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    Snow Cottage D Job

    Zero Divinus
    Zero Divinus

    Lineage : None
    Position : None
    Posts : 51
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 1,375

    Snow Cottage D Job Empty Snow Cottage D Job

    Post by Zero Divinus 15th July 2021, 8:13 am

    Zero walked up the side of the snowy mountain, dressed in a pair of thick cotton pants, a sweater, a snow coat, and thick wooly boots. He had a snow cap on with ear muffs and a half mask to cover his face. He looked at the old man and his son standing by a large amount of wooden logs and chuckled. Oh yeah, he had to pick this kind of job. Than again, it would feel good to work with his hands again rather than use magic to fix all his problems. He walked up and introduced himself to both men, taking their offered hands in his own. The old man said he was building the cottage up here for him and his wife to live while their son took over the family business and moved into the apartment above the store.

    Zero explained how he saw the job request and thought it be a good one to get back into the groove of things. Plus manual labor for a good chunk of jewel wasn't out of the question. Zero began with discussion on the parameters of the house, how wide and how tall, how many rooms, bathrooms, where the kitchen was gonna be placed. The old man showed him a blue print he had made up and the two went over the dimensions and the material it was going to need to build it without magic. Indoor plumbing on a mountain was a must so they would need to pipe it in from the local waterfall, a heat lacrima would handle the hot water necessities, while the old man seemed not to like magic he understood it's necessity.  

    Taking a shovel the three men got to work, first digging out the snow and the ground which took a while since the ground was frozen. Once under it however it got easier since the cold moisture turned the ground more to muck and mud than hard soil. The day passed mainly with just digging the trenches needed to lay the plumbing, the three retiring at dusk to the local inn down the mountain where they drank hot cider and got heavy steaks and potatoes. From there a good night sleep and back to the task at hand in the morning. Next came laying the pipe from the local water fall and river that would be used to pump water. Primer and glue for the pipes and within five hours they had the pipe laid out and sealed. Concrete was poured over the pipes and the three headed down to the inn after another day to let the concrete harden.

    Early morning they were up on the mountain again, this time laying the foundation for the house, wood had to be stained so it wouldn't age too fast and be good for many many years to come. The foundation went well and than came the load bearing studs, once in place the house began to take shape as they hammered and nailed wood into place, the house slowly beginning to look like a house. New pipes were ran through the maze, looking like a gerbils tube city. The rooms were added, the bathroom and kitchen pipes were ran, and the day ended there.

    The three men returned to the inn for possibly the last time, ate dinner, talked, and went to bed. The morning saw them up before the dawn, supplies in hand and back to the cottage. The second floor foundation was laid, stairs and bedrooms added for guests in the future. Walls came up, and set in their places. As the dawn sun lowered the final nail for the roof was hammered into place. Cottage built the three men, two young and one old, stood gazing at their work. Hands were shook, money transferred, and Zero said his good byes. Leaving with the respect of two men and the satisfaction of a job well done.


      Current date/time is 2nd June 2024, 4:12 pm