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    Hunting the hunters


    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : The Eternal Hex
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    Hunting the hunters Empty Hunting the hunters

    Post by Kuro 16th June 2019, 3:28 pm

    Kuro Guildless C-Rank

    The faint drizzle falling from the sky was a bit of a surprise for those who lived near Sakuramori, a mysterious forest of cherry blossoms on this fine evening. Or perhaps it was still a bit too soon to call it evening? The dark clouds ensured to completely cover the skies, painting them dark gray, making it all the harder to tell what time of the day it even was without any additional devices on hand. Not that such a thing bothered Kurome, as she decisively continued to walk through the grass, her boots already quite wet on the outside.

    Holding a black umbrella with her hand to prevent what little rain was falling from the sky to also wet the rest of the attire which was as impractical and seducing as ever for the given situation, she moved surprisingly fast around the edge of the forest. It was not too far from a human settlement, so a good number of people were nearby, many of them giving her a glance at the very least, if not outright staring. Though the girl paid no attention to them, almost as if there was something slightly distressing her, an unusual situation for Kuro to find herself in.

    But the truth sung a different song. There was something in the forest, something that she wanted to meet. But along with it, there was a group of people that were rather troublesome for her kind. They must have been quite brazen, their divine powers flowing freely through the forest and going so far that she could sense them even here. They did not hide their presence at all. Though that meant they might have the power to back up such confidence, it also gave her an edge, important advantage. She would be able to win this struggle surely. And yet, she was hesitant to take a step into the forest alone…

    Word Count: 0,317 / 1,500
    Tags: @Ghost


    Props to Ivyleaf33

    Lineage : Time Keeper's Curse
    Position : Dickhead
    Posts : 274
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Age : 1023
    Experience : 7950

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Time Keeper Power
    Second Skill: Twilight Saga
    Third Skill: N/A

    Hunting the hunters Empty Re: Hunting the hunters

    Post by Ghost 16th June 2019, 7:05 pm

    Ghost still thinking to himself still feeling down. But he should be happy after all he just got promoted to B rank. A rank not many make it to or even surpass. Having arrived in Sakuramori he was planning on having some downtime. However, it started to rain. Rain is good for some times like plant life. But who could truly stand the rain? As he held his hand out the rain would begin to fall at a steady pace. So far so good he would think as he began to get wet. With his all-white attire, he was wearing this was a bad thing. But maybe the sky was feeling like he was.

    Too many questions were in his head yet not nearly enough answers to go along with them. But as he was walking he would stumble upon an odd group of folks. He would watch them from afar wondering what in the world were they doing? It matters not to him as he would continue to walk towards the small town just ahead of this forest. Carrying his cross on his back he would start to make his way towards the town. Moving across the land was quite easy for him seeing as he could skip time altogether.

    Just as he arrived at the town he could tell by the forest that the rain was starting to get heavy. Ghost didn't mind it himself. Maybe he could skip the bath tonight he would think to himself. He was at the entrance to the forest as he saw a strange female in the distance from him. "Is it me or is this town full of strange folk all around?"


    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : The Eternal Hex
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    Hunting the hunters Empty Re: Hunting the hunters

    Post by Kuro 18th June 2019, 2:57 pm

    Kuro Guildless C-Rank

    It seemed that not much was changing. Regardless of how long she would stand there and stare at the unnatural forest, she was the only one who could take action. With a sigh, she steeled up her nerves and took a first step, though it was quickly stopped. Her feline ears twitched as she swiftly turned around, witnessing a figure that stood some distance away. He said something out loud, though she was not exactly clear on whether that was aimed at her personally, or if he was talking to himself. Both appeared to be equally possible options, given his attire that befitted a near lunatic in Kurome’s eyes.

    The grip on her umbrella tightened ever so slightly as she continued to observe him. Replaying his words in her head to capture their meaning did not improve her impression of him, nor did his overall appearance. Especially given that cross on his back, it was awfully simple to come to certain conclusions, none of them pleasant in the least for the black cat girl. A small war broke up in her mind, one to decide whether she would ignore him or try to confront him. And in the end, she figured that she needed to ascertain at least something.

