Fairy Tail RP

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    ♔ 星体观众 ♔ The Astral Spectator ♔ 白色 ♔ Báisè ♔


    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
    Lineage : Monk's Sacrifice
    Position : None
    Faction : The Luminous Covenant
    Posts : 206
    Guild : ❀ silver wolf ❀
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 7,938

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: ❀ aspect of valeriya ❀
    Second Skill: ❀ ❀
    Third Skill: ❀ ❀

    Star ♔ 星体观众 ♔ The Astral Spectator ♔ 白色 ♔ Báisè ♔

    Post by ly 30th January 2018, 4:06 pm

    ♔ 星体观众 ♔ The Astral Spectator ♔ 白色 ♔ Báisè ♔ RZBfBc3

    ♔ 星体观众 ♔ The Astral Spectator ♔ 白色 ♔ Báisè ♔ Tumblr_mgu901jQme1r11qslo1_500

    Name: Báisè.
    Rank: Weak ;; Non Combative.
    Species: Spirit Dragon.
    Type: Astral Spectator.
    ♔ One of the Spirit Dragons of the Astral Realm, Báisè was sent to Earthland in order to stay with Zi forever to document her life and that she is one of the chosen ones. Due to manipulation of the mind, everyone in her clan believes that the dragon had truly been with Zi ever since she was born, despite that being not true. In addition to this, Zi cannot remember a day without having Báisè, even though she has only been with her for two years. Báisè is a very silent and introverted individual, but is extremely loving and caring, due to the bond that she has developed with Zi's clan for the few years she has been in Earthland. She is never seen making noise and always takes orders, fulfilling her task as Zi's guardian and watcher.

    Non Combative Ability: Spirit Carry ♔ 精神承载
    ♔ Báisè is capable of carrying up to three people on her back as she flies through the sky, including all of their pets and possessions.

    Non Combative Ability: Crystallize ♔ 结晶
    ♔ Báisè is capable of turning into a crystal necklace in which Zi can wear, which is clear with a green tint on the tips. The chain is silver.  


    ♔ 星体观众 ♔ The Astral Spectator ♔ 白色 ♔ Báisè ♔ ZyLEllh


    Star Re: ♔ 星体观众 ♔ The Astral Spectator ♔ 白色 ♔ Báisè ♔

    Post by Guest 30th January 2018, 4:17 pm


    ♔ 星体观众 ♔ The Astral Spectator ♔ 白色 ♔ Báisè ♔ 9EB27lh

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