulcans [Private; Mysia; Masaaki]

    Post by Mysia 2nd January 2014, 3:31 pm


    Mysia would finally arrive at the destination that was set out from the guild. He picked up the note that was pinned to a tree and begun reading it. Though as he was reading it he made his way to a tree branch and sat up on it. Whilst calmly reading the boy known as Mysia would stroke his chin as he was in deep thoughts. He was about to jump off of the tree branch but stopped when he heard footsteps closing in onto him. It was a female, she was quite tall. Well, for him. Considering that Mysia was about four feet tall. She was probably older as him as well. He wondered what guild she was from. She was probably the anonymous partner that was chosen to go with him for this mission. As he was about to jump off the branch he would hear her talk. Was she talking in herself or did she already see Mysia? It seemed as if she stopped talking after insulting his youth in some way.

    “Er – you won’t have to babysit me, really!”

    He said, he was about six meters away from her, sitting on top of a tree branch. His sweet aroma should most likely make its way towards her since Mysia smelled strongly of roses.


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    Experience: 150

    Lineage : Victor's Descent
    Position : None
    Posts : 54
    Guild : Night Parade
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : N/A
    Experience : 0

    Spooky Vulcans [Private; Mysia; Masaaki] Empty Re: Spooky Vulcans [Private; Mysia; Masaaki]

    Post by Masaaki71484 2nd January 2014, 4:00 pm

    Valentine as she was waiting suddenly smiled flowers and looked around. She and everyone knew that Spooky Forest was not known for its wondering smelling flowers so instantly Valentine knew something was amiss as she her a little boy speak about babysitting. So this is the the brat I have to partner with oh what a bore and he heard how I truly am I guess super sweet nice mage is out of the window, thought Valentine as she floating over to where Mysia would have landed if he had jumped, if not she would speak to him while he was still in the tree.

    "So it smells like you are the source of this flowery smell...interesting. So I have to kill monsters with flower boy wonder and the power of freshly picked roses. Well now I am sure that you just knock bad guys flat on their ass don't you?" Valentine laughed as she floated in the air and then got serious.

    "Listen up brat, do not do anything stupid and we will get out of here alive got it, k thanks. Now brat do you know where this village is or where we can locate these monster. Maybe you can change your smell to something more useful and attract the beasts." Valentine looked at the boy with a bored look on her face as yawns.

    Coming Storms- Player 
    Lineage : Dragon's Spirit
    Position : None
    Posts : 88
    Guild : Savage Skull
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Voldermort
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Rose Petals
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    Spooky Vulcans [Private; Mysia; Masaaki] Empty Re: Spooky Vulcans [Private; Mysia; Masaaki]

    Post by Mysia 2nd January 2014, 4:15 pm


    Mysia was staring down the lady who idled for a short second and then moved upwards into the air. As if she was thinking or deducing something oddly. Maybe she couldn’t tell from what direction Mysia was talking from? Not that it was important. He looked into her eyes as he heard her speak. He nodded a little but felt insulted nonetheless. Calling him flower boy made him bite his bottom lip mildly but he shrugged it off. He had to get along with her someway and back talking would probably set off a sparkle between the two

    Although her feistiness played like a violin in his ears. He gave a sly smile directed towards her. Mysia already had figured that her life as a wizard wouldn’t be a long one if she was that naïve. Though he was interested in her actions, his face remained somewhat neutral until she was done talking. He tilted his side a little, then he would open his mouth. Mysia was about to let the girl realize that what she had sniffed was enormously toxic and that he could manipulate it at will but stopped last second.

    “Hmm. I suppose I can use my smell to lure the beasts. But I can also use my smell to defeat the beasts.”

    He said, it now should be pretty obvious to her that the smell of his roses were dangerous if he wanted them to be dangerous. Maybe that ought to calm down her feisty attitude.

    “I’m Mysia, by-the-way.”


