Fairy Tail RP

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    Detective For A Day!


    Lineage : Admin
    Posts : 958
    Guild : Staff
    Cosmic Coins : 100
    Dungeon Tokens : 100
    Mentor : Seijin
    Experience : 100,000,000

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Admin Magic
    Second Skill: Mod Magic
    Third Skill: Dev Magic

    Detective For A Day! Empty Detective For A Day!

    Post by Admin 28th February 2013, 7:07 am

    Job:Detective for a Day.
    Player Requirements:
    Minimum 1 B rank mage or a team equal to it. Minimum of 35 posts, with 350 words minimum each
    Job Requirements:
    Return the precious items to Miss zoe and deal with the mages who have stolen them
    Job Location: Clover Town
    Job Description:

    Recently, there has been a string of thefts in Clover Town all supposedly down by the same group known simply as the White Hand. These thieves have recently stolen many items from a woman known simply as Miss Zoe. These were antique items that she sold in her shop and vary valuable. The calling card of a white hand print on the door made it clear enough who it was. However, this time the group left behind a clue. Some black powder.

    Weak- Two theives wielding knives and crossbows. These take a single B rank to bring down
    Normal- Two C rank mages wielding earth magic. These take three B ranks to bring down
    Strong- Two C rank mages using fire and earth magic in conjunction. These take four B ranks to bring down
    Boss- A wizard garbed in white and wielding a staff. Their magic seems to consist of both light and shadow, but he also possesses a mastery of fire and earth much like their subordinates. They take a full ten B ranks to bring down and is himself B rank. Each dice of these is another member of the white hand council. However, a maximum of five can be rolled.
    Reward: 7,500 Jewels.

      Current date/time is 2nd June 2024, 8:37 pm