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    The Blessings of Mother Earth


    Lineage : Knight of Destiny
    Position : None
    Posts : 5
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 0

    In Progress The Blessings of Mother Earth

    Post by Moryan 14th November 2018, 4:03 pm


    Magic Name: Earth Magic. However, she prefers to call it as The Blessings, sometimes expanding the name the to the full "The Blessings of Mother Earth", almost to incline her relationship with her own magic.
    Magic Type: Caster
    Description: Some people declare it's regular, plain and old Earth magic, but Moryan doesn't agree with that. Truthfully, the power she's using manipulates the dirt beneath her feet, but the capabilities of the magic are much more. First of, she's able to create various items out of the earth around her, no matter what kind of ground she's standing on. Secondly, she can manipulate the earth around her, for example: to soften it or harden a bit more, throw pieces of earth up in the air or simply twist it to produce more commonly occurring semi-precious stones and ores (though that might be a bit long and tedious process). Thirdly - all life connects to the earth, and so does she. With the connection she has, Moryan is able to borrow from the earth around her to heal, boost and protect herself and her allies. Though, she's not yet aware that the connection runs deeper. If she grows a bit then maybe The Blessings will allow her to boost the growth of vegetation around her.
    Unique Abilities:

    • Ability: Vibration - every step you make causes the ground to vibrate and resonate in a very specific way. Through her magic, as long as Moryan is touching the ground, she's able to recognize and more or less pinpoint the position of a person, as long as she was able to meet the person, and the target is moving with their two feet.

    Spells: As a starter character at D rank, you start off with 4 spells.

    Name: (Name of the Spell )
    Rank: (What rank is your spell? D, C, B, A, S, or H)
    Type: (Single Target, Multiple Target, Area of Effect, Burst.)
    Damage: (Put the amount of damage the spell deals here, see the magic rules for how much damage each spell type deals)
    Range: (Put the range of the spell, see tables and faq thread in the rules area for the range each spell type has)
    Speed: (Put the speed of the spell, see tables and faq thread in the rules area for the speed each spell type has)
    Duration: (How long does the spell last?)
    Downside: (An optional field, a downside applies to the spell specifically in order to attempt to increase the range or speed. You can only increase either range or speed for a spell, so only 1 true downside is needed, naturally you could add more if you are inclined with no further effect.)
    Description: (How the spell is cast, what it looks like, what it does, extra info. )

    Name: (Name of the Spell )
    Rank: (What rank is your spell? D+, C+, B+, A+, S+, or H+)
    Type: (Single Target, Multiple Target, Area of Effect, Burst.)
    Damage: (Put the amount of damage the spell deals here, see the magic rules for how much damage each spell type deals)
    Range: (Put the range of the spell, see tables and faq thread in the rules area for the range each spell type has)
    Speed: (Put the speed of the spell, see tables and faq thread in the rules area for the speed each spell type has)
    Duration: (How long does the spell last?)
    Downside: (An optional field, a downside applies to the spell specifically in order to attempt to increase the range or speed. You can only increase either range or speed for a spell, so only 1 true downside is needed, naturally you could add more if you are inclined with no further effect.)
    Description: (How the spell is cast, what it looks like, what it does, extra info. )

      Current date/time is 2nd June 2024, 8:37 pm