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    Remnant Hydra Slayer

    Nessa Lachina
    Nessa Lachina

    Lineage : Phoenix Fire
    Position : None
    Faction : -
    Posts : 91
    Guild : Sabretooth
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 4,275

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Remnant Hydra Slayer
    Second Skill: Fallen God Slayer
    Third Skill:

    Remnant Hydra Slayer Empty Remnant Hydra Slayer

    Post by Nessa Lachina 9th May 2023, 11:52 am

    Remnant Hydra Slayer
    With Primordial Strength

    Remnant Hydra Slayer 6dKfgEE

    There isn’t much verifiable information about this heart-shaped lacrima, cloaked in darkness, light, and flames. It is believed to be the heart of a Remnant Hydra; a three-headed dragon that predates the existing reality that we all know today. A leftover survivor of an end time no one knows anything about, the hydra was believed to have survived the infinite void by continually feeding off the darkness and basking itself in flames made up of both light and darkness. Indeed, the user of this lacrima will find their own flames composed of light magic and dark magic, eliminating the usual hues of red, gold, and orange for pitch and purity. The real question remains; who was the opposing force that was able to bring down the monster and claim its heart as a lacrima?

    This magic forms a Hybrid Slayer Magic with Fallen God Slayer

    As a Slayer, Nessa has access to the following:

    • +50% passive increase to Strength, Speed, and Spell Damage.
    • Greatly enhanced senses of Hearing, Sight, and Smell.
    • Inherent 50% Damage Resistance against the Elements She can control. Stacks with other sources of Damage Resistance up to its usual maximum

    However, the Remnant Hydra Lacrima is unique. Instead of the Normal Dragon Slayer Consumption Mechanic, which is as follows:

    • Can consume matching elemental magic, except God and Demon versions of the same elements, which causes damage.

    The Remnant Hydra Slayer utilizes the following Consumption Mechanic:

    • The Remnant Hydra Slayer can consume elements under their control in any form, regardless of whether they are neutral, holy, or unholy.

    The Remnant Hydra Slayer's Elements are as follows:

    Consumable Elements:

    • Darkness
    • Light
    • Fire

    Controlled Elements:

    • Darkness
    • Light
    • Fire

    Nessa also may activate her Hybrid Force ability at will. This doubles the Strength/Speed/Spell Damage boost, and increases either spell or melee damage by 50%. She can effortlessly cast spells, at the cost of 10% of her energy at even intervals. If she runs out of energy, the effect ends and exhausts her, or she can choose to end it herself prematurely.

    Lacrima Appearance:

    Remnant Hydra Slayer Vuo6ICq

    Proof of Acquisition: Here

    Magic Type(s): Dragon Slayer Magic (Solitary)

    Unique Abilities

    Name: Primordial Motion
    Rank: D
    Duration: Passive
    Description: The rules of reality now are very different than what they were in the days of the Remnant Hydra. By absorbing the creature's heart into her own body, Nessa has gained minor reality-bending properties, able to move freely in all directions--even if there is nothing solid for her to stand on. In these cases, light or darkness itself will bend to her will, creating footholds where there were none. This also increases her Movement Speed.

    Name: For Every Head Cut Off...
    Rank: B
    Duration: Passive
    Description: "..Two More Grow Back" The defining trait of any Hydra is their incredible capacity for regeneration. While the Remnant Hydra itself is long gone, incorporating its heart into a Human Host has granted several strange benefits. Nessa's body now Passively Heals at a much more rapid rate. Unlike the Hydra however, she does not regrow multiple limbs if they are removed. However, a new limb, organ, what have you will regrow in the place of whatever she loses, almost as if nothing even happened.

    Signature Magic

    Name: Monochrome Tide
    Rank: B
    Duration: 6 Posts
    Description: Pulling one arm back, Nessa's hand becomes engulfed in silver and black flames. From the tips of her fingers, wisps of darkness emit like smoke, while a ball of white light coalesces in her palm. Slamming this hand into the ground, a shockwave of monochrome flame bursts outwards, carried on a twisting tide of black shadows and white light. This creates a small sphere of light at the initial point of contact. This shockwave repeats itself once per post for the duration of the spell. However, this tide also carries the leeching powers of The Void. Enemies struck by this spell face a Drain to both their Hit Points and Mana Pool.

    Advanced Magic

    Name: First Light
    Rank: D+
    Duration: 5 Posts
    Description: Holding both hands close to each other, Nessa creates a condensed orb of light the color of purest silver. Thrusting one hand upwards, this Orb hovers above her head before firing off a piercing blast of light. This primordial light mildly warps reality around itself, piercing through any barriers put in its way, at the cost of some raw power. This Orb remains for the duration of the spell, but can only fire at a single target per post.

    Name: Devouring Void
    Rank: C+
    Duration: 6 Posts
    Description: Crossing her arms in front of her in a blocking stance, Nessa generates a swirling vortex of inky blackness. This Barrier consumes attacks that strike it to allow Blaire to defend herself. Should it face too powerful of an attack however, the whole vortex violently detonates, leaving Nessa to face the incoming damage.

    Name: Cosmic Firestorm
    Rank: B+
    Duration: 8
    Description: Clasping both hands together, Nessa raises them above her head, silver and black flames licking out from between her fingers as a growing fireball forces her hands to separate. Once this Orb reaches the size of a basketball it is fired at a group of enemies. This fireball rapidly expands to five times it's size before detonating, creating a 'hailstorm' of smaller fireballs that pelts up to eight enemies simultaneously.

