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    Nikola Stillwater

    Nikola Stillwater
    Nikola Stillwater

    Lineage : Aspect of Jupiter
    Position : None
    Faction : -
    Posts : 17
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 0

    Completed Nikola Stillwater

    Post by Nikola Stillwater 25th December 2022, 11:09 am

    Name: Nikola Stillwater
    Gender: Male
    Age: 25
    Birthday: May 1st
    Sexuality: Pansexual
    Special Characteristics: N/A

    Nikola Stillwater 458989

    Niokola is hyped with a thirst for experience, having depicted it as his primary reason for him needing to gotten to be a master traveler. He accepts that the wizard with the foremost quality is the individual with the foremost opportunity within the world, with the capacity to travel anyplace, and do anything. He approaches circumstances with a reckless and carefree state of mind, nearly never taking things genuinely. Even though he's a guild wizard, He does not take his obligations to other's expectations, he just wants to see the world and enjoy all it has to offer.
    He's very direct often pointing out the obvious, and carelessly blurting out the first thing that comes to mind. For this, he's not the best team member if you're trying to be careful, but that isn't to say that he does not get things done. He emanates confidence and in a battle or a situation that overshadows any fear or doubts that one might have. His instincts are better left observed than explained as he prefers fight over flight. His emotions often lean towards a carefree and aloof individual but that aloofness goes away in a fight.
    Instead he tends to rely on his quick-wit straightforward way of thinking and just get things done as fast as possible, a drawn-out anything is too boring and tiring for him. He's loyal to anyone that he considers a friend, and will extend an opportunity of friendship to anyone he might have considered foe. Nikola might be the dumbest member of Luminous Rose but he makes that up with fun. His chase for fun and priority of love and loyalty over all other virtues, makes him a acceptable albeit exceptionally interesting wizard.  
    Despite his overwhelming loyalty towards his friends, he has few that are "best" friends. He's afraid that if he puts his trust and love into an individual that he'll be broken if they leave. Therefore, he avoids being a position of dependency to anyone, and is last to step up in times of need.
    He's determined, and warm-hearted, he'll never give up on his dreams and he shares the opportunity of travelling and jobs with others...but he won't share his food.

    "Many will tell stories of their experiences, where they've been and what they've done. Not me, I'll just do it, and let my story be told by others." - Nikola Stillwater

    • Travelling: Travelling is his therapy, he loves it to gain new experiences. He especially enjoys seeing new locations, and meeting new people. He hasn't been everywhere of course, but that's on his to-do list. He loves to shift his comfort zone, and adapt to new surroundings, engaging with new locals, and searching for new adventures.
    • Noise: Nikola loves to make a ruckus with his friends, often yelling, screaming, and chanting. Unfortunately this usually means he's a little too reckless. Being quiet makes him nervous, it makes him wonder about how to break the ice so to speak. The world is naturally pretty calm, so he's figured if you want the noise, you gotta bring it!
    • Eating: The stomach is the doorway to happiness. Nikola can put away food like no other, once he's started eating, he doesn't stop until the table is cleared. If the food keeps coming, he keeps eating. It's honestly a grotesque sight, but anyone witnessing it can appreciate the happiness on his face. How he keeps a slim, fit figure, the world may never know.

    • Reading: Reading is a slow process, he hates books, he finds them boring, as well as too verbose. He'll take a summary any day.
    • Abuse/Cruelty: Nikola gets upset at the thought of anyone or anything being caused pain or suffering. He will put his entire soul into stopping any behavior or action involving it.
    • Riddles: The more straightforward questions and answers are, the faster things become understood, and Nikola is not an abstract thinker, riddles are annoying to him, and he gets frustrated by them. He doesn't believe they are proof of intelligence, and they should be more straightforward.

    • Adventures: Travelling, new foods, new nature, the beauty! Adventure is what gives him the adrenaline rush of putting his life on the line and winning over the fear of the unknown. The experience of new locations, and learning to navigate the world. One thing that Nikola is worried about is repetitiveness and the comfort of boredom.
    • Friends: Nikola enjoys meeting others, and extending arms of friendship around the world. He believes his memories live longer in the minds of his friends.
    • Power: Nikola realizes that in order to take more jobs you need to be powerful enough to do it, so he trains and does more jobs in order to gain the power needed to take any job he wants.

    • Loneliness: Nikola is afraid of dying alone, it was one of his big motivations to be in a guild, so that he'd have everlasting friendships.
    • Sedentary Lifestyle: Boring! Walls closing in! AHHHH! If there's one thing that reminds Nikola of the fact that he's being unproductive and alone, is a quiet lax life.
    • Counter-Dependence: Nikola will go to great lengths to avoid asking for help, even if he truly needs it. It's a toxic trait, but it stems from a history of depending on others who've let him down, and shortly left after.

    General Appearance

    Height: 6'2"
    Weight: 170 lbs
    Hair Color: Black
    Eye Color: Gray
    Skin Tone: Light skinned
    Appearance: Nikola had grey serious looking eyes. He seems tough and good-looking on the surface. Several strands of his disheveled yet stylishly-combed dark hair falls sparsely across his forehead. In various lighting conditions, his grey eyes appeared to shift color, sometimes seeming lighter and other times a deep, gloomy grey. He's tall, standing above 6 feet, slender and athletically built, with a powerful, angular jawline. Overall, he had a self-assured and impenetrable aura that makes his presence prominent when he enters a room, his presence gets heads turning.
    Despite being in his mid-20s, the man with the grey eyes appeared younger due to his clean, flawless complexion, lack of facial hair and generally fit body. Nikola has a superb sense of style and frequently wore well-tailored suits or chic casual attire. When he is not burring his face in food, he's a real heartthrob.

    Eat your heart out:

    Guild: Luminous Rose
    Tattoo: Right Chest Pectoral
    Tattoo Color: Black with a pink outline

    Faction Chapter:

    Completed Re: Nikola Stillwater

    Post by Guest 27th December 2022, 8:29 am


    Nikola Stillwater QlhAT3Z

    Completed Re: Nikola Stillwater

    Post by Guest 30th June 2023, 8:21 am


    Archived due to inactivity.

      Current date/time is 2nd June 2024, 8:17 am