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    Daddy, Son, and Ghost... Incoming!


    Alt Account- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Achiever- Character Application Approved!- Obtain A Lineage!- Player 
    Lineage : Herald of Destruction
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    Daddy, Son, and Ghost... Incoming! Empty Daddy, Son, and Ghost... Incoming!

    Post by Danny 18th December 2019, 9:19 am

    tags: @name
    WC: 615
    job link/job approval

    It had been quite some time, and a great deal of convincing, just to get the pink haired youth to leave his home again in search of work. He left about eight years ago and came back about seven with a kid. And he refused to let anyone tell him to get rid of the kid, and he seemed to surprise them by showing how great of a father he was during the year with the mini guy. His family had bought a small boat for him to ride on from Minstrel to get to the island that he had thought to be utter ruins. Turns out, an old family member they hadn't seen in ages had made a guild of the place. So they convinced the pink haired youth to go work for their family member.

    "This sucks! Why are we on a boat in the blistering sun?" A sandy blond, semi transparent guy paced on the boat while the pink haired youth and his son sat on a bench. "Armi, you know why…" "Is Uncle Armi complaining again, daddy?" The child looked up to his father, who smiled and wrapped his arm around him. To others, they would see a father and son in matching clothes, a white button up shirt with the sleeves rolled up to their elbows, a deep red jacket laid over their laps, a pair of deep red slacks on their body, and matching shoes. There was no blond for others to see, so the older of the two was just talking. The captain of the boat was concerned as he had been off and on talking to the air about random things and acting like he was holding a conversation. Good thing the port was just in sight. "Prepare yourself, boys! Land ho!" The captain chuckled nervously. He wanted the guy off his boat. God rest his soul for the son, though.

    As soon as they docked and the guy stepped off with his suitcase and his son in his arms, they looked around at the Port City in awe. "So this is Port Amber… It looks nice." He comments as the boy nods in his arms. "Alright, Sammy! Let's go find our cousin Johann. Whoever the old guy may be…" The purple eyes trailed around the place slyly. Armi leaned over and seemed to snicker to him. "You looking for something, Danny?" "N-no!" "Bet you're looking for the pretty girls or guys again." "Nu uh! I'm trying to figure out my way here! I've never been here before Armi! Why don't you g-" "Pass. Find out where to go on your own. I won't help you find some babe to flirt with." Danny groans as he hangs his head. Of course the ghost had to be an ass right then. He was glad he was hiding himself from others currently. He'll pop up later and cause him trouble though. "Fine! I'll look on my own! But I'll let you know I wasn't looking for someone to-" It donned on him he was holding his son again and that he was about to say something he probably shouldn't of in front of him. His voice had also risen at the ghost too. Clearing his throat, Danny grabbed the suitcase again and started walking at least out of the docks. In a monotonous voice, he says; "I wasn't looking for someone to talk to besides how to find where I was going."

    The ghost was flying above his twin and giggling all the while. He actually was keeping an eye out for someone to help out his dingus brother. It would only be a matter of time he suspected.


    Shen Kadokawa
    Shen Kadokawa

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    Third Skill: Disciple of War

    Daddy, Son, and Ghost... Incoming! Empty Re: Daddy, Son, and Ghost... Incoming!

    Post by Shen Kadokawa 26th December 2019, 3:00 am

    Daddy, Son, and Ghost... Incoming! HOtaKzb

    Beat up was probably the best description for the silver-haired male at this particular moment. While Johann was resilient enough to withstand, and in the majority of cases, repair most damage, the same could not be said about the Ambassador's clothing. The heavy onyx-hued cloak, decorated with accents of gold and red, that constituted part of his uniform was tattered, the black shirt and pants underneath showing distinct cuts, singed spots dotting his clothing in general, and for the particularly perceptive, some light splashes of crimson, barely visible on the dark material, could be seen. Of course, this was no uncommon occurrence for the silver-haired Rune Mage, who had just returned from a mission, set on returning to the guildhall at once so that he may change and get out of this apparel. What he needed and looked forward to now was, naturally, a bath. Unfortunately, the man had, as it was always the case, official business to attend to, this particular business comprised almost entirely of a never-ending flood of paperwork. It was wholly due to his fellow Ambassador, Sivvy, and Amalie, the Commander of Dies Irae, that he had yet to go insane. Hunting dark mages was a comparatively easy task. So was fulfilling contracts, naturally. Paperwork, however? That was something the man would never quite get used to. At least, he thought, at least that could wait for later.

    Traversing through the streets of Port Amber, his sights had been set upon the palace-like structure that sat atop the hill overlooking the bustling town, the white and grey granite, adorned with banners of red, white, and golden hues, glistening in the soft midday light. All things considered, the guild, Dies Irae, had come far since they had first been envisioned, and despite ambassadorial duties, Johann had come to enjoy the work he had initially dreaded so much. Passing by the people on the streets, the occasional odd look aimed at Joh, it wasn't like the people of the island weren't used to such a display, he would finally reach great set of stone stairs with a deep sigh of relief. He took off the hat that completed the uniform with a deep breath. Almost home.

