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    A Hooded Thief and a Puppet (Ask Kyll to enter)

    Aria Beleren
    Aria Beleren

    Cosmic Soul

    Cosmic Soul

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    A Hooded Thief and a Puppet (Ask Kyll to enter) Empty A Hooded Thief and a Puppet (Ask Kyll to enter)

    Post by Aria Beleren 10th September 2014, 5:06 pm

    OOC: Follows: https://www.fairytail-rp.com/t9992-the-notification-introductory-thread-private-solo

    IC: As soon as Kyll was shoved through the portal, she landed on her knees then stood up. She dusted herself off. This must be their vault... Kyll thought. She stood up and looked around the area. It was large. Larger than some of the rooms in Eclipse Soul. The hooded Kyll looked up at the ceiling to find a sculpture of a gorgon. Her face stared down with fangs out like she was screaming. The hair was perfectly sculpted into serpents. She could hear the hissing in her head as she stared at the stone face. It was amazing to her. Beautiful, yet terrifying. She quietly stepped around the room. It was clearly organized. I have to find it before Geno shows up and ruins everything, Kyll thought. She quickly and accurately looked at everything. Weapons, Items, Armors, the room was well stocked with items the guild stored away. Never to see the light of day again. The hooded mage sighed as she was just about to lose all hope.

    There it was, the infamous Lichborne's sword. She took in a deep breath and quietly made her way to the blade. She stopped just short of it, staring at the wretched weapon. The hilt of the sword was decorated with a horned skull and the blade itself was steel. The sword seemed to whisper as she neared it. Then the it began to resonate a blue aura. She went to reach for the sword, but was stopped short by a sudden surge of energy going through her body. She fell to a knee. Her magic was being suppressed by an unseen force. She put a hand on the ground to support her as she tried to get back on to her feet. Take the sword, get to the guild, and find Master Zeno. That was her goal. Yet the situation changed. She couldn't function at all. What was this? Kyll couldn't move at all. She placed her other hand on the ground and tried to crawl to the sword, yet her legs wouldn't shove off. It seemed like the gravity in her magic was reacting to the suppression. She looked up at the gorgon statue. What's next... I turn to stone? She thought. If this keeps up, we're going to be discovered... Kyll thought.

    Where she was positioned and if someone were to come into the vault, they would discover a cloaked figure facing towards the door. Then finally it happened. She fell to her wrist and the clang of the metal bracer on the floor echoed through out the room making a loud ruckus. She sighed and succumbed to the fact that she was a failure at being a thief. Surrender and don't get killed.. Kyll thought and awaited her fate.



    The White Wizard

    The White Wizard

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    A Hooded Thief and a Puppet (Ask Kyll to enter) Empty Re: A Hooded Thief and a Puppet (Ask Kyll to enter)

    Post by Mifune 11th September 2014, 12:57 pm

    The eyes of the Gorgon glowed red, as the strength in Kyll left her body. The circular marble chamber began to dim as Kylls vision began to fade to black. Even her ability to feel began to become nothing but a cold sensation of nothingness, as if she were turning to stone. Of course she wasn't though. "I was wondering when someone was going to show up." A familiar voice rang through the chamber. "What you're feeling now is a result of this rooms protection, the Aegis. That snakey lady on the ceiling you might have noticed." Suddenly out of the blackness, Shuhei emerged walking towards the kneeling Kyll, who's face was still hidden by her hood. Her feeling and sight quickly returned upon Shuhei's arrival. "So what does turning to stone feel like? I'm honestly curious." Shuhei squatted and looked at Kyll directly. He looked both surprised and puzzled as he looked at her, raising an eyebrow and pausing for a moment. "You're..." Shuhei extended his arm and raised Kyll's hood revealing her face. "It is you! You didn't happen to bring any food with you did you?" Shuhei smiled and stood up, taking a couple of steps back. "Exactly why are you here?"



    Lineage : Dragon's Spirit
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    A Hooded Thief and a Puppet (Ask Kyll to enter) Empty Re: A Hooded Thief and a Puppet (Ask Kyll to enter)

    Post by Geno 12th September 2014, 2:13 pm

    Thrusted through the portal Geno landed a triple salchow and stuck the landing, ending himself up in a room along with  Shuhei and Kyll. They seemed busy. "They look busy." Geno thought to himself. "I'll just grab the sword and be outie." The puppet began to walk over to the sword, and a voice unfamiliar to him began to speak within him. "Zeno..." The whisper said to him as he walked over toward it. "No, this is Geno." The wisp corrected. "Zenooooo..." The voice spoke once again, even more fierce. "NO, this is Geno." The wisp launched in retaliation. "ZENOOOOOO!!!!" it screamed within the wisp's mindscape. "NOOOOO!!! THIS IS GENO!!!" The puppet screamed as he went to grab the stupid sword.


