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    Meeting of the new Council.


    S-Rank- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    Meeting of the new Council. Empty Meeting of the new Council.

    Post by Jett 14th July 2013, 4:37 am

    The Grand Hall was empty except for the Rune Knights standing by the big and thick wooden doors, the only sound was the echoeing of Slaine's footsteps. He sat down calmly on his chair at the large Council table. As per usual, he was a few minutes early for a meeting like this.

    He leaned back in his chair and set his eyes on the space between his hands. With subtlety he let the particles between his hands vibrate and watched the air morph as it heated up rapidly in a meditational fashion. The other members, chairman included, would arrive shortly.

    Time to get acquainted.
    Count Sparrow
    Count Sparrow

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    Meeting of the new Council. Empty Re: Meeting of the new Council.

    Post by Count Sparrow 14th July 2013, 7:38 pm

    An echo of footsteps would be heard approaching down the exact same ornate halls that Councilman Intrega had just walked down. A thunderous echo followed behind the man dressed to the brim; a gentleman's garb at all time; top hat worn in perfect symetry.

    His hands were held behind his back casually; as Count Sparrow, Chairman of the Magic Council made his way down the hall; with an acommpaniement of about twenty Rune Knights behind him.

    As he reached the chamber doors; he raised an eyebrow, turning towards the Rune Knights; and tilting his hat once towards them, grabbing it with two fingers. In unison; they all snapped to attention, creating a brief thunderous echo. They turned; in unison and marched to a beat; until they were all but an echo and disappeared down the White Halls.

    He turned again; towards the large laquer wood doors, pushing one finger on the shiny wood as the door slid open between the two Rune Knights flanking it. Count Sparrow stepped into the room; as Lucien looked around for a split second; his eyes fell upon Slaine. He held them there for a moment; until a genuine smile appeared on his mouth. With a charming tilt of his hat, he walked towards the table; and slid the chair at the head of the table out; and sat next to Slaine who was seated at one of the high corners. There was still room for one; at the opposite head of the table.

    "Where have you been, Slaine?" Lucien asked Councilman Intrega plainly; liting up a gentleman's smoke; and taking a puff; blowng it upwards into the air as he sat back in his chair. Who knew really; Slaine was prone to disappear and perhaps be in contact with those around Fiore he didn't want to come too the light. Sparrow had a network of spies that stretched from one side of the nation, to the other; and none of them had been able to turn up anything on Councilman Intrega during his absence. Impressive. "Ah well, I suppose it's for the best that I don't know--am I wrong? Sparrow's thick British accent came through as he spoke candidly.

    "There have been many developments in Fiore; many developments indeed. Bloody papers stacked twenty feet tall on my desk, perhaps thirty." Sparrow's low husk voice and british accent; came through again as he took another puff. "I suggest we wait for the other Council Members to arrive before we begin making any deliberations."

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    Meeting of the new Council. Empty Re: Meeting of the new Council.

    Post by Cecile 15th July 2013, 9:00 am

    Harland arrived at the doors to the council door when he heard Count Sparrow talking about bloody papers stacking his desk. The ironic fact about that remark was that those papers were indeed bloody, not in the literal sense. But considering their context those paper were bloody indeed. It were reports about the recent destructive developments that terrorized Fiore.
    Something that should never had happened nothing, but their enemies had striked precisely when the new council was still building their fundaments.
    And Harland had the feeling it still wasn't over, the destruction of Blue Pegasus, the rise of the Lichborne and even the attack on Magnolia. Somehow this all felt like it was just a prelude to much worse.

    It could be off course Harland being wary as always. Shaking off the thought for now Harland entered the council room, there was going to be a long discussion on how to handle recent developments and how to prevent them.
    He walked up to Count Lucien Sparrow and Slaine while nodding towards them as a greeting and then took his place. While he closely observed the other two councilors.
    Chairman Count Lucien Sparrow, as extravagant as a rich man of class could be, and the mysterious councilor Slaine Intrega. The only member left from the old council.
    'Count Sparrow, councilor Intrega good to have you her. Now where are the other two remaining members?' grunted Harland.
    Skylar Frost
    Skylar Frost

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    Meeting of the new Council. Empty Re: Meeting of the new Council.

    Post by Skylar Frost 22nd July 2013, 7:35 pm

    ✖  YOU'RE LIKE ICE. I - C - E - Y.
    Feels so nice, scorching me. You're so hot, hot. Baby, your love is so hot, hoooot!



    "Well, well! For once I'm not the late one!", a radiant woman spouted out as she entered the room, the grand doors of the meeting hall open wide in her wake, as if the doors wouldn't dare try to handle the booming personality of this woman. Her quite ample form strode over towards her seat as the doors behind her closed. With a smile that could melt the coldest of men, she greeted her colleagues. "Councilman Harland! As spry as ever, I see!", she said as she sat before winking in a friendly way towards the senior. She then turned her attention to the two younger - and more well-formed - men in the room. "Councilman Integra, it is nice to see you again after such a long time away! I have many a wine to test for your impeccable taste!", the woman said before her eyes fell about the mad hatter amongst them. "And lastly, my dear Chairman Sparrow. It is quite nice to see you as well. Devenaire as always?", she ended, almost as if she was implying something else.


    Certainly everyone in the room had heard about the situation in Magnolia. Yet another failure of the Magic Council. And this one had just started at that. What a terrible first impression... Skylar had heard of this little event as soon as she had arrived back in Fiore's borders after going to Veronica for the constitution of a peace treaty per the Chairman's request. Skylar was the best for that sort of thing. Her old Head Bodyguard had called her the "Pretty Face with the Big Stick", meaning she was easy enough on the eyes to put people at ease while they surely knew that crossing her was as good as a death sentence. A combination that had earned her her seat amongst this Council. "I see Councilman Kairi has yet to join us", she noted, more to herself than the men around her.


    Sometimes the best love...
    Meeting of the new Council. Tumblr_n9m5z9CbkJ1sgiwtko1_500
    ...is the one that is lost.
    Steigmaz Yoverin
    Steigmaz Yoverin

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    Meeting of the new Council. Empty Re: Meeting of the new Council.