    Are you another one to hunt the unnatural creatures in this forest?” She wasn’t exactly screaming at him, though her voice was a bit louder than normal. After all, he was standing some distance away and it appeared that he was not naturally approaching her after his rather rude comment. Hoping to not incite something unwanted, she needing to hear his answer to figure out whether he was her ally or enemy. She could have very well been another ‘warrior of light’ here to cleanse all the dark spirits that Kuro was attempting to save. And that would simply not fly.

    Word Count: 0,627 / 1,500
    Tags: @Ghost


    Props to Ivyleaf33

    Lineage : Time Keeper's Curse
    Position : Dickhead
    Posts : 274
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Age : 1023
    Experience : 7950

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Time Keeper Power
    Second Skill: Twilight Saga
    Third Skill: N/A

    Hunting the hunters Empty Re: Hunting the hunters

    Post by Ghost 18th June 2019, 5:39 pm

    As Ghost starred at the girl. He would begin to take notice of her more felines features. He would then put his hand on his chin as he came to a conclusion. Truly she must be one of those flying cats. Who could turn into a humanoid being at will. But the real question was what was she doing here all along? An even better question was where was her slayer at? You could not find one without the other nowadays. Just as he was about to go back into the forest. He would hear a voice coming from her direction. This was odd, to say the least as he turned back to look at her.

    The question she asked shocked him in the lightest. He would walk closer to her if she was not to move. He would have stopped within five meters of her. As he looked to her he would simply give off a small giggle."Hunt, you say and hunt unnatural beings at that. Unfortunately to say such a thing would truly confuse me. You see unnatural or natural creatures are one in the same. No one could truly say who was here first. But to answer your question I'm simply Looking for something that I have never had. I just happened to walk by and stumbled upon what I saw." He would stop and pause for a moment looking back to the forest he would put two and two together.

    "Tell me two things ms one are those strange folk back there with you? The second question is."He would pause as he looked up to the sound of thunder. Looking back at her he would give soft laughter. "I just forgot the second question but do tell me all about the first one." Ghost would give a smile as he looked on at her awaiting her answer.


    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : The Eternal Hex
    Position : None
    Posts : 167
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 4,575

    Hunting the hunters Empty Re: Hunting the hunters

    Post by Kuro 19th June 2019, 2:37 pm

    Kuro Guildless C-Rank

    The moment this strange man would start approaching, Kuro would turn slightly to face him in response. Though she did not turn completely, as she intended to nonchalantly hide one of her hands behind her side, slowly channeling some necrotic energy though it. After all, she still knew not of what nature he was. And if he was an enemy of hers, she wanted to be able to enter combat quickly. Though that slowly appeared to not be all that necessarily, perhaps even to the girl’s dismay. But even after his strange ramblings and questions, she still chose to remain cautious of this individual.

    Not to mention that some of the things he said managed to raise an eyebrow of the feline witch. “Do you have any idea where you stand? This is the border of Sakuramori - a place where spirits can freely cross from Ikai, the other world, to Sekai, our world.” The spiritual power of this forest was quite literally off the charts. Though normal mages would not be able to sense that, as it was different from magic. Kuro, on the other hand, could sense it perfectly. After all, she was far from being human and spiritual energy was something that accompanied her every moment of her life.

    It is quite safe to say that those creatures are the ones unnatural for this world and came after those that actually inhabit this plane of existence.” His ramblings about looking for something he never had were not really understood, Kurome merely perceiving them as talk of lunacy. And when it came down to the people around, she merely glanced to the side before her piercing crimson gaze rested on Ghost again. “The people around here are mere tourists. The forest is quite famous, after all. But only the special individual dare to enter it.

    Tightening the grip on her umbrella, she tilted it to the side, causing the droplets of rain to slide there and created a small resemblance of a very scattered waterfall while few raindrops on the other side wet the girl’s now exposed shoulder. “To answer your question, no. I am not here with them, nor anyone else. And if you are to enter the forest, you’d best choose similar approach and trust no one you meet inside. If alone, evil spirits will certainly attempt to take hold of your soul, as they have done with oh so many before you.