    Theme Music:

    A Hooded Thief and a Puppet (Ask Kyll to enter) Aa9HcbG
    Aria Beleren
    Aria Beleren

    Cosmic Soul

    Cosmic Soul

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    A Hooded Thief and a Puppet (Ask Kyll to enter) Empty Re: A Hooded Thief and a Puppet (Ask Kyll to enter)

    Post by Aria Beleren 12th September 2014, 2:16 pm

    Kyll was having a hard time breathing let alone talking. She looked up at him and he immediately asked her for food. Thus making her feel a little idiotic for not coming prepared. She was not in her normal gear that would make it easy for her to access food. She could 'cook' for him, but Kyll didn't have the time to do that either. Wait a second. She was stuck, so she couldn't move. Talking would be rather hard for her too. "No food... but..I'll...talk...just..." Kyll rolled herself onto her back. Her chest rose up and down as she tried to get her bearings. The conditions she was in were just unbearable. Her body was starting to go cold. She couldn't hold herself in any position to talk, but the last few words had to make their way out some how. "Turn... it off..." Kyll said. She felt as if her body was too heavy to move and all of her strength was gone along with her magic. She had never been in such a situation before.

    Then the portal opened and out flew the puppet. "Oh no..... Geno... Stop!" Kyll shouted. Too late, he was already caught in the grasps of the statue. She sighed. "We don't... stand a chance... against you..." Kyll said hoping that her words would point out to Shuhei that her spells were mostly light. She already knew about his abilities from the files that Zeno had kept on the guild masters he had ran into and already knew that he was the number one Wizard Saint. Hopefully he will honor my surrender, Kyll thought to herself watching him stand over her. "Turn...it off." Kyll said as she lost feeling in her body. This was far worse than death and Kyll already knew how that felt.



    The White Wizard

    The White Wizard

    Developer/GFX Artist- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Guild Master- Dragon Slayer- H-Rank- S-Rank- Richie Rich- Rich- Veteran Level 6- Veteran Level 5- Veteran Level 4- Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- X-Mas Event Participant- Hero- Best GFX Artist Award- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    A Hooded Thief and a Puppet (Ask Kyll to enter) Empty Re: A Hooded Thief and a Puppet (Ask Kyll to enter)

    Post by Mifune 15th September 2014, 1:32 pm

    "Turn it off?" Shuhei seemed puzzled and looked up at the Gorgon's eyes. He scratched the top of his head, humming a little and then looked down at Kyll once more. "I don't think we put in an off switch to be honest." Shuhei knew the feeling was torturous, but not to the point of being inhumane so he couldn't help but tease a little. Truth was there really wasn't an off switch, so there was nothing the white wizard could do to help her other than give her some advice. "The Aegis is a magical suppressant activated by the intention to steal. Anyone can get in, but as soon as you look upon the object of your desires, and the thought of theft enters your mind." Shuhei pointed towards Geno as he attempted to take the Lichborne's sword, only to fall short and be emptied of the ability to move or use magic. "You're brought down." Shuhei chuckled. "So whether or not you want to get up is entirely up to you. You'll just have to accept that you're not taking what's not yours."

    Shuhei sat down on a box near a pile of other valuable magical junk that his guild members have collected over the years and crossed his arms, staring at Kyll. "Now while you're sorting out you're thoughts, I'm curious. First Zeno gives me the damn thing, which ultimately leads to the destruction of my guild... Now you try and take it back." The sword of Lichborne glowed with a dark misty blue aura that became slightly brighter as Shuhei's tone changed to a slightly angrier one, which seemed to cause the Aegis to react somewhat, the eyes of the gorgon glowing more violently. "Why?" Shuhei asked, his mood turning very sharply to a very stern and demanding one.