    Word Count: 368
    Word Count Total: 368
    Word Count Thread Total: 983



    Alt Account- Mythical- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Legal Guild Ace- Y-Rank- X-Rank- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- Working Together- Christian Minecraft Server- Teaming Up!- Limited Edition- Legal Eagle- Unknown Powerhouse- Unknown Legend- Achiever- Obligatory Beach Episode- Shipped- Halloween Social - Halloween job event participant - Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : God's Beloved Daughter
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    Guild : Dies Irae
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    Mentor : Johann Von Daddy
    Experience : 2,849

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    Daddy, Son, and Ghost... Incoming! Empty Re: Daddy, Son, and Ghost... Incoming!

    Post by Amalie 31st December 2019, 10:41 am

    Say you want a bad bitch, baby, now you have it,
    Now you got the baddest, show me you can handle this

    Amalie stumbled through the doors of the guild hall, leaning against one of the walls for support. The room was a little shakey right now, and her legs seemed to have no balance. She slid along, her hand roughly brushing against the frame of the one of the halls many trophies. There was a loud clanging as it was knocked off of it's hook, landing on the floor with a noisy clatter. "Sssshhhhhh!" Amalie shushed, pressing her index finger to her lips, before snickering at the silliness of shushing a frame. She scooped up the frame and hung it up once more, although haphazardly at that, leaving it dangling at a rather awkward angle. She would move forward, straightening up, she attempted to stride through the guild hall. Not in the least bit concerned about her state of dress or inebriation.

    This had been her day off, and as a result she'd decided to take a little respite at Amber Islands local beach. It had been quite a peaceful morning at first, laying her on sun lounger, allowing the pleasant rays to warm her skin. It wasn't too warm today, but still toasty enough to soothe here. Initially to her dismay, getting recognised as one of the Commander's of Dies Irae had been irksome, apparently all the guilds valiant was renowned through the island by now. Many idolized it's local guild, and before she knew it she was being dragged to the opening of a local beach bar. It was bizarre to the Articulation mage, never in her life had she ever been gushed over in such a way, and whilst trying to remain professional and polite. Somehow she'd found herself agreeing to show her face at the opening event, perhaps a little incited by the offer of free drinks.

    However when she got there, they quickly decided that they wanted her to try a range of cocktail, fascinated by whether she liked them or not. Before she knew it, she had gotten through most of the cocktail menu. She'd managed to stumble back through town and eventually arrive back at the guildhall, still exceedingly merrier than usual. As she looked around the guild hall, she spotted a young fellow with pinkish hair and cocked her head. Who was this? she didn't recognise him, then again she was pretty drunk. But he was carrying a suitcase, which suggested he wasn't here for a short visit. She strode over, eying the man. She was about to say hello, but then her ice  blue eyes would fall to the little boy next to him. They would widen, and she would forget why she had approached the man sinking to her knees. "Hiiiiii sweetheart! Aren't you just the cutest little cherrrub, eeeeee, those cheeks, I could just squish 'em!" She gushed in a more uncharacteristic manner. The truth was the woman has a soft spot for children, which apparently when intoxicated only seemed to be amplified. "What's your name cutie?" She asked the child, her head merrily bobbing from side to side, completely forgetting the fact that the boys father was there and that she was crouched there in little more than a navy bikini and a sunhat.

    Amalie's WC: 537 Thread Total: 1520



    Alt Account- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Achiever- Character Application Approved!- Obtain A Lineage!- Player 
    Lineage : Herald of Destruction
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    Experience : 8,192

    Daddy, Son, and Ghost... Incoming! Empty Re: Daddy, Son, and Ghost... Incoming!

    Post by Danny 16th February 2020, 8:47 pm

    tags: @Johann @Amalie
    WC: (676) 1291 // (2196 total)
    job link/job approval
    It took a little bit of time, but the guy managed to get directions to the guild hall and was now standing near the big building. It was honestly bigger than he expected. He liked it. With a nod of approval, Danny was about to step forward when a blue haired woman came up to them. He had just spotted a silver haired man up ahead, and was assuming he was part of the guild with him being at the guild hall as well. The pink haired youth grinned a bit as he cleared his throat "Hi, I'm-" She went right for Sammy, who was currently standing next to his father's legs and holding onto one of them while looking at the woman. She would gush over the man's son, and he pouted a bit. Weren't kids supposed to help men get girls by them showing the females that men were capable?! This child was obviously broken for garnering the attention… he swore.

    Armi was snorting as he watched the scene play out before him. His brother was going to make a fool of himself, he knew it. He glanced around and floated ahead a bit to see what all was around them, staying invisible to the normal eyes. He stuffed his hands in his pockets and let himself have a look at the palace like building while letting out a whistle. "Guess the fam is known for their good money and showing off." The ghost mutters to himself. He assumed only Danny could see and hear him and glanced at the man who looked worse for wear in his eyes a bit. "Danny's gonna be in for a hell of a time here if that's what he'll look like." He snickered while leaning over to the guy. He wouldn't spooky anyone just yet by showing himself, but didn't mean he couldn't make his own comments about things.

