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    New girl in town.(Open)


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    New girl in town.(Open) Empty New girl in town.(Open)

    Post by Minka 11th August 2013, 8:19 am

    It was getting late,the once proud and illustrious sun had grown tired of flaunting it's righteous rays upon the lowly public and decided now it was time for it to rest,giving the moon it's chance to strut it's stuff. The burnt orange sky caught the eyes of quite a few train passengers each one gasped and awed at the beauty that was this natural occurrence in nature. Though one passenger however remained pretty nonchalant about the ordeal. Her eyes hadn't even fallen towards the window at all the entire time she was on this train,which had been about 4-5 hours give or take.Her eyes and face were planted firmly and deeply into her book. She licked her right index finger and placed it on the bottom right hand corner of the the right page of her book and turned it.

    The people continued on and on with their squeals and bubbly laughter,they were getting louder and louder by the second.Little kids running around like obnoxious little rodents but because they were cute little things she could over loo their transgression. Despite the festering aggravation building and growing within her her facial expression never changed.Though she did grip her book tighter as a result. The loud chattering,gossiping adults however they were another story.Fat over weight and simplistic people with nothing better to do but spew lies about other people who they had never met before.Dammit,shut p and read a book or something.... The thought fell silent in her mind as she let to a sigh. Keeping her composure she prayed this train ride was over more sooner than later.

    Her Sky blue mirrors reflected the word from her book wonderfully. She tried to ignore the noisy passengers and just focused on reaching her destination with as cool of a head as she could. It was about thirty-minutes later that the conductor of the train came to her side and gentle tapped her on her shoulder. She didn't like being touched and almost reached to break his hand,but she couldn't take her aggravation and problems out on people,especially since he was just doing his job.So to ease her troubled mind and angry internal demeanor she would simply close her book tightly with her left hand.She didn't look at him in fact she closed her eyes and uttered a firm...What is it?.The conductor would develop a single sweat drop on his forehead before nervously replying."W-well mam the train is about to stop at Oaktown,as per your inquiry of a library Oak-town has the best and most expansive own around...if you'd want to go there that is".I see....

    She said as she rose and placed her book up into her traveling bag which held all her belongings in it. She would then place the overstuffed bag onto her shoulder like a back pack and proceeded to walk towards the doors of the train.But not before stopping a good three feet away from the Conductor.She looked back out of the corner of her eye,and with a slight smirk she would say.Thanks. It was then that the train stopped and she made her way out of it's doors leaving the conductor to smile and continue doing what he did best.
    Akina Revane
    Akina Revane
    Queen Of Blood

    VIP- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Richie Rich- Rich- Veteran Level 1- Villain- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Beast Pride
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    New girl in town.(Open) Empty Re: New girl in town.(Open)

    Post by Akina Revane 11th August 2013, 9:20 am

    Arisa had also been on that same train to Oak Town but not quite same train section she had her own cause not many did like the scent she had around her, the powerful around of death, plague and blood did surround this girl as was it one and same thing.

    She had felt that there were other mages on the train but did not really care about it she just wanted to get out of this damm train before she did go insane from the lack of entertainment.

    When the train finally did stop she did grab her cloak and pulled over her shoulder and her Scythe and put on her back as it did turn invisible as it always did when she did not touch it, As she walked down to the door to get out of the train people gladly did step aside to let her by, She were the famous H ranked blood mage after all.

    When she came outside of the train she looked around for a little to try see if that weak mages presences she did feel on the train had left yet, but she were still on the train from what she could sense, it was a rather weapon make maybe one she could turn over to the dark side?.

    Arisa went over and did stand up against one of the pillars on the station and leaned her back against it, People on the station did quietly walk around her in a large circle not wanting to get to close, her aura did scare most people but she had grown used to it by now.


    New girl in town.(Open) Akina2_by_gramcrackers-d6rmw25
    ☮️ Profile ☮️ Magic ☮️ Bank ☮️

    Lineage : None
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    New girl in town.(Open) Empty Re: New girl in town.(Open)

    Post by Minka 11th August 2013, 9:53 am

    Thank god thats over....Her mind echoed with the thought as she sighed.A crisp and calming breeze fluttered past her face and kinda sorta calmed her down a bit.She had just landed in a new town and was a bit curious as to what this place had to offer aside from the lovely library she had heard about.Wonder if there's a bar around here anywhere,after that ride I could really use a drink.She thought as she looked around the station,there weren't to many people around here with both shocked and soothed her.Less people the better.She though figured she should ask directions to get to a bar and catch a place where she could snooze while she was here.She had sensed an incomparably powerful Aura while she was on the train an noticed it belonged to a mage like herself but it was far more potent than she was.Regardless the woman made no pass at her so there was no need for Minka to entertain her existence. Whilst everyone else feared and stayed to of the Mages way Minka continued on her way as if she never noticed her.Not because she didn't respect or acknowledge the mages power.But simply because she had no reason to react to her presence as of now.