    Post by Steigmaz Yoverin 25th July 2013, 9:04 pm

    There was a chill air to Councilmen Yushima that gave off the vibe that he was not all there in the head. Not as though he was a loose canon whom could blow his top and go on a killing spree, but rather a tone of cold and calculated malice placed in just the right areas. After-all with the power that comes from being on the Council, a sadist had the potential to live a very comfortable life, embracing their vices without a care in a world. This seemed to ring true for the "Bane of Injustice." He hated lawbreakers, found himself to be a fanatic of enforcing the greater good, to the point in which he had been known to murder people for simple acts of littering back where he came from. It was therefore a rather good thing that he was less unhinged here, doing his business far away from the watchful and ever vigilant eyes of his peers. Never being one to be somewhere he wasn't meant to be, and yet over zealous of the fact he was capable of accompanying mages on jobs, a trait unfitting of a member of Council. However not against their duties.

    The man in question was of the darker persuasion, perhaps the only male of ebony skin within the entirety of Era, and he embraced it fully. Using it to his advantage when it came to his duties. Never did he spend time at his desk, no point when you were attractive enough, and overconfident enough, to convince others to do the work for you, giving you the key information needed to handle situations and follow leads. His hair was snow battered, and for the purposes of the meeting slicked back. He wore shades upon his face masking his eyes intent, as per usual, and he donned a suit that was a deep plum. White shoes, tie, and handkerchief in tow. Clacking upon the floors he let out a large yawn, not quite in the mood for a meeting, as it cut into time he needed to perfect his unknown magic. Many had believed him to be a simple summoner after-all, but no one had ever seen him summon anything. It was what made him appear to be practically useless in terms of being a mage, and sowed seeds he needed for exploitation later on. In this unique game of thrones.

    Upon entering the grand hall, his eyes set upon the four figures within the room. Such experience, such power. Not a single entity before him unworthy of their placement. He was filled with joy at this revelation. If any of them had ever passed away, he would be upon them. But none of them had hit that ripeness yet, so he didn't let his feelings explode, no he kept them as masked and as hidden as a fifteen inch unit on a three foot Asian man. He raised his hand, flicking it twice to signal a hello before following up with a verbal greeting. "Hello comrades, excuse my tardiness, please begin." The scar on his face pulsated for a moment and he covered it with his left hand, before taking the final seat and getting himself comfortable. Whatever this conversation was going to be about, it was no doubt important. Given how numerous strong beings had surfaced in the last year, he was not one to keep up with the current events of Fiore. They didn't particularly further his personal goals. But he would muse his comrades, play along, after-all he was a very strange man. No one ever knew what he was about, what he wanted, why he was here, or what his magic even was.


    Meeting of the new Council. Omega2_by_gramcrackers-d610coh

    S-Rank- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    Meeting of the new Council. Empty Re: Meeting of the new Council.

    Post by Jett 26th July 2013, 12:21 pm

    Slaine stood up immediately at the approach of the chairman. Count Sparrow's footsteps echoed through the acoustics of the room as his gentleman appearance casually made its way to the table. The march of his guard of Rune Knights could still be heard in the hallway.

    With a calm and unmoving posture Slaine made eyecontact with Lucien. A smile appeared on the man's face, seemingly genuine, as the gentleman tilted his hat. Slaine nodded in acknlowedgement with a smile.

    "Where have you been, Slaine?"

    Slaine had been occupied with some... private issues. The chairman's hand reached far and had quite the grasp on Fiore with his network of spies, but Slaine knew perfectly well how to disappear and stay below anyone's radar.

    "Ah well, I suppose it's for the best that I don't know--am I wrong?"

    Slaine's white teeth appeared with a smirk as he replied.
    "All in due time, Count Sparrow."

    The chairman continued to speak between puffs, hinting at the order of the day until an elder silhouette appeared in the doorway. Harland quickly joined them at the table gruntingly. Clearly not pleased the remaining councilors weren't present yet.
    In a respecting manner, Slaine remained standing with his arms calmly resting beside him until the others would arrive. He nodded at making Harland's acquaintance, yet he remained silent.

    "Well, well! For once I'm not the late one!", an energetic voice cast against he echoeing walls of the hall. Skylar Frost strode forward making another dazzling entry as she greeted her colleagues.

    "Councilman Integra, it is nice to see you again after such a long time away! I have many a wine to test for you impeccable taste!", she said before quickly moving on to their flamboyant chairman.

    Slaine's bright green eyes followed the looks shared between each member of the council, smirking when I realized none of them had ever pronounced his last name correctly.

    Out of sight, out of mind, so it seems.

    Yet, there was a pressing matter on the table. Lichborne. The whisper that made him return to the council with haste and without any interruptions. Not another thought passed by until Kairi joined them. A most interesting personality. Interesting enough to have had Slaine run some... background checks personally. Whispers of a man called Steigmaz surrounded his name. The chairman's spies were one thing, Slaine's connections another. He was certain that every council member had heard whispers of every other, but never the specifics. They were each too careful and calculated in their ways. This Magic Council easily had the potential to surpass the previous one... but also the potential to derail much further.

    In terms of renown and known magical gifts, Kairi and Slaine were probably shrouded in mystery the most. Slaine had had his own reasons for hiding them as much as he could until the time was right. He was known to be able to manipulate the environment around him, but nobody knew to what extend. Intimidation was one factor, not drawing attention to himself another. He was a nuclear explosion hiding in plain sight.

    As Kairi finally sat down so did Slaine. The conversation could begin and everyone could feel the tension in the air. Fiore was a mess and they had to fix it. Press and media had been covering up a magical crisis for a very long time now. Too long, because they simply couldn't hide it anymore. The previous council disbanded because the councilors... had disappeared. Only Slaine remained as a senior in experience, but that meant very little among these five titans.

    Calmly he shifted his eyes and attention to the chairman, curious as to how Sparrow would start this off.
    Count Sparrow
    Count Sparrow

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    Meeting of the new Council. Empty Re: Meeting of the new Council.

    Post by Count Sparrow 31st July 2013, 9:26 pm

    When Harland made his way into the chambers; Lucien would look up and continue to puff on his smoke. It swirled all around him; his young handsome features and blue eyes brimming with respect and delight at the old man. He wanted to chum it up with Harland for one split moment; but knew that now neither the time nor place.

    As Lady Frost made her entrance into the chambers; Lucien would snap a finger into the air without looking; as a Rune Knight approached with an ash tray at his side. Without even bothering to look; he put his smoke out to his left in the ash tray held by the Rune Knight; who bowed and stepped backward without turning around. He did his best to tune her out; lest he begin focusing on the wrong things at the wrong time.

    He did cast a gaze in her direction; one with a slight raise of an eyebrow and a mouth that twisted in mild amusement. At the last tone of voice she'd taken with him.

