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    Stalked Tthrough the Weeds


    Lineage : Strength of Hercules
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    Posts : 33
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    Experience : 150

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    Stalked Tthrough the Weeds Empty Stalked Tthrough the Weeds

    Post by Valthonis 31st May 2018, 2:28 am

    Job Information:

    Aelfric was once more approaching the entrance of Beanstalk village, having been sent a letter by the client of his previous job. It seems she had managed to learn something about the sample he brought back, however she wanted the opinion of a wizard to help determine the truth of what is going on. "Hopefully she has worked out how to easily remove these things", he thought to himself as he noticed several of the terrible weeds along the sides of the path he was following. "If not we are going to have a serious problem on our hands if they keep spreading".

    Upon reaching the herbalist's store, he quickly entered inside and greeted the proprietor. Hello Aelfric, its good your here". She said, "Quick, come upstairs to my private rooms, we can't let this be overhead". With that being said he moved towards a door on the right side of the room, leading upstairs. Aelfric hurried along behind her, now quite concerned about what he was going to hear.


    Aelfric | Magic | Aelfric's Stuff

    Lineage : Strength of Hercules
    Position : None
    Posts : 33
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 150

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Blood of Heroes
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    Stalked Tthrough the Weeds Empty Re: Stalked Tthrough the Weeds

    Post by Valthonis 31st May 2018, 2:28 am

    Once upstairs the herbalist seated both them at a small table in what looked to be her living room.  "Now listen closely. What I've been able to discover so far is very concerning indeed, this plant, it somehow manages to break down and absorb physical matter through its roots. This not only allows it to grow through any substance, it also gives it access to far more energy then any normal plant would be able to access. Once its spread its roots far enough and gained enough energy then the roots seem to grow up through the surface soil and somehow transform themselves into an entirely new plant."

    "So that means it will be extremely difficult to eradicate them", Aelfric replied. "They would be able to survive underground undetected for who knows how long before...", Aelfric continued, however, he was interrupted halfway through his sentence with a loud CRACK! from just outside. While normally this wouldn't be too concerning, it somehow came from right next to the wall they were sitting against! Spinning around to the half-open window that was letting soft rays of sunlight into the room, Aelfric peered through and saw a black-cloaked figure hanging from a partially broken branch with his ear up against the wall.

    For a brief moment, they stared at each other; before the abused branch finally gave up trying to hold the evesdroppers weight and dropped out of sight. "We've been overheard". He called back to the Herbalist,  Ill make sure he doesn't get away with the information". So saying he lept out the window, grabbing the trunk of the tree all the way around with his arms and begin to slide down towards where he could see the cloaked figure standing up and shaking off the shock of their fall.

    OOC - Rolling to see how strong they are


    Aelfric | Magic | Aelfric's Stuff

    Posts : 23954
    Mentor : Admin

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    Stalked Tthrough the Weeds Empty Re: Stalked Tthrough the Weeds

    Post by NPC 31st May 2018, 2:28 am

    The member 'Valthonis' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    Stalked Tthrough the Weeds UtKyMUJ

    Lineage : Strength of Hercules
    Position : None
    Posts : 33
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 150

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Blood of Heroes
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    Stalked Tthrough the Weeds Empty Re: Stalked Tthrough the Weeds

    Post by Valthonis 31st May 2018, 2:44 am

    Aelfric slid to the ground, only to find the cloaked figure already up and waiting for him! He soon found his head reeling back as the figure hits him in the face with a quick one, two. Luckily the punches had little force behind them, however, and he quickly retaliated with a straight jab to his opponent's chest, followed by grabbing both his shoulders when the cloaked stranger bent over the blow. Using his newly obtained grip, he pulled the figure further into a close grapple and manhandled them into a chokehold, taking only a few weak strikes in the process.

    The figure tried to fight his way out of the hold, however, Aelfric was far stronger than any normal man and kept the hold on until his opponent was strangled unconscious. After dragging the figure back into the herbalist's shop, he searched the figure for clues; finding a used match and a strange marked coin. Just as he was pocketing them to examine later, the herbalist came downstairs and thanked him for catching the evesdropper. "I've got a friend in the guard here. he'll be able to make sure whoever of this gets locked up and doesn't spread what they overheard around. For now, I think I'm going to pass this onto a friend of mine, a wizard and something of a scientist. It's getting a bit too big to just keep to my self. Please, take these jewels as thanks for stopping him getting away, I would hate to think what someone could do with this information if the wanted to.

    So, after thanking her for the reward, Aelfric moved to leave Beanstalk village behind once more. While the information relating to the weeds was extremely concerning, there wasn't anything else he could do to help now. Hopefully, this scientist wizard could work out some solution to the problem.

    OOC-Combat Tracking:

    Last edited by Valthonis on 31st May 2018, 2:56 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Put in combat tracking spoiler)


    Aelfric | Magic | Aelfric's Stuff

      Current date/time is 20th September 2024, 5:54 pm