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    Ring of Blood


    Lineage : Admin
    Posts : 958
    Guild : Staff
    Cosmic Coins : 100
    Dungeon Tokens : 100
    Mentor : Seijin
    Experience : 100,000,000

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Admin Magic
    Second Skill: Mod Magic
    Third Skill: Dev Magic

    Ring of Blood Empty Ring of Blood

    Post by Admin 2nd April 2021, 10:23 pm

    Job Title: Ring of Blood
    Rank: A
    Category: International/ Normal
    Job Location: Desierto
    Solo Word Count: 5,000
    Group Word Count: 10,000
    Additional Requirements: N/A
    Job Description: The client is a rich fellow from the nation of Desierto, who has provided intel of a secret and illegal arena, hidden somewhere in the expanse of the Desiertian sands. Wanderers in the desert are kidnapped and sold off to the owners of the arena, who pit them in battles-to-the-death with other gladiators, both willing and forced. The client's nephew was kidnapped when on the way to visit relatives, and the client fears for his safety. He pleads that the boy be returned, as safe as possible, alive, in any case. The owners of the arena must be brought to justice, and the Ring of Blood shut down for good. How you choose to do it is up to you. Getting into the Ring of Blood will be tricky, because there is a strong enchantment on the arena which teleports the whole place if it is attacked from without, which is why attempts to shut it down have failed since. You will have to get in by guile or in an otherwise non-violent way. The client managed to secure a VIP access to the Ring, but if you are more than one mage, the rest of you will have to find your way in somehow, as only one may use the pass. Another way might be to allow yourself to be captured by the Ring's slavers, and while that is dangerous, it may be a surefire way of getting in.
    There is something of note: the owners of the Ring of Blood are Fiorean diplomatic renegades, which is why the client has come to you; he knows they are wanted by the Fiorean government, and so the client wants Fioreans to deal with them to avoid diplomatic issues. There are one or two important Desiertian aristocrats among the Ring of Blood's patrons, so if you wish to avoid some diplomatic tension, be careful how they are dealt with.
    Enemies: Mission takers are allowed to invent the enemies' magics, though they will mostly be weapon and armor-related.

    • Slaver x20
      Slavers working for the owners of the Ring of Blood. They are normally weak, but are effective at overwhelming by sheer numbers.
      Enemy Rank: Weak

    • Adventurous Patron x5
      These patrons know how to fight, and want to get their hands dirty a lot and feel the rush of taking a life. Often times, their matches are rigged, but then again, they don't know you're not supposed to be here, right?
      Enemy Rank: Normal

    • Trained Gladiator x3
      Professional mercenaries, they are paid well by the owners of the Ring of Blood to be his muscle, enforcers, as well as executioners.
      Enemy Rank: Strong

    • Ettin Champion
      A strange, two-headed abnormalty with thick skin and a tree trunk for a weapon. It guards the owners of the Ring slavishly, and one can only get to the owners if the Champion is engaged.
      Enemy Rank: Boss

    Reward: 75,000 jewel.

    ~credit to Fraag

      Current date/time is 1st June 2024, 9:34 pm