    "Jolly good then; we'll just wait for Kairi he should be along shortly." Luciens british accent was extremely thick; as he pressed his hands by the fingers in front of himself and smirked. How he knew Kairi would be coming was indeed what made Lucien; Lucien. The Count had already confirmed with two families that recieved a "donation" from him every 6 months; that they'd seen Kairi not only on his way to Era; but in the city itself. One family lived in the city; one nearby.

    As Kairi finally made his entrance; Sparrow for a moment furrowed his brow almost as if it was a natural reaction. Sparrow's own magic power was immense, and usually it pervaded everything around him so much that he'd never even blink at another Wizard. Even an S-Ranked one. But Kairi; secretly, Sparrow felt it. He was on a whole nother level. He watched him with a closed; tight mouth, fingers still pressed against one another as he leaned in his chair at the head of the table. Sparrow's spies had told him way too many stories about Kairi; about who he possibly was, who he might be. So many stories infact as he had spies constantly attempting to tail Kairi; that Sparrow had eventually gotten frustrated with the lot of them and called them off his tail because he couldn't make heads or tails of what the truth was.  

    So Lucien had decided to well----decide for himself. Eventually, he would discover what he wanted to know about him. The Count always knows after all.

    "Jolly good time indeed; when everyone's ready then." His voice pierced the hall, bouncing off of the walls in reverb. His voice and accent light and playful; yet teeming with grit and power. He would  "Now. I'm sure you're all aware of two things. One; Savage Skulls attack on Magnolia and two; the discovery of a group named the Kugeki." Lucien leaned forward, putting both elbows on the table and resting his face on his clasped hands. "It is extremely, extremely annoying; and beyond unacceptable, for us to only NOW be discovering a group that has essentially been the MOB of Fiore for nearly a year behind the scenes!" his voice brimmed with anger; and dissatisfaction.

    Secretly; Lucien was infact dealing with the Kugeki on either an everyday; or weekly basis. The Chairmans personal spies however; were everyday people. Ones you would never see coming. The farm boy in the bushes who saw everything? His father would be in the Count's employ. One way or another; Sparrow would find what he wanted out. It would come as no surprise that Lucien had a few wizards of his own inside the Kugeki as full fledged members. He knew all the names of the current Kugeki Kings; and even knew a bit about a few of them from before their reign as Kings. Sparrows wizards were spies for him before; but now they were agents of the criminal underworld; doing much more than merely keeping tabs on prominent wizards; or national business. He had spies in nearly every Guild; save Arachne Orchid and Night Parade; as they were new and not much of a threat or even so much as on his radar yet. This fact however; could not be known by anyone who now sat before him.

    "But....I will attempt to continue moving right bloody along here----Magnolia. Is home to more festivals a year than all of the other towns and cities in Fiore combined. As much as I'd love to see Master Ebony, and her merry band of misfits brought in; they provide a neccesarry evil---amusement and some form of joy to the citizens of Fiore." he leaned back in his seat; tilting his hat up with one finger as his blue eyes moved around the room. "I have already ordered the Rune Knights; and Lady Shard, Councilwoman Frost's appointed general, to leave in the thousands and head up the rehabilitation of Magnolia. The people of that city will see the Magic Council's banners flying proudly over it; we will triple the food and supplies into that town; and they will have Rune Knights there to comfort the tikes who lost parents; and the parents who lost children." he smirked and leaned forward once more.

    "They will know that in their darkest hour; we not only made the right choice by not eradicating the entirety of the town." he grinned at Harland, tilting his hat. "But we also stand with them; and will prevent any further happenstance such as the tragedy that befell them. Savage Skull---was seemingly annihilated in the battle against Fairy Tail. Even Lichborne was defeated by that troublesome Dragon Slayer from Fairy Tail along with Eclipse Soul and Blue Pegasus' Guild Masters; Shuhei and the one known as Zeno. Although no one could find a body; only Lichborne's shattered mask remained. I've learned never to truly believe he has been vanquished. It would seem that Savage Skull vastly underestimated Fairy Tail's might; and the amount of allies ready to come to their aid. I am worried that the remnants of their Guild have swelled the Kugeki's ranks; hundreds of Savage Skull wizards perished against Fairy Tail; the few that survived either did not return to the Guild; perhaps have joined the Kugeki, or gone into hiding. Although one Savage Skull wizard has not been seen in over a year; and was not a participant in this calamity of a battle----Constantine Rebellion." his accent trailed along as he bounced a finger on the table; while speaking the name of Fiore's most wanted (and insane) Dark Wizard.

    "Constantine aside.....It is likely that if we do not act swiftly that the people of Magnolia will not be...very receptive towards the Magic Council; nor Rune Knights in the very near future. After all, Harland did point a gigantic canon fortress the size of a valley at their entire city in the midst of a battle--this fact will not go unnoticed by the citizens of Magnolia especially; they already idolize Fairy Tail and their lawbreaking ways. Giving them more fuel to their bloody anti-Magic Council fire is not in our best interest." Lucien would lean the opposite way in his chair to face Harland.

    "I'm bloody glad you didn't pull that trigger' you crazy old bloke; can you imagine the paperwork I'd have if there were a big arse' bloody crater where Magnolia was supposed to be?" Count Sparrow leaned back in his chair at the head of the table and burst out with a heart laugh. 'HAHAHAHAHAHA' echoed around the meeting chambers for a good while; as Sparrow actually envisioned the complaints piled up on his desk; and Fairy Tail attempting some kind of rebellion.

    "Well then; if anyone knows how we can bring down the Kugeki; or get started towards it. I would appreciate that. Also---if any of you are opposed to coddling the citizens of Magnolia into not hating us; let me know of a better course of action perhaps, and we'll no doubt work towards making it bloody happen. But I cannot allow the party capital of Fiore to turn against us." his accent trailed off; as he sighed. He did infact want to bring down the Kugeki; but their Kings were extremely powerful and his spies could only feed him small bits of information, like names. Locations seemed to be impossible for them to reveal for some reason; perhaps some enchantments set inplace by the Kings upon all of the members to prevent them from revealing any actual locations the Kugeki worked out of.

    "Oh, and one more small tidbit. Dragons--- Bloody Dragons attacked Royal Castle. That statement normally would be a ludicrous one; something out of the ancient past or some storybook. However; my informants report that an entire Dragonflight actually took control of the entire city and attempted to make it their new Den and Nest. Royal Castle is home to Fiore's Senate; so this caused quite an uproar. I also hear; that you Kairi, had a hand in putting this Dragonflight down alongside the 1st Master of Fairy Tail; Leonard Dragonbane?" Count Sparrow's accent would trail off towards one of the only people in the world he could even begin to think could perhaps be more powerful than him. If this feat was true; then Lucien's fears would be confirmed.