    Word Count: 1,034 / 1,500
    Tags: @Ghost


    Props to Ivyleaf33

    Lineage : Time Keeper's Curse
    Position : Dickhead
    Posts : 274
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 1023
    Experience : 7950

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Time Keeper Power
    Second Skill: Twilight Saga
    Third Skill: N/A

    Hunting the hunters Empty Re: Hunting the hunters

    Post by Ghost 19th June 2019, 4:12 pm

    The way she would move and how she would react to him. Ghost could not do anything but let out a small laugh. Despite him having a clue as to why she was right there. He still could not decide for himself as to whether she was human or not. It could be magic that she changed herself to look like a cat. Cat magic could be her thing. This had moth to do with the fact that she was powering up for some odd reason. Could she view Ghost as a threat? Or maybe she was getting ready to enter the forest to the side of them. As she explained normal people would not be able to sense the energy the forest is letting out.

    However, Ghost could feel a faint glow of it. Seeing as he dealt with this kind of energy before. Looking at her he could tell she was up to something. Could she be trying to protect the said creatures or take them out? It was all so curious to him. Ghost thinking to himself that he would love to see these so-called other side creatures for himself. Are they demons or what only she knew the answer to that question. At last Ghost peaked interest into whatever it was in the forest. Looking at the girl as she played with her umbrella he would give a smile. "Yes I do know where I stand and that's up for debate every day ms. But you say evil spirits are lurking in there correct. You say that they will try to take my soul as well." A grin of pure excitement cane upon his face. "Take me with you to see these creatures of the night can you?" Ghost looked on truly wanting to go see them with her.


    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : The Eternal Hex
    Position : None
    Posts : 167
    Guild : Guildless
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    Experience : 4,575

    Hunting the hunters Empty Re: Hunting the hunters

    Post by Kuro 23rd June 2019, 7:31 am

    Kuro Guildless C-Rank

    Kuro couldn’t help but stare at this boy for a little while longer even after he uttered his request. This was getting a bit complicated with her still not knowing what side he was on. Still, the forest was a place where she could easily gain an advantage no matter what kind of person would go against her. And so she turned towards the cherry blossom woods, their pink petals appearing much more gray in the gloomy weather. “I will be on my way now. Follow on your own discretion.” Accepting his offer in a rather roundabout way, she started moving.

    The moment they entered Sakuramori, a strange sense of cold fell upon them. As if they moved past a veil of what was normal and natural. The girl even slowly put away her umbrella, as it was no longer needed. The density of cherry blossoms was great enough that their small leaves forged a reliable shield against the rain. As she marched, every single step of hers would kick up a large number of pink petals, clusters of them dancing and weaving around the both of them as if they had a will of their own. Without stopping for a moment, or even turning her head back, Kuro started talking again.

    You say that you want to see the creatures of the night. Let me provide a correction and a warning - they are not bound by the night. Not in this place. And right now, you are trespassing on their territory. I would not advise trying to harm them. Quite the opposite, kill those who try to hunt them and you might just gain their favor.” Her voice was completely neutral, though her natural being compelled her to speak about him and him alone. In this instance and in regards to what she was saying, there was simply no ‘we’.

    Word Count: 1,346 / 1,500
    Tags: @Ghost


    Props to Ivyleaf33

    Lineage : Time Keeper's Curse
    Position : Dickhead
    Posts : 274
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 1023
    Experience : 7950

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Time Keeper Power
    Second Skill: Twilight Saga
    Third Skill: N/A

    Hunting the hunters Empty Re: Hunting the hunters

    Post by Ghost 24th June 2019, 7:23 pm

    He would begin to laugh as he was allowed to come along. This should be fun for a while, at least it should pass time. Ghost was happy as can be seem
    ing as he never saw these kinds of demon or yokei or Kai before. All was well as they enter the forest. However, a strange feeling came about. This was a feeling he had gain before yet he was too young to realize it. Ghost kept trying to put his mind on it but it was not as easy as counting to three. He would take his right hand and begin to open and close it. The feeling of entering a new realm was upon him. This was so crazy to take all in.

    But as they enter the forest it was a sea full of petals and what not. Ghost would look on as she told him not to try anything harmful against these yokai creatures. But he truly didn't understand what she meant by that. Was there some bad blood between her and them? Or was the so-called yokai just very wary of strangers? This was getting so crazy for him. Because at this very moment he could be walking right into his death. But Ghost was not worried not at all.

    After all, this was a time to celebrate a new chapter in his life. Ghost would put his hands together in a prayer-like motion as he said at her."I would never do such a thing, after all, I am a guess. But let me ask you this one thing. Just who are you a yokai yourself maybe?."