    The smaller of the pink haired people looked up to his father, blinking curiously to him to be sure it was okay to talk to the drunken lady. He nodded and lightly tapped the back of his head as an 'okay' for him to talk to the lady. Sammy smiled brightly as he looked forward to the blue haired lady and showed his pearly white teeth at her. “I’m Sammy! What about you?!” He swayed from side to side a bit as he was rather excited for the attention he was getting. Danny cleared his throat and crouched down on his heels to be slightly level with his son and the woman. “Hi, I’m Danny. Could you help us? We’re trying to find our cousin-” “His name is Yo…. Uh…” Sammy’s face had lit up as he was about to say the name, but he blanked on it at the last moment. Danny waited for Sammy to think of it, but after a moment, the boy started to frown, and his father ruffled his hair. “Johann.” He murmurs to the kid, who gasped and clapped his hands before saying in an all too loud voice, “Johann!” Danny snickers as he grinned widely from his son and glanced at the woman. He was guessing she was a bit drunk, but she also was pretty easy on the eyes for him regardless.

    The pink haired man stood up and ran a hand through his hair. “Do you need help getting somewhere first though?” Sammy pushed on Danny’s legs and pouted. “Let me daddy!” He cried out before he turned towards the woman. “You need help getting somewhere? I can help you get there!” He proudly jabbed a thumb at his chest as he cheekily smiled and tilted his nose up. “Daddy says the men of our family should always help a lady in need.” Danny takes a rather deep breath as he lowered his head to cover his eyes for a moment. He was fighting a smile on his lips. This kid was too much sometimes for him. Cheesing up on this lady was one of them times for him.


    Shen Kadokawa
    Shen Kadokawa

    Administrator- Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- Main Account- Alignment Shift- Mythical VIP Status- Demon VIP Status- God VIP Status- Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Mythical- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Guild Master- Custom Slayer- God Slayer- Demon Slayer- Legal Guild Ace- Neutral Guild Ace- Z-Rank- Y-Rank- X-Rank- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- Eevee- EXP Grinder- Jewel Grinder- Job Creator- Working Together- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Teaming Up!- Limited Edition- Idolize- Unknown Powerhouse- Unknown Legend- The Completionist- Guild Creator- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Buddy Buddy- Obligatory Beach Episode- Shipped- Sticking Around- Loyal to the Bone- Dank Memer- Fan Artist- Taskmaster- Halloween gfx'ers- Halloween Social- Halloween job event participant - Fan Art Contest Participant- Haiku Contest Participant- Richie Rich- Rich- Veteran Level 6- Veteran Level 5- Veteran Level 4- Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Join A Faction!- Tertiary Magic- Supreme Grand Master [5000]- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 3rd Place Event/Contest Winner- Christmas Event Winner- X-Mas Event Participant- Advertisement Achievement Badge- Tournament Participation Badge- Cookie Achievement- Cupcake Achievement- Rainbow Hero- Summer Special Tier 4- Summer Special Tier 3- Summer Special Tier 2- Summer Special Tier 1- Summer Special Donor- Summer Special Participant- 1 Year Anniversary- Player-
    Lineage : Assassin's Shadow
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    Faction : The Rune Knights
    Posts : 11951
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 505
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    Age : 27
    Experience : 3,283,767

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Infinite Arcana
    Second Skill: Vox Universum
    Third Skill: Disciple of War

    Daddy, Son, and Ghost... Incoming! Empty Re: Daddy, Son, and Ghost... Incoming!

    Post by Shen Kadokawa 22nd February 2020, 5:01 am

    Daddy, Son, and Ghost... Incoming! HOtaKzb

    Where the silver-haired man had instinctually relaxed as he had reached the entrance to the guild hall, it seemed that it had been too soon. At least, that's what he thought when he'd heard his name spoken aloud from not too far away, his head not turning, at first, though his gaze shifting to the side. It was only then that the Ambassador turned his head, a brow raised slightly as he narrowed his eyes, his head tilted in obvious confusion at the quite unexpected sight. The thoughts of paperwork and his much-deserved bath were momentarily driven from his mind, understandably so, and were not set to return for the time being. Instinctively, his posture regained some of the more official composure, his step taking him towards Amalie, a stranger, and a child, the most former dressed on nothing but a bikini, crouched on the grey granite floor that encircled the guild hall itself.

    "Commander West?", he inquired as he stepped closer, his tone, admittedly, rather curious and somewhat uncertain what to make of the situation that had promptly presented itself before him. "I did not expect to see you here. Are you enjoying your day off?". His attention, of course, also turned to the unknown man, a young man, presumably, at least he looked the part, and the child at his side. His demeanor shifted somewhat, the observant beholder most likely being able to articulate it as less cordial and more formal than the one he had given Amalie. Still, he would sport a friendly smile that seemed welcoming enough, as much as a man in his state could appear welcoming, if not least due to the young child at the man's side. "I don't believe we know each other, gentlemen. I am Ambassador Johann von Weiss, one of the two guild masters of Dies Irae", he clutched the hat with the hand that still remained at his side and raised it to his chest, bowing forward slightly, in a fashion that was more symbolic rather than a blatant display of subservience. "And who might you two be?"