    Dragons were on a whole; different scale of power. Although none of the Elder Grand Dragons, such as Igneel, Grandeene, Zeuslogia, or Metallicana were reported being sighted; even Dragons that weren't any of the Elders could lay waste to nearly every city and town in Fiore if left unchecked; with relative ease.

    "In short, we have a mob to put down; and we also have got to deal with Fairy Tail. Their lawbreaking has gotten out of control; and they leave millions of jewels in property damage for us to fix if they cannot pay for the damages themselves; which often, they cannot!" although Fairy Tail was an extremely wealthy Guild from the amount of high class jobs they accomplished on a monthly basis; their recklessness exceeded even their pockets, they caused that much damage; arrests would have to be begun to be made if necesarry.

    A long pause would hover over the room. As Lucien would lean forward on his clasped hands again eventually; resting his face on the top of them once more.

    "What say you on these matters?"

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    Meeting of the new Council. Empty Re: Meeting of the new Council.

    Post by Cecile 1st August 2013, 2:02 am

    Harland smirked at the remark from Count Sparrow about him facing his cannons towards Magnolia. mostly because what he said was true. Harland hated it to admit it, but threatening the obliterating the town along the Lichborne wasn't probably to most popular way to deal with the problem. But Harland never doubted that it was the best course of action at that very moment. It was only the arrival of Zeno from Eclipse Soul and Shuhei from Blue Pegasus that made him change his mind.
    'Tch first of all, I have to say that I regret nothing. The Lichborne was a blight on life itself and a major threat to all of Fiore. If those guildmasters didn't defeated him, I would have gladly destroyed all of Magnolia in order to save the rest. Because the corruption wouldn't just stop here at Fiore, it would eventually spread all around the globe.'

    He looked every council member straight in the eye when he was explaining his motive for targeting the entire Town. It was a weird group together, each of them with a tremendous power and their own aspect in which they exceeded each other. For Harland was this the destructive raw power he possessed. His cannons had no equal in this even among the council. But that didn't made him necessarily the strongest, raw power wasn't the only thing that made these members of the council maybe the most dangerous men and woman in Fiore. It was also their might, like Count Sparrow who held an intelligence unlike any other. Or Councilor Frost with the deceiving looks and behavior, she was someone far stronger then she leads on to be. And then there were Slaine and Kairi, both of them shrouded in mystery and each of them holding a power then was yet unknown.
    But Harland didn't like to keeps things like that hidden, his show of force was also to let the others know that he wasn't just a senile old man. That if it came down on destruction and raw power that there was no equal. To others it may look like a dangerous action to reveal yourself like that, but nothing was less true. After all with age there is wisdom and wits, and Harland knew very well on how to play the game.

    'But let us move one from my indiscretions in front of Magnolia, there are indeed much more pressing matter at hand. So Count Sparrow I'll support your decision on rebuilding Magnolia along with the guild. But we also need to make people see us as the saviors once again. And we can only achieve that if we reconcile with Fairy Tail. Maybe even honor them for all their effort in the battle, in front of the entire town. Even if it goes against our own pride.'

    Harland rested his voice for a second, giving other to think this through before he continued.

    'Also, Councilor Sparrow what you told us about Constantine Rebellion worries me. It is indeed strange that he suddenly just vanished from the face of the earth like that. Nothing to be seen or heard about. He was after all one of the powerhouses in Savage Skull. And then there is also the sudden increase of new dark guilds, or old ones filling in the gap of power that Savage Skull left behind. I feel that there is a new form of evil and darkness brewing under the surface of what we can see.
    And that brings me to Savage Skull once again, who supposedly should be falling apart and be nothing more then a mere shadow of it's former self. Which I strongly disbelieve. There is no way a guild with that former power would lay down their weapons like that and do nothing anymore. They have done to much for that.'
    Skylar Frost
    Skylar Frost

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    Meeting of the new Council. Empty Re: Meeting of the new Council.

    Post by Skylar Frost 1st August 2013, 8:43 am

    ✖  YOU'RE LIKE ICE. I - C - E - Y.
    Feels so nice, scorching me. You're so hot, hot. Baby, your love is so hot, hoooot!



    There was that immense magic power again. Skylar could feel him before he even came through the doors. Councilman Kairi had one to the largest and most peculiar magic powers that the woman had ever felt. Comparing it would be guesswork at best, but Sparrow's own magic power was near his. Sporting magic power that could rival even the Chairman himself... Skylar watched the snow-white haired man as he walked into the room. At his polite hello, she smiled and nodded to him with equal etiquette. Skylar could appreciate a man that could make his presence known with the fewest words possible. After the last of their Council had seated himself, Frost looked over to Sparrow, wondering how he would would begin.


    All work and no play made Skylar a dull girl, but it seems she would have to be dull for a while. This Magic Council had much to do. After the Chairman had finished laying the topics for them to speak up about, and detailing his opinion, Skylar turned to Harland. His words were that of a swarthy young man trapped in the body of an old man. She smiled at his words. Of course he regretted nothing! A man like that never does. She laid back in her chair and crossed her legs as Harland then went on to agree with the Chairman on the issue of Magnolia. That city was one built on strength and tears. Even if it was demolished into nothing, they would rebuilt. Probably called it "New Magnolia". Skylar had only been there once but the city had left an imprint on her. She knew it was going to be alright for them. It would just take time.

    However, on the subject of other matters...

    "I'm afraid that Councilman Harland's assumptions are correct. During my time in Veronica many strange things occurred there. Upon arriving to the massive city, I quickly erected a intel network to watch for all suspicious activity within the city's walls. For one, Veronica's crime rate if far higher than we expected, yet the neighboring Fiorian city of Rose Garden is almost crimeless. This does not bode well for the Veronican government if you ask me. I think we should relent to the Senate about increasing the security around that particular space of the border. Also, during my and Miss Shard's stay in Veronica, we heard many a whisper of the Kugeki even within the palace walls. They might have a hold in that city far deeper than in Fiore, which is not a good thing at all", she said before her tone dropped to one of the utmost seriousness.

