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    Get Rid of the pesky blockade (Dragofox and Serene)


    Quality Badge Level 1- Rising Star- Veteran Level 1- Senior [500]- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Eagle Vision
    Position : None
    Posts : 920
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 29
    Mentor : Minato Namikaze
    Experience : 150

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Flame Of Executioner
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    Get Rid of the pesky blockade (Dragofox and Serene) Empty Get Rid of the pesky blockade (Dragofox and Serene)

    Post by Dragofox 29th March 2013, 4:05 pm

    Yahiko walked through the streets of Clover Town.It was busy,as it always is.Children were running around,playing chase.The adults were,well..some were working,and some..having fun.The bird's rhymes makes up a tunic melody on the blue sky,beautifully decorated with hanging,fluffy white puff of clouds.Yahiko sighed in calmness,amazed at how beautiful mother nature could be,at times.Aquila and Kuro,the white and black dragons,were flying above Yahiko's head,seemingly playing around like the children there.Sadly,though,i'm here for a mission. Yahiko complained,wondering why was he not there to just simply enjoy things.Kyaa?kwaa! Aquila said in her language,which Yahiko could understand.She seemed to be the most excited for the mission between those two dragons.Kuro kept his mouth shut,not the talkative type,he is.Yea i know,Aquila.. Yahiko replied,sighing while they walk through the streets.Suddenly,his eyes were set on a small fruit stall.Apples! Yahiko and his dragons comically jump around,overjoyed.Apples are like,their drugs.Not that they would die without apples,it's just they love it so much,they have apples almost everyday.Hey,can you give me some apples? Yahiko said,approaching the stall.The man at the stall gave them the apples,shiny red ones.Yahiko took it,giving some jewels as an exchange.Woah,i'm soo motivated. Yahiko said,smiling wide.He walked through the streets and finally found the entrance to Clover Town's Train Station.Well,here it is. Yahiko said,nibbling the apple.His dragons sat on his shoulders,enjoying the red apples he bought just now.Yahiko sat on the bench available near the train station,waiting for his partner to arrive.He doesn't know whether his partner would be a he,a she,or even,an apple.Yahiko relaxed himself,and started nibbling the apples.This might be a good day for him.


    Get Rid of the pesky blockade (Dragofox and Serene) KFGWJhK

    Lineage : Pride of a Mercenary
    Position : None
    Posts : 81
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 27
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Force-Field Magic
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    Get Rid of the pesky blockade (Dragofox and Serene) Empty Re: Get Rid of the pesky blockade (Dragofox and Serene)

    Post by Serene 29th March 2013, 9:24 pm

    "Twenty jewel for a simple hair clip? Jeez...", a girl with wavy black hair said as she fastened a plain white clip into her locks to keep them from falling into her eyes. She had that problem on her last mission. Every time she tried to do something, her hair kept getting in the way! There was no way that she would cut though. It was her pride and joy. But, speaking of a mission, Serene was here on one. Her and one of her guildmates that she barely knew. That was one sucky point about just joining a guild. You didn't know anybody!

    Serene smiled hello to a couple that was walking past her as she placed the last clip into her hair. As she finished, she patted her hair down just a bit and smiled. "There. Much better!", she muttered to herself. As Serene bent down to pick up her bag, she noticed someone playing with...twin dragons! That must be her partner! Yahiko always had his twin dragons with him! Or...at least that is what she was told. Taking a leap of faith, Serene walked over to the orange-haired mage and called out his name.



    Get Rid of the pesky blockade (Dragofox and Serene) Alye4_by_gramcrackers-d70tpcj

    Quality Badge Level 1- Rising Star- Veteran Level 1- Senior [500]- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Eagle Vision
    Position : None
    Posts : 920
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 29
    Mentor : Minato Namikaze
    Experience : 150

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Flame Of Executioner
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    Get Rid of the pesky blockade (Dragofox and Serene) Empty Re: Get Rid of the pesky blockade (Dragofox and Serene)