    Word Count: 349
    Word Count Total: 717
    Word Count Thread Total: 2,545



    Alt Account- Mythical- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Legal Guild Ace- Y-Rank- X-Rank- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- Working Together- Christian Minecraft Server- Teaming Up!- Limited Edition- Legal Eagle- Unknown Powerhouse- Unknown Legend- Achiever- Obligatory Beach Episode- Shipped- Halloween Social - Halloween job event participant - Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : God's Beloved Daughter
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    Guild : Dies Irae
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    Mentor : Johann Von Daddy
    Experience : 2,849

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    Daddy, Son, and Ghost... Incoming! Empty Re: Daddy, Son, and Ghost... Incoming!

    Post by Amalie 25th February 2020, 10:42 am

    Say you want a bad bitch, baby, now you have it,
    Now you got the baddest, show me you can handle this

    The inebriated Amalie was quickly enamoured with the child's response, "Well nice to meetcha' Sammy, you can call me Amalieeee." She chirped in response, so enraptured in the cute little cub before her that she would only notice the man beside him when he addressed her. She would cock her head to the side, staring blanking at him as she tried to figure out what he was asking her. As there stumbled over the name,  she would mimic Sammy's gasp. "Johann! Why yes I know him! I know him much..well.. very well! Haha!" She said, laughing at her awkward word-fumble. The man, Sammy's father, would ask her if she needed help. To which Sammy would interject offering his own services. Amalie would beam at his adorableness, "Why I'm so happy you offered because I was looking for Johann too! What say, we go find him together? A quest for only the nobbly! Nobbly? Nobliest? Noblest, Yes!" She suggested eagerly, standing up once more she would place her hands on her hips in a determined manner, pushing her chin out in a proud manner.

    It was then that Johann spoke suddenly from amongst them, making the woman jump in shock releasing another uncharacteristic squeak. She turned to look at him, her face lighting up, she turned to Sammy sharply, "AHA! Sammy, HERE!" She said, enthusiastically slapping Johann on the arm with a little more vigour than she is normally would. "This is him Sammy-wammy! Wow, that is crazy huh? We were just talking about him and here he is! I didn't even have to use magic to find him... or did I?" She questioned before snickering, she turned to Johann as he addressed the others. Her intoxicated brain decided that she should step in a introduce the newcomers herself, "Yes, they are looking for you. This cutie-patooty is Sammy, and he is...umm... I wanna say, Donny?" She stepped closer to Johann as she spoke, she would stumble slightly, grabbing his arm to steady herself. She giggled once more, before leaning herself against him affectionately, she would rest her head on his shoulder. Releasing a most satisfied sigh before answering his earlier question, "Oh yes, I'm having a grande day, very much grande. Lots of tequillaaaa~" She would inform her ambassador in a sing-song voice.

    Amalie's WC: 384 Thread Total: 2,929



    Alt Account- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Achiever- Character Application Approved!- Obtain A Lineage!- Player 
    Lineage : Herald of Destruction
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    Mentor : Masha
    Experience : 8,192

    Daddy, Son, and Ghost... Incoming! Empty Re: Daddy, Son, and Ghost... Incoming!

    Post by Danny 30th May 2020, 3:31 pm

    tags: @name
    WC: (505 post) 1796 total // (3434 thread total)
    job link/job approval
    The little pink haired kid was absolutely enthralled by the fact this woman was so welcoming to him. Of course a little bit of him was rooting it on his cuteness that he was fully aware of, and whatever was up with her too. Danny quietly laughed to himself as he watched how this woman acted with his son. He was a bit more amused by the fact that Sammy was eating up the attention that he was getting from her. She seemed like she was rather nice despite her seeming drunk, or really excited. Sammy was about ready to hold his arm out to Amalie so she could hold it, but the white haired man had come over to the group just then. Danny blinked a bit and then looked behind the man, seeing Arminius being all invisible ghost to the world, and then took a deep breath. The damn ghost never told him someone was coming up.

    Danny had smiled back to the man and given him a slight bow before he heard the man's name. Sammy gasped rather loudly, seeming rather excited as he bounced up and down now. He was giggling and clapped his hands together. “Amalie found him with magic!” He cheered before he skipped in front of the other man when Amalie introduced him and his father, even though she got his name wrong. Danny cleared his throat and was about to move to bow again, but Sammy got excited and pipped up first. “You don’t look old! Grandmother said you were old! And you have the same last name as us!” Danny was grinning, but it was one of those really nervous grins that one makes when a kid says something they probably shouldn’t have said. He takes a deep breath and bows once again to Johann.