    Aria Beleren
    Aria Beleren

    Cosmic Soul

    Cosmic Soul

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    A Hooded Thief and a Puppet (Ask Kyll to enter) Empty Re: A Hooded Thief and a Puppet (Ask Kyll to enter)

    Post by Aria Beleren 17th September 2014, 7:21 pm

    Kyll took in a deep breath as she began to concede to Shuhei's words. The Arcane Lords expressed to her that they wouldn't be able to do get their guild master back unless she took Blue Pegasus with her. Their words burned in her mind. She then looked at the sword. It wasn't her's to take. It felt so sudden, but the weight was gone. She stood up on her feet and pulled her hood back. She revealed her pale closed eyes nature and raven hair. Her hair was braided but put in a rather large yet tight bun. She had to braids on the side of her face leading straight to the back and tied in as well. The only part of her hair that was loose were the bangs that seemed to stick out in front of her face.. She looked at Geno. "Ah... Well that's nice to know," Kyll said with a smile.

    She breathed in more air through her nose, filling her lungs to their capacity. In Shuhei's eyes, Kyll was a thief, perhaps he would have more mercy on her if found out why she was there in the first place. The air escaped her mouth slowly as she relaxed. She dusted herself off. "You wouldn't believe me, because it didn't happen to YOU." Kyll said and walked up to Shuhei. She placed her gloved hands on the sides of the box and leaned in closer. She opened her glowing green eyes and stared deep into the light slayer's ocular organs. She only hoped that her serious look would be the tone she needed to get the sword back. Maybe even his help. "The Lichborne is the least of my worries... Master Zeno has gone missing in the Arcane Realm. The Arcane Lords have notified me that he cannot be sensed anywhere. We need that item along with other items to get access into the Realm." She pointed to Geno who was behind her with her thumb. "That doll right there has access to the Realm, but apparently can't keep the portal opened long enough to let through an entire guild." She regained her posture and stood back upright. "And I know this isn't going to be some simple, here's the sword, bring it back when you're through favor." She crossed her arms and looked at Geno. "Give it up Geno, you're not getting the sword... It's stuck there."

    Kyll sighed as she fixed her composure with her eyes still open. Hopefully showing the closed eyes mage's concern. "The Lords told me that I would need your help anyway... And there's the complicated issue I have with you... and your guild... from a while back." Kyll said. "I can totally understand if you don't want to help our guild out with what we are and everything. You validated your barbaric and lawful views at the Guild Meeting."



    Lineage : Dragon's Spirit
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    Posts : 74
    Guild : Eclipse Soul
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    Age : 31
    Mentor : Me, Myself and I and the Mother♥♪!?ers that I came with!
    Experience : 6250

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    First Skill: The Fool's Arcana
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    A Hooded Thief and a Puppet (Ask Kyll to enter) Empty Re: A Hooded Thief and a Puppet (Ask Kyll to enter)

    Post by Geno 19th September 2014, 11:06 am

    "Give it up Geno, you're not getting the sword... It's stuck there." Upon hearing the haters telling him he couldn't do something Geno made up his mind that he definitely would. "Yeah? That's exactly what they told Dr.Tran when he invented smoke-able ice... You know what Dr.Tran said?! 'OH YEAH?! JUST WATCH MEH!!!'." The puppet continued to try and steal the sword to no avail. He couldn't move any closer than where he stood. Geno started to walk away from the sword defeated... "Oh well.. I guess I really can't do it. Sigh. I'll just give up now... NO WAY I COULD STEAL THIS SWORD!!!" The puppet said as he launched through a portal, reappearing through another portal above the sword. "GOTCHA!" The puppet said before falling stiff to the ground like a statue. "Damn..." The puppet began to start an inner monologue. "Man, maybe we really can't do this." The voices started to give their input. "OF COURSE WE CAN!!! JUST WHO THE HELL DO YOU THINK WE ARE?!?!?!"

    "Take me and you'll gain an inconceivable power." The voice began to speak again. "Oh, it's the sword. The sword is the jabroni talking to me." Geno had an epiphany, it was as if a lit lightbulb appeared above his head out of nowhere. "What?! Where did this come from?" Geno said as he grabbed the lightbulb and threw it away over he shoulder. The puppet began to speak. "This sword is alive and shows signs of intelligence. Therefore by acknowledging that Blue Pegasus and by extension yourself owns this sword you are engaging in slavery!" The puppet said as he threw up and accusatory finger at Shuhei. "YOU HAVE STOLEN THIS SWORD'S FREEDOM!!!" Shuhei felt his body grow stiff. The puppet dusted himself off and adjusted his tie. "This sword has given me to permission to take it with me. In other words I have been given consent to take said sword with me. Quod Erat Demonstrandum. The sword comes with me bub!" Said the puppet as he walked freely and grabbed the sword hilt and an ominous laughter filled the minds of everyone in the room. "Man, that sure was ominous..."


