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    Yoko [Finished]


    Lineage : Androphobic Annihilation
    Position : None
    Posts : 10
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 0

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    Yoko [Finished] Empty Yoko [Finished]

    Post by Bobbykill 3rd April 2018, 4:26 pm

    Name: Yoko
    Gender: Female
    Age: 19
    Birthday: October 17
    Sexuality: Gay
    Special Characteristics: None

    The tomboy side is the one that most people get to know, as it’s the side of Yoko that appears in public. She’s generally the antithesis of anything girly. She doesn’t like shopping, the color pink, or fangirling over boy bands. Instead she spends most of her time in public as a passive figure in the background. She’s the type to sit back and avoid conversation unless it’s necessary… or at least beneficial for a reason beyond simply being social. While she does give off a lone wolf vibe, she’s fiercely loyal to those she cares about.

    The next of Yoko is the Basket-Case. This side of her is the true personality, buried under everything else. Yoko is full of uncertainty about her identity, and she’s got a few psychological issues as a result. Her loner-streak is indicative of anti-social personality disorder in the eyes of some, but she really just doesn’t like most of the  norms. The main issue she deals with is her sexuality and gender. Whether it’s martial arts or robots, no part of Yoko is all that feminine. She strongly believes she was born the wrong gender, but she can’t bring herself to tell that to anyone. She was raised as a strict Catholic, and even though she doesn’t buy into that fully, she would probably be kicked out of her parents’ house if she came out as either transgender or agnostic. Good thing she moved out once she got a job!

    Despite all this, it is possible to get to know Yoko on a deep level. She’s willing to put her trust in people, but only if she gets the feeling that her secrets will be safe with them. If anyone manages to achieve the task of getting to know her, they’ll have found one of the most loyal friends they can imagine. Because Yoko isn’t used to having people she can trust, she would defend a friend to the death. The thought of finally making a true friend and then losing them would likely break her mind beyond repair. Sadly, this also means Yoko is the type whose will can probably be bent by false friendships pretty easily.
    Yoko’s fighting style started off very rough around the edges. The base of her kit comes from training in mixed martial arts, but that training was so inconsistent, and she was so young, that she didn’t really learn much more than how to throw a punch properly. The parts of her fighting style that are still growing are her newfound practices of Kenpo Karate and Kendo. She is still only adequate in both of these skills, but they still give her enough to hold her own against any mortal opponent. On top of that, she’s also gotten decent at analyzing a battle and dealing with the pain from getting punched in the face over and over when she misses blocks.

    The elements of Kenpo Karate, especially at such a low level, are incredibly simplistic. Kenpo Karate has both offensive and defensive components, but the focus of this art is on a strong defense. In traditional karate, karateka usually defend by just throwing as hard of a block as they can against a strike. In Kenpo Karate, fighters are taught to direct the force of an attack away, similar to how Aikido does it. The difference between Kenpo Karate and Aikido is that Kenpo Karate still stops their attack eventually, whereas Aikido aims to let their force continue onwards in an attempt to throw them off balance. As far as strikes go, Kenpo usually prefers linear attacks that flow out of a defensive action. By sticking to a defensive approach, they are able to wait for openings in their opponent’s guard, or even create them with a well-executed block.

    Kendo is a more neutral discipline in terms of offense and defense than Kenpo Karate. The Japanese art of the sword focuses more on perfecting form than on actual combat usefulness. While this is less true at upper levels, novices like Yoko have just been forced to drill the basics over and over again. Truth be told, she’s never even been in a spar with a sword in hand yet. Regardless of that, she still knows exactly how to swing a sword in any given direction pretty much perfectly. She’s also relatively solid when it comes to basic blocks and parries. Her knowledge of Kendo is a good building block, but her own style will emerge as she grows stronger.

    Martial Arts - Yoko has been training as a fighter since she was pretty young. Granted, this just means she has the fundamentals down really well as it's hard to become a true expert as a child, but it's something she enjoys nonetheless. Most of her training is in a generic mixed martial arts background, but she's started to study more advanced forms since moving to Japan.