    “Apologies for my son’s comment. My mother had said you were a bit older than my father… Um… I am Daniel von Weiss, and this is my son, Samuel. My parents had sent me here after hearing about the Island having people show up again and heard that my father's cousin was one of the ones running the guild. My mother wants me to learn from you a bit apparently, or have your guild watch over me so I’m out of her hair.” He straightened a bit and rubbed the back of his head. He was still trying to form words in his mind. Sammy smiled to Johann and Amalie as he swayed from side to side rather fast. “Can we join?! Grandmother's house wasn’t too fun, and I really want to explore again! Daddy and I had explored some of Minstrel before we went back to Grandmother's house.” He asks. Danny had quickly moved to be on a knee and grabbed Sammys shoulder gingerly. “Calm down bud…” He nervously looked back up to Johann, wondering what he’d say to them, or if the drunk commander next to him would be a bit more of a priority for the time being.


    Shen Kadokawa
    Shen Kadokawa

    Administrator- Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- Main Account- Alignment Shift- Mythical VIP Status- Demon VIP Status- God VIP Status- Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Mythical- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Guild Master- Custom Slayer- God Slayer- Demon Slayer- Legal Guild Ace- Neutral Guild Ace- Z-Rank- Y-Rank- X-Rank- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- Eevee- EXP Grinder- Jewel Grinder- Job Creator- Working Together- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Teaming Up!- Limited Edition- Idolize- Unknown Powerhouse- Unknown Legend- The Completionist- Guild Creator- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Buddy Buddy- Obligatory Beach Episode- Shipped- Sticking Around- Loyal to the Bone- Dank Memer- Fan Artist- Taskmaster- Halloween gfx'ers- Halloween Social- Halloween job event participant - Fan Art Contest Participant- Haiku Contest Participant- Richie Rich- Rich- Veteran Level 6- Veteran Level 5- Veteran Level 4- Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Join A Faction!- Tertiary Magic- Supreme Grand Master [5000]- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 3rd Place Event/Contest Winner- Christmas Event Winner- X-Mas Event Participant- Advertisement Achievement Badge- Tournament Participation Badge- Cookie Achievement- Cupcake Achievement- Rainbow Hero- Summer Special Tier 4- Summer Special Tier 3- Summer Special Tier 2- Summer Special Tier 1- Summer Special Donor- Summer Special Participant- 1 Year Anniversary- Player-
    Lineage : Assassin's Shadow
    Position : None
    Faction : The Rune Knights
    Posts : 11951
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 505
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 27
    Experience : 3,283,767

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Infinite Arcana
    Second Skill: Vox Universum
    Third Skill: Disciple of War

    Daddy, Son, and Ghost... Incoming! Empty Re: Daddy, Son, and Ghost... Incoming!

    Post by Shen Kadokawa 22nd June 2020, 5:10 am

    Daddy, Son, and Ghost... Incoming! HOtaKzb

    The Ambassador of Dies Irae was swift to raise an eyebrow. Not only was this appearance unusual for the Commander, but her speech also seemed ... out of place, for Amalie at least, the silver-haired man unsure what to make of the playful attitude and the symbolic slap on the arm. He would raise the other eyebrow as well when the faint scent of alcohol reached his heightened sense of smell. "Amalie, are you ... drunk?", the Ambassador inquired with a surprised tone. Before she answered, though, she was swift to introduce the newcomers, both the man and what Johann assumed to be his child. "Sammy, huh? It's nice to meet you, Sammy, and uh ... Donny?" Johann greeted following Amalie's rather enthusiastic introduction, trying to at least counteract the somewhat informal display from the Commander. In truth, if she was drunk, Johann wanted nothing more than to keep her away from any newcomers. Not exactly the best first impression, but he couldn't think of any way to, well, more or less subtly try to convince her to leave this situation. He drew a faint breath, a nearly unheard sigh escaping him. "Tequila? Well, I'm glad you seem to be enjoying yourself, Commander". He placed an emphasis on the last word.

    It was, to his astonishment, however, not the Commander who seemed to take the word, or even the young man, but rather, his son, Johann turning to him with a curious look that would swiftly change into visible confusion. "Grandmother? The same ... last name?". His confusion, though, would quickly be cleared up when the man spoke up, explaining in detail.

    Johann had not expected a response of this kind. Not so soon. Not from his family. A response so overt, as well. As soon the man spoke his name, Johann's expression paled, his expression darkening significantly as his brows furrowed. Daniel von Weiss, huh? Had they no shame? To send a young man and an innocent child here, to this island? Johann kept a stoic, neutral appearance, but the anger that began boiling within his chest became more and more prevalent with every passing moment. How could they dare, in all their presumptuousness, to send another member of the family here, to Amber Island, after they had not only so blatantly refused to help him three decades earlier, but had also cheated him out of his family's fortune, his position as the heir of the dynasty, and his family's lands, Amber Island specifically? Johann cleared his throat, his gaze making no mystery of the disdain that had overcome him, his tone cold and harsh as he spoke. "Was it Aunt Lelija who sent you? Who are your parents, boy?", he paused briefly before speaking up again, not waiting for an answer, though wondering if Abraxas was his father for a split-second, now, for the first time after snuffing his cousin's life out, feeling a faint sense of remorse, though the same was quickly overtaken by anger once more.

