Fairy Tail RP

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    The Revival [BP REVIVAL - Now Closed]


    S-Rank- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Roger's Descent
    Position : None
    Posts : 130
    Guild : Blue Pegasus
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Gildarts
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Sword Magic: Three Swords Style
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    The Revival [BP REVIVAL - Now Closed] - Page 2 Empty Re: The Revival [BP REVIVAL - Now Closed]

    Post by Kazuki 7th June 2013, 2:18 am

    Just as Kazuki revealed that Magnolia is under attack, the attention of everyone in the guild shifted to him. The music stopped and the celebration ceased. The focus was all on the green-haired swordsman for he said something that shouldn't be dealt lightly. "Is this your idea of some kind of sick joke?" Heero said in reply to what Kazuki said, visibly shaken by his words. "There are kids that live there...playing in the streets with their dogs, their friends. Families, and most importantly to me anyway...my family..Fairy Tail is there." After he said that, he looked over his shoulder to see the swordsman. Kazuki wore an unsettling grin, an expression he always uses when talking to someone seriously. "No one would dare attack us, no one in their right mind anyway." "It's up to you if you want to believe me or not... After all, you're not the man I need." Kazuki said as the guild fell awkwardly silent for a few moments. No one other than the three mages dared to speak knowing that serious business is being dealt with. The swordsman stared at Shuhei so he can continue their conversation, this time with a more serious and stern look in his eyes... or eye.

    "If Magnolia is under attack, then why not go to Magnolia? Fairy Tail is a powerful guild, with enough of a warning they could have mustered their forces easily enough. There are other guilds much closer to Fairy Tail who'd help. Why not go to them?" Shuhei said, sipping on his glass of champagne. "Then again, why would Kazuki Saitou go to a Guild at all?" When the Guild Master of Blue Pegasus said this, everybody inside the guild stopped what they were doing. Kazuki Saitou - the name of a very notorious criminal who used to be the leader of Savage Skull is in their guild. That guy is standing right in front of their Guild Master with his three swords hanging on his waist, swords that have taken a lot of lives. Lucky for them, he's not here to start a fight and is here to ask for help, something he rarely does. Now that everyone inside knew who he was, he cleared his throat to reply to Shuhei's questions. "I'm aware of that. I know that there are many other guilds out there that could help, but none of them have gone through the beating this guild has." Kazuki stopped for a while so his words can sink into Shuhei.

    "The enemy of my enemy, right?" The guild master asked to which Kazuki nodded. "Indeed. Magnolia is being attacked... by none other than Savage Skull!" The mention of Savage Skull seemed to have exerted a lot of pressure to the whole guild. Everyone around the guild dropped to their seats. They all knew that Savage Skull is the dark guild that brought Blue Pegasus down months ago, and now, the former guild master of that dark guild is here, asking for their help. Before Kazuki could continue speaking to Shuhei, Heero asked if he was sure about what he said after falling silent for about three minutes. The mage from Fairy Tail was surrounded by an aura of lightning with his back turned. "Why would I spend my time to come to this guild if I'm just going to joke around? If you don't want to believe me, go and see for yourself. It's not too late yet, so go ahead and inform your beloved family about it." When he said that, Heero literally bolted out of Blue Pegasus, heading to Magnolia in order to defend his beloved town. Now that he was gone, Kazuki shifted his attention back to Shuhei.

    "I know you have a lot of bad blood against Savage Skull. Many of your friends have died protecting this guild, their deaths coming from the hands of that dark guild. If you come with me to Magnolia and help me fight against Savage Skull, you could avenge their deaths." After saying that, Kazuki stared at the glass of champagne Shuhei had on his hands as if he's trying to make an impression. "But if you want to stay here and continue sipping on your little glass of champagne, then go ahead. Let this opportunity to appreciate the sacrifices made by your old friends slip by." Kazuki knew that he had to go this personal knowing that it's the only way to get the Blue Pegasus to fight with him.

      Current date/time is 2nd June 2024, 6:30 am