    She did however see a woman reading a book.The woman hair was auburn brown and her skin was of a smooth milky complexion. Her lips were do die for and her boobs were simply awe inspiring.Crude..c-can't ask her....She quickly turned from the sight of the woman and turned her attention to a more grotesque looking one.She let out a sigh and approached the woman.

    After walking and stopping about 10 ft away from the ugly creature Minka wold say as politely as possible.Excuse me lady?The blob of a human would turn around to face her, a moth coated in red jelly and the culprit in her right hand;jelly doughnut. Minka kept her nonchalant facial expression though in the inside she damn near barfed on this chick.But she found ti easier to talk to the ugly people than the pretty ones."Yes young lady what do you want?" She said as she licked her pork sausage like singers of the residual jelly.Just ask her Minka so you can get the hell away from her.... She sighed mentally before  plating a false smile on her face.Yeah would you happen to know if there is a bar around here anywhere? You see I'm new in town and haven't the faintest clue how to navigate around here yet."Oh your sch a nice and polite young woman of course i'll help you!" She said as she grabbed onto Minka's cheek and left a jelly stain on her face. One the outside Minka's continued to smile.But on the inside...DID SHE REALLY JUST TOUCH MY DAMN FACE WITH THOSE DIRTY ASS FINGERS!. Minka was one step from socking this later in her jelly filed moth but she couldn't the woman had info that she needed and so Minka wold just have to roll with the punches on this one

    Well thanks,thats the way ole mama raised her little girl,now about that bar?.The woman licked her right index finger and with a hefty slurp pointed east towards her destination."Just go up these stairs here and about four blocks due east you'll find an In there." Still smiling Minka would respondThank you so much Lady,I really appreciate it,Ok see you around now!"Ok dear take care!"Minka then would take off smiling and waving at the woman before going up the stairs."Sch a nice girl" The woman wold say as she got on the next train....I almost knocked 40 pounds off her ass...Now I really need a drink...
    Akina Revane
    Akina Revane
    Queen Of Blood

    VIP- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Richie Rich- Rich- Veteran Level 1- Villain- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Beast Pride
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    Posts : 247
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    New girl in town.(Open) Empty Re: New girl in town.(Open)

    Post by Akina Revane 11th August 2013, 10:13 am

    Arisa did see this girl were no different from the other people around here yet she did seem like she were obsessed with finding a bar.

    Arisa knew where the bar in Oak town was but she were not much of the drinker but maybe they did have some wine or juice.

    She went over to the girl as she got closer to the stairs "Miss you seem like your lost, i could not avoid hearing you were looking for a bar." she then did take off her hood and opened up her cloak letting the hood fall down her back as her silver colored hair did fall down her back.

    she then did follow the girl up the stairs as she waited for the response from the girl.


    New girl in town.(Open) Akina2_by_gramcrackers-d6rmw25
    ☮️ Profile ☮️ Magic ☮️ Bank ☮️

    Lineage : None
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    New girl in town.(Open) Empty Re: New girl in town.(Open)

    Post by Minka 11th August 2013, 10:37 am

    Continuing on her way up the stairs when she heard the voice of a woman she almost reluctantly looked back but never stopped walking. She prayed it was another ugly one because she didn't know how she wold take holding a conversation with a hottie. But just like the rotten luck she often got when she turned to face Arisa she noticed the woman was smoking hot! Long white hair full gown chest and curvy figure that would make the mightiest of Greek goddess look like bulimic stick figures. Minka didn't respond at first,not to mention that this was to woman who's magical aura screamed power.She couldn't figure why people would avoid her just because she had a powerful Aura,if anything Minka figured it only added to her already overwhelming sex appeal.Just my luck to be approached not only by a powerhouse mage...but a Sexy one at that. Ok Minka play it cool...play...it...cool!

    Actually I was,see I'm new to Oak town,but that nice lady down there already gave me instructions on how to get there,thanks anyway take care of yourself now. She normally didn't talk that much but hot powerful woman tend to bring that nervous chatter box side of her,so to avoid embarrassing herself further she would wave and turn her back to the woman and doubled her efforts in going p the stairs. One she reached the top she started east.Why me....She sighed again.Seems she'd be doing alot of that in this town.


    We all have a dark side,and an even darker past...
    Minka's Dark past:
    Akina Revane
    Akina Revane
    Queen Of Blood

    VIP- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Richie Rich- Rich- Veteran Level 1- Villain- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Beast Pride
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    Posts : 247
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    New girl in town.(Open) Empty Re: New girl in town.(Open)

    Post by Akina Revane 11th August 2013, 10:52 am

    Arisa giggled at the girl and walks up beside her as she closes her hand, to make it start dripping with flood from the wound maybe it would get the girl to invite her for a drink.

