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    Aian's personal training. (SOLO)


    Administrator- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Dragon Slayer- Veteran Level 3- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Shadows of Anarchy
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    Age : 31
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    Aian's personal training. (SOLO) Empty Aian's personal training. (SOLO)

    Post by NightDrivenEn7 4th April 2013, 4:56 pm

    (Note: this is a personal training thread that I started a while ago, got bored and hated and deleted. I am gonna remake it now, but this takes place....quiet a while ago, after the Demon Event and Before Lichborne. So it is a while back that I need to fill out or else there is gonna be this giant hole for my character plot ><)

    It was three weeks after the demon event that Aian had left his Guild for a temporary amount of time to intensely train. He had shunned the idea of participating in missions until he had arrived and his training period was done. He had exiled himself temporarily from making any wanted contact with his guild; guilt over flowing his body of feeling inadequate to be within the hall. He walked across Fiore to his very first home; the one he had been raised with Metallicana, his mentor- The Mysterious Canyon. "I have to become stronger, if I don't; I will be disgracing my Master's name and bring shame to the guild....I fought well against the demons, but I did little to nothing on my own...I got stuck so many times; I even lost to him for a time...I need to get stronger. I have to in order to gain control." Aian explained to himself, knowing full well Kamuy would not want to stop this training; would make his actual strength increase too. He will easily be training inside to warp my spells to fit his needs...I have to get control over him. If I don't everyone will be in trouble." Aian came upon the cliff opening to the canyon upon mid day: the sun was blazing, the waves of heat could be seen being emitted from the ground and the hidden dangers along the cliffs were in hiding from the heat; bound to come out at night to hunt and feed. "It hasn't changed....they never got to it after so long..." he began walking down the canyon cliffs, walking to the center of his old home land. Once in the center, he knew the ground and canyon will be at a stable point-not too tough and not too soft- to be an accurate area to train. He had seen many different fighting styles, magic styles, and he knew his own magic was not compatible to actual combat; even Kamuy's was inefficiency. He needed range, he needed a way to bring up his physical strength to be able to fight at the level, where he can change his magic style. He carried with him nothing from the modern world; diving back into the natural. He brought with him only one set of clothes other than the ones he was wearing to change into after the training was complete. He wore a worn down grey cloth gi and slacks with no shoes. He had obviously out grown them as the slacks nearly reached his knees and the gi rose up above his stomach. He looked about to see no creature around at the base of the canyon; which made him feel confident and gave him room to train without having to harm a housing or nest. "The first thing I should work on, is my Iron Dragon Sword Tail...Master told me that the basic thing would not be good enough, I already had to alter it once...I can do it again. But how many can I change the sword in too? Master was able to use many different versions, able to throw some and able to do many versions and not just a giant blade or a short sword... Sickles, scythes, double bladed throwers, so many things possible. If I am to become better at defense, I need to be able to manipulate these same types of weapons and use them...He will do the same...But I need to do it all; I need to manipulate all of this." Aian sat down upon the canyon and began to meditate. He was thinking, searching for the depths of his magic and previous training to twist and turn and bend and manipulate the slayer magic in him. Aian sighed, and stood back up after thinking long and hard about how to perform the tasks he needed to do. "Even if this is beyond my current control of my magic, I have to try..." Aian held out his hand and began trying to create a new sword to use, the magic circle appearing halfway up his forearm. "Now nice, and slow..." He mumbled to himself, controlling the speed of the magic circle to slowly run down his arm to begin forming the new metal blade. As the circle lowered, it struggled to create the old blade; despite Aian's attempt to recreate the new blade. He struggled, trying to curve the metal that he had used for so long with this spell; trying to alter in a completely different design. "Come on, Bend." He pleaded, trying to form the new blade. the blade started coming out curved, slowly, as the circle progressed downward. He smiled in his attempt; but then the circle shattered along with his hand, leaving it covered in blood with puncture wounds covering the palm and fingers. "Ah!" He knelt down, clamping his injured hand to his stomach. "What...went wrong? Was it too much?" Aian knew he didn't bring any medical supplies, so he had to make due with the only cloth he currently had. Biting and tearing off a large strip around the waist, Aian wrapped his bleeding hand as best as he could, making two more strips to cover his injured right hand quickly and completely. "That...Should hold...But what went wrong?" He sat down, trying to think of how the magic back fired so quickly. "Why is my magic not responding to me?" Aian continued to meditate on the solution.