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    Experience: 150

    Lineage : Victor's Descent
    Position : None
    Posts : 54
    Guild : Night Parade
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : N/A
    Experience : 0

    Spooky Vulcans [Private; Mysia; Masaaki] Empty Re: Spooky Vulcans [Private; Mysia; Masaaki]

    Post by Masaaki71484 2nd January 2014, 4:37 pm

    Valentine smiles at the young boy with her devilish eyes and starts to think. If he was weak Aniema would have told me so maybe I should play this by the ear and see how this goes. "Well brat if we plan on hunting monster I better get ready for it," and with that Valentine breathes out a medium sized blob of floating ethereal gray matter and says "Binding Betty." and the blob slowly be surely starts expanding and growing.  " I do not know what kind of magic you have boy but I suggest you get it ready quick I think you flower power attracted something to us. As  Valentine looking at her surroundings she sees several sets a floating red eyes in the forest looking at them. Then Valentine breathes out another much smaller glob of ethereal gray matter and sayings "Shrieking Flare Rat." and that blob of floating matter slowly starts forming. Valentine yawns slowly covering up her apprehension of what is soon to come as she smiles at the flower boy. "You ready for a little fun flower shop boy because I am ready to kill some apes how about you?" Valentine then lands to the ground on her feet and looks around waiting for whatever to happen.

    Coming Storms- Player 
    Lineage : Dragon's Spirit
    Position : None
    Posts : 88
    Guild : Savage Skull
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Voldermort
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Rose Petals
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    Spooky Vulcans [Private; Mysia; Masaaki] Empty Re: Spooky Vulcans [Private; Mysia; Masaaki]

    Post by Mysia 2nd January 2014, 7:32 pm


    Mysia nodded. He knew what kind of monsters there were and it was better that they would prepare for it and handle it quickly. Time was of essence, well somewhat. Since time was money. He disliked being called a brat but sucked it up. It was only a mission so it wasn't too bad or anything. If he had to travel to another country with her for instance it might be a small commotion but such wasn't important. Once again he would give her a quick nod.

    "Mhm, ... I think we were followed anyway."

    Mysia said as he looked behind him. A monster was approaching their location. Mysia readied a rose and threw it towards the monster. His rose scattered into many bits of rose petals which blew up in the face of the monster. Instantly cutting him open. The monster would slip and faceplant into the ground with his face all torn up. And then, another one would come. But such wasn't a problem. He readied a rose but wanted to see the female he had with him in action. What was she actually capable of anyway? He wondered what kind of magic she used. It seemed like gravitational magic since she used some kind of orbs.


    (The Dice I'm rolling decides on how strong the next Vulcan that is heading towards you is)
    881 Words || 7(+1 Monster) Posts || 8 To Go


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    Spooky Vulcans [Private; Mysia; Masaaki] Empty Re: Spooky Vulcans [Private; Mysia; Masaaki]

    Post by NPC 2nd January 2014, 7:32 pm

    The member 'Mysia' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    Spooky Vulcans [Private; Mysia; Masaaki] NormalMonster

    Lineage : Victor's Descent
    Position : None
    Posts : 54
    Guild : Night Parade
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : N/A
    Experience : 0

    Spooky Vulcans [Private; Mysia; Masaaki] Empty Re: Spooky Vulcans [Private; Mysia; Masaaki]

    Post by Masaaki71484 2nd January 2014, 8:57 pm

    Valentine smiles as the ape comes closer and then finally the two blobs of ethereal matter form and and a flowing gheist woman four feet tall and unrealistically skinny with extremely long arms that drag on the ground behind her ghostly pale body that is covered in a grayish type of cloth is formed out of the blob closest to her left. The blob on her right takes shape into a much smaller gheist as the blob forms into an extremely large rat.  "Now scream a little! HAHA!"  as the long armed flowing soul grabs the normal monster and slowly but surely crushes the life out of the monster and tosses it aside as Valentine smiles at not one in particular as she did a 360. "Is that all you apes have, I thought you would be stronger." Then suddenly the floating woman laughing a horrid and terrifying laugh that could chilling any mage to the bone but to Valentine it was music to her ears. "I need to grow stronger and defeating you chumps is the only way so bring out the best you have. I won't bite, promise." said Valentine as she had that crazy, borderline lunatic glint in her eye.

