Fairy Tail RP

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    Apuhap Makarimlan


    Lineage : Oblivions Might
    Position : None
    Posts : 4
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 0

    Completed Apuhap Makarimlan

    Post by Apuhap 6th April 2018, 12:07 pm

    Name: Apuhap Makarimlan
    Gender: Male
    Age: 17
    Birthday: 07/22
    Sexuality: Gay
    Special Characteristics: A small burn scar on his right ankle.


    Apuhap is a shy person at heart. He would rather stay in a corner than introduce himself to people due to what he perceives to be a form of rudeness when in reality, he just is afraid of rejection like everyone else. He may not speak a lot at the start but when he does, he talks a lot in one breath that makes one think of it as a literally barfing out words. If one indeed succeeds in befriending him, he would seem like a completely different person. He would crack out jokes, as dated and lame as they may be, laughing so loud like nothing else matters. It was as if having a friend nearby gives him a kind of assurance that he may have been searching for. He would like to spend a lot of time with that friend and offer to treat them when he can. On the other hand, once alone, he would assume this shy loner stature that people found either snobbish, mysterious, or underconfident. His gaze alone makes sure of that. He may not like looking people the eyes a lot as he thinks himself inferior and will constantly stare at the ground while talking. He would walk with a slouch, head hung when in a crowd. But when he finds a fairly isolated place, he would start his hobby of singing his stress. Sometimes he just whistles all day long under a large tree as he appreciates mother nature.

    Apuhap is a cautious boy by nature. He loves fighting at a distance and would hide from aggressors if he could. He could still fight at close distance but then he would be extremely reckless. He would be on the offense all the time, even at times that he should be defensive. It was like being in melee distance unhinges something in him that turns him into a charging bull. He would oftentimes forego magic altogether and fight hand to hand, eyes blazing, throat burning out from shouting with every punch, every movement, every hit taken. This has resulted in greater injuries. For him, magic is something he has to take time on, something he has to channel from afar when he is fighting. Fighting, admittedly, isn’t something he was very good at. However, he would not run from a fight that has already started, especially if people's lives and honor are on the line. Or at least, if he thought so as he had been wrong before. The boy believes he isn't a good fighter altogether so he likes being under instruction. He feels at ease when someone is in charge as he tenses up when people's attention is focused on him. However, if he does end up as a leader, he tends to coddle his team and prefer to keep them safe. He would rather scout areas out first by himself, if the opportunity allows, to keep his party safe. He believes that if he is elected leader, he should be at the forefront, leading the pack rather than commanding from behind.


    • Singing
      He has always loved singing to the point that he if he didn't have magic, he would have preferred to be a travelling bard. Singing songs for people, making them feel happy with his instrument, his talent, is just soothing for him.

    • Appreciating Nature
      Just looking a field of wild and healthy grass with nothing else going on can making him smile. He will smile at how Nature keeps giving its all to everyone despite being taken for granted. Nature is just beautiful for him.

    • Chocolate Desserts
      Just plain desserts won't do it for him. It has to be chocolate. Whether its cake, ice cream or a bag of milk chocolate chips, he just HAS to have it. He has lost a lot of his money on buying as much as he can carry. Oh, and if you have chocolate on you, just be prepared.


    • Crowds
      It just makes him uncomfortable, tense and even irritable.

    • Pranks
      He doesn't take pranks kindly. He would start a fight over a prank. Or walk off crying.

    • Seeing people hurt
      He is just softhearted. He would even spare an enemy if he can.


    • Protect people from harm
      He has no dreams of being a celebrated hero. He'd rather help and not be talked about right after. All he cares about is people's welfare, their happiness even, if he could help.

    • Learn more about Nature
      He loves seeing the sights and learning about the wonders Nature is hiding. He would love to learn more and talk about them with friends, if he has them.

    • Singing
      Singing is part of him just as his magic is. He would like to finds his magic can aid his talent, his gift so he could become an even better singer.

    • Seeing New Places
      He loves seeing new places. He may not want to explore a lot if there are a lot of strangers but new places with different kind of views is something he wouldn't want to pass up.


    • Fire
      Once upon a time, he woke up with everything burning around him. He couldn't remember how but he somehow survived the burns. The scars healed but something else did not.

    • Losing his voice
      He relies on his voice to soothe himself most of the time that he fears he wouldn't be able to sing anymore if he somehow loses his voice. Singing is a passion just as much as protecting people.

    • Losing Control
      Apparently, people saw that he lost control of himself before everything around him burned. No one died but some got hurt, the plains were scorched and his favorite tree was injured. Never again.

    General Appearance

    Height: 5'10" (178 cm)
    Weight: 65 kg (143.3 lbs)
    Hair: Slicked back Jet black hair with gray streaks
    Eyes: Brown and Almond shaped with sparse eyebrows.
    Skin Tone: Rough, Pale and White with grayish areas around his neck, wrists and ankles

    Appearance: Apuhap is pale thin boy that one would worry about whenever he goes out. He is underweight, pale, with a fairly rough skin and a bit of an eyebag. He often wears a green elven tunic, yellow cloth belt over a pair of brown pants and a pair of old blue moccasins. He doesn't really have enough money to buy anything else so he would wear the same attire to formal occasions.


    Guild: Crystal Swan
    Tattoo: Left Cheek
    Rank: D



    Faction : The Luminous Covenant
    Posts : 1555
    Guild : ☽ luminous rose guild mistress ☾
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 335
    Mentor : ☽ diamandis stellavera ☾
    Experience : 915,017

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: ☽ blooms of chrysalis: crystal rose demon slayer ☾
    Second Skill: ☽ pink dominion ☾
    Third Skill: ☽ gemstone serpentine ☾

    Completed Re: Apuhap Makarimlan

    Post by desirée 8th April 2018, 3:58 pm


    Apuhap Makarimlan GPbLPOG


    Apuhap Makarimlan IY2eFxu

      Current date/time is 2nd June 2024, 4:12 pm