    Theme Music:

    A Hooded Thief and a Puppet (Ask Kyll to enter) Aa9HcbG

    The White Wizard

    The White Wizard

    Developer/GFX Artist- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Guild Master- Dragon Slayer- H-Rank- S-Rank- Richie Rich- Rich- Veteran Level 6- Veteran Level 5- Veteran Level 4- Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- X-Mas Event Participant- Hero- Best GFX Artist Award- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    A Hooded Thief and a Puppet (Ask Kyll to enter) Empty Re: A Hooded Thief and a Puppet (Ask Kyll to enter)

    Post by Mifune 27th September 2014, 11:22 am

    Shuhei didn't feel very compelled at first to help Kyll as she explained the situation. Zeno held an even grander title than Shuhei in Fiore and could surely carry himself through any situation. Even if the Arcane Lords (Of whom Shuhei had not a clue) could not locate him, that didn't mean very much to the White Wizard. Worst of all Kyll wasn't even asking very nicely. In fact she seemed frustrated and angry with him, even though she was the one caught trying to rob him only moments ago. How did that get turned around on him? Shuhei sighed. "Women..." He thought, and ran his hand through his hair. She still seemed upset over that whole ordeal at the Guild Masters meeting, in which Shuhei was perfectly justified. He looked over Kyll's shoulder at the puppet playing games by the sword pedestal, and then back towards Kyll. "Look I'm sure Zeno can-" Before he could give his answer to Kyll, Geno began spouting some peculiar things which caught the white wizards attention.

    As an ominous laughter filled the room, Shuhei's body began to stiffen, as if the Aegis was overreacting to a dark presence. The serpent haired maiden's eyes grew brighter as the laughter filled the room. Shuhei Immediately broke the Aegis' hold over him with his own presence, releasing a minor amount of power from his body. To Shuhei's amazement, he saw Geno holding the Lichborne's sword. He thought about what Kyll said, about the puppet being capable of opening portals. It dawned on him that something is reaching out to Geno through the sword and possessing him. "It seems your partner found a loop hole in my defense system."


    Aria Beleren
    Aria Beleren

    Cosmic Soul

    Cosmic Soul

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    A Hooded Thief and a Puppet (Ask Kyll to enter) Empty Re: A Hooded Thief and a Puppet (Ask Kyll to enter)

    Post by Aria Beleren 27th September 2014, 12:25 pm

    Kyll turned towards Geno. "Geno..." Kyll said. Usually most of his sidebar antics were harmless but this was going a bit far. She looked at Shuhei. "Okay... This isn't good and I wasn't told of this." Kyll said she took a step back as the laughter filled the room. "Geno..." Kyll said looking at the puppet. She gripped her fist. Her aura began to shine around her. "Shuhei... get ready... I get this strange feeling that something is going to happen." She looked over at Geno. "Geno... Put the sword down. We need that to get our members into the Arcane Realm." Kyll said calmly.




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    A Hooded Thief and a Puppet (Ask Kyll to enter) Empty Re: A Hooded Thief and a Puppet (Ask Kyll to enter)

    Post by Lichborne 29th September 2014, 8:33 pm

    "Give in to the power!" The voice told Geno. "Yeah. Sure. Why not?" Replied the puppet as a tar black pit appeared in the Wisp's mindscape. The puppet and his two traveling companions jumped into the pool. "CAN OPENER!!!" The puppet shouted before disappearing into the abyss. "Oh this DOES feel good." Said one of Geno's mindmates as they jumped in after him. "WOW NO KIDDING!" Before the wisp's subconscious went silent. Back in the realms of reality the puppets body fell limp as the wisp left it's vessel and dispersed. The sword stayed where his hand was holding it as if an echo of Geno was still grasping the sword. Seconds hadn't passed before something began to take form around the sword's hilt, bone began to form, followed by veins and muscle tissue. A hand had formed and just as quickly were an arm to go along with it, a torso, a second arm, legs and a head all lined with a strange glow.