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    Spooky Vulcans [Private; Mysia; Masaaki] Empty Re: Spooky Vulcans [Private; Mysia; Masaaki]

    Post by NPC 2nd January 2014, 8:57 pm

    The member 'Masaaki71484' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    Spooky Vulcans [Private; Mysia; Masaaki] Boss Spooky Vulcans [Private; Mysia; Masaaki] NormalMonster Spooky Vulcans [Private; Mysia; Masaaki] NormalMonster Spooky Vulcans [Private; Mysia; Masaaki] NormalMonster Spooky Vulcans [Private; Mysia; Masaaki] NormalMonster

    Coming Storms- Player 
    Lineage : Dragon's Spirit
    Position : None
    Posts : 88
    Guild : Savage Skull
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Voldermort
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Rose Petals
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    Spooky Vulcans [Private; Mysia; Masaaki] Empty Re: Spooky Vulcans [Private; Mysia; Masaaki]

    Post by Mysia 3rd January 2014, 9:35 am


    Mysia watched carefully as the woman handled the vulcan that was heading towards her. It said in the mission description that around fifteen were spotted and a possible boss was around as well. It shouldn't be a problem. He then moved his head and looked into a direction. Something told him that many more would approach from that side. He used his roses to leap into the air a little and then readied four to five roses that could be thrown. As the monsters would appear from the shade he would throw them all at once. Instantly defeating four vulcans at once though the boss was a little too strong for his rose petals. The boss suffered major cuts on his arms and a few on his face but that didn't stop him. He would wrap his arm around a tree and launch himself towards Mysia. Mysia took two more steps into the air using his roses. More vulcans would probably come after this since the boss made a commotion. Mysia threw one more rose towards the boss when he had launched below Mysia. This time his rose landed in his neck, instantly knocking him out. He panted a little and jumped from the air onto a tree branch again.


    1091 Words || 10(+2 Monster) Posts || 5 To Go


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    Spooky Vulcans [Private; Mysia; Masaaki] Empty Re: Spooky Vulcans [Private; Mysia; Masaaki]

    Post by NPC 3rd January 2014, 9:35 am

    The member 'Mysia' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    Spooky Vulcans [Private; Mysia; Masaaki] NormalMonster Spooky Vulcans [Private; Mysia; Masaaki] NormalMonster Spooky Vulcans [Private; Mysia; Masaaki] NormalMonster Spooky Vulcans [Private; Mysia; Masaaki] StrongMonster Spooky Vulcans [Private; Mysia; Masaaki] WeakMonster

    Lineage : Victor's Descent
    Position : None
    Posts : 54
    Guild : Night Parade
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : N/A
    Experience : 0

    Spooky Vulcans [Private; Mysia; Masaaki] Empty Re: Spooky Vulcans [Private; Mysia; Masaaki]

    Post by Masaaki71484 3rd January 2014, 10:21 am

    Valentine looked at the series of vulcans that swarmed out of the forest, though she noticed a larger one and a smaller one than to simple regular sized vulcans. This should be fun, thought Valentine as she sent her rat soul straight for the larger one, despite its small size it moves much faster than Valentine or most D ranked mages as it breezed by the other vulcan jump on the large vulcan's neck and bit down. "Got ya, bye-bye." With that said Valentine blew a kiss and the rat soul cause a large explosion damage massive damage to the large vulcan and surrounding vulcan. Once the rat exploded, it created a medium size smoke cloud that took a while to clear but when it did all other vulcan except the larger one was dead. "Awe, what a let down. Well this I'll feel good." The Woman Soul then grabbed the larger vulcan and smiled as the woman soul squeezed the life out of it and crushed its bones. "Well that was fun lets play again!" Valentine burst out laughing in a devilish fashion and then suddenly blows out a blue fire wisp into the sky. "Well. Rose boy you ready to finish this. (Lineage Blood Vision) I see 10 more coming through the forest. four coming for you and three coming for me."

    Posts : 23944
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    Spooky Vulcans [Private; Mysia; Masaaki] Empty Re: Spooky Vulcans [Private; Mysia; Masaaki]

    Post by NPC 3rd January 2014, 10:21 am

    The member 'Masaaki71484' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    Spooky Vulcans [Private; Mysia; Masaaki] WeakMonster Spooky Vulcans [Private; Mysia; Masaaki] NormalMonster Spooky Vulcans [Private; Mysia; Masaaki] NormalMonster Spooky Vulcans [Private; Mysia; Masaaki] StrongMonster

    Coming Storms- Player 
    Lineage : Dragon's Spirit
    Position : None
    Posts : 88
    Guild : Savage Skull
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Voldermort
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Rose Petals
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    Spooky Vulcans [Private; Mysia; Masaaki] Empty Re: Spooky Vulcans [Private; Mysia; Masaaki]