    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : The Eternal Hex
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    Experience : 4,575

    Hunting the hunters Empty Re: Hunting the hunters

    Post by Kuro 26th June 2019, 11:25 am

    Kuro Guildless C-Rank

    The man was following behind her silently, which was equally pleasant as it was unnerving. That said, the young cat had ensured her own safety by this point. Walking was a position prime for getting back-stabbed. However, the girl’s eyes turned pure crimson and veins of magic pulsed on her cheeks. A spell that allowed her to easily perceive life energy of everything around him. Not only to help her locate their target, but to keep an eye out on Ghost without having to directly look at him. And with her mostly bare back shown to him, he would not be able to see her using such a spell either.

    That said, his question came later than expected. After all, they have not even introduced themselves to one another. Though she was not too keen on sharing exactly what she was with him this soon, even if she was paying close attention to any sudden or suspicious movements on his side.  “Who I am matters little. However, you may think of me as someone who wishes to bring down those who think too highly of themselves and hurt others in the name of their blind faith.” Such a statement was not even really wrong.

    The onmyōji loved following orders of their divines, even if those very beings were often corrupted themselves. They cared not if their victims were good or bad for, in their eyes, they were all simply ‘evil’. Thankfully, that would end soon with this particular group, as Kuro suddenly stopped, standing perfectly still for a few moments. And without any warning whatsoever, something bright blue flew by right in front of her. It almost looked like a ghost, but less transparent and looking more like a small flying Chinese dragon. That has merged with a tiger. Indeed a creature from another world.

    So it was Jami, interesting… listen well, three battle priests are quickly heading after it. Naturally, they will see us. And given my appearance, they will attack us on sight, attempt to kill me without giving any thought to diplomacy. What will you do?” Finally deactivating her spell and turning around to face him, she awaited his reply. Would he quickly retreat to avoid the conflict, or would he stay and help her, as well as the other spirit? She was rather looking forward to the action he would take. And if things were to go wrong, her necrotic barrier was at the ready. Any attack in her direction would be swiftly stopped by it.

    Word Count: 1,766 / 1,500
    Tags: @Ghost


    Props to Ivyleaf33

    Lineage : Time Keeper's Curse
    Position : Dickhead
    Posts : 274
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 1023
    Experience : 7950

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Time Keeper Power
    Second Skill: Twilight Saga
    Third Skill: N/A

    Hunting the hunters Empty Re: Hunting the hunters

    Post by Ghost 26th June 2019, 2:06 pm

    Ghost was curious about what in the world, was happening right about now. He came here to have a good time, not a long time. But seeing as the young cat lady just avoided what he asked her. It was starting to get even more fun. Ghost would smile as the two was walking. More or so the way she was carrying herself. It was as if she was ready for a fight or could it be she planned on eating poor Ghost. Either way, Ghost was ready to see what was going to happen next. But what she told him was odd of its own right. She wants to defeat those who think they are so high and mighty.

    What does that mean? Could this cat lady be a dark wizard or a lost one. The choices to make was drawing near. As the two stopped a dragon thing would come towards them. Quickly it would state it's the reasoning for being here. This had the girl to turn around towards Ghost himself. Thinking to himself of what was going to happen and just what were battle priest doing here as well?

    Soon his eyes would glow a light aura blue. Soon his Time Keeper effect would come into play. This allows him to know all that time knows. Ghost would smile as she asked such a question. Looking on at her he would put his hands in a prayer-like pose. " My name is Ghost Century Gates and I am a Time Keeper and member of Fairy Tail. I will help only where it is needed."


    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : The Eternal Hex
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    Experience : 4,575

    Hunting the hunters Empty Re: Hunting the hunters

    Post by Kuro 30th June 2019, 3:22 pm

    Kuro Guildless C-Rank

    The fellow was still quite an odd one, even after his introduction. Time keeper was not an occupation that Kurome was familiar with, as she was not from these parts. Hell, she didn’t even know if it was something normal in this land. Regardless, there was little time to carry out a conversation. She would simply take a single step back as an arrow only narrowly missed her, flying by in front of her face. If she had not moved, it would have easily pierced her head, as it instead hit a nearby cherry blossom and exploded, completely obliterating the trunk and making the tree fall.