    "The matter that I would like to alert you all to, however, is a disturbing development that occurred when myself and the forces with me encountered as soon as we left the castle walls. I was enjoying an amazing glass of Veronican white wine when our convoy was heeded by the Veronican military. We were moved back to the castle because apparently a attempt on the King's life was made as soon as we left. The royal was most flustered by it, but I was given access to the place where the body of the would-be assassin was still lying. It goes without saying that the man was dead, but their was the oddest mark on his shoulder that literally glowed a faint white in the dark. Apparently his dying words were: Down with the hierarchy. I have no idea if this and the Kugeki presence in the city are related, but the King has requested aid from our military or guilds. I believe we should seize this opportunity. Disgruntled as it is, Veronica is a wealthy state with nowhere to send it's money. If we aid them, we can not only use the extra funds to help the city of Magnolia as you graciously put, Chairman, but we could also throw it at the Senate to...calm their unsettled hearts and minds", with that, Skylar was quiet. Waiting to hear what the men around her had to say.


    Sometimes the best love...
    Meeting of the new Council. Tumblr_n9m5z9CbkJ1sgiwtko1_500
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    Meeting of the new Council. Empty Re: Meeting of the new Council.

    Post by Steigmaz Yoverin 12th August 2013, 8:46 am

    Lots of information was being shared on this day. It seemed the world was busy. Kairi was busy not really listening to his fellow Council Members. He was suffering from a wickedly devilish hangover that he had contracted the night before. After-all how could he turn down a night of booze and bitches? With nothing more than a few hours to get ready, he clearly put on the most random outfit he had, and luckily it didn't bother any of his comrades. This was a plus in his book, he didn't have to deal with stupid looks, or stupid questions.

    He looked up at the large breasted woman as she continued to spurt out information from her lips, and he analyzed her for a moment. He had not seen a female council member of actual quality before. Just some drag queen and a rather odd green haired female, who looked a hell of a lot younger in her face than her body. Something he found extremely off-putting. She flapped her gums, and information barreled towards his ears. But as with the rest of Council members he was barely paying attention. He figured that it was his turn to speak out.

    "Yes, indeed. Very true statements all across the board, I currently have no solutions to the matters at hand. However I am organizing a task force to hunt down members of the kugeki. They will be paid a commission sum from me personally, therefore there shall be no actual involvement from the Council, and should things go sour, we have no contracts binding the Council to these. Hmm. Mercenaries. I am afraid that my information on these events are limited for now, however there has been a clear indicator that the Cartel has moved into Fiore in force. Nearly unstoppable."

    He leaned back in his chair for a moment, before speaking again. "It seems they have a specific magic that allows them to clone their top lieutenants and leaders, this way every time a drug operation is halted, a clone will take over the originals place. Endlessly. Therefore the cartel seems to have fortified itself perfectly into our domain. Rather than trying to squash these organizations. I say we exploit their leaders. Find out who they are, crush them, and then take a large cut of the profits for their smuggled goods, to fund the Council. Hear me out however,"

    He paused for a moment, knowing that he sounded quite mad deciding to side with criminals. His hair broke past the slicked form, and spiked up, protruding outwards randomly. "I hate criminals, however these cartels are not involved in any direct crimes that actually harm members of Fiore. They basically run an export business, that ships products that are illegal where they come from, here to Fiore. We clearly do not have regulations on Lacrima. So who cares if we dip our hands into that pool. Now, before you spout nonsense about a war breaking out, no one will know that we are involved. We are all very good at networking. Aye Councilmen?"

    He would cross his legs for a moment before speaking "That is just my idea, do whatever you wish. I shall oblige to the will of the Council. We do need funding however, with the populace not on our side, donations have come to a grinding halt. You wish to solve a lot of problems with no budget, good luck. Rune Knights do not work solely based on their sense of justice." He would smile to himself for a moment before his intense eyes peered towards Slaine, signalling that the man now had the floor to speak. "After you, comrade."


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    Meeting of the new Council. Empty Re: Meeting of the new Council.

    Post by Jett 13th August 2013, 12:31 am

    A silence befell the room as Slaine observed his fellow councilmen before addressing them. Sparrow's eyes were like mirrors, the more Slaine tried to penetrate them the more Sparrow tried to penetrate his, to see what emotions lay within. Slaine would smile in acknowledgement of mutual... interest, but he suppressed it. Harland's eyes seemed more impatient in a way, eager to hear Slaine's input, but ready to judge it. It was as if Kairi was not even trying to make eyecontact and seemed disinterested, already thinking about how he would spend his hours when the meeting was over.

    Slaine cleared his throat as he quickly summarized all topics addressed in his mind. Each of them was of high-level priority, time was of the essence and he didn't like wasting any of it.
    After having heard all of them, he realized this Council truely was of a much higher caliber than the previous one.

    "Thank you, Kairi. I know you all must have your questions about my abscence, or should I say.. disappearance? I must say that I had my reasons for this as I'm sure I will be able to prove to you when the time comes. I can say, however, that part of my time was spent in the part of society where the sun doesn't quite shine. I agree with the proposed solution to Magnolia Town. Maybe fixing up the place will also put Fairy Tail at ease and open up their ears to what we have to say. I also support miss Frost's proposition to aid Veronica. Maybe we can kill two birds with one stone if this is connected to the Kugeki. As for the dark guilds and Constantine..." He paused for a brief moment and shifted his eyes to Kairi for a quick moment.

    "I would like to propose that I delve into those matters more deeply myself. When I was part of the previous council, I.. took care of things. I believe I can track Constantine down and bring him to justice. Whatever justice that might be according to your instructions, Chairman. As for Savage Skull and the Kugeki, a task force might not be a bad idea. Although, we really need to make certain this cannot come back around. If that course of action is traced back to us, we might as well paint targets on our foreheads. Some legal guildmasters might also not approve of such methods and lose faith in us. The risk of losing credibility is quite high. Which brings me to Kairi's idea of... exploiting Fiore's underworld."

    Again he let silence sink in. He leaned forward, placed his elbows on the table and placed his fingertips together, the air between his palms seemed to blur as if heat was generated between them.  "We would lose all credibility by doing that, no doubt. It has been quite some time since the Council had any form of.. corruption, but we are facing financial problems due to recent events. Fixing up Magnolia will take another chunk out of the budget and aiding Veronica will cost us plenty more before it will become a profitable deal. If we create a task force to root out the remnants of Savage Skull, it will be another additional cost and the Rune Knights love their salaries. We have little support from the populace indeed and even if for the first time in history the Council would start to fund itself from the pockets of the Councilmen and women, we will still lack sufficient funds."

    He turned his hands until his palms face the ceiling, his hands gesturing as he spoke.

    "In light of our current circumstances, I would support this idea. At least until we are back on our feet and have regained some stability. Make no mistake though, if we do this it will need to be done with absolute precision and control. Another reason why I would suggest to have me keep my ear to the ground and my hands untied. None of this is allowed to backfire in any way." Slaine spoke calmly and let his hands rest on the table when he concluded his reasoning.