    Fighting – Yoko is a very capable fighter, and putting her skills to good use is rewarding in many ways. Whether it’s a barroom brawl or a shootout in a god forsaken desert, this girl is right at home.

    Metal Music - Most everyone likes some kind of music. That much is part of being human. Yoko tends to go for the metal stuff, mostly because it’s what a lot of the guys in her squad listened to. It grew on her over time. Pop and dance music isn't terrible, but she doesn’t listen to it much anymore. Country, Rap, and Jazz just tends to attract too many hicks, thugs, and old men respectively. That leaves Yoko with mostly metal.

    Alcohol and Drugs - While Yoko doesn't drink that heavily, it doesn't take much to get her under the influence due to her small stature. She only gets drunk/high if she's going out to a party, but since she doesn't get that opportunity too often anymore, these are more of things she enjoys than things she does frequently.

    Being treated like a girl - Despite her appearance, Yoko is actually relatively masculine when it comes to what she likes and who she hangs out with. When people go out of the way to remind her that she's a girl, she tends to take offense pretty darn fast. If you want to get on her good side, just treat her like one of the guys.

    Romance - While Yoko isn’t completely shut off to romance, it isn't something that interests her a great deal. She'd rather spend her time training, watching TV, or doing just about anything else really. However, this doesn't mean she dislikes romance as a concept, or even as a story, just that she has no desire to get romantically involved with someone.

    Academics - Most classes feel like a complete waste of time. When is she going to need to know which Shogun outlawed swords in public. Who cares what 12395x35 is? No one. There are some classes that make it worthwhile, but school is generally a waste of time.

    Horror Movies - Do people actually get scared by these things? Their plots are completely unbelievable, and they're all incredibly boring. The most plot development that most of these movies have is just "Hi, we're stupid teenagers who are about to get murdered!"

    Police - Anarchy would probably work just as well. They spend more time arresting people for pointless things like drugs or speeding than they do catching people that are actually a problem. The private sector is far better at handling these kinds of things.

    Being Accepted:
    Her main goal is to be accepted. Everyone treated her like some kind of outcast when she was younger and that doesn't work with her anymore. If they want to come at her with everything they have, then she hopes they understand that she'll going to go at them with just the same amount, if not more. Maybe even ten times more! She was given this gift for a reason. If they don't want to be able to try to get to know her and insist on flinging such insults towards her and her family, then so be it. She hopes they enjoy their comfortable graves because that's the only place they would ever end up.

    Ever since she was a child her family was the one thing that have kept her stable both mentally and physically. Without them she wouldn't be the great person she is today.

    Personal Goals:
    Yoko's personal goals are basic yet practical while she may want to be the strongest magic user in the world its not without a proper end goal, she believes that with her expertise and intellect that she can finally bring peace and unity amongst guilds.

    Make friends she can open up to - You think you can discuss issues like being transgender with strict Catholic parents? Yoko would probably be willing to kill to have someone she could vent about this stuff to

    Learn more about the world – Yoko is aware of the existence of the other worlds and races, but she still doesn’t know much about them. She wants to learn more to answer her questions about religion, and also just because it’s a topic that few humans know about.
    Failure - The action of failing itself is fine but being unable to learn from failure will always be humanity's biggest downfall.

    General Appearance
    Yoko [Finished] __artoria_pendragon_and_saber_alter_fate_stay_night_and_fate_series_drawn_by_zyl__sample-6a079109a8bb8c84703255bda1931007
    Height: 5"4
    Weight: 120
    Hair: Blonde hair
    Eyes: green
    Skin Tone: Light skin tone
    Yoko’s usual expression is one of disinterest and boredom, as if she has better things to be doing. Her eyes are slightly round, but they are often narrowed in a disdainful gaze. Looking into her eyes tends to send a shiver down the spine of most men, and that’s fine with her. Those who aren’t sent packing by her cold expression can ascertain the reason behind her tough appearance fairly easily. She has eyes that clearly belong to a warrior. There’s a certain type of look that can only be obtained when one has seen hundreds or thousands of people killed right before their eyes, and Yoko has that look about her. They are the eyes of one who is far too familiar with death.