    Naturally, that would be anyone’s assumption. The bakeneko would have actually been fine, protected by her barrier. But still, the fact that they were attacked first only served to prove her point about the individuals they were dealing with. “Now then, I’ll gladly see you perform.” Dashing backward, the cat girl would swiftly disappear behind one of the trees, all traces of her vanishing as if she had been spirited away. Instead of her, Ghost would have a company of the bearers of the divine will that had drawn much closer.

    They were all wearing the exact same attire, pure white robes with dark tall hats, almost comical ones. Two of them wielded divine charms used for combat, containing fairly devastating magical power that could be released if they were placed onto someone. The third one stood a bit further behind, wielding the bow used to fire the previous arrow. Clearly another weapon blessed by divine energies. “You there! Where did that monster go! I’m sure I sensed it right by you. I can clearly feel that you’re not it in disguise… who are you anyway! Don’t get in our way or you will get hurt!

    Word Count: 2,068 / 1,500
    Tags: @Ghost


    Props to Ivyleaf33

    Lineage : Time Keeper's Curse
    Position : Dickhead
    Posts : 274
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 1023
    Experience : 7950

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Time Keeper Power
    Second Skill: Twilight Saga
    Third Skill: N/A

    Hunting the hunters Empty Re: Hunting the hunters

    Post by Ghost 1st July 2019, 5:39 pm

    Everything happened so fast. As a bomb or something went off. Ghost was not at all surprised by this deed that was done. But rather in shock of it all. Looking over he would see the smoke clear but the tree that was hit was shielded from the attack. Looking back over he would see the cat girl washing away. Ghost would put his hands in a prayer-like stance as he turned to look at the attackers. Three females all wearing priesthood attire were looking at him. Alerting him to move or he will get hurt. Ghost would simply smile at the tree. Looking on he could see that the forest yokai were no longer around. Clearly, these folk here scared them off.

    "Tell me why do you seek to eliminate the yokai people here? You all won the war surely a better way to end the ongoing conflict can come about." The two females in the front would begin to laugh at him. A one stood six feet tall and the other rivals her in height. The one in the back was no better than five feet yet she would remain quiet. The two in the front process two weapons one had a now. The other wielded a long sword. The one with the bow would look him up and down then pointed the bow at him. "Did you not here are Captain boy? Are you not apart of the light. Yokai are to be wiped out that's it and that's all." Ghost looked on but was not happy with the way she just explained things.

    Soon a blue aura would come around him. "Fine I will ask your Captain after I send y'all packing." The bow aiming priestess would look at him and with quick speed. She would fire off five arrows just as the second warrior of light dashed at him. Soon the very petals on the ground would fly up from the ground. Just then they would stop in midair. Soon the incoming arrows would freeze as well. Not to forget about the sword-wielding priestess stopping mid-dash. Ghost would smile at them as he started to move his hand in a monk-like fashion.

    "So none of you are on my level and this is my power at its fullest. Now watch as I end this." Next Ghost would active another spell. I will show you a real bomb. Soon time balls would form around the area. Ghost would smile as he claps his hands the balls would soon explode. Crushing the two women under his might. Smiling as he released his time spell. The two priestesses would fall to the ground defeated. This happened in mere moments. As those who tried to see it was clearly caught up in it as well. Soon the time would return to normal. As the women were on the floor. Ghost would look up to see the last one still standing. Her eyes would glow golden as Ghost was wondering if the cat girl was ok.



    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : The Eternal Hex
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    Hunting the hunters Empty Re: Hunting the hunters

    Post by Kuro 5th July 2019, 3:17 pm

    Kuro Guildless C-Rank

    It might have seemed like she disappeared, but Kurome was still very much nearby. Only in a somewhat different form. After all, this was a place that seemed to favor her kind, to a degree. And while she moved far enough to not directly witness everything that had happened, she still had a fairly decent idea in her head. Regardless of that, she was able to accomplish her task pretty easily after even just few seconds. Or rather, few seconds in the world that Ghost and his enemies occupied. Her and the Jami were able to cross the line between worlds and gain a bit of extra time.