    "So miss, could i give you a drink?" she said with a smile while blood did drop down on the ground.
    "May i ask why you have come to this town in the first place, cause the bars here are not that good"

    Arisa was a little clueless why someone would even come to oak town if it were not for a job, cause they did only have cheap wine and not really anything else that was worth drinking.

    "You seem like a bear type of girl or am i wrong there?"
    Arisa did not quite feel at some outside in this run maybe Lilith could talk some sense into this girl or should she just keep her hidden in her cleavage where her little pet mostly were when not toying with people.


    New girl in town.(Open) Akina2_by_gramcrackers-d6rmw25
    ☮️ Profile ☮️ Magic ☮️ Bank ☮️

    Lineage : None
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    New girl in town.(Open) Empty Re: New girl in town.(Open)

    Post by Minka 11th August 2013, 11:35 am

    Damn she's persistent.I might not be able to weasel my way out of this one. She thought as the hottie kept following her. Minka couldn't for the life of her figure out why out of everybody here this woman chose to pester her.Or even why she took any interest in her at all.Compared to Minka Arisa was Zeus and she was a a human slave worker.Not like Minka had some super powerful Aura,it was actually barely noticeable because she was such a low rank though not many people in truth had her brand of magic she didn't figure it would make such a powerhouse take an interest in her. She looked at her hand,not hers but Arisa and saw that she had suddenly started to bleed. Minka at first figured she had hurt herself somehow while coming up the stairs but after seeing how casual she was acting about the wound Minka had come p with two logical reasoning. One She had the power to use blood,her blood or possibly the blood of others,and two she might have been just a tad bit psycho. If both of theses were correct conclusions it would probably be est that Minka didn't do anything that would piss her off.Why does my luck suck sooo hard!.The thought wold cross her mind as she smiled towards Arisa.

    No thank i'm not really a a fan of red drink, wine's or otherwise. She said as she kept on walking towards the Inn's direction. there were more people here than on the station,walking the streets that is. When asked why she had come here her face turned away from Arisa and became serious for but a fleeting moment. She wouldn't tell her the true reason why she had come here,at least not the whole truth,because in all fairness not only did she know virtually nothing about this woman, Minka's wasn't the most trusting so she would tell her only but a fraction...the library part.Well i'm a fan of books you see so I came here looking for the library that this town is renowned for.But after that God awful train ride I found myself in need of a drink to calm my nerves..Hoping that answer was satisfactory for this one.Well If by bear you mean I like the more robust drinks then yeah I guess you can say thats what I am.. She said with a slight smirk that came by as her smile left.She didn't want to spend to much time with this lad because she honestly was making her very uncomfortable though Arisa wouldn't be able to tell that just by looking at Minka,that was one of Minka's quirks.She had walked about a block and if Ms.Piggy's directions were correct it wouldn't be long before she reached the inn.


    We all have a dark side,and an even darker past...
    Minka's Dark past:
    Akina Revane
    Akina Revane
    Queen Of Blood

    VIP- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Richie Rich- Rich- Veteran Level 1- Villain- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Beast Pride
    Position : None
    Posts : 247
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Age : 34
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    New girl in town.(Open) Empty Re: New girl in town.(Open)

    Post by Akina Revane 11th August 2013, 12:06 pm

    Arisa looked at the girl who did just seem to not really wanna talk with her, So she would rather leave her alone since thats what the girl seemed like she wanted most.

    "Then miss you take care until we meet again" the girl said and turned town the next road and did walk that way knowing the inn were still a few blocks away, without really having much to do in the town she did start walking towards the nears place to get some wine, not really wanting to know more about that lady.

    So Arisa did make her way towards an inn in another section of the city but it was not faar from the Library that inn she were heading for.


    New girl in town.(Open) Akina2_by_gramcrackers-d6rmw25
    ☮️ Profile ☮️ Magic ☮️ Bank ☮️

    Lineage : None
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    New girl in town.(Open) Empty Re: New girl in town.(Open)

    Post by Minka 11th August 2013, 12:42 pm

    Oh thank god...She thought as the woman left her to her own devices. It was good timing to It wasn't long before Minka old see the Inn in the distance. She did though Take another quick look at the woman and waved at her.Thank you and likewise.. As she turned from looking at Arisa's nice plump bottom she would direct her attention back towards her destination.That bar shouldn't be to far away from em now..She said,though for some reason she felt that she would be meeting that H rank mage again. But now she was just one block away from being able to turn down for a bit and enjoy a ncie relaxing drink.


    We all have a dark side,and an even darker past...
    Minka's Dark past:

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