    D-Rank Magic

    Name: Cosmic Burst
    Rank: D
    Duration: 3 Posts
    Description: Gathering magic into the palm of either hand, Nessa creates a blazing ball of monochrome flame not dissimilar to a star in appearance. This ball of flame is launched at an opponent, detonating violently on contact. This spell can be casted once per post for the duration of the spell.

    Name: Void Claw
    Rank: D
    Duration: 3 Posts
    Description: Holding up her hand(s), Nessa curls her fingers as pitch black Magic Circles appear around her wrists before panning up the rest of her hands, converting normal skin into inky blackness, tendrils of darkness wisping upwards off of her fingers like smoke. Keeping her fingers curled, Nessa swings her clawed fingers at an opponent, launching beast-like slashes of darkness at her intended target. This spell can target up to three people at once, and ends immediately after each target has been attacked.

    Name: Starlight Thrust
    Rank: D
    Duration: 3 Posts
    Description: Flattening all of the fingers out on her hand(s), Nessa channels magic into them causing Radiant White magical circles to appear before panning up her hands, causing them to emit an unnatural, primordial light. By thrusting her hand forward at a target, she launches a beam of this light at her target, which is capable of Piercing Defenses.

    C-Rank Magic

    Name: Void Light Blast
    Rank: C
    Duration: 5 Posts
    Description: Holding the palms of her hands close to each other, Nessa floods the space between her hands with Primordial Light and Darkness, creating a strobing sphere of absolute black and radiant white before thrusting her hands outwards, causing the sphere to violently burst outwards!

    Name: Hydra Bite
    Rank: C
    Duration: 5 Posts
    Description: Taking up a stance that leaves her arms pulled back with one hand left up near the left side of her jaw while the other is down near her right hip, Nessa floods her limbs with magic, causing her fingers to ignite into silver flames on the left side and black ones on the right, with darkness and light coalescing around the rest of each respective arm. She then swings both arms simultaneously in a way meant to mimic the 'bite' of a beast's jaw. This launches two halves of a Hydra's mouth at the opponent. This attack is violent, and heavily rattles the opponent. For the duration of this spell their Spell Damage is reduced.

    Name: Cosmic Crash
    Rank: C
    Duration: 5 Posts
    Description: Unleashing a burst of power, Nessa Bursts forward at high speed, engulfing the entirety of one side of her body in pitch black flames before delivering a devastating, explosive shoulder check to the opponent!

    B-Rank Magic

    Name: First Head: Monochrome Flame
    Rank: B
    Duration: 6 Posts
    Description: Raising both hands above her head, Nessa drops to her knees and slams them into the ground, creating a magic circle beneath herself that is entirely monochrome in color. From this circle a construct of silver and black flame erupts upwards, forming the neck and head of a Hydra before it releases a bellowing roar of stark white flames tinged with black that tears through most things in it's path. This head remains for the duration of the spell, unleashing an additional roar once per post.

    Name: Second Head: Black Roar
    Rank: B
    Duration: 6 Posts
    Description: Extending one hand downwards before bracing her wrist with her free hand, Nessa balls one hand into a fist before she drops to her knees. Her fist becomes cloaked in darkness as she releases her wrist, raising her dark-cloaked hand and slamming it into the ground. This causes the darkness that had cloaked her hand to rush outwards in every direction, inevitably creating a magic circle beneath herself that is entirely pitch in color. From this circle, a construct of the darkest shadows erupts upwards, forming the neck and head of a Hydra before it releases a bellowing roar of the darkest black imaginable, not only tearing through everything in it's path but causing a Health Drain effect on any enemy it hits for the duration of the spell.

    Name: Third Head: Pure Light
    Rank: B
    Duration: 6 Posts
    Description: The quickest of the three 'Hydra Head' spells. Nessa holds her hands up, all fingers extended and pressed together. With one swift movement, she slaps her hands together and slams them into the ground, creating a pure white magic circle beneath herself. From within this circle, a construct of the purest white light erupts upwards, coalescing into the neck and head of a hydra before releasing a bellowing roar that launches a beam of incredibly radiant light. This beam strikes everything in it's path, and even is known to Pierce defenses.

    A-Rank Magic


    S-Rank Magic


    H-Rank Magic


    Last edited by Nessa Lachina on 16th May 2023, 4:25 am; edited 1 time in total

    Remnant Hydra Slayer Empty Re: Remnant Hydra Slayer

    Post by Guest 16th May 2023, 2:59 am

    Hey there Nessa, Med here to look this over. The only edit you need to make is to add a duration to your Cosmic Crash spell as it's missing one at the moment. If you could can do that then I'll approve this.

    Nessa Lachina
    Nessa Lachina

    Lineage : Phoenix Fire
    Position : None
    Faction : -
    Posts : 91
    Guild : Sabretooth
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 4,275

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Remnant Hydra Slayer
    Second Skill: Fallen God Slayer
    Third Skill:

    Remnant Hydra Slayer Empty Re: Remnant Hydra Slayer

    Post by Nessa Lachina 16th May 2023, 4:26 am

    Dunno how that happened! Edits have been made

    Remnant Hydra Slayer Empty Re: Remnant Hydra Slayer

    Post by Guest 16th May 2023, 5:25 am


    Remnant Hydra Slayer QlhAT3Z

      Current date/time is 2nd June 2024, 5:28 am