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    The Plague Pt.5 [solo]

    Lester Drynedi
    Lester Drynedi

    Gentleman florist

    Gentleman florist

    Posts : 1584
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    Age : 22

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    The Plague Pt.5 [solo]  Empty The Plague Pt.5 [solo]

    Post by Lester Drynedi 5th January 2018, 5:32 pm

    Lester Drynedi C Rank Black Rose

    The Plague Pt.5
    A magical drain, a siphon which removes the magic, the thought seemed to be mad. Drawing magic from anything would be incredibly hard. HIs soft hair had moved a little, the motion of a nod barely visible. Stop the source. It seemed to simple, he had doubts of everything. One mage, one little c rank mage against a plague like virus infecting the lands. The forest seemed quiet as he wandered through it, taint had taken over trees and bushes, some had spread across long grass and clover patches. Peering closer he noted how it didn't take over the dryer areas, it didn't grow across rocks or cracked thirty dirt. He had been wandering into the darker corners of it all, the sun didn't reach some areas, he slowed down for them. Photosynthesis still worked during the day, even if he was in the shade, yet the darkness here seemed to be enhanced by thick sludge in the canopy blocking out the sun's rays. A sound of movement cautioned him to halt, he had come all this way in silence, not even wind breached the pact and whispered. With a lack of any animals he felt empty, alone almost yet drawn closer to it. He couldn't shake the thought that the purple taint would be nice like a blanket. Ambling towards him the corpses started to swarm him, 7 or 8 of the humanoid creatures. They had little common sense and all seemed to just wander towards him from different directions. With a wave of his hand pollen half of them, their muscles spasming as they seized up and shuddered. Knives in hand he wished for something like a partner, perhaps it was time to get a pet which could take on enemies, a combat animal. Yet at the same time, a summon might be a good option. Running a hand through his hair the action did little to comfort him, the scarf settled around his neck had minimal impact as well, the last time he had gotten involved in everything he had ended up fighting bears, he could remember it, zoning out after paralyzing the poor creature. Only coming to as he retched his last meal splattering across the sprawling roots of a tree, a carnivorous plant which had eaten something too bitter everything had been emptied from his stomach. the bear had done little wrong, it had deserved a quick death yet he had just haphazardly hacked its head off.

    Arrows picked off three of the zombies, each one taking arrows before plummeting towards the ground they crumpled like paper bags. With the first zombie upon him the signature spell spread across him, he guessed that it would last 6 strikes from these guys. knife in hand he used the arm guard on his other hand to whack a zombie back and stab it a few times, the skull split surprising easy. A few steps back he was surprised, he had recoiled from how simply it had been dispatched. He had taken two bites so far, punching one back he swept out its feet and stomped it through the ground. the others had started to move towards him, the closest one to him taking only a few arrows to down the small horde had been removed with such ease, it surprised and disgusted him. They weren't human, weren't even animal. The thoughts took time to sort out, his head was swamped with useless information and it hadn't been until he saw a shard of obsidian that he realised he had been walking for a quarter of an hour. Someone stepped out, a dark flower which had light shone on it the hooded figure stood.

    A human, feeling his throat close up Lesters mind went blank. He had to stop this man. Hand pressed into a tree the purple tree which seemed close to death infected by the purple. "Incapacitate" Sword draw he watched as the hooded figure made a skeletons hand grasp the tree, his own magic getting to work the hooded figure was paralyzed, whilst he worked to get spiteful climbers working three shadow force orbs zoomed towards him. Forests gratitude blocked the first strike yet two more hit him, gritting his teeth spiteful climbers burst up curling around the hooded figure. The two things struggled, as his tree creature was battling with a single monster which had been called over. Throwing flustered thoughts bunch of flowers towards the beast Lester hoped the tree from his bloodline activation would hold it off. Taking his knife from his pants the blade sunk through the cloth pinching and partially severing the man's nerves, a slight scream escaped him before Lester had swiftly bound the hooded figure. Sweat dripped off his smooth forehead and he wiped it away with a petal soft hand. The blade slid into its sheath as he plucked a few arrows from their hold and knocked them into the string, his vengeance tree was about to shudder its last breath, sending two arrows into the purple covered beast. Lester mind couldn't make out what it was, some sort of four legged creature with a short spine. After two arrows plunged into its leg his treant returned to be a normal tree.

    The called forth undead had been removed swiftly, it had only taken a single stab afterwards. Shoving his hand in his pockets Lester glanced at the group around him, he had returned to the group and wanted to share everything with them. He had begun to speak about the events and now held a coin in his hands and other small objects like the book. They had begun speculating over the book, the group had taken a step away from lester, whom it seemed, was only a messenger. Leaning on a close by bookshelf a cup of teach clasped in his hands the sweet scents rose out of it all.

    Word Count: 987 / 500
    private message me for plots

    Template (c) Izayuki


      Current date/time is 1st June 2024, 7:55 pm