    The rest of her face isn’t quite as cold as her eyes. It’s nearly impossible to have a nose that looks like it hates you after all. That feature mostly just blends into the rest of her face. It isn’t outstanding in any way. On the other hand, her lips always appear to be lightly coated with pink lipstick, or perhaps just a bit of gloss, but that is simply their natural color. Yoko’s rather small mouth is almost always in a scowl though, so her otherwise attractive lips don’t make her look like a model very often. Behind those lips are fairly unremarkable teeth. They lack any fangs or anything interesting, but they’re evenly spaced and kept nice and white from good hygiene.

    Her hair is a very light blonde, bordering on platinum in bright light. It falls to the top of her breasts in front, but it is a few inches longer in back, reaching to halfway down her back if let down all the way. Normally she wears her bangs in a way that sweeps the front section away from her eyes while the sides rest on her shoulders. The back of her hair varies considerably depending on the situation. If she’s off the clock, it’s most often simply left loose, but it will sometimes be done up in a ponytail. When she’s at work, it’s usually done up in a bun with a braided loop around it. It’s a rather professional look, but definitely out of the ordinary in Japan.

    While Yoko has grown a bit in the last few years, she’s still rather short. She only comes in at five foot three, but her appearance has matured in other ways far more. Her figure is still fairly petite overall, but it’s nearly impossible to mistake her for a man anymore. Her skin is generally quite smooth, and she actually takes good care of herself nowadays. She still doesn’t use any makeup, and her ears still aren’t pierced, and her nails still aren’t painted ever… okay, maybe she doesn’t take care of herself as well as a normal woman does. Still, she has taken to using a few basics to keep up her appearance so that she appears professional. It’s mostly just some basic moisturizers, and some aloe to reduce the calluses on her hands.

    Much can be said about her hands beyond what she uses to condition them though. This part of her body is an essential part of her well-being, and thus a great deal of attention is paid to their care. Her nails are kept short and curved so that they don’t extend past the rest of her finger. Chipping a nail in the middle of combat is an unnecessary risk, so Yoko avoids it by not letting her nails grow out. Despite all she puts them through, her hands are rather smooth thanks to the products she uses on them. Calluses are a nice symbol of being tough, but having one pop in the middle of a fight is another risk that doesn’t need to be there. That too is avoided for purely pragmatic reasons. 


    Guild: Guildless
    Tattoo: Red and on her back
    Rank: D

    Last edited by Bobbykill on 15th April 2018, 7:41 am; edited 5 times in total

    Yoko [Finished] Empty Re: Yoko [Finished]

    Post by Guest 3rd April 2018, 5:14 pm

    All things needing to be fixed will be in this color.

    Bobbykill wrote:Name: Yoko
    Gender: Female
    Age: 19
    Birthday: October 17
    Sexuality: Gay
    Special Characteristics: None

    The tomboy side is the one that most people get to know, as it’s the side of Yoko that appears in public. She’s generally the antithesis of anything girly. She doesn’t like shopping, the color pink, or fangirling over boy bands. Instead she spends most of her time in public as a passive figure in the background. She’s the type to sit back and avoid conversation unless it’s necessary… or at least beneficial for a reason beyond simply being social. While she does give off a lone wolf vibe, she’s fiercely loyal to those she cares about.

    The next of Yoko is the Basket-Case. This side of her is the true personality, buried under everything else. Yoko is full of uncertainty about her identity, and she’s got a few psychological issues as a result. Her loner-streak is indicative of anti-social personality disorder in the eyes of some, but she really just doesn’t like most of the  norms. The main issue she deals with is her sexuality and gender. Whether it’s martial arts or robots, no part of Yoko is all that feminine. She strongly believes she was born the wrong gender, but she can’t bring herself to tell that to anyone. She was raised as a strict Catholic, and even though she doesn’t buy into that fully, she would probably be kicked out of her parents’ house if she came out as either transgender or agnostic. Good thing she moved out once she got a job!