    In his mind, chess pieces started to move again. It had been a long time since he had played a game on this level and he was going to enjoy it.
    Count Sparrow
    Count Sparrow

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    Meeting of the new Council. Empty Re: Meeting of the new Council.

    Post by Count Sparrow 13th August 2013, 10:32 pm

    Lucien listened carefully to what each member of the Magic Council had to state. He was interested to note that Harland firmly believed Savage Skull although obliterated in the Light; was reforming in the Shadows.

    Lucien removed his had; letting his brown locks down and setting the top hat onto the table. He folded his hands and resting his face on them while Skylar spoke; indeed he had heard many a whisper about Veronica. However the Kugeki spilling over into the neighboring nation was of drastic concern to Count Sparrow.

    He didn't want them fiddling with Veronica's wealth; which was equal to Fiore's. However Lucien knew that Veronica had it's own Wizard's Guild; although they only had one, he'd already heard the birds chirping a song of 'Carbuncle'; perhaps Veronica's Wizard's Guild would now be on high alert, making the Kugeki infiltration nearly impossible from this point on out due to Skylar's actions.

    "Councilwoman Frost, you shall be rewarded formally for your actions in Veronica." he added inbetween the break of Skylar; and Kairi. "I know now that the wizards of Carbuncle will triple their enchantments and protective spells in and ouround the border of Veronica; you may have helped contain the Kugeki thread into Fiore in more ways than one." he smirked "Fine, we can begin comissioning wizards from Fiore on Jobs into Veronica; but these Jobs must have strict rules and regulations...we wouldn't want some rowdy Fairy Tail Wizards or worse one of the Dark Guilds run afoul of an Official Job Request filed by a citizen of Veronica with a wizard's Guild here in Fiore; they won't be allowed to go over and assist other Nations; just the Legal Wizards" Lucien dreaded the thought of some Dark Wizards from Fiore running amock in Veronica, due to a Job request that wouldn't have even existed or been allowed if they hadn't sealed it into existence within this very meeting.

    A Rune Knight jotted down that Job Requests involving the neighboring Nation of Veronica would be allowed henceforth.

    As Kairi began, his voice and accent unmistakeable; Lucien listened but quickly; his brow furrowed into a mixture of confusion and anger. However; as he continued to listen; he did devise several plans of his own based off of Kairi's original ideas. Actually they weren't bad at all. He leaned to the side with a finger to the side of his head and continued to listen as Slaine's voice broke the hall.

    As he concluded his statements; Count Sparrow inhaled and exhaled, sitting up fully.

    "Slaine, I would be interested to find out just how low, you've been laying." Lucien added, not missing a single statement, no matter how subtle that had been made.

    "Kairi, I won't permit you to hide, when it comes to this." Count Sparrow folded his hands; once more. "I'm giving you full jurisdiction; you and any Mercenaries you choose to pay off." his british accent trailed for a momment into his next words. "I'm bloody sick, of the Kugeki already. They will feel the pressure of the Magic Council closing in all around them, from all angles until they are crushed. You have permission to raid and or establish a secure perimiter around any area you believe to be suspected of Kugeki activity; including the Wizard's Guilds."

    Lucien would smirk at Kairi.

    "I've prepared the Lightsworn for such an occasion; you'll have as many White Coats at your disposal as neccesarry." of course by white coats, Lucien meant the high level swordsman, and wizards, bearing the white coat with the insignia of the Lightsworn on it's back. The Rune Knights who had exceeded levels normally used in their Ranks. They were the Black Ops unit; the unseen hand of the Council, and Lucien was placing them under Kairi's command as a whole. "I'm sure they'll be of use to you."

    He then turned to Slaine, and smirked.

    "Yes, white coats kicking in doors all around Fiore will no doubt take the people's attention off of us using the Dark Guilds and their wizards to snatch money right out of their pockets hmm?" Lucien grinned and continued. "I'm in agreeance with Kairi and Slaine on one other matter; we should use the Cartel. They seem to have taken over the entire Forbidden Desert; which is a monumental task in itself as the desert is a little more than a hundred miles in every direction; in the center of Fiore." he thought to himself for a moment "While the Lighsworn and Kairi uproot the Kugeki wherever they are to be found; Slaine, you shall determine which Dark Guilds, and Dark Wizards are funding the Kugeki."

    "Let's be honest, a large percentage regular people don't care how a job is done; as long as it gets done. Dark Wizards are in no shortage of work. Most good folks will only hire Legal Wizards, but some people simply do not care about the methods; only the end to the means. The Kugeki is involved with some of the Dark Guilds, we just need to figure out which."

    "We cannot allow a criminal orginaztion to run around; making bets, ruining economies. Running bookie agencies, assasinations, throwing bodies from bridges; making people disappear. We cannot allow a fully developed Mob to occur in Fiore. We must keep them out of the pockets; and minds of the people of Fiore." he sighed to himself. "The less people fear them; the more they will mock them, the more they see the Lightsworn, Rune Knights, and Council hunting them down; the less they will be afraid of revealing a spy, or helping us uproot the Mob that seems to be doing nothing but spreading thanks to the Dark Guilds funding."

    "As for the Dark Guilds themselves; we shall make sure that they see our brutal--" Count Sparrow cut his eyes at Kairi and smirked for a moment "-----treatment of the Kugeki loud and clear; I want the rumours of what Lightsworn who catch Kugeki do to be simply horrid if I can help it. Once they realize how badly we're treating their minions; they'll likely think twice before taking another large action against the people of Fiore such as what happened in Magnolia."

    "The other Dark Guilds, besides Savage Skull are to be left alone and in peace; unless they are suspected of having some connection with Savage Skull directly. We do not dictate what type of Magic wizards can practice; whether it be the dark arts or holy magic; as long as it does not harm the people of Fiore, their Guilds will be allowed to function in peace." Count Sparrow's eyes narrowed.

    "But, any connection that any other Dark Guild shows with Savage Skull, Lichborne, Constantine; or the Kugeki; will put them straight under Kairi and the Lightsworn's jurisdiction; as well as yours. Am I clear?" Lucien looked around the room, and with a nod he stood to his feet.

    "Harland, I'm giving you absolute command over the Rune Knights; as Kairi will command the Lightsworn." Count Sparrow smirked at him. "I know being the National Police Chief will be a tiring amount of paperwork for you; but it'll keep that mind as sharp and witty as we'd all like no?" Count Sparrow then set eyes on Slaine.