    Geno's New Body:

    "Woah, I have a real body." The Geno formerly known as a puppet said. "Oh man, I have a feelin... A weird feeling." The etchings lining Geno's new form began to shift in color to a red hue as the Wisp thrashed around. "AH, I SEE YOU!!!" A voice began to pierce the minds of everyone in the area once again. The essence of the nightbringer began to consume Geno and shift his aura. "Oh I understand the feeling now... IT'S HUNGER!!!" The happy go lucky Arcane wisp was being consumed by bloodlust and turned into an Avatar of Lichborne. "I CAN FEEL IT!!! SO MUCH POWER!!!" The avatar gathered a ball of necrotic infused arcane energy and slamed it into the ground beneath him, the floor beneath Kyll, Shuhei and Geno began to crack as plants started to grow out from underneath them. "Cool! How about this!!!" Geno said before letting out a deathly scream that shook the very foundation of the guild hall. "OOOOOoooooOOOO, We're going to have so much fun!"

    (OOC: Yeah, you can hear the other voices now that wasn't a mistake.)


    12/2/12 [04:21:52] @ Zeno : I will not expose my back to backstabbing

    The White Wizard

    The White Wizard

    Developer/GFX Artist- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Guild Master- Dragon Slayer- H-Rank- S-Rank- Richie Rich- Rich- Veteran Level 6- Veteran Level 5- Veteran Level 4- Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- X-Mas Event Participant- Hero- Best GFX Artist Award- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    A Hooded Thief and a Puppet (Ask Kyll to enter) Empty Re: A Hooded Thief and a Puppet (Ask Kyll to enter)

    Post by Mifune 19th October 2014, 8:12 am

    For the second time the sword threatened to destroy Shuhei's home as a result of Eclipse Soul's meddling. The White Wizard stepped in front of Kyll as she attempted to reach out to the puppet. "It's no use talking to him now, his ability has opened a gateway for the Lichborne's power to seep in to our realm once more." The puppet fell to the floor lifeless and emptied of all that could be considered a soul. The sword had taken Geno's essence and molded it to its will and created a new body of flesh and bone. Testing his might, the Avatar slammed his fist in to the floor of the vault, cracking the floor of the vault, something that wasn't very easy to accomplish. Shuhei smirked as the Avatar expressed its joy. "The last time this happened, you annihilated Blue Pegasus." Shuhei spoke directly to Lichborne, though not truly knowing if the host of all evil could hear him or not through the body he molded from Geno. "But there's one big difference between then and now."

    Shuhei closed his eyes briefly, as dust began to circulate around the White Wizard as his power began to rise exponentially. Upon opening his eyes, a white glow would emanate from his body and his eyes shined with pure white light. "I'm here to protect it." With the activation of his White Drive, Shuhei gained enough speed to immediately close the gap between himself and Geno and swung his arm above his head as light radiated from his arm creating a clean cutting laser that left a tail in the shape of a Dragon's wing. The Dragon's Wing directed towards Geno's hand would slice off the Avatar's hand, leaving the sword without a wielder and hopefully sever the connection between earthland and wherever it was Lichborne was taking hold of Geno from.


    Aria Beleren
    Aria Beleren

    Cosmic Soul

    Cosmic Soul

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    A Hooded Thief and a Puppet (Ask Kyll to enter) Empty Re: A Hooded Thief and a Puppet (Ask Kyll to enter)

    Post by Aria Beleren 28th October 2014, 12:53 pm

    Kyll watched as the Lichborne returned. She shook her head. She was lost in thought as she witnessed the events. "I have an idea," Kyll said. She felt that her words were not heard as she began to hold her hand in front of her. "I'll get you out of there Geno," Kyll said with a warm smile. A white magical circle appeared in front of her hand the butterflies seeped through the circle. They surrounded the avatar. "You're trapped, tell me... What have you done with our guild master?" She gripped her fist and the butterflies flew to the ground they formed a star shaped "trap" underneath him and the sword. She glared at the avatar. "Geno... Return to your body." Kyll said in a voice as commanding as her guild masters. "Remember the job he gave you? You're my body guard. What do you think he'll do to you if you had fallen back on your job?"

    The circle began to spin under the avatar as she began to exorcise both spirits from the avatar. "I need Geno," Kyll said through her teeth to Shuhei. "He's a better tool to use to find our Master with and he's a part of our guild. So his value is great in my eyes."

    Meteor 1/12
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