    Post by Dragofox 29th March 2013, 9:41 pm

    Yahiko stopped playing around with his dragons.Who called me? Yahiko questioned himself,looking around.Aquila and Kuro stopped flying around,and landed on his shoulders.Yahiko looked around,was it his imagination?Or,was it the apple he had eaten just now who called for him?Yahiko started to get goosebumps upon thinking about it.Aquila saw a girl nearby,and signaled Yahiko to her direction.Uh? Yahiko turned to face the girl,actually a lady.She wore a hair clip,holding on her black,wavy hair.She had mesmerizing blue eyes too.Yahiko stuttered in amazement for her beauty for a while.But he shook the thought quickly,reminding himself of his crush,Kyll Vie.Snap out of it,sheesh. Yahiko said to himself,slapping his own face in a rather comical way.k..k..kuya.. Kuro said in a low voice.He seemed scared,but no.He was mesmerized of the lady's beauty too.Yahiko slowly poked him by his head,and said to him;Whoa,whoa.Kyll is enough,'kay? He said,making the 'no no' sign using his fingers.He approached the lady,which is also a Fairy Tail member.Oh,how did you know my name,and how do you know how i look like? Yahiko questioned her,forgetting his greetings method.By the way,I'm Yahiko,and i'm from Fairy Tail. As he introduced himself,Aquila flopped her wings and flew for a little while,before landing on the lady's head.Oh,she likes you,and her name is Aquila. Yahiko said,smiling.Aquila's actions mean that the lady is a good person,and that Yahiko is safe with her.So,shall we walk to the blockade place? Yahiko said,breaking the temporary silence.He wanted to finish the mission quickly,to be able to enjoy Clover Town's beauty for a while,before heading home at Magnolia.


    Get Rid of the pesky blockade (Dragofox and Serene) KFGWJhK

    Lineage : Pride of a Mercenary
    Position : None
    Posts : 81
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 27
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Force-Field Magic
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    Get Rid of the pesky blockade (Dragofox and Serene) Empty Re: Get Rid of the pesky blockade (Dragofox and Serene)

    Post by Serene 31st March 2013, 2:12 pm

    As she spoke, Serene realized that she was rather...straightforward with her greeting. She had forgotten that she had never really talked to Yahiko at the guildhall. They had been randomly paired up together by their guildmaster, Leo. Serene smiled to Yahiko and slid the right side of her shirt off of her shoulder, showing off the bright blue Fairy Tail guild mark placed eloquently there. "I'm in Fairy Tail too! I just joined, heh", she said as she pulled her shirt back into place.

    One of his dragons then proceeded to fly over to her and land on her head. Serene got a little scared for a moment before Yahiko then clarified that it meant that she liked her. Serene smiled and closed her eyes. A forcefield appeared around her head, and as Serene moved her hands upward, the field followed suit, lifting the animal from her head. Serene then lowered her arms and the field followed along, lowering the field until it stopped in front of her. Serene reached forward and took one of the dragon's taloned paws in her fingers and shook it. "I like you too", she said with a warm smile.

    She then dropped her arm and the other motioned forward with her finger. The field holding the dragon up sailed forward towards Yahiko. Serene' finger then lifted, and the field followed the example. It hovered right over his head before disappearing, letting the dragon gently onto her master's head.

    "Yeah, let's go!", she said with a smile.


    Get Rid of the pesky blockade (Dragofox and Serene) Alye4_by_gramcrackers-d70tpcj

    Quality Badge Level 1- Rising Star- Veteran Level 1- Senior [500]- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Eagle Vision
    Position : None
    Posts : 920
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 29
    Mentor : Minato Namikaze
    Experience : 150

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Flame Of Executioner
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    Get Rid of the pesky blockade (Dragofox and Serene) Empty Re: Get Rid of the pesky blockade (Dragofox and Serene)

