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    Mastery of Chakra


    Lineage : Kuroryu: The Void Dragon
    Position : None
    Posts : 85
    Guild : Dies Irae
    Cosmic Coins : 400
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 4,155

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Asura Soul
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Mastery of Chakra Empty Mastery of Chakra

    Post by Homura 16th November 2020, 8:37 pm

    Mastery of Chakra

    Mastery of Chakra Vdm3NKj

    Magic Type:
    +Primary:  Ancient Magic
    +Auxiliary: Take Over

    Since ancient times, the monks of the east and other warriors strove to channel and martial the art of combat from one's own body. Many ages, many styles, and many techniques have been born through the long history of martial arts. However, with a balance of both physical prowess and mystical enlightenment via magic-- one is able to unlock the hidden potential inside the human body. The power of chakra.

    Chakra is the primordial life force that dwells in all living things. Those balanced both in mind and body can harness this reservoir of power from deep inside them, unlocking the limits on the normal human body and become super-human in physical combat and magic combat. This magic can unlock a variety of effects, ranging from self-buffing and increasing one's combat potential-- to self-healing, and powering up beyond physical limitations that can bypass what a normal mage can do. Proper use of this magic can make a simple warrior into an unstoppable juggernaut. Through tapping into the gates of chakra-- one can also transform, taking on a new shape to adapt new powers as well.

    Magic Benefits:

    + 30% to Strength (Ancient Magic boost)
    +15% boost to HP and MP (Take-Over Boost)


    Unique Abilities:

    • Mind, Body & Soul:The power to manipulate chakra/chi/mantra is born by dedication to harness physical and magical talents to create a proper balance. When that is achieved, he can use powers with far more ease and consistency. Balance in both martial and magical arts has unlocked new potential to Gawdwyn as he now has a strong sense of balance. He can be both physically active and mentally focused in even the most heated of battles. Due to this proper state of body and mind, he has a 50% MP cost reduction on his attacks when magic is used.

      Mastery of Chakra L7ciNf9

    • Awakening the Inner Gates:The hidden power that sleeps in every single person. Called many names and taken many forms... it is shown as the Inner Gates that govern one's physical and spiritual being and limits. By tapping into this hidden pathway of energy, one awakens physical and magic power beyond anyone has seen possible. However, using them also pushes the physical limits of the body, as well as these 'gates', are used to regulate that energy. To misuse them would cause damage to the body as well. The power of Chakra and the Hidden Gates that control that flow is a forbidden power with tremendous potential and results. When Gawdwyn enters a full-body or partial take-over, he receives a User-Rank Passive spell damage boost (cap at S Rank) for the duration of his transformations.

      Mastery of Chakra AaL0Uj5

    • S- Rank Ability:LOCKED

    Last edited by Homura on 6th December 2020, 1:24 pm; edited 5 times in total



    Lineage : Kuroryu: The Void Dragon
    Position : None
    Posts : 85
    Guild : Dies Irae
    Cosmic Coins : 400
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 4,155

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Asura Soul
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Mastery of Chakra Empty Re: Mastery of Chakra

    Post by Homura 5th December 2020, 6:31 pm

    (Spell Purchase list and Lineage place)


    Spells Earned:
    D Rank:  
    C Rank:
    B Rank:
    A Rank:  
    S Rank:
    H Rank:

    Signatures: 1

    Spells Purchased:

    Plot Spells

    Last edited by Homura on 6th December 2020, 8:25 am; edited 1 time in total



    Lineage : Kuroryu: The Void Dragon
    Position : None
    Posts : 85
    Guild : Dies Irae
    Cosmic Coins : 400
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 4,155

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Asura Soul
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Mastery of Chakra Empty Re: Mastery of Chakra

    Post by Homura 5th December 2020, 6:33 pm

    B-Rank Spells

    Mantra of Mind :

    Mantra of Body :

    Mantra of Soul :


    Step of the Wind:

    First Gate/Chakra -- Muladhara!:

    Second Gate/Chakra -- Svadhishthana!:

    B-Rank Advance Spells

    Third Gate/Chakra -- Manipura!:

    Enlightened Path-- Storm Soul:

    Last edited by Homura on 6th December 2020, 7:57 pm; edited 10 times in total



    Lineage : Kuroryu: The Void Dragon
    Position : None
    Posts : 85
    Guild : Dies Irae
    Cosmic Coins : 400
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 4,155

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Asura Soul
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Mastery of Chakra Empty Re: Mastery of Chakra

    Post by Homura 6th December 2020, 8:20 am

    A-Rank Spells

    XXX Spell :

    A-Rank Advance Spells

    XXX Spell :



    Lineage : Kuroryu: The Void Dragon
    Position : None
    Posts : 85
    Guild : Dies Irae
    Cosmic Coins : 400
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 4,155

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Asura Soul
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Mastery of Chakra Empty Re: Mastery of Chakra

    Post by Homura 6th December 2020, 8:24 am

    S-Rank Spells

    XXX Spell :

    S-Rank Advance Spells

    XXX Spell :

    H-Rank Spells

    XXX Spell :

    H-Rank Advance Spells

    XXX Spell :



    Lineage : Kuroryu: The Void Dragon
    Position : None
    Posts : 85
    Guild : Dies Irae
    Cosmic Coins : 400
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 4,155

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Asura Soul
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Mastery of Chakra Empty Re: Mastery of Chakra

    Post by Homura 6th December 2020, 8:25 am

    Signature Spells
    All spells in this catagory max at rank S.

    Mastery of Chakra 3137899f774569326119b5992d3a4409

    Dragon's Pulse Cannon:
    Rank: User Rank
    Cost: 0 MP
    Category: Offense
    Type: Single-Target
    Damage: ST User-Rank
    Range: ST User-Rank Meters
    Speed: ST User-Rank MPS
    Duration: Rank Posts.
    Effect: Channels Chakra from inside one's body and brings it to a single point. It is then unleashed as a blast of pure chi/chakra at a target. The overflow of the user's chi causes a great deal of influence to an enemy's chi as well-- causing a 5% MP drain per post, for the duration of this spell.


      Current date/time is 1st June 2024, 9:34 pm