    "Slaine, as you request; I'll leave the tracking down of high profile Dark Wizards such as Constantine Rebellion, Alleria, and Naraku to you." Count Sparrow got a serious expression however, as he stood regally at the end of the table; scooping up his hat. "If Slaine however chooses to lay low once more; any one of us may choose to continue his unseen campaign against the Harbingers and Guild Masters of the Dark Guilds in his stead, I expect results Slaine." Lucien said as he slid his tophat on, and adjusted his tie.

    "Skylar, you will run P.R; yes I think you'll do nicely as the face of the Magic Council around Fiore; the people will love you." Sparrow quipped. Making her responsible for all of the press statements; and questions of the people directed at the Magic Council was a perfect idea. Although he knew it would annoy her to no end; being in front of the flashing cameras answering conspiracy questions all day. He also trusted Skylar's wit enough; as to make her in charge of the Press and all information flowing into and around the newspapers of Fiore. Including massive cover ups and information that shouldn't get out. Not many would even think of double crossing Frost; if she paid you off to keep your mouth shut, you often did.

    "If there's anything else?" Lucien looked around the room, standing at the end of the table. He awaited any closing statements his comrades might have.


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    Meeting of the new Council. Empty Re: Meeting of the new Council.

    Post by Serapheal 14th August 2013, 1:52 pm

    Youtube = /watch?v=Q1UAjpQVeFc

    Éclair Day Price’s body lay broken, hanging over the side of a black wrought iron fence.  A black point impaled her through the bulge of her belly where an hour ago once held the growing little form that was to be her child.    Her blonde hair was stained red where blood streaked down it to reach the ground and pool below her.   More sinister was the inky blackness that coiled around her soul.   “I… Will… Not… Die…” Came a whisper, lost in an endless void.   A heavy weight of loss burned away into anger and hate.    From the void surrounding her she could see shadows emerge, pointed limbs and heads like sticks hewn together to the form of man.   They danced.  All around her the figures moved in the shadows,   the sound of drums and horns echoing.   She became aware of a thick, wet feeling and from the void there was now ground, pooling from an open wound in her abdomen black ink spilled and formed a surface like a sea out in all directions.

    From the distance she could see a light, white and pure,  it created a horizon against the black sea and it called to her.  But another light formed.  Red, angry, its light cast against the whiteness and drowned it out.   From the horizon a figure approached her with great black wings with hooved legs and the skull of a beast.   Its eyes burned red and gave off the light.   It did not speak, but she could understand it.

    It offered her a second chance.  It offered her power, it offered her vengeance.      It offered her a choice.

    The white light flickered from behind the winged beast,  as if in warning,  but the light was silenced and the beast held out a hand over the lake of ink a skeleton rose from the waters.   Black at first, the ink faded away revealing the bleached white bones she recognized as what was her husband.   In its arms, her child.  Dead and lost,  the both of them.  At the hands of the dark mages.  Lives ended before their time.  Murdered.   Another skeleton rose from the waters,  this one laying at the feet of the other.  It lay broken,  black spears rose from the water breaking through the bones.   This was hers. 

    Éclair stretched out her hand to the winged beast,  and she felt a wave of nausea as her arm didn’t respond,  but her perception was stretched between where she was and the skeleton that rose a bony arm.   The beast brought a hand to its chest where the scent of burning flesh filled the air and red vapor formed,  and condensed.   She realized where it was coming from,   and she started to feel it in delayed response.  She was burning.   Red vapor clouded her vision and her perception broke and from the view of the skeleton she could see a human form break into vapor and condense into the beast’s hand where two dice,  still smoking slightly with a red glow sat.   The beast’s red eyes met with Éclair’s own,  if she had any,  and she rose.   

    An unseen force lifted her off the iron fence upon which she had been impaled,  shadows wrapped around her and with searing pain remade her.


     Hex walked with a brisk pace, her long legs adding extra length to her stride.   With hair as white as the purest snow moving in time with her steps swaying at her back, her black leather suit accentuating her figure and the movement of her hips, she passed Knight after Knight along the halls of the Magic Council building.   The council was in session, but in her orders she was told to meet with the councilman, and it requested her at this time.   She was running late as it was, the orders caught her while in the midst information gathering that she wasn’t strictly supposed to be doing.  Digging in deep to the underground activity, Hex was doing all she could in her free time to pursue details on criminal activity with special regards to the Kugeki and Savage Skull.   She'd managed to apprehend a group of three minor dark mages with past connections to Savage Skull while one was a member of the Kugeki himself.   As befitting what little she knew of the Kugeki,  the man did not want to talk.  In her… efforts, blood had been spilled that was not her own. 

    Her white gloves were stained still.  Orders were her orders, and she came without hesitation,  she ended two of the mages since she didn't have the time to detain them and she couldn't have the Kugeki mage squealing to his masters.  But she did leave one of the Ex-Skulls living,  but only just,  to hopefully get her name and appearance out.   She wanted dark mages to recognize her.  She wanted them to know what she'd do to them.  She wanted them to fear her.

    It would have taken her an hour or more to clean all the blood off herself, so whatever consequences she may face for her potentially unbecoming state of dress would be less important to her then appearing when called, particularly by any member of the Magic Council such as this.  Her gloves were dried,  but obviously stained with blood.   She was faced with a dilemma.  Would she lie if asked about the blood?  Or would she be forward and tell them what happened.   They were dark mages,  each with a record of killing,  Hex felt no remorse for them,  and was in fact in a good mood because of it.   She was slightly displeased she couldn't extend her... inquisition, but it was a small matter.
     She appeared before the doors to the chamber the meeting was taking place,   more than one Rune Knight present seemed indecisive as to whether they should be intimidated and take her as threat or potential threat, or to be taken back by her looks.  With one red-stained glove she raised her hand and with a little movement of her forefinger conjured a set of dice, traces of red vapor leaking off of them for a moment.  With a little flick of her wrist she kept one of the dice in the palm of her hand while with two fingers held the other out to one of the Rune Knights by the door.

     “Hold onto this for me, would you please?” She asked him, but didn’t wait for a response.  She could see well enough his indecisiveness but willingness to do so, just unsure and obviously distressed by her and the white fur trimming of her suit that framed her cleavage.   She slipped the die in one of the Knights pockets and whispered her thanks.    Stepping back, She nodded at the door, waiting for one of them to open it for her,  and announce her presence and request to join to those in side as formal for any intruder into a meeting of this caliber.  Plus, she doubted the Council would appreciate her stained glove touching it.