    Post by Dragofox 31st March 2013, 3:53 pm

    Yahiko looked at how Serene's magic worked.He tried to identify it,wanting to have knowledge over those kind of things.Well,come here,Aquila. Yahiko said,holding Aquila from his head,putting her on his shoulder.Yahiko looked at her mark.Well..never seen you before. Yahiko said,honest.He sighed at the thought that Leo just matched Fairy Tail members around for missions.Sheesh,Leo..do you think this is a blind date? Yahiko thought to himself,sighing.Kuro had fell asleep on his shoulder,and Yahiko decided to let him be.Yahiko didn't say any words as Serene replied "Let's go!" .He started walking towards the blockade spot instantly.While walking,a question got stuck in his mind.What kind of magic did she use just now?Why is he feeling hungry?How come can he not see anything coming out of her? Those were some of the questions that got stuck in his head.Yahiko doesn't want the question to bother his head later,so he asked his fellow guild member about her magic.So..mind telling me about your magic? He asked,walking towards the blockade.While walking,he grabbed an apple in his pocket,and threw it towards Serene.Here,eat if you're hungry. Yahiko said,smiling.He then proceeds to take out another apple from his pocket.With a little bite,the Dragon Raiser started to nibble the apple.It was a red bright apple,his favorite.Nicely though,both of his dragons are asleep,so now it would be..much quieter.Yahiko smiled at that thought,nibbling his apple.


    Get Rid of the pesky blockade (Dragofox and Serene) KFGWJhK

    Lineage : Pride of a Mercenary
    Position : None
    Posts : 81
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 27
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Force-Field Magic
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    Get Rid of the pesky blockade (Dragofox and Serene) Empty Re: Get Rid of the pesky blockade (Dragofox and Serene)

    Post by Serene 1st April 2013, 4:03 pm

    As the two Fairy Tail mages walked on towards the train station, Serene began explaining her magic to Yahiko.

    "My magic? Well, let's see.

    Force-Field Magic is a form of Caster Magic. Through the materialization of my magical power, in the air, I'm able to manipulate it to form fields of varying density and size, with each field taking up more or less magical power dependent on the field utilized. By shifting through the light spectrum, I am also able to render myself wholly or partially invisible at will with a thin layering field over my body. I may also render other targets invisible with the same field-like structure around the body of the target. Most commonly, I can generate force fields around myself or others. I can vary the texture and tensile strength of the field to some extent, rendering it highly rigid or as soft and yielding as foam; softer variations on the field enable the user to cushion impacts more gently. I'm also able to make shields opaque or translucent to effectively block variations of light such as laser-beams, or make them semipermeable to filter oxygen from water, though the latter is harder then it sounds.

    Finally, I can also shape my force fields into constructs, usually simple shapes such as barriers, columns, cones, cylinders, darts, discs, domes, platforms, rams, ramps, slides and spheres. By generating additional force behind the constructs, I can turn them into offensive weapons, ranging from massive battering rams to small projectiles such as spheres and darts. Hollow projections such as domes can also be created. By forming a force field within an object and expanding the field, I can also cause my target to explode. T-Though, it is impossible to do inside of a living being because the constant motion in their body makes it too difficult to form the object. Oh! And I can also travel atop animated constructs such as ramps, stairs, slides, columns and stepping discs, enabling me or others to fly

    Serene took a deep breath and grabbed the apple offered to her. After all that talking, she needed something to quench her thirst. And a big, juicy apple was just what the doctor ordered!


    Get Rid of the pesky blockade (Dragofox and Serene) Alye4_by_gramcrackers-d70tpcj

    Quality Badge Level 1- Rising Star- Veteran Level 1- Senior [500]- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Eagle Vision
    Position : None
    Posts : 920
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 29
    Mentor : Minato Namikaze
    Experience : 150

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Flame Of Executioner
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    Get Rid of the pesky blockade (Dragofox and Serene) Empty Re: Get Rid of the pesky blockade (Dragofox and Serene)

