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    Questline: The Apprentice <Savitar> (3/3 dark)

    Oras Auro
    Oras Auro

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
    Lineage : Chaotic Legacy
    Position : None
    Posts : 750
    Guild : Black Rose
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Izayuki
    Experience : 32,850

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Fictitous Actuality
    Second Skill: W.I.P.
    Third Skill:

    Questline:  The Apprentice  <Savitar>  (3/3 dark) Empty Questline: The Apprentice <Savitar> (3/3 dark)

    Post by Oras Auro 30th August 2017, 1:06 pm

    Job Title: Savitar
    Rank: A
    Player Requirements: 14000 word requirement. Must have at least 1 Rank A+ wizard in the group. At least one wizard must have completed -The Not So Peaceful Village- (Dark version) quest first.
    Job Requirements: You must fight and kill the high cultist
    Job Location: Sky Tower
    Job Description: Upon reaching Sky Tower you realize you have no idea where the location is. You investigate the tower itself first. As you travel upwards you sense a magical presence at the top. As you travel up you can see the five plagued sections in Fiore, making what seems to be a perfect circle around the tower. Once you reach the top you see the girl smiling as she stares out at the blighted areas. You are unable to harm her in any way.


    If you decide to accept her offer of becoming a Lich Lord and helping her overthrow her master, then she will tell you that they need one more ingredient for the ritual to be completed. She gives you the location to the entrance and tells you she’ll meet you inside.

    If you decide to reject her offer she’ll appear sad and tell you that she will wait for you to find the entrance. She’ll also say that she doesn’t want to see you die, but if you push further she may be forced to see it. She then vanishes. WARNING: If you reject her offer you will not receive all of the rewards at the end.

    If you search the area surrounding the tower you will find a hidden passage way. Inside you follow the long hallway into a large room. The walls, floors and ceiling are made of everything and anything, save for elements that can be devoured by any type of slayer. Waiting in the center is the seventh high cultist, who appears to still be bored to have to face you. If you try suggesting that the girl is betraying him he tells you that he knows and yet doesn’t care either.

    After killing him, the girl appears and lets the blood drip into a large bottle. Whether or not you agreed to join her she will thank you for killing him as she had to save up her magic energy. She then vanishes, awaiting you down the hallway in the ritual room. If you accepted her offer she activates your black card, telling you it protects you from the negative effects of the ritual room.


    Reward: 45k Jewel. Activated Black Card (Protects wielder from negative effects in the next questline) Access to the questline: -Lord of the Dead- Dark version


    "You think you know what is truth?  A world of facts? Right and wrong?  Universal Laws?  Soon I will show you.  Soon you will see.  You couldn't be more wrong, Guest."

    Questline:  The Apprentice  <Savitar>  (3/3 dark) TEm5Pci


    Questline:  The Apprentice  <Savitar>  (3/3 dark) Empty Re: Questline: The Apprentice <Savitar> (3/3 dark)

    Post by Guest 30th August 2017, 1:21 pm

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