    Did they really sent this man, who was nothing more than a young and inexperienced boy, really, along with his own son, or perhaps, younger brother, to ensure that Johann would have to take care of them? What did they hope to accomplish? Were they trying to guilt him? He wouldn't play their game. "You know, I don't care. Did you really think that I would allow you on my island? After everything my family has done to me?". The calm exterior, gradually, began slipping, Johann's voice gaining slightly more volume, his anger becoming more and more evident. "Do you know what Lelija has done to me, Daniel? Did they ever tell you that they turned me away when my parents were killed on this very island? That she left me to rot in the gutter?".

    The man, at this point, barely took note of Amalie or the child, though when the other knelt down to hold his son, Johann took a deep breath. He didn't want to attack a man in front of his son, this much he knew, even through his apparent state of anger. He took a deep breath, muttering "It doesn't matter". He spoke up again, his voice now returning to a certain calm, though his tone remained cold and unempathetic. "If Lelija sent you to keep an eye on me and this island then I have to disappoint you, Daniel. I'm sorry, but I don't want my family on this island. You have to leave". With that, Johann had said his last word, unceremoniously turning away from the young man and his son, from the Commander, towards the guild hall with the clear intention to leave, visibly upset by the exchange. He didn't want to lose his temper, not in front of the child, and so would attempt to remove himself from this situation. He had a lot to think about, after all.

    Word Count: 819
    Word Count Total: 1,536
    Word Count Thread Total: 4,253



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    Daddy, Son, and Ghost... Incoming! Empty Re: Daddy, Son, and Ghost... Incoming!

    Post by Amalie 27th June 2020, 11:10 am

    Say you want a bad bitch, baby, now you have it,
    Now you got the baddest, show me you can handle this

    "Pssssht! Drunk me? No! Pah! I'm not drunk, you're drunk." She challenged her partner, reaching over and tickling his chin idly as Johann and the visitors conversed. Normally Amalie was quite good at reading a situation, especially one that might have been considered somewhat important. Like Johann meeting some of his few remaining relatives for the first time, one might consider that a serious event. The oh-so-intoxicated Amalie however, well she did not. Or rather she wasn't in the right state of mind to realise the seriousness of the situation, which was why she chose to stay and witness the interaction - that and the fact that Johann made for a very good crutch right now. She would miss the pointed reference to her position, which may have been for the better really. A sober Amalie might have been irked, but Drunk Amalie was, for lack of a better word; breezy. Not in the least bit phased about the way she might be presenting herself. Because everything was great; tequila, bikini, Sammy's cute cheeks. All of it was great.

    As Sammy revealed that they shared the same last name as Johann, she would gasp audibly as though witnessing a real life telenovela unfold before her eyes. Like watching a scene involving two, or three in this case, long lost relatives meeting after a dreadful plot-wrenched separation. Dramatic! She wondered what would happen next, all they needed was someone to turn up with amnesia and they had a real lifetime movie on their hands. It was this goofy, alcohol-steered mind track that prevented Amalie on picked up on how Johann might be feeling. Which was why she was thrown by his suddenly harshness, lifting her head off his shoulder. She stared at the man, her drunk mind taken a moment to process it all, or at least try to. But in truth, she couldn't, she had no clue what was happening. But what she could make sense was that Johann's was angry and he was being very blunt.

    Amalie's merry face dropped, and she stepped away from him. Reaching down, she took Sammy's hand, because despite his attempt to be polite. Amalie hadn't seen it that way, throwing an angry glare in Johann's direction who was already leaving at this point. She swelled with anger of her own, she didn't know why but the idea of Johann turning away family this way unsettled her. And in her state, she couldn't piece it together but a sober heart might have indicated that it was very much to do with her being turned away by her own family. And perhaps aided by liquid courage, she did something she never figured she would ever do - she went against him.

    "Yeah I don't think so." She snapped loudly enough for Johann to hear. Raising a hand to her head, it was clear to the woman that she needed to sober up, to deal with this properly. She had to act like a Commander, so what would Commander Amalie do? Suddenly, she turned to Donny, Danny, or whatever his name was, stepping closer to him. "You, Donnyboy, open your mouth and say 'AHHH'!" And with that she would open her palm and summon the guild stamper, the initiation tool materialising in her hand. As soon as she had clear enough access, and with surprisingly good aim for an inebriated person, she brought the stamper down on his tongue. Activating it's magic, the stamper would light up, glowing against the pinkish muscle. As she pulled the object away, he would now be sporting the guilds brand in deep red. "Welcome to Dies Irae!" She chirped smugly, throwing a glance at Johann who she anticipated would not be happy about this. But that was okay, because this was for his own good. Family was important, and pushing them away wasn't the answer.