    Post by Dragofox 5th April 2013, 8:01 am

    Woah..that was indeed,long.. Yahiko is a bit amazed at how detailed Serene could be.She took the apple he had offered,and that eased up Yahiko a little.They walked through the way,and Serene's explanation did help killing the time.Aquila and Kuro went flying nearby,playing around.Hm..So,i could guess that you can cover stuffs in force fields.. Yahiko summarized Serene's magic,not a thinking kind of a person.He ate his apple,and took a nibble out of it later.The apple was good,and he is sure that Serene thinks so too.They walked the way,and finally reached the spot.There was a big tree trunk on the railway,and it did seem to be bothering the men in work.He saw a man discussing something,and had the other man get to work.that must be our client.an angry client..wooh. Yahiko acted excited,approaching their client.So,what's on,client? Yahiko greeted him,trying to be mannered."Well,if you're the guys who were supposed to fix this stuff,here lemme tell ya something.Those two friggin' monsters are creating trouble ever since they heard about pies and stuffs.Now they put this thing in the middle of the way and demanded thousands of desserts for them."The man replied fast,annoyed,pissed off and surely,angry.He didn' smile in a bit,nor even try to greet them.Yahiko understands how they feel right now,so he played along.Aquila and Kuro stopped playing,and landed on his shoulders,lying on them.They sat on it,keeping quiet,seemingly trying to understand the situation too.


    Get Rid of the pesky blockade (Dragofox and Serene) KFGWJhK

    Lineage : Pride of a Mercenary
    Position : None
    Posts : 81
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 27
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Force-Field Magic
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    Get Rid of the pesky blockade (Dragofox and Serene) Empty Re: Get Rid of the pesky blockade (Dragofox and Serene)

    Post by Serene 6th April 2013, 10:30 am

    i don't need a knight
    so baby take off all your armor!
    Get Rid of the pesky blockade (Dragofox and Serene) 1525521
    As the female and male mages arrived at the station with the two dragons, a angry trainmaster dismissed a railboy to his duties as the two magic walkers approached. Yahiko quickly got to business, which Serene liked. She could appreciate someone that worked efficiently when it counted, and goofed off all the other time.

    As the two talked, Serene's eyes found the tracks that the trains ran on. She quickly followed the railings as they led into the train station and then out of it, losing sight of the railings ever so often before catching view of them again through a window.

    Her eyes narrowed and then widened as she saw a massive tree sitting along the lines that connected the train station to the outside world. "A Vulcan and a Troll are on the tracks, sitting on some huge tree. The you make it sound, they're not going to move anytime soon", Serene said as she looked to the trainmaster. Turning to Yahiko, she smirked. "Come on Yahiko! Let's show these monsters just what we fairies can do!", she said as she snapped her fingers. Serene was suddenly levitating above the ground as she stood on a floating circular force field. She crouched down as she began to move forward, her hair flying back in the breeze as she shot forward.
    --- words, template by oxymoron of btn


    Get Rid of the pesky blockade (Dragofox and Serene) Alye4_by_gramcrackers-d70tpcj

    Quality Badge Level 1- Rising Star- Veteran Level 1- Senior [500]- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Eagle Vision
    Position : None
    Posts : 920
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 29
    Mentor : Minato Namikaze
    Experience : 150

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Flame Of Executioner
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    Get Rid of the pesky blockade (Dragofox and Serene) Empty Re: Get Rid of the pesky blockade (Dragofox and Serene)

    Post by Dragofox 12th April 2013, 8:37 pm

    Yahiko looked at the Serene was levitating on the ground.So..her magic can let her do that too. He thought to himself,Aquila and Kuro seemed amazed.She had flew away towards the tracks to start fending off the monsters.Well,i don't want to get left behind. Yahiko said,running for Serene.Serene was moving fast,and Yahiko needed to get some speed on.Wow,she is fast. Yahiko complimented Serene for her indeed interesting magic.Upon arriving at the track,Yahiko could clearly see the monsters sitting on the big tree trunk,in a rather childish way.He hid with Serene,getting out of the monsters' field of view.Serene,we need something or a plan to start fending them off. Yahiko stated the situation.He hopes that Serene would be a good planner,as they need a plan,if they don't want to start rampaging towards the monsters.Yahiko would think of that as a silly idea,and stupid.Just plain stupid.Yahiko crouched on the ground,waiting for Serene's possible good plan.Whike waiting for a plan to hatch,Yahiko observed the rather silly looking monsters.A goblin,and a vulcan.Nice matchup.Yahiko giggled at his own joke,not noticing that Aquila and Kuro were flying on his head,thinking it was time to play.Hey guys,not now.Get in the friggin' jacket. Yahiko commanded,to which the twin dragons reluctantly agreed upon.They hid in Yahiko's jacket,which he usually use to keep them safe.