    Despite all this, it is possible to get to know Yoko on a deep level. She’s willing to put her trust in people, but only if she gets the feeling that her secrets will be safe with them. If anyone manages to achieve the task of getting to know her, they’ll have found one of the most loyal friends they can imagine. Because Yoko isn’t used to having people she can trust, she would defend a friend to the death. The thought of finally making a true friend and then losing them would likely break her mind beyond repair. Sadly, this also means Yoko is the type whose will can probably be bent by false friendships pretty easily.

    Your personality needs to be at least 500 words. Also please describe her in combat, as well as under and as a leader

    Martial Arts - Yoko has been training as a fighter since she was pretty young. Granted, this just means she has the fundamentals down really well as it's hard to become a true expert as a child, but it's something she enjoys nonetheless. Most of her training is in a generic mixed martial arts background, but she's started to study more advanced forms since moving to Japan.

    Fighting – Yoko is a very capable fighter, and putting her skills to good use is rewarding in many ways. Whether it’s a barroom brawl or a shootout in a god forsaken desert, this girl is right at home.

    Metal Music - Most everyone likes some kind of music. That much is part of being human. Yoko tends to go for the metal stuff, mostly because it’s what a lot of the guys in her squad listened to. It grew on her over time. Pop and dance music isn't terrible, but she doesn’t listen to it much anymore. Country, Rap, and Jazz just tends to attract too many hicks, thugs, and old men respectively. That leaves Yoko with mostly metal.

    Alcohol and Drugs - While Yoko doesn't drink that heavily, it doesn't take much to get her under the influence due to her small stature. She only gets drunk/high if she's going out to a party, but since she doesn't get that opportunity too often anymore, these are more of things she enjoys than things she does frequently.

    Being treated like a girl - Despite her appearance, Yoko is actually relatively masculine when it comes to what she likes and who she hangs out with. When people go out of the way to remind her that she's a girl, she tends to take offense pretty darn fast. If you want to get on her good side, just treat her like one of the guys.

    Romance - While Yoko isn’t completely shut off to romance, it isn't something that interests her a great deal. She'd rather spend her time training, watching TV, or doing just about anything else really. However, this doesn't mean she dislikes romance as a concept, or even as a story, just that she has no desire to get romantically involved with someone.

    Academics - Most classes feel like a complete waste of time. When is she going to need to know which Shogun outlawed swords in public. Who cares what 12395x35 is? No one. There are some classes that make it worthwhile, but school is generally a waste of time.

    Horror Movies - Do people actually get scared by these things? Their plots are completely unbelievable, and they're all incredibly boring. The most plot development that most of these movies have is just "Hi, we're stupid teenagers who are about to get murdered!"

    Police - Anarchy would probably work just as well. They spend more time arresting people for pointless things like drugs or speeding than they do catching people that are actually a problem. The private sector is far better at handling these kinds of things.

    You seem to be missing your motivations section, which comes with the template. You need three of them

    Make friends she can open up to - You think you can discuss issues like being transgender with strict Catholic parents? Yoko would probably be willing to kill to have someone she could vent about this stuff to

    Learn more about the world – Yoko is aware of the existence of the other worlds and races, but she still doesn’t know much about them. She wants to learn more to answer her questions about religion, and also just because it’s a topic that few humans know about.

    You need one more fear

    General Appearance
    Yoko [Finished] __artoria_pendragon_and_saber_alter_fate_stay_night_and_fate_series_drawn_by_zyl__sample-6a079109a8bb8c84703255bda1931007
    Height: 5"4
    Weight: 120
    Hair: Blonde hair
    Eyes: green
    Skin Tone: Light skin tone
    Yoko’s usual expression is one of disinterest and boredom, as if she has better things to be doing. Her eyes are slightly round, but they are often narrowed in a disdainful gaze. Looking into her eyes tends to send a shiver down the spine of most men, and that’s fine with her. Those who aren’t sent packing by her cold expression can ascertain the reason behind her tough appearance fairly easily. She has eyes that clearly belong to a warrior. There’s a certain type of look that can only be obtained when one has seen hundreds or thousands of people killed right before their eyes, and Yoko has that look about her. They are the eyes of one who is far too familiar with death.