    At least, that's what Drunk Amalie thought.

    Amalie's WC: 653 Thread Total: 4,906



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    Daddy, Son, and Ghost... Incoming! Empty Re: Daddy, Son, and Ghost... Incoming!

    Post by Danny 20th July 2020, 9:46 pm

    tags: @Amalie @Johann
    WC: (735 post) (2531 total) (5641 thread total)
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    Things seemed to be going well for this introduction to the guild and his cousin he had yet to meet till then! Or at least Danny thought it had at first, till Johann looked rather mad. His face dropped a bit as he looked to the older man, honestly confused about what was wrong with him being of the same family? He tries to keep a level face though in front of his son. When he was questioned who sent him, he had instantly shook his head to the name Lelija, opening his mouth to give an answer, but he was cut off before Johann continued to talk, seeming angrier and angrier. The more Johann talked, the more he tried to move in front of Sammy to block him from Johann.

    Sammy grabbed hold of Amalie’s hand, and let her pull him away a bit. He hugged her hand as best as he could, trying to also use her hand like a shield too. He had gritted his teeth when he was told he was to leave, about to speak up after the man when Commander Amalie spoke up herself. He was honestly shocked that she had even done so, and blinked at her rapidly. “Ah?” He had questioned just before she came at him with the stamp, causing him to open his mouth a bit more as he attempted to step away from her. He had started to trip though and leaned himself forward to keep himself from falling back, further helping Amalie stamp his tongue right above his tongue piercing. After the stamper was moved away from his mouth, he stuck his tongue out to the side and up to try and see the stamp on it, though it wasn’t too well. He’d have to look in a mirror to see it properly.

    He instantly looked over to Johann afterwards while Sammy was still holding onto Amalie’s hand and tugging on it while jumping up and down. “I want a stamp on my tongue too! I wanna be just like daddy!” He cries out excitedly before he briefly stopped and willingly stuck his tongue out while saying ‘AHHHHH!’ He really wanted that tongue stamp! Danny quickly shook his head and found his voice. Depending on how far away from Johann, provided he wasn't gone from the area, he calls out to the older gentleman. “Grandmother Lelija did not send me! I also wasn’t told anything about our family history… or I didn’t listen too well because history wasn’t my forte… I also didn’t like growing up in that house. To the point that I up and ran away when I was sixteen. My mother is Eleonore Vanderschneider, and my father is Clemens von Weiss, the son of Lelija.” He yells loud enough for Johann to hear from wherever he may be. He was standing there with his hands gripped into fists as he stood straight.

    “You want to know why I think my parents sent me here? It wasn’t to keep an eye on you, definitely not that. I’m pretty sure my parents were trying to get rid of me so that they didn’t have to look at me for bringing them shame or whatever for having a child out of wedlock and not having a wife with me when I had finally come back home. Big whoop! Like I said, Mother heard about Amber Island opening up again, and bothered me to come here so I would leave her presence. And I wasn’t going to leave Sammy there to be at their hands. Though, I guess I’m staying regardless now though. Whether either of us like it or not.” He was angry himself for being talked to like he had by his own family member, but he was trying to at least keep a level voice. He probably didn’t have to explain himself like that… but like hell was he going to let someone get upset with him for something he wasn’t involved in. He racked his brain for a moment, trying to think of something. “I-if they, my parents or grandmother, tries to pry information from me about you and the island, I can see about informing you first about it. Really, I want nothing more than to give Samuel a happy childhood and have him be free of worries.” His purple eyes steady on Johann as he stood his ground.


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    Daddy, Son, and Ghost... Incoming! Empty Re: Daddy, Son, and Ghost... Incoming!

    Post by Shen Kadokawa 29th July 2020, 3:44 am

    Daddy, Son, and Ghost... Incoming! HOtaKzb

    The Ambassador froze mid-step, his head slowly turning to shoot a look back over his shoulder, stuck in a state of unbelieving paralysis for the duration of the exchange between Amalie and Danny that followed the Commander's defiant exclamation. Had she not listened to what Johann had just said? Why would she be intent on disrespecting his wishes, especially if she knew that it upset him so? Finally, Johann's speechlessness would turn into an ice-cold fury when she produced the stamp that the silver-haired man knew only had a single purpose. Cold, unblinking eyes would stare at Amalie as she approached the young man, who had proclaimed to be his family, and told him to open his mouth, Johann, in a tone that was steeped in discernably overt displeasure, though in no raised voice, making an instinctual attempt to put an end to what he perceived as the opposition to his personal wishes, and further, as Amalie was definitively acting as the Commander of the guild, his directives as Ambassador of the guild.

    "Stop this at once".

    The word insubordination crossed his thoughts, and disappointment briefly flared up within his mind, countering the anger he'd felt and ultimately dissolving into nothing. He thought, trusted that Amalie, in particular, would understand his viewpoint, his intentions, but that trust had, evidently, been misplaced. Admittedly, he hadn't expected this meeting to unfurl in this manner and found himself in a state that he didn't find himself in often: He didn't know what to do, had no idea how to act.