    The Rune Knights opened the door for her,  addressing the council giving her name as "Black Gamble", a new recruit of the Rune Knights as she was.   She felt a chill travel down her sign when she saw the faces of the Council members,  each one would likely be able to kill her a hundred times over if they deemed it necessary.  Maybe more.  But the realization did nothing to perturb her.  She was here,  she was called,  she was a little late but she was called.  She entered the chamber and stood confidently waiting for direction and recognition now that she answered her summons.


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    Meeting of the new Council. Empty Re: Meeting of the new Council.

    Post by Cecile 16th August 2013, 3:25 am

    Harland didn't particular like these methods on how they were going to apprehend the enemy. But it may be the only way possible for them to regain their former image and to get some valuable information on the enemy.
    'Hmm this all, can be a double edged blade were we will cut ourselves on if we don't be careful. But I can see the merit in this. And hitting two birds with one stone isn't such a bad idea. Anyway if I am in command of the Rune Knights then I will march towards Magnolia to assist in rebuilding the town. And to make amends by offering my apologies to the town for my drastic measures on how to handle the situation during the war. And I think it would be wise that miss Frost would accompany me. If she is going to be the public face of this council then there it is only beneficial if she is there with me.
    In the mean time....'

    Suddenly the doors towards the council chambers opened and a young woman appeared, standing firmly before these five giants among men.
    'What is this intrusion!! There is a meeting of the most highest importance taking place right now! So you better have a good reason for your insolence before I wills trip you for any rank that you have young lady.'
    Harland din't know off course that she was summoned by one of the other members.
    Skylar Frost
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    Meeting of the new Council. Empty Re: Meeting of the new Council.

    Post by Skylar Frost 19th August 2013, 10:27 am

    ✖  YOU'RE LIKE ICE. I - C - E - Y.
    Feels so nice, scorching me. You're so hot, hot. Baby, your love is so hot, hoooot!



    The buxom woman had felt Kairi's eyes on her the entire time she had spoken. Of course his..."analyzation" didn't go unnoticed. Skylar was quite used to it. In her field, there weren't many that had her looks, but not the power to back it up either. She decided to return the favor while he himself spoke. She watched as the gel holding his hair down died almost all at once. Skylar covered her mouth as her cheeks puffed up a bit from holding down a giggle. She thought his hair looked terrible slicked down as it had been, but after that, she wanted it put down again so it could snap up once more and make her laugh.

    Once everyone said their peace on the subjects at hand, the councilwoman nodded to the Chairman. She was in charge of Public Relations, huh? The woman almost smirked to herself. That was perfect for her. This way she could stretch various social and financial muscles all over Fiore. Oh yes. This was going to go quite splendidly. The woman uncrossed her legs and stood as the Chairman did. When the door opened and a classy woman strutted in, Skylar was pleased. Another pretty woman in the room made Skylar happy. After all, girls have to stick together! "I'll be taking my leave then! I have much to do!", she called out before she turned and made her way towards to the door. When she was next to the one named Black Gamble, Skylar opened her lips.

    "Love the suit, sweetie. Call me if you ever need a favor!", she said with a friendly tone. With that, she slipped right past her and then out the massive doors. "Ta, boys~ And Harland, be nice!", she called out.

    With that, the Empress of Frost was gone.

    [Skylar has left the thread]


    Sometimes the best love...
    Meeting of the new Council. Tumblr_n9m5z9CbkJ1sgiwtko1_500
    ...is the one that is lost.
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    Steigmaz Yoverin

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    Meeting of the new Council. Empty Re: Meeting of the new Council.

    Post by Steigmaz Yoverin 1st September 2013, 9:51 pm

    Suave as ever, the young councilman had risen from his seat and bowed towards his comrades. Eager to be out of this mission. "Understood Chancellor, Councilmen Harland, I believe this one is for me. No need to concern yourself. I have it covered. See you all at the next suitable time. We have much to do, and the chaos seems to be perfectly settled for the time being. Also, I have heard tale of a great Storm King being re-awakened in the north. I shall personally see to it that this beast is handled and ultimately taken down to size."

    With a smile on his face, his perfect teeth glinted for a moment before he headed outwards towards the door, "Come with me young lady." He stated immediately. Not sure of her age, but her beauty hinted at a youthful tone. Irregardless he was ready to begin the tasks entrusted to him. He was headed towards his office, a place of practicality. He after-all had much work he needed to get sorted with, and to get completed. He made no effort to give a fuck about anything else besides his job that was made for him. He knew of a great opportunity to the north, and also had heard that soon the world would change.



    Meeting of the new Council. Omega2_by_gramcrackers-d610coh

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    Meeting of the new Council. Empty Re: Meeting of the new Council.

    Post by Serapheal 4th September 2013, 8:04 pm

    Inside the council room Hex felt tense,  reacting off the air of the room.  It wasn't a very pleasant place to be,  especially with a wrinkly old man at the table shouting at her.  He was obviously not the one who sent for her,  and Hex decided it would be for the benefit of everyone if she remained still and silent.  Anything she'd say would increased the pressure on her and could make her look foolish.   Her best bet was silence,  and the one who did call her would take care of it.

    She arrived at the conclusion of their meeting it seemed,  perhaps it was timed as such.  If she didn't respond immediately she wouldn't have had arrived quickly enough.  Still.  She could have spared an extra minute or two,  then perhaps she wouldn't have interrupted as the grumpy one was speaking.   It probably wouldn't have made a difference however,  short fuses are short no matter when their lit.   Councilman Yushima spoke up for her,  she didn't know which one he was prior and was pleased to see he was perhaps in some ways the best of the men in the room,  with the other two men looking... kamp.  She would have preferred it if the woman was Yushima,  but that would have been too good.   Her luck was great,  but it wasn't perfect.

    The woman rose,  Hex thought she caught the name Frost before.... Was it Hardland Yushima said?  And was pleased with her demeanor as she passed,  and almost smiled back at her- almost.  She nodded her head in acknowledgement and trained her eyes on the rising Yushima as he approached.  She waited until he passed her before giving a fairly discourteous half-assed salute back at the old fellow and turned to leave beside Yushima.  

    There was something strange in being called young lady,  sure she was only twenty two but she stood almost a half a foot taller then the man and was more then well developed.   Regardless of that,  it felt strange but didn't feel wrong coming from him.  That coupled with the intimidating presence he exuded by her side,  in addition to being her new employer,   Hex said nothing and kept pace easily with the councilman.



    Meeting of the new Council. XeQjtg0

      Current date/time is 2nd June 2024, 5:47 am