    Get Rid of the pesky blockade (Dragofox and Serene) KFGWJhK

    Lineage : Pride of a Mercenary
    Position : None
    Posts : 81
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 27
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Force-Field Magic
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    Get Rid of the pesky blockade (Dragofox and Serene) Empty Re: Get Rid of the pesky blockade (Dragofox and Serene)

    Post by Serene 20th April 2013, 9:38 am

    i don't need a knight
    so baby take off all your armor!
    Get Rid of the pesky blockade (Dragofox and Serene) 1525521
    Serene touched down on the ground behind a small grove of trees that was just outside the monsters' field of vision. As she sleekly touched the dirt, a little breeze kicked up because of her momentum, sending her hair floating around slightly. She peered through several breaks through the tree trunks as she analyzed the monsters movements. The vulcan had it's back turned to the trees, so she could see exactly what it was doing, but she could tell by the swing of it's hips that it was walking towards the tree. The goblin was sitting on a thick tree branch, nibbling on a piece of meat that Serene would rather not want to know where it came from. Serene tapped her chin as she watched the two for a moment longer. She suddenly turned to Yahiko who seemed to be fumbling with his dragons.

    "The vulcan is getting restless. I can tell just by the way he's moving. The goblin keeps giving him odd looks and he's clutching a small pouch that I'm guessing has food in it". She looked back once more at the two monsters before she turned to her partner once more. "Don't worry about a plan. I have one. But, we'll need your dragons to help, if you don't mind. You see, Vulcans are famous for their hunger. Goblins are famous for their stinginess. It seems like the Vulcan wants some of the Goblin's meat, but he won't share, which is probably why the Vulcan is getting restless. I say we divide and conquer. If I can turn the bag of food invisible, the Goblin will think the Vulcan took it and then they'll start fighting. We just have to suprise attack them from there. But I need your dragons' to distract the Goblin long enough for me to make the bag invisible. If he sees me do it while he's focused on it, our cover is blown. How does it sound?", she asked finally as she looked from Yahiko to his dragons.
    --- words, template by oxymoron of btn


    Get Rid of the pesky blockade (Dragofox and Serene) Alye4_by_gramcrackers-d70tpcj

    Quality Badge Level 1- Rising Star- Veteran Level 1- Senior [500]- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Eagle Vision
    Position : None
    Posts : 920
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 29
    Mentor : Minato Namikaze
    Experience : 150

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Flame Of Executioner
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    Get Rid of the pesky blockade (Dragofox and Serene) Empty Re: Get Rid of the pesky blockade (Dragofox and Serene)

    Post by Dragofox 4th May 2013, 3:55 am

    Wait what?You going to use these kids as baits? Yahiko questioned,keeping his voice low while putting in a little bit angry tone in it.From the looks of Serene's plan,it sounded like she had nothing to lose if the dragons were to get eaten.Yahiko got pissed of a little,but he tries not to show it to his fellow Fairy Tail member.You sure there isn't any better ideas? Yahiko said,a drop of panicking sweat flowing through his forehead.Kuro took a peek of the outside from the cleaves of Yahiko's jacket,eavesdropping the two mages.Yahiko,still squatting took a glimpse of the peeking dragon,pushing the baby black dragon's head softly inside his jacket.After he does so,the jacket was enclosed by its zipper with a swift move from Yahiko's left hand.It's a good idea,but are you sure?? Yahiko again questioned,worrying about the safety of the baby dragons.Gulping,Yahiko had set in his mind that he did not has the courage to take on risks of losing his faithful,true companions.Well,the dragons are his only true companion since childhood.Yahiko looked at Serene to see whether the suggestion was a joke or a serious idea.Unfortunately,he couldn't see any signs of playfulness or seriousness on Serene's face at the moment.He didn't want to get caught staring at her eyes,as she might get a misunderstanding.Yahiko turned his head,watching the monsters again.Using his planning ninja sided mind,he started to review Serene's plan,using his imagination for a simulation.I still don't know if it's a good idea,Serene. Yahiko said,ending his simulation,not turning his head to face Serene while he talked.


    Get Rid of the pesky blockade (Dragofox and Serene) KFGWJhK

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