    Every fiber of his being wanted to simply turn around, leave before his anger could get the better of him, as it so often tended to do. The events of his life had left deep scars on his soul, and this meeting especially had reminded him of old wounds now once more torn open. Anger was an emotion that he couldn't rid himself of as a consequence of what had happened, and the silver-haired man, as much as he regretted it, couldn't seem to rid himself of that same emotion. Still, it would seem that, before he could take any action at all, the young man would take the word, Johann turning around fully to listen to what Daniel had to say, listen as he explained who he was, and why he was here.

    "So you're the son of Clemens, huh?". Johann recalled the name, Clemens von Weiss, one of his three cousins. Well, one of two who were still alive, at least, but when the incident here on Amber Island had occurred, Clemens had been not much more than a boy himself. It was difficult to gauge how much of Lelija's character the boy from back then had inherited or learned over all these years. According to Daniel, though, the driving force behind him being here was his mother, a woman the silver-haired man had never heard of, though she was undoubtedly cut from the same cloth as the other nobles of Minstrel.

    What Daniel had to say next, though, would hit surprisingly close to home for Johann, who's anger would subside almost immediately when the young man claimed that he had come here not at the order of his family, Johann's family, but his own behest, out of a wish to protect his son. Joh was a naive man, and he knew that he was, at times, too easy to deceive, though he couldn't help but emphasize with him. Of course, doubt would linger, but he was inclined to accept the other's words at face-value. After all, the same thing had happened to him years, decades before, rejected by his own family for reasons so selfish and narcissist that he couldn't help but detest their characters. His eyes wandered to the boy at their side, Samuel, the young man had called him, before returning to Daniel himself, the Ambassador's expression twisting from a stoic, unfeeling grimace paired with an unblinking, cold gaze to a look of disappointment once more, though he was disappointed in none other than himself. Struck with the sudden realization that he, if Daniel's story was indeed true, was no better than his family had been all those years prior if he turned the man and his son away where they stood. The Ambassador closed his eyes, taking a deep breath before letting a barely audible scoff escape his lips, followed by a brief pause and a heavy sigh.

    "If what you say is true, Daniel-", Johann would open his eyes once more, seeking the gaze of the young man with an intent, judging glare in an attempt to discern any untruths or hidden motive, though failing to find any "-then I shall allow you and your son to stay. You will be provided with everything you need, and I will see about organizing a permanent place of residence on the island for you. However, be advised, Daniel-", Johann's demeanor would shift to a slightly more stern, but ultimately far less aggressive tone than before "-if you wish to stay here as a member of the guild, then I will place the same expectations in you as any other Soldier of Dies Irae. You will earn your keep. If you don't wish to be a Soldier, then it would be best to state that now. In any case, whatever your choice may be, Daniel, and Samuel, too-".

    Johann took another breath before bowing forward slightly in a gesture of courtesy. He had mixed feelings about how this situation turned out, but his conscience wouldn't let him remain in inaction. The next part wouldn't be easy, but the Ambassador had acted out of line, and he had to acknowledge this much, continuing with a determined voice. "-I will not apologize for the way I feel towards my family. I have my reasons to think the way I do, but I am sorry for mistreating you based on assumptions alone. I realize that makes me no better than the rest of my family, and for that, I will ask for your forgiveness". The man would straighten his posture again, and once more sought Daniel's eyes with his own. "Truthfully, I wish neither of you harm, and indeed, should you require it, I will protect you from the influence of the von Weiss family if that is your desire. I will choose to trust you, your words, and your future actions, Daniel von Weiss. Please, do not betray the trust I place in you. If I find out that you do-", Johann's tone would shift to attain a slight sense of sternness once more, though lacked any overt maliciousness "-then I'm afraid there will be consequences. I hope we understand each other in this regard".

    The man couldn't bring himself to smile, but the tension from before would leave his body, and he thought that he must've been a sorry sight, standing there on the stairway before the guild hall with his tattered clothing, berating a young man and his child for the sins of their family. It was almost an ironic scene, and if he hadn't been a participant in this display, he might've even found it amusing. His mind trailed off to events that had long since passed, nights he had spent in sorrow, in anger, cold, hungry, alone, lost. It seemed like the von Weiss-dynasty would never change. His eyes wandered once again, from Daniel, to his son, to the Commander at their side before closing once more, the man turning around towards the guild hall again, his thoughts, his mind in a state of disarray. This was a lot to take in, and a lot to work through. Preferably, he wanted to do so alone and in silence, but still, he would manage to produce a last sentence before wandering off.

    "If that is all, I'll be in my office if you need anything. Oh, and Daniel-",

    he would stop for only a second as he spoke in an almost neutral tone, though if one had been attentive enough, they would be able to discern a certain genuineness within the silver-haired man's voice as he did,

    "-indeed, welcome to Dies Irae".

    Word Count: 1,364
    Word Count Total: 2,900
    Word Count Thread Total: 7,005


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