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    The path of a Knight (Intro; Open)

    Phantom King
    Phantom King

    The Lightning Deity

    Regular VIP Status- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Caine's descent
    Position : None
    Posts : 109
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 150

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Quake Magic
    Second Skill: -
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    The path of a Knight (Intro; Open) Empty The path of a Knight (Intro; Open)

    Post by Phantom King 2nd March 2022, 2:18 pm

    The morning sun shone upon the city of Era, the capital of fiore basking the place in a maginificant light that warmed all those stuck by its rays. While many loved and adored the eays, others didn't quite like it. "damn sun, always in my eye!" said one of two males walking in the waking streets as he covered his eyes from the rays before turning to the other male. "so are you gonna do it, Ryujin?" he asked as he peered over to Ryujin who was silent for a second as he took a long drag of his cigarette. "i've decided to do it" He said as he exhaled the smoke, what exactly where they talking about? After some time on the wrong side of things, Ryujin had decided to turn his life around by joining the Rune Knights. He chose the Rune Knights as he felt he could give back more to the people of isghar for all the innocent he had hurt in the past.

    "Good! i think it will be great for you" The other male said as he took one of his hands and grabbed Ryujin's making his heart jump a bit "but were at the shop so i got to go" He said with a smile as he let go of Ryujin's hand and began to walk towards a building. "You got this!" he yelled to Ryujin who was continuing to walk towards the destination of the Rune Knights base to join, "thank you, Stone!" Ryujin said as lips turned from a frown into a smile. While he wasn't close to many after his decision to leave the dark life behind, Stone had been there from the very start after he had shown up on his doorstep half dead. Ryujin doesn't know where he would be right now if he hadn't been saved by stone that night and owed him a lot.

    More people began to fill the streets as Ryujin made his way closer and closer to the Rune Knights base, a small streak of fear filling him as when he reached the Rune Knights he knew that things wouldn't be the same and he'll have to work hard if he ever wants to make anything of himself. Hopefully he could do it without the his old life rearing its ugly head again. It wasn't much longer until he reached the Rune Knights guild and as he looked at the heavy doors, took a large sigh as the moment was here. After a deep breath, Ryujin pushed the doors open to reveal a pretty busy place with people in Rune Knights attire walking and running in every which way. While he had no clue who to talk to exactly, he noticed someone at a desk nearby and walked over to them. "Hi, My name is Ryujin and i am here to join the Rune Knights" He said with a slightly nervous tone.

    WC: 487
    Grappa & Jellisha
    Grappa & Jellisha

    Moderator- Main Account- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Ancient Sealer
    Position : None
    Faction : The Rune Knights
    Posts : 326
    Cosmic Coins : 200
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Serilda Sinclair
    Experience : 19,341

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Twin Storms
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    The path of a Knight (Intro; Open) Empty Re: The path of a Knight (Intro; Open)

    Post by Grappa & Jellisha 4th March 2022, 3:06 pm

    It had been a quiet day in the Rune Knight's little corner of the world, or about as quiet as one could be during the announcement of recent events. With the twin Generals still mulling about over the actions of that skirmish not so long ago, both would present be in their office of the Knights. Jellisha would be dressed in her usual garb when out of uniform, busy leaning back on a cushioned chair and drinking her likely third cup of coffee today. The taste wasn't the best to them, but it did give her energy to push through the slow days the two of them had been having. She leaned her head back after setting the cup down and huffed, feeling the earrings dangle across her ears. "Ugh, I'm bored. Why'd they make us take a day off when we're gearing up for another deployment?" Across from the bemoaning woman would be another similar looking girl, her attire more plain looking than her counterpart, drinking from a cup of strawberry milk while she had been busy reading one of their mother's old books from when she was young. It was one of those young adult stories, although Grappa did have quite an interest in certain parts of the story. How the heroine went against all odds to accomplish the impossible! She'd look back at the crimson eyed woman with a faint look of understanding. "They just want us to look out for ourselves." she said, folding the corner of the page she was on before then placing it back down onto a nearby table. "It's nice of them to make those of us who can't afford to take time off rest so we don't burn ourselves out. I'm not happy about it, but you do have to admit when we need to step away for a minute." Jellisha scoffed but wouldn't offer much of a rebuttal, getting up from her seat and then beginning to stretch. She couldn't take being couped up in this office, but not being allowed to work. "That does it. I'm gunna take a walk. Wanna come?" The emerald eyed woman nodded quietly, standing up with a soft smile. "Sounds good to me!~"

    The two would be out and about, walking towards the main hall and about to be on their way out before overhearing some of the many discussions people were having at the hall. One in particular did cause the two of them to stop, their eyes locked on one figure by the main desk.

    The woman by the desk would look up at the man who had approached her, pushing up her glasses while then smiling up at the large man. It was fairly common for the attendants, including her, to be asked about recruitment so this was a walk in the park! "Good morning, sir! We're glad you've taken an interest in joining the Rune Knights." Her small hands reached for one of the huge binders beside her, digging through tab after tab of paperwork as she'd pull out several pages and attach it to a clipboard, along with a pen attached. When this was gathered, the woman gave it back to Ryujin. "Just fill out this paperwork while I go and summon one of the superior officers to- Oh! Generals!" The front desk workers called out to Grappa and Jellisha, both of them offering a small wave as they would come closer. "These are Generals Sinclair, Ryujin. They'll be able to help you."

    Grappa would smile at the newcomer, offering her a bow of her head. "Welcome, I'm Grappa Sinclair and this is my sister, Jellisha. It's always nice to see some new blood these days. What's your name?" Jellisha would follow up, taking a more authoritative stance as she'd gaze at the man before them both. "Indeed. If you'll follow us for a moment." she said, leading them to a private corner of the main hall, out of the way of the hustle and bustle of people running around and by a table with seats around them. Grappa and Jellisha took their seat across from Ryujin's, the crimson eyed twin glancing to the clipboard. "We can fill that out for you if you'd rather not bother. Technically we're supposed to be using that, but they keep changing policies. It also gives us something to do." Grappa would start things off with another really brief question for their recruit, her eyes gazing into his inquisitively. "So what makes you want to join the Rune Knights?"

    WC: 756
    @Phantom King


    The path of a Knight (Intro; Open) YvWNyTL

      Current date/time is 1st June 2024, 9:34 pm