    Once Ghost had defeated two of the woman, the last one seemingly started seething with rage, preparing her attack. She would have surely used her divine energies to strike the man down for what he had done. However, she never got the chance. The moment she moved, a bright blue light had pierced her chest, leaving behind a hole large enough for someone to easily stick their hand in. In fact, it was large enough that even without any real precision, her heart and plenty of other vital organs were permanently destroyed in the process.

    As blood gushed from her mouth and the gaping hole, the limp body falling to the ground, Kuro would emerge from behind her along with the Jami. It was presumably the beast that had struck the woman down, given that the being’s color matched the color of the attack. “Well performed. The hunting group was eliminated rather swiftly. It seems that they started underestimating those they hunt after so many victories. No matter, my job here is done.” The blue ghost-like being coiled around the feline woman as she stroked it’s ethereal surface with affection. It was clear that it was thanks to her that the beast was able to strike down the one hunting it.

    Word Count: 2,387 / 1,500
    Tags: @Ghost


    Props to Ivyleaf33

    Lineage : Time Keeper's Curse
    Position : Dickhead
    Posts : 274
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 1023
    Experience : 7950

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Time Keeper Power
    Second Skill: Twilight Saga
    Third Skill: N/A

    Hunting the hunters Empty Re: Hunting the hunters

    Post by Ghost 7th July 2019, 1:24 am

    Ghost looked on in complete shock of what he just saw. So fast she took out the last remaining priestess. But what was that thing she had with her? There was more to the story than he believes it too. This was no surprise in most ways to him. Thinking to himself that the two groups must be at a blood war right about now. But why for some odd reason time just doesn't know. That was perfect for him as he now has a reason to tag along with this cat girl. Looking over at her he would give a simple smile. " So I will like to accompany you for a bit longer. You see this little war if you all need to come to an end. So I will be the one to help you do such a thing. But as I stated before. Something is off about all of this " Ghost would look at the three laying on the ground defeated. He just knows that more will come to avenge these three here.

    But the thing is will these lots be ready to deal with such a thing. Seeing this girl in action proves that she just might be their champion. But will she be enough to stop a full on attack? Ghost looked up to the sky than back to the cat girl. She eyes clearly became serious to what he asked her." With that being said what is next?"


    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : The Eternal Hex
    Position : None
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    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 4,575

    Hunting the hunters Empty Re: Hunting the hunters

    Post by Kuro 12th July 2019, 1:35 am

    Kuro Guildless C-Rank

    The threat has been defeated and the stray yōkai no longer had to fear the possibility of being hunted down like a savage, feral animal. Coiling around Kuro for a while, it eventually departed and slowly moved through the air. “Go, and forget not this favor. Do your best to avoid the hunters in the future.” Her attention then could return to Ghost himself, who appeared to still be around. It was still pretty surprising that he actually attacked the priestesses, even if they were the first ones to attack. Not many would be so quickly to assault direct servants of gods.

    That said, maybe he simply did not know any better. For her said something very amusing, forcing the black cat to actually laugh out loud as she even grabbed her stomach, bending forward a little. It was so funny to her that she could not contain such a violent reaction of amusement despite her normally composed attitude. A good 30 seconds of laughing later, she had to wipe the tears from her eyes, her vision temporarily blurred due to them. Oh, she did not have anything to laugh about like this in years. An oddly strange shift in the atmosphere.

    Little war? Boy, you have absolutely no idea what you walked upon. To call thousands upon thousands of years of pure bloodshed a little war… hahaha, it is simply too amusing! Aaah, but I’ll entertain you. Want to end it? Then go ahead and kill all of those gods that see the yōkai as nothing more than stains on the carpet of perfection! They will hunt us down even if we live peacefully because to them, our very existence is an unforgivable sin!” In other words, there was no ending any wars. Not one of this magnitude, rooted deeply in the very fabric of this and many other realities.

    Saying all that, she would turn and start walking roughly the same direction they came. “Next? Nothing. The yōkai I came for was protected, as you clearly saw. Now I have other duties elsewhere. Whatever you want to do is up to you. If you still want to accompany me even after hearing all I have said and are still willing to spill more blood… fufufu, then I am sure our paths will cross once more in the future, no doubt about it. Ahaha~” And with that, she would disappear between the numerous sakura blossoms.

    Word Count: 2,793 / 1,500
    Tags: @Ghost


    Props to Ivyleaf33

      Current date/time is 20th September 2024, 6:28 pm