    The rest of her face isn’t quite as cold as her eyes. It’s nearly impossible to have a nose that looks like it hates you after all. That feature mostly just blends into the rest of her face. It isn’t outstanding in any way. On the other hand, her lips always appear to be lightly coated with pink lipstick, or perhaps just a bit of gloss, but that is simply their natural color. Yoko’s rather small mouth is almost always in a scowl though, so her otherwise attractive lips don’t make her look like a model very often. Behind those lips are fairly unremarkable teeth. They lack any fangs or anything interesting, but they’re evenly spaced and kept nice and white from good hygiene.

    Her hair is a very light blonde, bordering on platinum in bright light. It falls to the top of her breasts in front, but it is a few inches longer in back, reaching to halfway down her back if let down all the way. Normally she wears her bangs in a way that sweeps the front section away from her eyes while the sides rest on her shoulders. The back of her hair varies considerably depending on the situation. If she’s off the clock, it’s most often simply left loose, but it will sometimes be done up in a ponytail. When she’s at work, it’s usually done up in a bun with a braided loop around it. It’s a rather professional look, but definitely out of the ordinary in Japan.

    While Yoko has grown a bit in the last few years, she’s still rather short. She only comes in at five foot three, but her appearance has matured in other ways far more. Her figure is still fairly petite overall, but it’s nearly impossible to mistake her for a man anymore. Her skin is generally quite smooth, and she actually takes good care of herself nowadays. She still doesn’t use any makeup, and her ears still aren’t pierced, and her nails still aren’t painted ever… okay, maybe she doesn’t take care of herself as well as a normal woman does. Still, she has taken to using a few basics to keep up her appearance so that she appears professional. It’s mostly just some basic moisturizers, and some aloe to reduce the calluses on her hands.

    Much can be said about her hands beyond what she uses to condition them though. This part of her body is an essential part of her well-being, and thus a great deal of attention is paid to their care. Her nails are kept short and curved so that they don’t extend past the rest of her finger. Chipping a nail in the middle of combat is an unnecessary risk, so Yoko avoids it by not letting her nails grow out. Despite all she puts them through, her hands are rather smooth thanks to the products she uses on them. Calluses are a nice symbol of being tough, but having one pop in the middle of a fight is another risk that doesn’t need to be there. That too is avoided for purely pragmatic reasons. 

    None This doesn't need to be here
    Guild: None If you're not joining a guild, please put 'guildless'
    Tattoo: None Despite not joining a guild, please put what color and where it would be in case you join one in the future
    Rank: D

    Yoko [Finished] Empty Re: Yoko [Finished]

    Post by Guest 4th April 2018, 7:18 pm

    Please separate her motivations. It's hard to tell if you have 3 of them with how you put them. Format them like the likes, dislikes, and fears.

    Also when you have made edits please bump the thread by posting you have made said edits. Without doing that, i do not know when or if you actually make them.

    Lineage : Androphobic Annihilation
    Position : None
    Posts : 10
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 0

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    Yoko [Finished] Empty Re: Yoko [Finished]

    Post by Bobbykill 6th April 2018, 1:21 pm

    I have made the sufficent edits on my app :3

    Yoko [Finished] Empty Re: Yoko [Finished]

    Post by Guest 6th April 2018, 2:56 pm

    You need three motivations. I can still only see one.
    And as i said before, please list the motivations off like you did for the likes, dislikes, and fears to make it easier to read.

    Lineage : Androphobic Annihilation
    Position : None
    Posts : 10
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 0

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    Yoko [Finished] Empty Re: Yoko [Finished]

    Post by Bobbykill 15th April 2018, 7:44 am

    Gave Yoko 3 motivations for app completion

    Yoko [Finished] Empty Re: Yoko [Finished]

    Post by Guest 15th April 2018, 8:21 am


    Yoko [Finished] 9EB27lh

      Current date/time is 2nd June 2024, 8:17 am