Fairy Tail RP

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    Inner Domestic Goddess~


    Alt Account- Mythical- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Legal Guild Ace- Y-Rank- X-Rank- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- Working Together- Christian Minecraft Server- Teaming Up!- Limited Edition- Legal Eagle- Unknown Powerhouse- Unknown Legend- Achiever- Obligatory Beach Episode- Shipped- Halloween Social - Halloween job event participant - Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : God's Beloved Daughter
    Position : None
    Posts : 458
    Guild : Dies Irae
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Johann Von Daddy
    Experience : 2,849

    Character Sheet
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    Inner Domestic Goddess~ Empty Inner Domestic Goddess~

    Post by Amalie 13th April 2019, 7:52 am

    Job Details:

    Amalie's ice-blue eyes flickered open, she stretched out against the silk bedsheets, yawning as she did so. What time was it? She wasn't actually sure, it had to be late. It felt late. She slowly sat up, dragging her legs over the edge of the bed. She rubbed her eyes for a moment, before getting up and dragging herself to the bathroom. She was getting used to these new living quarters. She had just about managed to decorate it, so it bore a similar appearance to her last place. Although with a few minor tweaks here and there. It was strange being uprooted, yet somewhat reassuring, especially after everything that had happened as of late. She had opened up to Johann about her past, putting herself in a position of risk. Except it had seemed that she was already at risk anyway, Seamus had found her. If it hadn't been for what Johann had told her about Dies Irae. She likely would've run away again, having to find somewhere new to go. At least, she already had a way out when it all fell apart.

    She removed her nightie and undergarments and slipped into the shower. Enjoying the relaxing hot water as it hit her skin. She had been getting more and more intoxicated lately. She was a little hung over right now. A dull ache in her head and her limbs felt a little weak. It was a frustration necessity and the only means for her to lock away Anima. Although it was proving hard to maintain; drinking this much, this often was starting to take its toll on the woman.

    After her shower, she proceeded to get ready for the day. Although she didn't bother getting dressed in her usual attire, she didn't have any jobs to do, so she would settle into a black tank top and jean shorts. She felt a little too queasy to eat. So she headed out of her room, locking it behind her. She made her way to the Throne room. She quickly realised how late it was from looking through the windows, looking at the night sky as she walked over to the Job Board. Ugh my sleeping pattern is really screwed up right now. She thought irritably, Amalie was normally someone who had no trouble going to sleep and getting up in the morning. But with all this alcohol she was drinking, she was looking track of time and sleeping hours were being pushed back further and further.

    She eyed the jobs that needed doing, some of them looked good although she wasn't sure how ideal they'd be for her at this point in time. She spotted one task, that was relatively easy. She turned and eyed the hall. Well, no one was around right now, and the money was easy. It wasn't like it was something she struggled with, if anything, she excelled at it. She made her way back to her room to pick up the essentials. When she returned, she was carrying a mop filled with soapy and bucket, the woman now sporting a pair of yellow cleaning gloves. It took Amalie less than two hours to get the hall sparkling clean, only having to hide twice as people passed through. Hungover or not, at least there was something she could manage, even if it was just cleaning her new guild hall.

    WC: 566 /500


      Current date/time is 1st June 2024, 9:34 pm