    "True Strength shall be shown, and the corruption of magic shall be broken."

    Current EXP: 150

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    Administrator- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Dragon Slayer- Veteran Level 3- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Shadows of Anarchy
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    Age : 31
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    Aian's personal training. (SOLO) Empty Re: Aian's personal training. (SOLO)

    Post by NightDrivenEn7 19th April 2013, 6:20 pm

    Giving up on finding a reasonable solution; Aian tried to perform an upgrade to his Iron Dragon Scale armor spell; seeing as how he found it not able to produce the amount of power he needed it too in order to be an effeminate armor as it was breaking too easily. Aian stood and began concentrating on his magic once more; attempting to fortify his Armor spell. The magic circle appeared under him as he poured enough magic to increase it by two ranks in power. As the magic circle coated him; he continued to pour magic as the circle remained both above and below to pool the concentrating power into the armor to attempt at upgrading its strength. However, as the magic continued to enter the iron; Aian felt once again that an unstable wave flowing through his Iron, causing it to stiffen. After a few moments of him concentrating to keep the armor stable, it shattered causing pain to rip through his body and have him collapse onto all fours. He painted for a moment, getting over the pain as the magic circle faded from the scenery. "Wh-What is wrong with me? Why...Can't I increase my magic?" He asked himself out loud, trying to figure out what was causing his magic to become so unstable as he tried to increase the power. Aian slowly got to his feet, cringing at his aching joints from the reaction to his magic becoming unstable.
    "It is because, my child, you yourself are not properly balanced." An old woman's voice came from behind Aian, which caused him to turn around to view the old woman: Her features were hidden underneath a large brown shawl that protected her head from the direct sun light above and her strands of white hair flowing over her face. The old woman wore a green tattered dress that flowed down the rest of her obviously frail and bony body. Aian simply looked at the old woman in shock for most people do not enter the canyon out of a whim; nor did he ever see anyone as old as her simply walk into such a zone without any form of protection; she was half of his height, at least 3 feet tall due to her aged body yet he couldn't sense any form of fear from her. She was completely calm. She didn't carry a cane, yet she moved at a normal pace for someone of her height, inching her way towards Aian.
    "E-Excuse me Mam, but, How did you...?" Aian began, when the Old Woman interrupted,
    "A large unbalance flows through you, your mind is scattered into more than just two. You need to learn how to regain your composure, before you can obtain and muster closure. You see, your magic flows with your mind; but all the fractures are leaving you behind, in this work you must have security within yourself; but you are hiding away from your own shadow's stare." Aian stared at the old woman, speachless. Though they had just met, she knew him far grander than he expected. It made him feel slightly vulnerable, but if she could help him gain control of Kamuy and advance; he would be willing to take it. But the fear of what has happened in his past, and if he thought he could trust her, is what forced in himself a high rise of cautiousness about the old woman. Befor he could begin to reply, she spoke once more before him, "I can train you, if you wish." She offered.
    Aian thought over it once more if he could trust her. Surprising this time however, Kamuy did not interrupt his thoughts with his dark tongue. It gave Aian a sense of relief, and he nodded and bowed to the old woman. "If you would be so kind, please teach me to repair my mind."
    With a witch's cackle, the old woman turned about and walked away from the spot in the canyon. "A place where water pours from the sky without rain, we must seek." She spoke. Aian hesitated into following her, looking around at his home. He wanted to train there, but instead it would involve having to leave to train with the old woman. She made it clear that he needed her help, so he gathered up what little he had, and followed the woman out of the canyon.

    (Continued here: https://www.fairytail-rp.com/t3492-aian-s-personal-training-solo-cont#51619)


    "True Strength shall be shown, and the corruption of magic shall be broken."

    Current EXP: 150

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      Current date/time is 2nd June 2024, 6:29 am