    Post by Mysia 3rd January 2014, 2:44 pm


    Mysia was mildly surprised to see the female enjoying killing these vulcans that much. But after thinking about it he didn’t care as much as he should, really. It was a little odd that these wizards were killing Vulcans in their own territory. They probably grew up here. Well, honestly. It would seem as if their ancestors had grown up here as well and that the village was just intruding with its border expansion or whatever. It was a depressive thought but it was reality nonetheless. They failed to adept thus they would be obliterated. Mysia already sensed more coming on it’s way. But her warning just confirmed that there would be more. He expected there to be around ten, but it was more. Surprisingly. He readied another batch of roses and threw them in the directions of the shade. They always popped up from the shade. By doing this he had hit three. The strong one would dash over the petals and launch out towards Mysia and hit him in the face with claws. After doing that he would flicker into the woods again. It was really fast. Mysia held his face a little, there were small cuts but it was mostly bruised. He grunted a little.


    1291 Words || 14(+4 Monster) Posts || 1 To Go


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    Experience: 150

    Lineage : Victor's Descent
    Position : None
    Posts : 54
    Guild : Night Parade
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Mentor : N/A
    Experience : 0

    Spooky Vulcans [Private; Mysia; Masaaki] Empty Re: Spooky Vulcans [Private; Mysia; Masaaki]

    Post by Masaaki71484 3rd January 2014, 4:40 pm

    "How boring and I thought this was gonna be tough well you take care of yourself rose boy I have more important matters to attend to ba-bye." said Valentine as she waved at the boy and fashioned a devilish smile and then sucked up her woman soul and her fire wisp and then phased underground without a second thought. 

    "Well at least I shall have good news to give to Aniema. With the completion of this mission hopefully Night Parade will start to make a name for itself and then we can have all of the beautiful jewels, necklaces, and nice clothes." said Valentine out loud as she continued to phase through the ground heading for her guild to bring back the old news. In her mind one of the Betty souls spoke to her. "Just do not push yourself too hard my dear and do to dangerous of missions. I do not want to see my queen dead especially not when I am binded to herself the other souls would never forgive me."
    Valentine smiled and mentally assured the Betty Soul. 

    "Its ok, I am the true descendant  of the Soul Queen no one can kill me especially not with you gals." Valentine laughed out loud as she continued to phase through the ground. 

    Valentine Exits

    Coming Storms- Player 
    Lineage : Dragon's Spirit
    Position : None
    Posts : 88
    Guild : Savage Skull
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Mentor : Voldermort
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    Character Sheet
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    Spooky Vulcans [Private; Mysia; Masaaki] Empty Re: Spooky Vulcans [Private; Mysia; Masaaki]

    Post by Mysia 3rd January 2014, 6:00 pm


    Mysia stroked the back of his head as he was in thinking. His thinking wasn't all that deep or smoething. It was rather like he was thinking what he would eat for dinner later that night. He listened to the female once again.

    "Hmm, bye. I'll see you another time, maybe."

    Mysia said, he wanted to ask her for her name, but she never did mention it. Too bad, Mysia thought. By now, he had enough money. He had a black see through onyx with him that was probably worth a few quintillion. But he hid it well, it originated from hell thus was classified as black magic. He wouldn't ever sell it as it's preciousness was worth more then money.  

    Spooky Vulcans [Private; Mysia; Masaaki] APGD1S8

    After Mysia tended to his face it would be time for him to head back into the guild. After all, he had to debrief to his guild master. His guild wasn't all that strict. It was just that the leader wanted to know what everyone was up to which can be proven to be quite difficult when the guild is quite chaotic and whatnot. After he wrote a letter that had the details of the mission and how it was executed he would put it in an enveloppe and lay it on Frederick's desk, his guild master.


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    Experience: 150

    The Windrider

    The Windrider

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    Age : 27
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    Second Skill: Wind Healing Magic
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    Spooky Vulcans [Private; Mysia; Masaaki] Empty Re: Spooky Vulcans [Private; Mysia; Masaaki]

    Post by Alye 3rd January 2014, 6:19 pm

    Spooky Vulcans [Private; Mysia; Masaaki] 8dfvno9

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